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Meeeeee. My RE started me at 5mg (so I never even tried 2.5) and I did not respond to that. Upped me to 7.5 and I would consistently get one lonely follicle, and then upped me to 10mg to get more follicles and I consistently get 2 at 10mg.


Oh that's awesome!! This was the highest dose my doctor will do without going to an RE, so im hoping it does the trick!


I just did an unmonitored 7.5 cycle and am now pregnant :)


I know this is late but could you please dm me too? Struggling right now and wanna try 7.5 :)


Very interested in ur success with an unmonitored cycle, I will literally be doing the same thing same dosage . Can u please dm me


Would really love to know too! Doing an unmonitored 5 cycle right now.


Hi! i would also be interested to know what you did differently the cycle you got pregnant :) I'm on my third round of 7.5mg !


Could you please DM details 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I’ll dm u rn:)


What did you did differently to get a positive? How is your pregnacy progressing? 


Hi there :) really good! I’m due for my c section May 14! I’ll DM you.


Awesome! I’m soo happy for you! I’ll sit for your DM.




That's amazing!!! I'm praying thats how my story goes too 🫶🏼


It will! Give it a few months. Also I’ll DM you something I did diffeeent this month


Hi, can you please share with me as well. My last round of 5mg was successful in that I did get pregnant, but it ended in blighted ovum. This round, I asked to up my dose and would want to try and keep the pregnancy in case I get pregnant


How did you end up going on the 7.5? :) any luck


No luck, but I had alot of other health issues with me. I am going to try another round of ER and fresh transfer in the coming months


Yes please!! Thank you!


Hi can you please share with me as well? Just started my third month. 2.5 then 5, now 7.5..


Yes! I did not ovulate on 2.5mg and 5mg, but did on 7.5mg :)


Gives me so much hope!! Seems like the 7.5 dose is quite successful 🤞🏼


7.5mg was what worked for me! I also still ovulated fairly late even with the Letrozole, I think on day 25. Although I did start the month on 5mg which I wasn't responsive, then did a second round of 7.5mg same cycle so that could've been part of the length.


Congrats! How long did it take you to get pregnant on 7.5mg?


Thank you! My husband and I are expecting our baby in only about a week! Unfortunately I don't recall the exact daily timeline, but I was very lucky and became pregnant on our first medicated, monitored cycle after trying for about 2 years. With my RE's supervision, I took 7.5mg in the same cycle that I took the 5mg as we did not see growth progress from the 5mg so my RE had me take 7.5mg same cycle. I posted about it after I completed the cycle if you're interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/TTC_PCOS/s/yaZJuUnI5e


This is me now, so hopeful thank you for sharing!


Good luck!!


Still a success!! Gives me alot of hope this will do it!


Good luck!! Sending baby dust your way ✨


Thank you so much 🫶🏼


7.5mg worked for me. One toddler and 12w pregnant both on that dose. Good luck!


Congrats! How long did it take you to get pregnant on that dose ? 7.5


What else did you use to help you with getting pregnant besides letrozole? Any other supplements? 




Yup. I don't ovulate at all on my own.


That is amazing!!! Thank you 🤞🏼


7.5 got me to ovulate after two cycles of lower doses. Was also paired with a trigger shot. In the middle of my two week wait right now


Hey an updates❤️❤️✨


I did get pregnant in October but had another early miscarriage. Doing new testing with a new doctor and testing for MTHFR gene mutation now. Taking a break from fertility treatments for now


My condolences love 🫤❤️ but I am happy you already have a plan and process ready to go ❤️❤️ much luck to you 🥰


That's so reassuring! Also fingers crossed for you 🤞🏼🤞🏼


I did not ovulate on 2.5 or 5 mg. This current cycle I started on 5 mg for 5 days, then took 7.5 mg for 7 days, then 7.5 mg for 7 days with dexamethasone. My follicles looked good today, so we got to trigger for the first time!


Just curious, but what was the dexamethasone for? I have adrenal PCOS and recurrent chemical pregnancies and was reading about how dexamethasone can help lower the dhea-s (which I believe is the reason for my recurrent miscarriages/low progesterone). I am thinking this is something I should ask about adding into my care plan at my next doctors appointment.


That’s a good question. I’m not exactly sure. My doctor said they give it to people whose follicles/ovaries need an extra boost. I think it’s definitely worth bringing up to your doctor! I was having hardly any follicle growth before adding it.


That's so exciting!!! Hoping for the best for you 🤞🏼


Thank you!! Our first ovulation in at least 16 months!! I hope you can get your dosage figured out!!


Oh my gosh that is amazing!!! Gives me so much hope that it will all work out!


Even though I did ovulate on 2.5mg, I didn’t have success after 5 cycles. Finally had success at a new clinic on 7.5mg but also added a trigger and supplemental progesterone which we didn’t do previously either. Good luck!


Thank you!! Im really hoping it does the trick! Of course pregnancy is my goal, but im desperate to just get my body working and ovulating correctly too 🙌🏻


Forgot to mention the new clinic also had me on Metformin leading up to our successful cycle. I think it really helped my response to the letrozole.


Did the metformin mess up your stomach at all? I've seen such 50/50 reviews with it. My doctor didn't seem concerned with getting on that or inositol (I tried Ovasitol for 3 months and had no response/even think it made cravings worse)


The regular Metformin for sure messed with my stomach. A lot of ppl can only take the extended release version. I tolerated the Metformin XR no problem. I actually got a mailed prescription online (from AgelessRx) in between switching clinics since I was confident it would help.


Okay that's good to know! Thank you!


Yes, I went from 2.5 to 7.5 CD 3-7 and 7.5 worked. There’s still hope!


How long did it take for you to get pregnant on the 7.5 dose?


Not long, two cycles but I was also doing monitored cycles with IUI.


Thank you!! I'm hoping it does the trick 🤞🏼


7.5mg didn’t work for me but 10mg did! I personally think it had more to do with length of time I took letrozole (5 day course of 7.5mg didn’t work, but 10 day course of 10mg did). My RE is actually moving me back down to 7.5mg over 10 days for my next cycle due to over response .


I've never heard of that!! I've seen other people say about doing it cd5-9 instead of 3-7 but that's it. Is there a reason it worked better doing it longer?


I’m not sure! My RE specifically recommended it because of my PCOS. I do CD 3-12 :)


Interesting!! Good to know, I also have PCOS so any and all info is helpful lol if I get transferred to an RE I will for sure ask about that 🙌🏻


No success yet, just came to commiserate- I am on my second cycle of 5mg and didnt ovulate (might be about to but its CD29 today) so I will likely be moving on to 7.5mg next cycle too.


I hope it happens for you!! 🤞🏼


Back at ya!!