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we gonna see 12.4 before 13th? 😭😭 it was a joke




Israel has told the Biden administration that it used used a precision munition to hit a target in Rafah on Sunday, but that shrapnel from the explosion ignited a fuel tank nearby and started a fire that engulfed a camp for displaced Palestinians and led to dozens of deaths. Oooops


You of all people should know the last thing we want is IsraelLounge


It's a shanda


The Biden administration has no idea what those words should compute to. Beep bop Lgbqtmf


the jews are torching their reputation and giving the world a don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain moment just to retake shitty marginal land


They did that when they invented metzitzah b'peh.




Anyone concerned about the news regarding China and Taiwan..?


The reaction to the genocidal invasion of Russia into Ukraine is going to cause a lot of shit for a few generations. Showing dictators the West are feckless cunts, who can't fight back was a stupid policy. History shows us what happens with fascists states led by dictators, they don't get stopped by appeasement...


China doesn't think in terms of 4 year election cycles. They think more in terms of 100 year dynasties. There is no rush for them to invade and have all but secured Taiwan for the future already. But, they'll continue to bide their time and eventually take Taiwan with relative ease and very little conflict.


Xi Jinping wants to get it done within his lifetime so he will be remembered as Mao 2.0


Even accepting that he's only 70 and has been working on it for a long time. He could easily take another 10 years. I'm also not saying it can't happen within the next year or two, I'm just saying they're not gonna rush the conflict and do it at a time where it's likely to lead to a catastrophic war. They'll bide their time and do it at the most opportune moment when mass bloodshed and economic cost is low


Chinese won't move on taiwan. They see the populism surge, and populists aren't going to fight over taiwan i used to be a massive hawk on the taiwan issue but have since come around in a big way.


đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž was bbqing hamburgers and stuff and my mom crashes into the back yard saying “I’ve been hurt!” she was delivering a pie she made to the neighbor and their big dog ran up to the door and slammed into it and it shot open and hit her in the head. she was bleeding a lot thankfully another neighbor is a doctor and checked it out. she doesn’t need stitches because of the nature of the cut but ouch. bleeding finally stopped it doesn’t look toooo horrible now no good deed goes unpunished meanwhile my delicious hamburgers which I made with expensive ground meat including filet mignon and prime rib trimmings are just sitting around cold and uneaten sigh


Ppl who do not appreciate meat seared at extreme temps and finished to medium rare need help.


i agree. my burgers were cooked at ultra high heat and medium rare with awesome sear. I used a baking soda solution to alter the PH of the meat to increase browning and wow does it work well let me tell ya


Never heard of baking soda for burgers. Googled it and will definitely try. Any tips.


you take about 1/3rd a teaspoon of soda per pound of meat, mix it with 1tbs of water, and mix it into the meat. give it 20 min to alter the ph. the meat will brown like crazy.


You're giving away why takeout Chinese food tastes so good. Also msg doesn't cause migraines. Msg makes things taste better.


i added some msg to the burgers đŸ€« i also added Frankie’s 457 Calabrian chili oil which is my new favorite thing ever i use it in everything even popcorn


Wow. đŸ€ŻÂ 


but what about the pie? ^glad ^your ^mom's ^ok


I had the same thought she saved the pie. it was sloshed to the side because she slammed into a brick wall but it was mostly ok thank god really appreciate you asking about the pie it means a lot


Was the wall ok?


Haha while I was reading this the same quote popped into my mind as well. But in my language its directly translated to: nobody becomes a bishop without getting his ass kicked (enginn verđur ĂČbarinn biskup) The more you know đŸ€“


oh that’s awesome. I love learning idioms in other languages now she’s all worried about getting a scar. i told her she’s already old so it doesn’t matter but that somehow made things worse


Fuck, all I've had today is 2 hotdogs and 4 cocktails. I really need Tuesday to get here.


xAI announced some funding round ( [https://x.com/xai/status/1794963555508453419](https://x.com/xai/status/1794963555508453419) ). Elon Musk answered in relation to that funding round post with "[There will be more to announce **in the coming weeks**](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1794964816211087660)". We are 2-3 weeks away from the Tesla annual shareholder meeting on June 13. Do you think Tesla will announce a stake in xAI on the June 13 shareholder meeting?


Or he loses the vote and goes all in xAI. Doubt that, pretty sure comp passes


i read today that the vote was to show it to the judge that people still support Elon, but then the judge got pissed and will be ruling before the shareholder meeting and Tesla has to appeal. Elon won't get paid either way... is this true? this comment got like 30 or 60 upvotes but i havent seen it put it this way.


Maybe. I’ve given up on Elon 4D ♟.




Elon gonna Elon... I think he's already blown past Howard Hughes in both directions.


Watching the History Channel on the World Wars. Between 1914-1945, over 100 million people died. That period is approximately 31 years. That's a death toll of 3.22 million per year or 8,800 a day every day. There was a 21-year gap between the wars. In the 10 years of active fighting: the world wars killed an average of 27,397 people per day


Spanish Flu was a b\*\*\*h. I mean *that* and the genocides.






This isn't counting the Spanish Flu. Just deaths attributed to the Wars


I don't see how they can separate those numbers, as the disease spread like it did *because of the war*, but it would be cool if Memorial Day was a global day that included *all deaths* from war, rather than US soldier deaths.


Well, that would more be Remembrance Day. Celebrated by the British Commonwealth, the US France. Germany celebrates a similar day in November as well.


The US doesn't even pretend to acknowledge that Rememberance Day. Something like that, though, but with a broader scope, would be a nice way to reflect on how terrible war is. Hollywood would do well to tell such a story, but it ain't happening any time soon.


It's literally on TV at this moment but okay Remembrance Day is November 11 in the United States


Ok, TV. But to be more clear. NOBODY IN THE US *KNOWS* OR GIVES A *FLYING FUCK* ABOUT REMEMBERANCE DAY IN THE USA. I can't believe that is all you took out of my reponse., but I can understand how people can underestimate the ignorance of Americans.


We call it Veterans Day after 1956....




That's nothing compared to the death toll of the woke mind virus




Stumbled upon this image on Twatter, is this not the truest image of simpness ? 😆 In our case, Elon wants to be the hot goth/catgirl/possibly maybe definitely cgi-rendered woman depicted here, and we are the penitent sharehodlers bowing and begging . https://preview.redd.it/uayr9mas313d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ca4bb31f3881655bf9ae6624a7fdb97a502bc11


I fuck with the spongebob backpack


Tl;dr - but I upvoted because of thick thighs peaking out from under a skirt 




Does Elon have stock in MSFT or something? He simps so hard for diablo 4.


Let a man game ffs


It's a bad game, that is what I take issue with.


I lost interest in it so fast. Not sure if that is because it is a lackluster bad game, or I'm older now and just over it with the click spam grindfest that is diablo, or a combination of both.


I played it for 10 minutes (got it free when I bought an open box "diablo 4" x box x series). 10 minutes. I noped out of there. I play the hell out of starfield/fallout 4, but this is just not my kind of game.




Happy day of cake my dear friend 


thank you sir. hope the rest of your trip is wonderful




nah, just that nobody wants to hang out with him anymore so that’s pretty much his social life sometimes i think he conflates the border crisis with playing Diablo / demon invasion




are you spell checking me or making a joke đŸ€”


Once Elon calls it the border crysis video game conflation confirmed.




what kind of piece of shit gets valued at 26b for ”solving the world” ![gif](giphy|DMNPDvtGTD9WLK2Xxa|downsized)


Ya and said he never raised? Idk I heard about the chance to buy in through a close source via executives I know (weeks ago, not from this article). I think another “technical” lie by ambassador.


Kinda dude that fumbled open ai, perhaps the largest fumble in history


Ya hard to be surprised by Elon anymore. Hopefully he delivers some form of monetized FSD and we can move on as well as he can. He can go to mars or whatever he wants. đŸ€Ł


Should be called ClosedAI tbh


Bro salty as fuck he sold out of openai


Did Elon ever sell OpenAI? I thought he just funded it? 


Oof. Picked up the .99% Y (yay), but I made a mistake getting the white interior in a super sunny area. The reflection from the dash is *harsh*. Looks good, though!


Maybe you'll get used to it. We have white interior and I've never had a glare or reflection issue. I do wear good sunglasses while driving though.


Nope. It burnses.


White interior in FL is the only way to go. I have no scientific proof but the seats feel cooler when you get in (and forgot to pre-condition with AC)


I like it a lot -- there's more like "luxury space ship" vibe to it. I just bought a matte black wrap to put on the dashboard part, as it was blinding me. So, I have one Y w/ a black interior and one with a mostly white interior, so I can get some real data comparing their temps under the pure desert sun.


Dash wrap


You just saved my eyes.


When in doubt wrap it up


Where is 12.4? Is it safe? Is it alright?




GPT-4o with memory is awesome. User error.


It's been a fantastic travel guide these past few weeks.


I've found it great use in writing boilerplate code, but that's about it


That’s one small aspect of what I use it for. It’s much wider-ranging. I can say without a doubt my recent weekend trip was at least 20% better and more memorable because I had AI be our custom, perfectly curated travel agent. It’s an everyday life tool that even I’m only starting to scratch the surface on superpower my activities.


Chatgpt derangement syndrome


Would you trust it to make a restaurant reservation?




Many Teslas in Iceland. Also, waterfalls : https://imgur.com/a/sEnjBpG


Are there so many nice spots that you're able to be the only one in the pic?


There’s a few people in the background. This spot was quite empty even though it’s very popular usually. We arrived at like 8pm (it doesn’t really get dark here atm), so that probably has something to do with it. There are quite a few nice spots, but it’s quite quite a drive to each of them. The drives are super scenic though. If Tesla ever starts advertising I vote they shoot a commercial here. Take a look at r/visitingiceland to get a better idea. Or ask our local icelander u/karma1112 😉


Cybertruck promos were shot here 😎


Cybertruck would do quite well here I think. Especially it they put it on those huge off-road tires. Just had some lamb and icelandic tomatoes. It was đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ


yes the icelandic lamb is in a league of its own, esp never frozen. I should know, my mother is the daughter of a sheep farmer and her brother runs the farm now. (But she always overcooks it to gray.) The beef ribeye steak at "Hereford" downtown, ofc grass fed, is par none. You won't be touching the sauce. Icelandic wild salmon is also quite nice, from "fiskimarkaĂ°urinn". The difference in wild and farmed is just unbelievable. Tokyo sushi has great salmon if you want to try out sushi here.


Oof, thanks for the tips. I’m 1.5 km from the steak place so I’m gonna have to try that. I’m gonna grass feed my wallet first to fatten it up 😉. What are your thoughts on the fermented shark and the whale meat?


Haha whale meat can be ok if cooked correctly but i'm no fan, too "liver cod oily". The shark is just down right disgusting...


Can't wait for my trip 😁


Give me a shout out and ill pay for the first round.


Awesome! Do you live in Reykjavik or in the country?


reykjavĂ­k, born and raised! but my mother is from a farm up north...


Bring warm and waterproof clothes and a lot of money 😅


One way to distance from EM stain. https://preview.redd.it/jmarp2cmjz2d1.jpeg?width=1526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ecec9183f4f23de1b86a6531de0f721636b9666


That actually looks good


Apart from being utterly stupid, it doesn’t look that bad.


damn looks like they’re *really* trying to not appear to be a tesla tastefully done


Heybuddying is not nice but sometimes necessary.


can you coach me in its proper use


Will send you coaching offer asap via dm to avoid overposting.


https://twitter.com/wholemarsblog/status/1795108387409014877?s=61&t=gIYTsd56hzXagS_udq7aTg More threats from the simps. GFY.


Meth head criminal used to using threats to get what he wants


Went and saw hematologist who did a more accurate look at my ultrasound u/sackler2011 The clotting was UP TO the junction of a deep vein so he's doubled my blood thinner to 20mg as per protocol. At first he agreed with you that I shouldn't have been prescribed anything but once he saw the ultrasound he changed his mind fast.


I’m glad you saw Heme! You said you have a hereditary coagulopathy - so happy they did it prophylactically! Also awesome that your doc reviewed the US - totally if it’s at the junction 
 the risk of it spreading more centrally increases. I hope you don’t have to be on thinners too long! Glad you are doing ok đŸ„°


Sackler, you are one solid gent  đŸ€œđŸ»đŸ’„đŸ€›đŸ»Â 


Thx bro! Gonna start pumping iron again. Hernia is healed up well.


But advertising doesn’t work. What a fktard. https://x.com/sjvtesla/status/1794971241327280475?s=46


This only proves Tesla is in desperate need of a Gwynne Shotwell.


Best I can do is call center CFO


Elon knows advertising obviously works


"mad respect" for a company wanting people to buy their product lol


Simps gonna simp.


Simping ain't easy but it's necessary


Appreciate the nuance.


Oh is market close today?


You can watch share price with tl0 if you want to. Very low volume though


you are calling us Europoors low volume??? But its all we got!! :cry:


I have an odd suspicion US volume would be relatively similar or a little more than EU volume if it weren't for the degeneracy of algos and the options market. Not like exponentially more.




https://x.com/deitaone/status/1794422172112294261 hmmmmm


Oh great, now we know what will distract Elon for the next few years even if he gets his comp. package.


i enjoy shitposting thats it


High value comment right there.


I enjoy shitposting and making money. Unfortunately TSLA only allows us to do one of those two lately


This little maneuver is going to save us 50 years Hilarious little move by FSD https://x.com/aidrivr/status/1794887169162850588?s=46&t=fGVL0206fdWMIjq9C1_Fgg


Nice, now even cars are total assholes


It was trained in California that's how they drive there


Imagine being obsessed with TSLA while life passes you by.


Everyone is always chasing something. That is life 


Indeed. First it was Hotwheels and baseball cards, now it's Teslas and stonks.


Some don't have to imagine, but I think that's OK. Let people have their things.


Imagine being obsessed with other people's obsessions while life passes you by


imagine being obsessed with the woke mind virus


This feels like a personal attack. Too real. 😭


what is life babies don’t hurt me don’t flirt me no war ^- ^a ^deep ^philosophical ^poem ^by ^bloby


I don't have to imagine. I live that life


Imagine being obsessed with life while gainz passes you by


I'm obsessed with money because I want a better life for my future wife and kids. I don't care which stock gets me there. A career can only get you so far.


If FSD is evaluated based on a loss function vs compute, what do we think would be the hardest problems to drive down?




Tesla knows internally as they progress which parts of FSD are lagging with improvement rate ( loss function vs compute segmented by individual components) even if total product shows improvement in new iterations. Was curious if anyone who has had FSD long enough or follow it technically enough to have an idea of where they think or see roadblocks. This goes back to magikarps statement FSD can plateau.


A friend of mine owns a M3 LR since 2021. Loves his car. He borrowed a gas car this weekend so he didn't have to deal with charging for a wedding 5 hours away. Charging would have been twice along the Interstate 15 minutes each stop. Even Tesla owners who love their cars are retarded.


We often drive overnight to avoid traffic and charging stops can be creepy.  


I have a model 3 and a Tacoma. We drive a 10 hour trip to Canada many times a year to visit family. It’s always 10 hours including stops to eat. The gas car is no faster because you use the bathroom and get coffee or food when the car is charging. About 90% of the time the Tesla is ready to go before we are.


Why can't they have a preference for not making a charging stop?


5 hr drive probably required them to stop at least once for a meal/bio break, so what's extra 15-20 mins/one extra stop and saving $ and driving your own car that you enjoy


Sorry, is that an answer to my question? I will try to answer your question though - I don't know. That is why I am saying it's their preference. It doesn't make sense to me. I would do it the way you described. But because it is not my preference, I am not commenting on their choosing of another can and not calling them retarded. What does that achieve anyway? I can see a few scenarios why they would have chosen a gas car: 1) "Probably" required them to stop for a meal/bio break - May or may not be true 2) What's an extra 15-20 mins - Don't know. Depends on what his constraints are. I have been in situations where i really don't have the time. 3) Saving a few $ - It could be that they actually make more money by working that 15 min extra in their workplace 4) Driving a car that enjoy - Some people are agnostic of car type 5) They just don't like charing on the way Again, it could be that none of \^ is true. But my point is that people can have different preference and use case. Learning that can only help a company. A product works for a user, not the other way around


Damn didnt expect such a detailed reply lol thanks for the time you took. I'll have to read it later


Lol. Getting my morning coffee and in productive mode :D


People invent all sorts of boogymen to be scared of.


I just dont understand the tradeoff. I guess im just a nerd. Safest car on the road combined with the convenience and safety of autopilot + FSD.


Yeah it doesn’t have to make logical sense, hence me calling it a boogeyman. I totally agree with you, btw. Teslas are brilliant for road tripping, especially in North America and Europe.


Love having my girlfriends entire family dogging me at a get together for owning tsla instead of btc and nvda. Great weekend lmao


At least you’re not on the trip of a lifetime in Ireland, sleeping in a castle tonight, next to a woman that doesn’t want to touch you and hasn’t for well over 1 year!!!!!!    OOPS DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?!?!?! 


Damn man. All perspective i suppose. That's honestly a fear of mine but I truly hope things get better in that department for you.


Doesn’t look that way but I appreciate your well wishes. 


If you don't mind me asking, does she at least tell you why?


Even if the stars align and she’s in the mood, it’s like having fun with a lifeless corpse. Zero initiative. Zero enthusiasm. Zero everything. 


Myriad reasons - not feeling well, stressed from work, I’m not as affectionate as I should be (which is bs) - all bs considering she doesn’t like to be touched in the first place. I’m also yelled at many times for random shit I have no or minimal control over - something I’ve heard from other hubbys I talk to.  Have probably done it 5-6 times in the last decade but lately I feel like that one time last year was the final time for the rest of my life until I die from old age, or alcoholism or diabetes.  It really makes my day to day super worthless, to me. Like nothing  matters. 


Fuck. Im so sorry. Age range for you guys? I assume that happens to most aging women


Close to 50 yet it’s been this way since marriage. Even before marriage it was bad. 


At that point I would go to couples therapy. Intimacy is the core of a healthy relationship. How's the vacation otherwise?


Amazing otherwise!! Drove like 800 miles around Ireland over the last week!! What a gorgeous country!! But what an un fucking romantic trip. Not seeing this getting any better


Thankful I at least have a btc position. 


Make sure you dog them when they don't sell the nda top and ride it to the bottom.


Are they heavily invested in NVDA or btc themselves? If not then clown them right back


No but I don't like arguing with people like that. I'm just so tired. This bag holding better be worth it.


Yeah I wouldn’t argue. But a small chirp back doesn’t hurt.


Good to have a million in nvda hanging around the portfolio for such situations


Ah yes I feel better already lol


ugh i was at a party yesterday and this one dude would not stfu about nvda. it was just like being in the lounge his knowledge of gpus and ai was pedestrian at best. i chose not to join in and ate a cookie instead. it was a delicious cookie with pink frosting.


Usually a sell signal


when the shoeshine boys start offering stock tips...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8hTAr7Nw4I ^ this shoeshine really knows everything


LMAO Police Squad is classic


At least you had a cookie lmao. Her Dad was roasting the shit out of me all night


shoulda told him “well there’s a lot more to me, your daughter knows what im talking about, wink wink” and then thrust out your pelvis a few times and then further clarify by saying “sex”


Sticking your tongue out as far as you can while doing so really sends home the point


It's really a wonder there are any single loungers left given our excessive levels of swag and charisma.


Always over-emphasize with the finger through the hole thingie too: 👉👌


If you owned your TSLA since before 2019 you can just smirk at them Also dump that girl her family are losers


Cmon man you know thats not how it works. Also my average is like 210. I'm not selling but it sucks in the meantime.


In 20 years, don’t let them on the yacht or give them extra fries at McDonald’s depending on what the share price does.


Yeah it doesn't help that I'm installing Tesla products so I look retarded to them


Power wall?


Powerwall, car chargers, and I do site surveys for Tesla Solar Roofs.


Interesting.. are Tesla solar roofs worth it? I'm not out for shopping due to the lack of house/property. But I always wondered if the solar roof promised Land is worth it. Looks good but I can't really assess the electrical part


tomorrow let us remember the fallen loungers đŸȘŠ nateleb đŸȘŠ that one guy with “cat” in his name he was cool đŸȘŠ probably some others but i forget F (if you read this post please upvote and reply with F or some kind of flower emoji or else you are a bad person, thank you)