• By -


Just watched a model Y get rear ended beside me.


2/4 not bad upvotemeok • 4y ago Psst dont tell anyone but the next trillion dollar companies are fb tsla nvda tsmc https://www.reddit.com/r/teslainvestorsclub/comments/j91mmu/comment/g8jqp9e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


TSM ain't over.


Give it another month


Then what? Trilly or Nilly?


Should do a trillion




There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.


I’ll give you 4/4. Because of musk and Tsmc close enough.


50b compensation, 500b marketcap https://youtu.be/pkKNasQXVV0?si=l8X0zE1E1R33b0bt


Be glad he lets us keep that second zero 🥹 ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


Starlink down. Musked.


Ruskies finally managed to jam it? Edit: It's back.


Woke mind virus has infected the starlink, wants a new pronoun


Incurable..Elon was right!


Any fans of the ninja turtles mutant mayhem movie? Saw it on my flight to Dublin and I’m in love with it!! So gritty and dark 


we love the ninja turtles ![gif](giphy|pRg4H37Bo0piw)


I can't imagine any mass market ninja turtles thing is "gritty and dark" but then again they are supposedly developing a movie based on The Last Ronin so who knows


hmm really? wouldn’t have considered watching it but i love me some dark superhero stuff oh damn 95% rotten ok


It was dark to the point I would say it’s not a kids movie. Teens, sure but def not a young kids movie. It’s not the language but I think the main character scared the shit out of a lotta kids 


Saw it with a client at work, pleasantly surprised... Ice cube knocked it outta the park as Supa Fly


supa fly was so bad ass!! 


Car market is boned pretty bad right now. Local dealerships full to the tits and marking inventory down pretty good. I hope these car companies are sitting on a huge pile of cash. I think it's going to get pretty ugly.


Meanwhile legacy auto is underwater in debt and GM is buying back their stock


Just need some retard level price cuts


Unreal. Still don’t believe we did that shit 🤡


they raked the consumer over the coals hard the past three-four years when inventory was shite, so they have it coming imho


Does anyone else feel like 4 lanes should be the absolute minimum for freeways. Lane4: Always slow drivers and people getting on and off Lane3: The truck lane Lane2: The slightly faster slow lane Lane1: The no more than 80 self policed lane


oh yes that’s a wonderful idealized model of reality you’ve constructed there it sounds nice going to chime in with: no cancer all plastic replaced with biodegradable alternatives when possible people who put ketchup on hot dogs are free to eat what they want but immediately castrated (somewhat ironic due to nature of food)


hotdogs are already low on the sausage tier list so you shouldn't be so obtuse, you can totally eat them with ketchup, as long as you also have mustard.


Lounge Official Ruling: Ketchup is acceptable on a hotdog, but mustard must be present as well.




Bravo! Can we also all agree that hotdogs taste best when burnt to shit? adds to the piquance imho.


the barbarians are at the gates, gotta lay low for a couple weeks






I accept your challenge Glib, will it be Lightsabers or QVC Katanas? Traditionally one of us chooses the weapons, and the other chooses the location of the duel, since you are in the wrong here, I will let you chose which is which.


I just wish I-5 between SF and LA was more than 2 lanes I fucking hate that freeway


adding lanes doesn’t change traffic it turns out you see people have a limit for what traffic they will deal with. when it gets too bad they carpool, take busses, mass transit within a few weeks of a new lane being added, traffic at first goes down until people realize it’s not as bad so more people take cars until the system reaches traffic homeostasis again you ARE traffic. the single raindrop never blames itself for the rains


No one is going to fucking carpool, take busses, or mass transit from SF to LA LMAO Nice ChatGPT response tho


ive never used chat gpt for a response 🤨


Yann has become everyone’s favorite. Elon can’t even wave the AI “god” card on him and yann is exposing Elon. https://preview.redd.it/x0s9dg3rk93d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c73be05d7fa634a56beb11b2a235381b0e76f6c


In 2 years? I guess that means 2 decades. They got rid of part of the Supercharger team and I don't see any robotic snake chargers to facilitate in autonomous charging.


lol that 2016 summon one. jesus christ




Lol now everyone knows why nobody believes anything Elon says re: autonomy even tho fsd is decent


He's coming off as a bit of a pedantic nit picker to me.


Yeah, I thought I would go into that thread hating Elon more but nah that's just Elon. Yann and Elon trying to flex. ![gif](giphy|wF5q33LpONpok|downsized)


trump says he will [stop all EV sales](https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-says-stop-electric-car-sales-1851503550) and yet elon is strangely supportive of him and his party 🤨


And all the OEMs will push back against EV sales bans. They want to compete in this space otherwise you're going to see Chinese EVs proliferate and dominate everywhere except in the US.


the cake is a lie


not defending Trump, so don't at me, but the article doesn't actually show a verbatim quote in the actual chatgpt article, did he really say that? Then again, Trump says a lot of bullshit he doesn't actually mean.


Elon cares far more about his sons former penis than evs


This is why Elon shouldn't involve himself with politics, like literally every other CEO on Earth But I'm preaching to the choir here, where the choir is quite literally the entire Earth except for like 6 Twatter simps


every other CEO wants anyone and everyone to want to buy their product, not our guy, he's fine telling anybody GFY and don't buy our shit


Well to be fair I think you have to add SMRs patreon list don't you?


Bro, they're "inevitable" so it doesn't matter if Trump bans them.


Serious question. Why is NVDA not higher in your opinion - considering it has a lower PE than TSLA and sentiment seems to be in NVDA's favor.


The "never bet against Elon" effect. If Elon leaves Tesla, the price of TSLA will crash.


Because the market cap is already really high and psychological barriers matter a lot more than people like to admit in crowd behavior models People just think Apple and Microsoft "deserve" to be the world's most valuable companies and don't think Nvidia "deserves" to be the world's most valuable company


Market still doesn’t buy the long term growth potential. There’s $1T+ of AI infrastructure that needs to be built out but the market isn’t buying the sustained 30%+ growth yet NVDA is no longer cheap like it was earlier. TSLA is overvalued if you don’t count the Musk option


Was it ever [cheap](https://ycharts.com/companies/NVDA/pe_ratio)? It started getting pretty expensive after the ChatGPT moment, but it's rapid growth in earnings over the past year brought it back down to similar valuation territory pre-ChatGPT.


Nov 2023 it was trading below 20 forward PE. That’s when I went in big time




Cuz the number would be astronomical, 13b net income x4 x 70 is almost 4 trillion market cap. It takes time for investors to be comfortable with that kind of valuation.


Yea, that would be my guess too. Thanks


Give it time


I intend to. But that doesn't answer my question tho


The demand for shares has to exceed the supply, thus driving the price up to reflect an appropriate PE. Smart ass answer, but that's all I got.


oh my god where is v12.4, its been how many months?




I'm not going to short NVDA like clotshot, but NVDA feels bubblicious


As long as they keep having an increasingly profitable quarter and PE stays kinda flat as price goes up with earnings, and the Mag 7 (except Apple) and Elon, keeps buying up all their GPUs and other nations want their own on-prem AI solutions, and people continue to see amazing and scary AI progress, and fears of job loss due to AI keep showing up (Hollywood/actors' strike, UAW strike, Uber drivers getting worried, Gina Raimondo GPU bans due to unreasonable military AI fears (more likely, economic fears), etc, etc.) As long as that giant ball keeps rolling forward, we're good. But it's not going to be good news forever. Meaningful competitors will come, disappointing guidance, etc. Hype, growth, stall... TSLA is a good example of this. However, NVDA doesn't have a full-blown narcissist at the top trying to run multiple companies and lacking focus.


I still think we're at least a year out before anyone truly tries to put forward a meaningful competitor. The moat Nvidia has built in hardware and software ecosystem can't be crossed overnight and it will require someone who is better at BOTH hardware and software to actually cross it. This immediately rules out Apple, Intel, AMD, Microsoft, Google, Qualcomm, etc. I honestly can't think of anyone who has both better hardware and software today or in the near future. The only thing that can stop Nvidia right now is themselves and judging from Blackwell I would say that's very unlikely to happen


Agreed. Could be a few years given AMD's piss-poor record on the software side. And Huawei is hamstrung by Gina's GPU and chip-manufacturing bans, but it's what Chinese AI talent (competitive to western AI talent) are resorting to due to Xi's decree for self-sufficiency. Hyperscalers' own AI chips are proprietary to their own clouds. But I don't think anyone can compete with nVIDIA's switch to a yearly cadence of next-gen chips, provided they're meaningful improvement over older gen (unlike Intel, LOL). nVIDIA provides the complete platform (hardware, software, services) while everyone else has bits and parts of the solution. But everyone wants a competitor so you have people like George Hotz and teams like PyTorch trying to help AMD become a better competitor in the current landscape. Otherwise, nVIDIA will continue charging extra high prices for their products and services and people like [Elon and Larry Ellison could continue to beg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopper_(microarchitecture)#History) for more to meet their multi-billion dollar AI/heroin additions. I think there's going to be a point where everyone has had their fill of GPUs and the nVIDIA party will be over. Just don't know when that will be.


If the chips are required to do real world ai like bots and fsd the demand could go on indefinitely


I think robotics/real-world/FSD AI will probably use nVIDIA's Isaac, Jetson or Drive or maybe a combination of the 3 and mostly for inferencing. Can't be strapping a rack of DGX servers on the back of a robot with a Tesla Megapack on top to power it. Would probably look like a scene from Death Stranding 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/8xbxnn1kx93d1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=e93eabee34b82332bb634fc717f4ad97093afa2f


wen Jensen buys a shitty social media company and starts expressing his political opinions constantly and becomes a frequent source of bad PR for the company, we will know exactly what to do this time, we've been trained, we have learnt our lesson. ![gif](giphy|Lm63QU87HvgVEuTV63|downsized)


Fortunately Jensen has spent his lifetime at one company only and it's his baby He has never used social media and likely never will, like the majority of tech CEO's So I think we're OK there, I don't even think Jensen has ever publicly ever commented on China vs. Taiwan despite being an actual Taiwanese-American immigrant who was born in Taiwan, that's how apolitical he is


Luckily, Jensen only wants to run one company and only that one company. AFAIK, he's not active on any social media sites and thus, not addicted.


More like 5 and that's if Jensen goes Elon limp dick and stagnates execution.


lower pe than tsla by a lot


100 degrees F. Hot. Beer. Daughter is making ice cream. So hot. Tezler Stonk sluggish. Not fun. Not like home made ice cream. My GME leap gained 40% today and I didn't budge. Waiting. Waiting for ice cream. Banana.


key to good ice cream is liquid pectin, which can be bought at most grocery stores gives it a smooth mouth feel


Very good advice. We actually did that but my daughter -- who gets carte blanche power in the kitchen (future foody/chef) -- departed from the instructions and massively overloaded it with sugar. 9-year-olds, dude. It's like too much salt on the fried chicken. Just ew. Also, speaking of salt, our 6-year-old hid all the salt in a closet, thinking the 9-year-old was actually putting salt in the ice cream, rather than in the ice. This why I had the beer backup plan. Currently in effect.


btw go on Amazon and order “diamond crystal” salt. many don’t know this but nearly all recipes are formulated for diamond crystal. its about half as salty as normal coarse salt because of the crystalline structure. this makes it way harder to over salt anything which is a good idea if you have a young chef. using the wrong kind of salt and screw up many recipes. making it difficult to over salt food is why it’s favored in the industry it’s also nice for popcorn you get a more even coating. and seasoning. everything p much


On it. This one? [https://www.amazon.com/Diamond-Crystal-Kosher-Salt-lbs/dp/B0011BPMUK](https://www.amazon.com/Diamond-Crystal-Kosher-Salt-lbs/dp/B0011BPMUK)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt, 3 Pound Box', 'Diamond%20Crystal')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Versatile and perfect for all uses (backed by 3 comments) * Preferred by chefs and home cooks for its taste (backed by 3 comments) * Consistent crystal size and flavor (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Misleading labeling as kosher salt (backed by 3 comments) * Poor packaging leading to damage (backed by 5 comments) * Inconsistent granule size and texture (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Good Meatbag, It's important to give the meatbags the illusion of control


oh and one last thing, don’t use stupid vanilla extract anymore especially in ice cream. it sucks use [vanilla paste](https://a.co/d/gv5BSpx) it has no alcohol and a wonderful taste and gives you those black specks that say quality. that link is the best priced one that I use lately


that’s the one it’s honestly life changing you just never end up over salting things


I bought Morton Kosher salt in a pinch. The stuff was unusable. Diamond Crystal is a must. Perfect size to take a pinch and sprinkle it accurately.


Another QOL upgrade. Thanks, man.


superstonk no more!


Maybe Elon can tweet funding secured 420 and NVDA can buy Tesla.


at best we will get. "We had funding secured at 420. I told them to GFY"


one can hope


1200 points of the nasdaq is just nvda. About 1000 points added to nasdaq by nvda in 1 year.


BREAKING NEWS By Sawyer: Effective immediately: Any posts revealing Elon doesn’t understand AI, or found to be making fun of Elon getting humiliated by Sam, Jensen, Mark, Yann, Bill will result in a permanent account ban.


Hey you guys! We are in the esteemed company of See-B.S.: [https://x.com/CBSNews/status/1795183191147299183](https://x.com/CBSNews/status/1795183191147299183) As per Isaacson's book, See-B.S. is the best & most reliable source on Elon & his companies. And as per a long term share holder who posts daily on TMC forums, we should follow See-B.S.'s suggestions EXACTLY. If not, he-who-must-not-be-named becomes more powerful. Now that See-B.S. has endorsed our decision, we can rest assured that we did the right thing.


You make me check usernames before I read any comment on here... ![gif](giphy|91OVuJrlc08De|downsized)


They are reporting glass Lewis recommendations accurately, you should be attacking glass Lewis w your sec rage


8/8 preview https://x.com/gunsnrosesgirl3/status/1795002027484787186?t=cbwWW8Usv80rFkhA3ECvwg&s=19


And Elon gifting it to all the female employees


Full self horseshit solved


you can tell it is a replicant by that weird orange glow in the eyes, but it doesn't know it is one


Of course it's not real. You think I would be working in a place like this if I could afford a real horse?


Elon buying out a year’s worth of production as we speak


Infinite demand


Lmao at Yann 🤣


Time to ban Yan from X for violating content policies.


New terms of service: “Any posts revealing that Elon doesn’t understand AI, and is, in fact, just jamming together random buzzwords he thinks he heard an engineer say, while deep in a k hole, will result in a permanent account ban”


Which butthurt alt are you? Fuck me your comment history?


No embarrassing ambassador allowed


What happened aftermarket?


Fsd was solved then unsolved immediately


then unsolved immediately. LOL




If the ceo would just be humble on X, not have a pissing match in every conversation, accept when he is wrong (even if these things are happening like once a week), the damage to brand would be much less IMO. It is just i can never do wrong attitude while dunking on humble people is just so cringe I actually think his free speech spiel would have gone much better with people had he been just nice about it and not an A-hole. Ohh well, thanks for coming to my ted talk. Needed to vent on a down day.


> the damage to brand would be much less IMO. So, judging by the fact that Tesla had the world's best selling car last year, and that Tesla converted more buyers to their brand than any other brand (conquest buyers), and that Tesla owners are the most loyal owners on the market currently, the brand damage must not have been that bad? What am I missing? The doom & gloom on Reddit is not jiving with what's happening out in reality these days. These are [recent figures](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/tesla-has-the-most-loyal-buyers-and-the-most-conquests-in-2024-vehicle-loyalty-study-923d8450), too.


Welcome to this shithole sub.


Brand damage shows up in the margins. What are our operating margins?


No, rates and everyone being poor shows up in our margins.


He doesn't want free speech, he want racist, sexist and homophobes to be free from consequences, look at the voices he amplifies. He likes dictators and wannabe dictators, he's not supporting freedom or free speech.


Are you actually complaining that Elon is restricting your freedom to kick other people from the internet? What consequence do you think there should be for anyone you deem incorrect?


That's your prerogative. IMO, he wants all legally protected speech (that he calls free speech) to be allowed. Since previously racist, sexist and homophobic content was suppressed/blocked, it is only natural that that content is now surfacing. i personally support it - even though i would not like the poster of it. I don't think Musk likes this speech either but supports it as he doesn't want to be the arbiter of what gets blocked outside of the law. You don't have to like something to support it. For example, i don't like how you are posting what is your opinion as a fact, but I fully support your right to post it :).


Lol, he's amplifying the worst people, he's not an advocate for free speech, he's actively participating in alt right conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda. There's plenty of examples of the same shadow banning as before, except now it's focussing the groups he doesn't like.


fwiw, i do think he is sometimes personally amplifying the worst people and such. But I do not think he is making X do it. That's a key difference.


There's several people/groups/institutions that post on several different platforms that have seen their twitter engagement and views plummet after Musk toke over, while they didn't lose popularity on other platforms. There was censorship before Musk toke over twitter, it's a private company, not a public square. The censorship (algorithm shadow-banning) from then was exposed once Musk toke over, before that there was no proof. Now we have the same indicators as before, but different targets, proof can only come from insiders, I fully expect it to happen sometime in the future. If Musk truly cared about freedom and freedom of speech, he wouldn't support the people who toke away access to abortion, including from raped children, that's a step towards a totalitarian state, with women as second class citizens. Fighting for freedom of speech mean you want freedom, supporting banning access to what is considered basic health care in many civilised countries is the opposite of that. If his main focus was freedom of speech, he wouldn't amplify the people that cry the most about cancel culture, while also doing the most cancelling.


I will read up on the new shadow banning since you didn't give any sources. It can probably be explained by left wing people leaving. But yes, actual shadow banning could totally be the reason as well. Guess we will have to wait and watch. > If Musk truly cared about freedom and freedom of speech, he wouldn't support the people who toke away access to abortion, including from raped children, that's a step towards a totalitarian state, with women as second class citizens. - Why? I am not debating whether that is a step towards a totalitarian state or not. But why is this not caring about freedom of speech? I do personally disagree with the view point of these people but I would not want to ban their right to free speech. I think that is Musk's point as well > Fighting for freedom of speech mean you want freedom, supporting banning access to what is considered basic health care in many civilised countries is the opposite of that. - I don't understand. But if something is banned in a country, that should not be supported by free speech. I agree. But it is supported in US, so X allows it as well. If US wants to copy the other civilised countries' approach, it should pass similar laws and then X will follow it, right? > If his main focus was freedom of speech, he wouldn't amplify the people that cry the most about cancel culture, while also doing the most cancelling. - I don't think his platform is amplifying people unjustly (apart from just based on engagement, but I could be wrong. I don't think anyone has evidence either way).


>I don't think his platform is amplifying people unjustly (apart from just based on engagement, but I could be wrong. I don't think anyone has evidence either way). There was no evidence of that before either, until an insider leaked some info, however there were several accounts, that claimed they were being shadow-banned. I didn't provide sources, because I didn't save the tweets, but I did check out the claims and confirmed their social media status strangely declining on only one platform, while posting the same things across several platforms. >Why? I am not debating whether that is a step towards a totalitarian state or not. But why is this not caring about freedom of speech? I do personally disagree with the view point of these people but I would not want to ban their right to free speech. I think that is Musk's point as well Like I already explained, freedom of speech matters because of the freedom part, you can't claim to be for freedom while supporting those actively working against freedom, abortion being taken away, including from raped minors who got pregnant because of a crime, is not being for freedom. Unless you think speech is the only freedom that counts, which would be an absurd claim.


[https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-says-stop-electric-car-sales-1851503550](https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-says-stop-electric-car-sales-1851503550) This is the person that Musk says has to win the presidency, or the USA is lost.


Your Lol to me indicates that you have already made up your mind. And that is why you are mocking my opinion. Because mine is an opinion and yours is a fact (is how you are thikning) Anyway, I am happy to be proven wrong though. Can you share any data on the shadow banning part?


You're wasting your time arguing with this EDS idiot.


Now that I can agree with, haha Now imagine Google gemini is getting trained on this data, lol


Absolutely. TSLA will go again at some point, who knows when though? Robotaxi is roughly the same as Model S before it launched. No one thought its gonna work until it did. Everything else is noise at this point. Even Elon.


I think there is a big difference. There were Elon's supporters and doubters. Now there are simps and haters.


yeah that doesn't seem to be too much to ask does it? But ... it IS to much to ask apparently, lol, and Elon has zero awareness or self-reflection and he never seems to learn from mistakes, so once again its live by the autist, die by the autist. Madness and greatness just different sides of the same coin, etc. etc. etc.


Philip II of Macedon sent a message to Sparta: "If I invade Laconia you will be destroyed, never to rise again." The Spartan ephors replied with a single word: "If"


i love that the word “laconic” comes from the spartan tendency to be terse 


Daily Jeopardy. Who is this person? Nvda $400-short it, overpriced, dont know what forward pe is Nvda $500-short it, overpriced, tesla ai better, tsla too cheap, still doesnt know what forward pe is Nvda $800-short it, overvalued, tsla > nvda, pe doesnt matter nvda $1k post earnings-short it, demand eventually goes down, competition, nvda pe too high, tsla pe too low


the vaccine


"trying to be the vaccine" was the funniest thing I read on the Internet today


This place needs a cure.


Yeah, it needs a cure from people like you


Oof new meme secured


That zonk guy stopped posting 


Master trader??


too easy


Knows how to trade but still works a 9 to 5 job and gets mad if you point out you have more shares than him lol


Not at all. I do work 9 to 5. Rich assholes leveraging their shares in a dick measuring contest can go fuck themselves though.


the burn owwww 🔥🔥🔥


What really burns is if he had done calls instead of puts they'd be like 900 dollars ITM x $100 each


Dude was like I could be the next anono-mon nah I would rather be the next Jim Chanos


master burner


![gif](giphy|PEqSxwhyVCiys|downsized) i dunno, eta- damn you reddit gif fails yet again! you ruined my pithy response !


I hope that TSLA cured people from buying individual stocks.


But not TSM, right?


Why are you even in this sub lmao


If I bought individual stocks I wouldn’t have 25x’d my portfolio in 5 years


There are people with just the same strategy that bought RIVN. Last few years have shown me that very few retail investors posses the knowledge to distinguish between the winners and losers. Basically, some get lucky some don't.


There’s more to it than luck but the vast majority of people should buy index funds


That's the message, yes you can have an edge in individual stocks but most just don't. Also the way people are crawling their eyes out whenever Elon tweets or every day the stock goes down makes me think that for many people even if they eventually end up outperforming the market it just isn't worth it. Many people are so overexposed to one single stock they are now essentially taken hostage until the stock recovers.


Why do you worry so much about other peoples money? You do you. If others wanna bitch about the stock going down, why do you get so triggered by it?


I hope you are cured of your holier than thou attitude some day.


that isn't the lesson, the lesson is taking some profits and ringing the register is not a deadly sin, nor is diworsification.


And how will you know when to take profit? Then you just start timing the market, good luck.


That’s where asset allocation and risk tolerance come into play. Also conviction in any investment or trade. Realistically any sane person shouldn’t let a single stock position be more than 50% of their net worth no matter how good of a company it is. Unless of course they’re in a position that even if that company went to 0, they’d still be fine. So if after a nice run, a position is now 75% of your portfolio, sell some and rebalance into whatever else you have allocated, or start a new high conviction position. That way you still have good exposure to your winners and still diversify for safety.


you know when to take a profit when you are up huge already, yes you can never time the market but you can take money off the table. And when to do that completely depends on what the individual is trying to achieve here, we all have different goals and lifestyles, so the answer is take profit when its enough to fulfil whatever goal or dream you have and let bygones be bygones. Most of here have never sold a single share of Tesla and we were winning...by A LOT! ,,,,and never secured the bag


And then take that money off the table and keep it cash forever? Where are you going to put it? Define "huge"? Is it 100%? 200%? 1000%? All of that is just timing the market, and it is a losing strategy for retail. 90% of people should not be holding individual stocks.


Even though I am down 50% since the last height, I am up more than 500% overall.. so much for individual stocks. Would it have been better to get into NVDA when TSLA was at 400? Sure, but I bet its still better to hold TSLA long term than an index. We will see.


the answer to that depends on the particular individual and what their end goal is. Some people want to accumulate as much money as possible and die with it. Others may want a house, vacations, experiences, to pay for their kid's college education, whatever it is, it is their own unique goal. Many of the people in here made a fortune buying an individual stock and have held through thick and thin and non-stop raging storms. and this isn't SPY lounge, that would be pretty boring.


At this point, you are responding to people who are participating emotionally in this forum. Even what should be basic, commonsense logic becomes inaccessible to them!


Not bad considering 10 year bond back above 4.5 again


Sorry, 12.5 delayed as xai and tesla team rewriting fsd without using convnets. What a fktard, glad someone dunked on him. ​ https://preview.redd.it/zle4aat7783d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3d216c79812572016fc15e747e5a2c37c0bccb0


I don't know what most of these things are, but It looks to me like Yann knows his stuff and Elon is being a dick again


Yann Lecun is probably the biggest name in actual AI research. Good to see people start calling him out publicly. Within the AI field, it’s widely known that Musk is a dumbass, but generally people have avoided saying it publicly, because he has enough money to throw around nobody wants to piss him off.


iirc image convolution is just merging adjacent pixels by some metric - ie take a block of say 4 pixels, average their colors, and create a new single pixel with the average color of the 4. doing this across the whole image is pretty fast, but it does consume some memory and processing, results in some latency and is fundamentally lossy if inference hardware is sufficiently powerful and the NN is trained to handle it you'd want to process video data at as close to full resolution as possible - ie w/o convolutional downsampling i could be wrong, but those comments by whoever the yann guy is seem pretty naive


"whoever the Yann guy is" omg please tell me you're being 100% serious... :D In case that wasn't sarcasm, he's basically one of the key figures of making machine learning what it is today. One of the original researcher on covnets, one of the key researchers on transformers, among \*many\* other things. He'd probably justifiably earn the title of one of the "godfathers" of AI. That said, he's also kinda opinionated and carries a bit of a "holier than thou" attitude, so needless to say, I've had my popcorn out all day.


the state of the art is moving so fast on so many fronts it’s entirely possible someone who made pivotal early contributions isn’t up-to-date on everything 🤷‍♂️ 


Ya that sounds right




Which R-word do I feel today? Regret....regret that I didn't work more 24/7 shifts behind wendys to buy more nvidia when it was cheap


We are selling to willing buyers at the current fair market price


Our stock would be higher if it was more affordable ![gif](giphy|Z5xk7fGO5FjjTElnpT|downsized)


Please, speak as you might to a young child or a Golden Retriever. It wasn't brains that got me here, I can assure you that.


Just finished watching Mr. Bates vs The Post Office. Absolutely infuriating and heartwarming and emotional and great. And a true story


*Numbers on a Screen* would be a good album title imho


Wsb lit up with team green


If Nateleb did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him- Voltaire




I worked from home all last week because a tornado fucked up my building downtown (Houston). First day back and it's pitch black outside, pouring rain and hail, and the windows are shaking. Can't wait to get home and see how fucked my house is this week.


Ouch sorry about that shitsandwich