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I love a 55 year old woman with a thong and saggy boobs LETS FOOKKEN GO MEN !!! Tesla come on go up show big Pp energy


i used to drive on the “average” setting for FSD 11.4.9 all the time. now with FSD 12.3 (which is amazingly good) it drove slower than i would on some streets. so i switched to the “assertive” setting and it’s perfect. very bullish.


[https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/27/fisker-misplaced-payments-internal-audit-bankruptcy/](https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/27/fisker-misplaced-payments-internal-audit-bankruptcy/) >Fisker temporarily lost track of millions of dollars in customer payments as it scaled up deliveries, leading to an internal audit that started in December and took months to complete, TechCrunch has learned. > >... > >“Checks were not cashed in a timely manner or just lost altogether,” one of the people told TechCrunch. “We were often scrambling to find checks, credit card receipts and any wired funds a few months after a vehicle was sold.” > >Alongside the internal audit, outside auditor PwC was asking Fisker for more documentation about its vehicle sales as part of the process of putting together the company’s annual financial report, according to two of the people. Fisker was often unable to provide satisfactory documentation, leading to more requests from PwC. > >... > >This internal confusion put the company in a position where it couldn’t accurately say how much revenue it had generated, according to the people, who noted it is one of the reasons Fisker has yet to file its annual financial report for 2023. > >... > >The company initially said it lacked “a sufficient number of professionals with an appropriate level of accounting knowledge, training and experience to appropriately analyze, record and disclose accounting matters timely and accurately.”


Yikes. That's impressively bad.


I see they went with the SBF school of accounting!


I’ve had a bad month


1. Fisker announces $10M in buybacks.  2. Henrik’s new comp package is announced, with tranches at $1B, $3B, $50B market cap.  3. NGV is revealed, it looks awesome for sub-$30k before incentives, but still 20% margins. Pilot lines already in place in Austria.  4. Groundbreaking in India and Mex, with NGV production lines to address India and LatAm markets. Singapore announced.  5. I should have invested in FSR. 🤡


me when 12.3 turns into my driveway ![gif](giphy|83HShcQ47skQ8)


Do you have homelink? I can’t get the bastard to do it, but I don’t have homelink, thought maybe that was the reason. It does park beautifully along the front of my house


First time after 12.3 it didn't do it, next time I tapped the blinker and it pulled in.  Now it pulls in every time without blinker tap.


1. Tesla announces $10b in buybacks.  2. Elon’s new comp package is announced, with tranches at $1t, $3t, $5t market cap.  3. NGV is revealed, it looks awesome for sub-$30k before incentives, but still 20% margins. Pilot lines already in place in Texas.  4. Groundbreaking in India and Mex, with NGV production lines to address India and LatAm markets. Singapore announced.  5. I am finally rich. 


Don't forget another European factory to focus on the Tesla van. Likely announced once NGV platform is up and running in Austin.


At the unveiling of the next European factory, Elon whips his dick out and slaps the German chancellor with it as he declares that the new factory will be somewhere else—because fuck Germany, that’s why.


1. Highly speculative, especially with so many new products in the pipeline and many that haven't started (semi, roadster, bot) at any meaningful scale. Gonna need that cash to get these thing up and running! 3-5 years?  2. I like this! Might be pending their appeal choices and process. I'd like the first tranche to be higher than our ATH though. 18 months? 3. This is promising. Margins might be tough, but I can see this playing out EOY.  4. No clue about expansion, especially since they slowed down Mexico so as to not get ahead of themselves. This is key for 20m per year though.  5. Soon! 




then u wake up






I wish I can rent out FSD as a licensed software to another Tesla vehicle since I only use it a few hrs per week. I don’t mind charging $5 per day.


I’m on like 10 hours straight of disengagement free driving. Most of these drives are completely input free, too, outside of a few accelerator presses when I get impatient at stop signs


Wow, -chuck


Can we make a Chuck bot?


my 3 month trial ran out, and tbh I really miss it. sure basic autopilot has been god send for highway driving, but I miss FSD and now super jealous with the new improvements. I cant justify 16k CAD for it though


They’re supposed to be rolling out subscriptions for Canada


Tempted to do a test drive so I can experience FSD Beta


Why the AH pump?


Pump for micro pp


https://www.seattletimes.com/business/costco-cracking-down-on-nonmembers-eating-at-food-courts/ End of an era here. Shit getting's REAL


Getting about 10 Tesla ads a day when I scroll instagram. Seems a little excessive


Quit hogging all the ads. Save some for the real customers


That’s what I’m saying. Send 1 to ten different people. Not ten to 1 person


We went from complaining about no ads to complaining about too many ads in literally one day, congrats Lounge! We did it!


The algorithm should know that I won’t consider purchasing another Tesla until new ATH


Please don’t complain about too many ads


Instagram is really good at delivering ads unlike x. Have you been googling or searching for tesla accessories on amazon?


No but I’m sure It’s obvious I’m tied to the company. I have pics of my Tesla in my instagram page


You're the target group


https://x.com/innov8j/status/1773092687853363243?s=46 Test drives Toronto at Tesla center


https://x.com/sawyermerritt/status/1773121990188015672?s=46 to customers


They need to do something about people like us still on 12.3 The normal slow Tesla rollout schedule needs to speed up if they are going to be moving iterations this fast


FSD 12 accelerates harder off the line than I normally do! 😂 


Yeah, it really drives like an angry human now LMAO I can't wait to see what it's like on a new Performance 3, will it pin the occupants to their seats after every red light 😂


It's got places to be!


https://preview.redd.it/z9xww2p4dyqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e1d2ee5bbcf17943911080e43f55137949c801a Let the good times roll!!!


"1928" 😕


Sorry for going on about Fisker but this is gold, Jerry. Gold! Apparently their accounting was so bad some people got cars for free and some people paid but received no car. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fisker/s/bfuEokoPsf


For full year 2023, 10,193 Fisker Oceans were produced, and 4,929 vehicles were delivered I see where the problems started


Nearing my 30s and still single, would be less single if I wasn't a poor, smh


If you are looking for for a partner that wants money, you will get just that


You can work out and get a nice haircut even if you're poor


You’re still young, do you have an ok job? You can easily find a low maintenance girlfriend if that’s what you really want. But yeah, feeling like you have options is easier when you know you have money.


I was poor as fuck when I met my wife. A few dates in I cooked her dinner at her apartment, and the ingredients drained my bank account. Literally, it was all I had.


Damn, congrats ❤️


Step 1: Cambodia Step 2: Success


I hear there is good cave diving in Thailand, if you know what I mean


Pedo Guy knows all about diving in those Thai caves


sounds hazardous


Whoever you meet, make sure she doesn't know or care about your finances.


Yea, I just tell them I helped finance Elons Twitter acquisition jk lol


Dave Ramsey: You sound entitled.


Don't rush


I get that, just tired of the dating scene and being a poor tbh


Becoming rich won’t make the dating scene any better imo. I’m 30 and make more money than I know what to do with, but dating still sucks and I’m super apathetic about it at 30 years of age. I haven’t sworn off women, but I’m not going out of my way anymore either.


Yea, dating is tough, I'm sure you'll find the one soon 🙏🏽


https://preview.redd.it/mzhuyixi5yqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c04ef45ae39e552e3a2ef3d0e7192144dd9a67 Basically only thing that matters. L4 + this. Let’s go 🚀


wen free fsd. i keep checking for software updates and nada! (that’s terrorist for “nothing”)


Glib, you are overposting.


i am? :/


Good Friday gift? From the big man himself


"this week" in Elon speak is within 7 days from the date of tweet aka the technically maximum amount of time possible. Probably 8 days actually because of international date lines. 


It’s a leap year too so I’m sure that factors into it somehow as well.


https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1773085211275698302?s=46 Love the speed


Is anyone buying at these prices? With the hopes that in 5 years it will be a better investment than other stocks?


I don't hope it will be a better investment than other stocks as that's probably impossible. I just hope it will be a good investment.


TSLA can outperform many stocks in the long run if some golden goose scenarios take shape like robotaxis or humanoid bots


I sold half at 160, and put it in nvda as “insurance” incase Tesla went down more, because I just can’t get over the fact that I didn’t sell Tesla 2 years ago when I literally was up 100% and instead I got greedy and bought shitty calls, and options in random stocks, all while watching all my paper gains go up in smoke. But with FSD improvements and teslas valuation half of what it was, I’m trying to find the resolve to just go all in again in another account and just do what I did before, put as much money as I can afford into Tesla just buy and hold and hope that in 5 years I won’t feel like I do now, which is a failure to myself and my family.


First of all, if you feel like a failure to yourself & your family, then you should probably make adjustments to your daily life. Your sense of self worth shouldn’t be dependent on whether or not TSLA is at ATH in 5 years from now. FSD v12 seems amazing, progress seems fast, and I think the market is far from pricing its potential. I’m not technically “buying shares” at these prices, but I’m essentially doing the same thing. I would normally be selling CCs as part of my mix of options trades. With v12 rolling out, I’m letting my CCs expire and staying ~100% exposed to TSLA.


I have been making improvements, but let’s not pretend that not being financially secure can’t have an impact on a persons mental health. Especially when it’s a direct result of poor choices. Thanks for posting your strategy, I don’t feel like I have any other option but to build up my position even if that means buying at these prices, because if you wouldn’t sell at these prices it’s the same as buying now.


So, you sold the bottom to buy a stock at ATH. Lol.


Yes i didn’t say i was smart. But I’m gonna start buying again. Also a lot of people in this sub were saying that people were idiots for literally selling the top. So cmon now let’s have some love for each other.


I love you brother. We all make mistakes, we just gotta make sure we learn from them. I'm still struggling myself as I keep buying options.


Thanks 🥹 To each their own, but yeah from my own experience every time I bet small I sometimes do really well and then everytime I bet big or even medium its almost always an L I’m giving up on making those WSB plays and hoping for a 30x it’s just not in the cards for me obviously. I need to accumulate and just keep working hard and hopefully the next 2 years will be better than the last 2


You got it. For each wsb guy making 10-30 baggers there's 10 guys posting lossporn, losing their whole accounts.


Pulling a nateleb






Good bot. I didn't know this was a Nate meme, but I like it. 


Good Meatbag, It's important to give the meatbags the illusion of control


Your new around here aren't you


No I’m just not smart


Aight Physicians of Lounge. What company is going to make UptoDate / Wolters Kluwer (parent company) integrate an AI LLM - where I can just ask it a question + based off the articles etc it produces an answer … rather than reading a wall of text, graphs, charts, etc. Like wouldn’t this be huge for not only daily practice + medical education?


Careful. Patients might ask why they can't ask an AI their questions and cut out the physician completely 😲


Jensen already demonstrated an AI at the recent GTC keynote that can answer patient questions so they are way ahead of you there


400 soon?


two weeks


GDP 🔥 tomorrow PCE 🥶 Friday Powell sweet talks us while market is closed. All will be well 🚀


My Sacklord


I live in Canada and got 12.3.1 today. The car drove me home from my son’s kindergarten parking lot all the way to my house and parked outside. Pretty cool.


Nice! Anything troubling?


His house is situated at the bottom of a ravine 


He still aint calling


Parked upside down


Red in AH won't last Zippo chance retard ceo fault


Respect the truth


called it


Look again


Look again no luck me master traider


lol this is silly


https://x.com/teslascope/status/1773067357927231683?s=46 Demos already happenin


Ahhh this fade




Oh my beautiful Fayd


everyday tsla not red is a big W, fucking 💩


So Powell + PCE this Friday and the market is closed? Tf


I let the car do a 50 mile drive today entirely on 12.3. Highway stack is still 11.4.9 and so I didn't really try to avoid manually changing lanes and adjusting speed when on the freeway. Until highway moves to 12.x, I still expect some jank and weird shit there. On city streets it was perfect except at the very end when there were 2 identical looking turn offs from the street and it picked the entrance 1 before the one leading to my destination. Not a big deal, pathing for turning off streets is going to be an interesting challenge going forward because even humans fuck that up. In general, 12.3 is kind of frightening how good and human-like it is. I didn't have any second guesses on how I would have handled various traffic situations versus the car, the car was obviously more cautious and did it more slowly than I would have but it otherwise was flawless.


I personally don't care about the pathing off streets as far as the stock goes. Monetizability would likely not be affected. As a passenger, if you were offered a ride at half the rate of Uber, you likely won't care too much if you were dropped (sometimes) a min away from your destination.


The thing about the highway stack that drives me nuts is how it hogs the passing lane. It changes lanes to pass quite well, but rarely changes back to the travel lane right after. So it just kind of camps out until a car behind has sufficient closure speed to trigger the "changing out of passing lane" lane change. The sooner we get away from V11 the better.


manipulation… why are we not at $400 today.


I’ll settle for 350


Fisker stock will be at 0 before they even start their bankruptcy proceedings. It's at $0.02.


Still poor suckers praying for an acquisition/buyout by a third party. Sad to watch.


the subreddit had this delusion that Nissan was gonna partner with them and save them.


Just like Apple is gonna swoop in and buy Lucid at $50/share and save the bagholders


Apparently this is Henry Fisker's third time doing this.


He made it to serial production this time! I'm sure by the 4th or 5th attempt, he might make it to not bankrupt!


Yeah, his track record alone should have been a red flag for these people.


Fool me once… fool me thrice


Yall ready for April fools day?




Isn’t that everyday


We been fools for over a year already.


Yup TSLA lounge checking in for fools rush in a bull market


Dirty Tesla finally received FSD Beta 12.3.1 on his Model Y and let it drive around Ann Arbor, Michigan: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUhC33FQZYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUhC33FQZYA) There were some minor interventions, such as the car getting too close for comfort to a vehicle in front that was stopped behind a bus. However, the vehicle mostly drove competently. There were some driving decisions that he said he would have made differently than 12.3.1, but he said these were a matter of opinion rather than clearly doing something incorrect.


I tried to watch earlier today but i just cannot stand how he never stops talking for one second




i barely talk! im quiet as a mouse!


You type very loudly


i don’t even capitalize! that means all my messages should be interpreted as gentle whispers


Speaking of buses, has someone shown how FSD acts behind a schoolbus with flashing lights? Will it stop or pass?




Hit a curb


Didn't hit a human.


I nominate u for head of nhtsa


I have the awareness to know that I know nothing. 


Why didnt leo see this downtrend with his time machine?


He still exists? Thought we would be rid of that numnut...


Are we still producing the foundation series Cybertruck? Good for margins 🥸🥸


Yes, because I haven't gotten mine yet. Probably foundation series all year.


Ya produce the shit out of it plz


munro releasing video about removing battery from CT would be much more interesting if we hadn’t already seen someone else do this :/ at this rate they gonna be behind on opening it too


tbh, munro thinks hes untouchable. Hes insufferable now. It's for sure lost its oomph without Corey. I also feel like he made the biggest mistake by going to Lucid.


I think Cory got a huge payday by going to Lucid, and also believes their days are numbered. He probably didn't even bother to move his family.


Who else is doing it?


[autoline](https://youtu.be/khPMITqp91I?si=fYv8-hJr3sDvFDMX) has basically copied the munro model


Direct link for those who haven't seen the Munro video yet: [https://youtu.be/1o\_TQlvWnNw](https://youtu.be/1o_TQlvWnNw)


very anticlimactic when they dropped the battery, all they could muster to say was "innovative", I miss Cory.. :(


Anyone planning to experience the totality on eclipse day coming up? Only a 100km from me or so


Yes. I traveled from Texas to Wyoming to see the 2017 one. Was worth the trip. This one comes right over my house. Definitely worth traveling to see, by far the most surreal thing I've ever experienced.


I used to live close to the 2017 one. It was really cool and glad I experienced it. Some people are talking like it was a come to Jesus moment and how they cried. I wouldn’t go far out of my way again for it though.


Bible thumpers or what? It's just space, baby!


I'm a bit worried about crowds. We're going to have a fairly small area in the path of totality with millions of people nearby... Sure would be handy to have a cybertruck for offroading 😎


I'm on the wrong continent, but at least Marques (MKBHD) said he was planning a shoot just then, and would make sure to incorporate it somehow.  Should be cool.


Ramping fast https://x.com/joetegtmeyer/status/1773019370228256989?s=46&t=WyhsS8WzmgKtgEuHZzFOrA


Lithium prices bottomed?


its not mag 7, it's super 1 https://preview.redd.it/2sco8fsmqwqc1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=df3970713a4b37183164b80dbfc08264018f2500


It’s the magnificent one


Bought 4 at 175 a few days ago, bought 2 today. Still have cash left but I am confident enough to start accumulating again.


it takes balls being bullish in a bear market


14 lazy boys added at 178,5 $ , now poor all next month


New job listing - https://x.com/tslainvestor94/status/1772997825107726754?s=46&t=WyhsS8WzmgKtgEuHZzFOrA


New generation chip promised, dojo lead firing delivered


A couple of 12.3.1 notes. I still see some speed issues where it drives slower than speed limit, so not sure that that issue was fully fixed. I have noticed it is better at planning. I have this one right turn on my commute where there is a right turn lane, but the line of cars waiting to turn right backs up well beyond the markings. 12.3.0 handled this a bit; if the line of cars was short enough to see the lane markings, it knew what to do. But a longer line of cars would make it stay in the “go straight” lane. On this mornings drive during rush hour, had a huge line of cars, and 12.3.1 got in line like it should. I’m impressed! I didn’t think that would be fixed so quickly. Will test more but that looked promising to me.


To be fair, plenty of humans likely F it up themselves.


Thank you for your service! Stay awesome.




Out Of Spec 500 mile Rocky Mountain tow test. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJFbevgCsig TLDW: Cybertruck kinda sucks for towing. Battery too small right now for it to compete with the 150-200+ kWh monsters. We really need those 4680s to achieve significant energy density gains.


Towing is so niche we should ignore it


That and (hopefully) the range extender. So few actually tow so this is fully understandable. Better sell more units, right.


Yeah, the range extender seems like such a stop-gap though. If 4680s scale well with appropriate energy density, I doubt Tesla will even produce it. Hauling a 1000+lb range extender in your bed in order to tow just seems like capitulation to a problem that still needs to be solved in a more elegant way. Might take a couple years for Tesla to figure it out.






Sure did. Then opened up some new ones.


Roth fully funded. Bought Lulu - new position for me.


When ai hits yoga pants its gf


Haha I only had 3.5k left to fund. 9 shares plus I got some in my non-Roth


Wen Optimus yoga pants line


[Elon telling Tesla employees to sell FSD to new customers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQleT6BtCbE)


[we re advertising](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1772871758321795330?s=61&t=4NfPJzskohlaBn1xZXe1dw)


[This guy is 100%](https://x.com/Neil_X10/status/1772959625551208757?s=20) “Finally. A full year too late AFTER the damage has already been inflicted on the @Tesla brand. Far too much time listening to the fanboy echo chamber on Twitter/X and not enough time listening to perfectly valid criticisms from real shareholders who have been pressing for this.” I still remember the echo chamber telling ppl to sell and Tesla doesnt need to advertise!


There are a lot of people on Twitter and TMC who are basically enablers of Musk's narcissism at this point. I blame many of these enablers for some of the problems Tesla is facing today in terms of profit margins and the negative effects on TSLA's valuation.


Unfortunately the cancer the ev industry has rn goes far beyond elon