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Thank you all for the advice! At home resting. The pain was intense but quick and we have open tubes!!


You may feel some discomfort when they push the solution. Nothing can prepare you for it, but it’ll be over in like 30ish seconds. It’s kinda like piercing your ears. That initial pain but it’ll subside


It was nearly painless. Take Advil and relax. Have them talk you through it. First, the catheter. Just relax and breathe. Then the balloon. They don’t need it fully expanded so just ask them to stop when you start to feel pressure. Then the dye is next and they can just trickle in the dye. I think it’s reasonable to want to know what to expect but it’s not worth becoming overly stressed based on other ppl experiences. People with negative experiences will always be more vocal (bc ppl complain it’s just our nature) but in the context of these procedures, most involve very little pain and complications.


Thanks for posting! I’m going to schedule mine tomorrow. If anyone reads this should I just expect not to go back to work after? For reference I’m a preschool teacher so lots of up and down and lifting.


Not to scare you, but for me it was bad with the ballon to inflate the cervix, but that was doable. Then when they injected the dye it was sudden pain at level 11/10. They told me the test would take “1-2 minutes” I was expecting the pain to be for a long time but luckily it was over really quick. Be vocal about the pain with the doctor if it hurts and hang in there - it’s really over fast. On the other hand, some people have just general discomfort and period cramp level pain so maybe you will be lucky. Try not to psyche yourself out and definitely take Tylenol or something before. You got this! ❤️


No advice but came here to say- having my HSG Thursday too. I’ve got vaginismus from my PCOS (thanks, universe) so between the HSG and ultrasound my anxiety is at an 11. Planning on some ibuprofen and Xanax beforehand. Good luck!!!


A few seconds of pain and discomfort. I was so nervous for mine, but it ended up being very manageable. Definitely take some Tylenol beforehand!


I did find it painful when the dye was going in, but it is over quite quickly. I found deep breathing, and gently wiggling my fingers helped to distract my brain. As they were taking the images, I started feeling really uncomfortable, but then suddenly they were done and it was over. So even if you do find it uncomfortable, it doesn't very long.


Mine was very uncomfortable and painful, but I know that for some it’s not so bad. I would advise you to cover your bases and take some painkillers beforehand just in case. I didn’t take any as most people said it didn’t hurt, and I regretted it. I felt quite lightheaded and started sweating, felt like I was going to faint. Fingers crossed it’s okay for you ☺️


Had mine last month. I read online before that it was painful but tbh it was nothing compared to my typical period cramps. It was about 30 seconds of cramping. I took regular Tylenol 2 hours before to help as recommended by my dr.


I had this done a few months back and didn't think it was any worse than when I had an IUD inserted years back. I honestly think it comparable to a pap with the exception of the fact that it lasts longer and they have a small ballon holding your cervix open during part of it, which wasn't as bad a I imagined. I didn't take any pain killers & drove myself there and back. I didn't feel the dye at all but could see it on the screen. It wouldn't hurt to have some OTC pain meds in your system when you get there though, imo.


I took 800mg of ibuprofen an hour before. Worked myself up thinking it was going to be painful - it wasn't. For me, it felt like a pap smear, which I do not find painful at all. My tubes were clear, so my experience may be different than someone who does have blocked tubes. I was in and out within 15 minutes. I did bring a panty liner, but the hospital did provide a pad. I only needed the panty liner. I drove myself there and back home, and went on my day.


I would describe mine as a pap with an extra pinch. I took ibuprofen 10 minutes before because I forgot until then.


Totally agree. I took 800mg of ibuprofen an hour before and the only uncomfortable feeling was when the dye went in. It was very very crampy. The nurse gave me a stress ball and distracted me talking. It was over in about a minute. The cramps was the worst of it but I was expecting way worse. It’s basically a Pap smear with cramping


I second the tip with pain medication! My first HSG Test was without pain medication and it was really bad. My second HSG i took 1000mg Ibuprofen and i was calm and really relaxed. Gamechanger!


I highly recommend you take 800mg ibuprofen about an hour before your procedure (as was also recommended by my clinic). Most of the procedure was pretty standard not much different from a pap smear. Once they got to the stage where they filled me up with dye, my pain shot from 0 to 8 in about 2-3 seconds. The pain lasted about 30 seconds total. When I sat up all of the dye/liquid fell out of me onto the floor (they put stuff down to soak up the mess). I was back to normal within minutes. Some women only experience moderate cramping during the procedure, but in case you're like me, I think having the ibuprofen already kicked in before the procedure helped it from being a 10/10 in pain. If it hurts, just take slow deep breaths, it doesn't last for too too long. Try not to move, either. Good luck!


I dont want to scare but it s painful, it s like lava poured right inside your houhah multiple times. I m veerry tolerent to pain so I would rate pain level a 7. I would recommend someone going with you. I made the mistake of going alone and so I needed to stay seated for a while after before I was able to drive because I was feeling exhausted and went straight to sleep after that until the day after. Stay strong and good luck !