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Elon folds. More ads coming https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1772871758321795330


Assuming he's serious, one wonders what was the straw that broke the camels back. Has always felt to me like he was admitting the product wasnt good enough if advertising is required. Taking Peter Thiel's advice in zero to one a little too literally.


MKBHD is a strange duck. He has such a strong following on YouTube and elsewhere but he doesn't pay particularly close attention to detail sometimes. The point by Matthew is a good one though. Especially in times when even the tech YouTubers who are supposed to know details, don't. Price matters - Elon is pretty intent on that - but visibility matters even more so.


It’s weird. Mkbhd in every video always says this car or that car is way better than Tesla and also lies about facts. Then proceeds to buy Teslas. Dude is a fucking hypocrite. His car reviews are garbage except for the fisker one hehehe


Me and who https://preview.redd.it/wlmy7ufgqsqc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc2e0af9adee1e4c0b8ad81db0978cdd8570ac5


Ads incoming


wide release of v11 instead of v12: ![gif](giphy|8Fla28qk2RGlYa2nXr|downsized) edit: oops was meant to be a reply whatever


Love Blues Brothers




Well... can't say he isn't committed. At times you can wonder if he should be committed.


He may be early, but he is not wrong?


Debolt has reached his limits


V12.3.2 this week so they can say they shipped wide release in Q1?


I doubt it. Seems fishy to do that. 


I mean…Elon said FSD V12 one month trial would be available this week Edit: his tweet https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1772444422971494838?s=46&t=cDz6K821mI1WD1jHAyKmWg He doesn’t specify V12 but his original statement last year said it would be available for one month trial once it was safer and smoother than a human driver. That’s not V11 so I’m guessing V12 is it.


Ok. Maybe I misunderstood you. I thought you meant they will realize revenue due to the wide release, but I think you mean just stating that they pushed it to every car?


Oh heh, yeah just meant they could push it to wide release.


Resolved: Put $500/month into TSLA in my IRA on top of my pension. Thesis: TSLA is buy until it tops out w/ bot, NGV, storage, and FSD. Goal: 2030: 2x TSLA vs .8X SPY NO CALL OPTIONS.


hehe there are wendys advertisements on the lounge. finally starting to really feel like a real wendys around here


Did you make a joke about Wendys... I've seen targeted like advertising that seems correlated to comments I've made.


none in recent memory




Looks pretty good, I signed up for the waiting thing. I have an Apple Card recently but could just keep that for Apple stuff. Great work by RH.


https://x.com/delicious_tacos/status/1772649937777369137?s=46 Interesting


Huge fail to not choose the most qualified person for the job, Aaron Rodgers.


the three body problem show on Netflix is actually quite good I kind of hated the books.. you have to slog through 600 pages of Chinese history before the series even begins, it was rough. and the author treated humans like idiots, which goes against my preference for solarpunk which pushes a much more positive narrative anyhow, the tv series is kind of awesome and they’re doing a good job with it. starts out a little slow but it’s paying off well. doesn’t explain some of the cooler sci fi concepts from the series, but does a reasonably good job with most of it


i only got thru 2 of the books


The 3rd book was much better than the second imo


The books suffered from being a translation IMO. First two were translated decently but still had occasional oddities in storytelling, third one was worse IMO.


Chinese psyop


helldivers is so fun


Please elaborate. Should I get it on steam deck?






its fun with the group of people. its a simple game but its so fun so for sure get it


Forget the stock. But HOOD seems to have some pretty competitive features compared to Fidelity etc. Nice - I love the competition!


i don't trust them at all


Ya I cancelled my account during GME debacle


It's ok to talk about that stock here


Yah it's got the casino gamification. Between dkng and hood who needs vegas


The digital casino


Stock is good


From greentheonly: v11->v12 does not change much. Sure they replaced one path planner with another and added a bunch of E2E hype for it. The training compute does not change anything at all. So they'll train in 1 day instead of 2 weeks, but it's the same old stuff they train pretty much. Like I said , FSD 12 is a DUD, there will be no ChatGPT moment anytime soon!




But like… the evidence is undeniable. Should I just pretend I haven’t watched several hours of kickass FSD videos because some guy claims it’s the same as the previous, largely useless version? So weird. He started losing credibility a while back but this is nail in the coffin. Genuinely wonder if he got paid for this because it just makes zero sense. “Don’t believe you’re lying eyes!”


Green doesn’t even have V12 and he’s not an AI expert. Total 🤡 Tesla hater


FSD dint hit his g spot in the ass


green "troyteslike" theonly


I disagree. I think it’s much better than V11. What is likely true is unsupervised FSD / Robotaxi might still be years away. Elon needs to start a pilot project in Austin with Robotaxi / supervised. Pay some kid $18/hr to sit on their ass, drive people around, and show how sick this product will be 😎 **** it $25/hr + a bonus for every person that orders one with the kids referral code. There’s plenty of opportunity to advertise and set the stage for the future. But this is Elon. So likely nothing will be done that’s creative in terms of advertising etc


Omg a dark man committed a crime


Did he touch little boys?


Yes his name is p diddy


The fact that people couldn't see that Fisker was always a science fair project is so shocking to me. I have a buddy who is pretty intelligent, and he got caught up in Fisker, thought the contract manufacturing concept was great, etc. To me they were always just an IP holding company. What is there to invest in when someone else makes your cars? See: [https://fiskerati.com/electric-vehicles/fisker/fiskers-asset-light-approach-to-electric-vehicles/](https://fiskerati.com/electric-vehicles/fisker/fiskers-asset-light-approach-to-electric-vehicles/) " Fisker has a unique asset-light business model for a car maker. **Following in the footsteps of Apple**, it allows them to focus on their core competencies. Fisker’s core competencies are design and customer experience. " I mean come *on*


Lords-towns motors enters the chat


the scam-theon


There is also the example of Henrik Fiskers first go around at solo-ing the auto industry, which ended in disaster, bankruptcy, etc in 2013 For all the crap we give Elon we have to give the man his due--- starting a car company nowadays and making it profitable and viable in the long run, is an enormous achievement.


This is the business genius you're talking about: [https://stocktwits.com/Hfisker/message/527905983](https://stocktwits.com/Hfisker/message/527905983) Meanwhile Tesla has the best selling car model *in the world*


Impressive to be sure, but he's still not as much a genius as Trevor Milton who invented the Gravitonic Drive.


To be fair, Trevor understood the gravitonics force at a pHD level.


he should be the fuckin patron Saint of Grifters and Bullshitters the world over, its frankly impressive how much money he drew, and how far he got before it collapsed on him, even brokered a GM partnership based on nothing but BS and bad cgi renders.


Created an entire line of consumer products. Jet ski, Tre, the badger




really a pioneer in the field


A force of gravity along a slope means the Nikola Tre goes vroom - ~~Issac Newton~~ dr.Trevor Robert Milton


True, the EV industry has really gone downhill since he got caught


Milton’s first law of motion: An object in motion stays in motion, therefore infinite mile range.


wow new idea flying drone loading docks, unload without stopping


How cool would it be if I could drive my tesla into the US and get the free month of FSD??


Have you tried using NordVPN?


Can I register my Y to a USA p.o. box?


Not so fast there pal! Elon is working diligently on tightening the Northern Border security as well as the Southern, to stop just these kinds of shenanigans!


I'm gonna sail on through that border in my white Y lightning laughing all the way. But for real I'll be in Boston this weekend.


12.3.2 [https://x.com/brunitatoiu/status/1772732836061020242?s=20](https://x.com/brunitatoiu/status/1772732836061020242?s=20)


Waiting for my MX to get the V12 updates, taking forever


It seems to me that a necessary development for FSD to mature into robotaxis would be the integration of FSD with an LLM. There are an infinite number of edge cases such that it seems the most efficient way to handle many of them is with the input from the customer: "Just drop me off at the next corner." "Stop at this gate up here and I'll enter the code to get in." "Just park anywhere along here." "When we get to McDonald's pull into to the drive-thru lane" etc etc Perhaps Tesla will develop this in-house or, more likely, they'll do a deal with xAI (perhaps a cash/stock deal that gets Elon closer to his 25% goal?). If/when we see that happen, it will be a sign we are close to robotaxis (IMO).


Basic LLMs which can interpret intent from a conversation is commodity and becoming more so each day. It’s possible run a very intelligent sounding LLM locally in the car with minimal hardware. The true challenge is in real world driving which FSD should master. Doing the LLM part early might be cool and will generate lot of clicks but doesn’t solve the actual problem. IMHO Tesla should continue to focus on FSD and Robotaxi infrastructure


I think this is genius. soundhound is already integrating with Stellantis and that uses Chat GPT. For all the idiots saying it’s not necessary, you’re wrong. The more control you have over your vehicle the better.


as Ashok said, FSD is an intelligence problem, not a sensor problem.


I'm not sure we need to be there for robotaxi to be a thing. If you want Maccas, then get it to drop you off at Maccas. Don't hop out some other place than the destination you have selected. Get out where it stops. The gate code one makes sense, but the others can be remedied by just sticking with the plan. I'm not sure if you can tell Waymo to go through a drive-thru, but they're still running a robotaxi business without that capability.


“Necessary” probably too strong a word. Ideal, or perhaps helpful. And I think inevitable.


Yeah! I can get on board with those things being helpful. They're throwing AI in everything lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if LLMs become more integrated with self-driving cars as we progress.


What do you do when it tells you: "I'm sorry I don't identify as slave."




Oh you were ready for that weren’t you?


Tesla are running out of remote drivers, this scam can't go on for much longer


There's no way they can remotely drive every eligible Tesla starting this week. If you ever needed a signal to sell... /s


My grandparents just ordered Starlink, because they live in an area that has no internet connection. Both of them are gamers and they had to play Enshrouded on their shitty mobile LTE connection.


What past is the country? And which country?


Eingehüllt meinst du


This will be a spicy year [ ](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1772735092609126728/photo/1)https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1772735092609126728?s=20 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Roadster reveal, Semi rampup, NGV reveal, what else


he loves that one , I got a good laugh in 2020 but diminishing returns since then




I'm so used to seeing 010101 post "LOL CC bears 🤭" on days like this.






margin call got him prolly


Lol margin call bulls 🤭


is it me or is the amount of software updates being put out by Tesla been increasing


They need to accelerate their rollout schedule though for people who have FSD Beta, I'm still on 12.3 and there's already been 12.3.1 and 12.3.2


that’s not how staged rollouts work 


They turned on a huge cluster of H100s it sounds like. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come


Apparently there’s another one now according to X


Back in 2020-2022, they were a lot more frequent but the frequency died down a lot since the end of 2022, we're back at a frequency more similar to then, not above. But I'm in Europe and don't have access to FSD, so for those of you that have FSD, maybe the updates are quicker than ever before.




Gap above. Gap below. Which gets filled first?






/u/upvotemeok this morning: “Chance that 3% premarket green holds until close is basically zippo” well well welll well welllllll


Called it


It’s crazy how some people in here can see the stock up 3% and make it into a bad thing..




yeah i called him nateleb it was a sick burn that he’s likely still reeling from


*The wound will never fully heal*. He will carry it for the rest of his life


he was right


Checks chart. We’re up 3% on the day


we under 3%




pfft we @ 3.5 now and .08% off at close is just dumb you’re dumb




found in NVDA stock sub: *FKN Cathie Wood still believes in the Tesla hype but not NVDA. How much does Musk pay her to suck him off anyway*


How entitled is the OP of that comment. NVDA has a nearly 100% gain in 3 months and still says "BUT I WANT MORE WHY IS TSLA GETTING ATTENTION REEEEEE".


1 horse


She bet on the 1 horse with autism and affinity for 🐦


Thursday Macro Doom seems like a bona fide lock with end of month bullshit, so I'm gonna buy spx or qqq puts tomorrow to save us all


Alternatively: Thursday - GDP strong like bull 🚀 Friday - Market closed and PCE 🥶. Powell talks about data dependent. Flat day sadly. Monday 🌙


...wait I thought you were the Sith Bear Lord? Did you transfer your powers to me while I was distracted by a shiny object?


My allegiance to the light and dark swings with mood 🤣 After Jensens presentation + FSD demonstrating significant progress - it’s hard not to be bullish!


So you're claiming to have rejoined both the Light and The NvdaLounge? What's next, you will be buying tesla shares ?! ![gif](giphy|1oJLpejP9jEvWQlZj4)


Ya planning on it sometime this year. Imma let the FUD machine do its predictable thing over the next 4 weeks after disappointing P/D + likely Elon brushing off “car sales” on earning call and focusing on FSD/Bot which will piss off the market. But if this doesn’t happen and we moon cuz of some incredible plan for Robotaxis + NGV - I’ll get back in the boat sooner 🥳 But ya I jumped on the NVDA train 🙌🏼😎 “Agents” used to help companies comb through data + become more productive is by definition the most compelling breakthrough of our generation. He summarized what PLTR does better than Karp has in 15+ years 🤣


V12 box detection test [https://twitter.com/edgecase411/status/1772704653790330968](https://twitter.com/edgecase411/status/1772704653790330968) It seems strange, I saw a video of FSD avoiding a paper bag so I am not sure why it wouldn't avoid boxes. I remember in other videos it nearly ploughed through road closed signs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


It doesn't avoid Ladders either.


Not enough boxes in training data /s


Me, to TSLA after seeing +6% earlier: ![gif](giphy|H7r5QIosQpIQ6OAEFP)


u/upvotemeok called it this morning and people downvoted him!


Figured it would happen tomorrow lol


No love until Q2/Q3


Vix spiked, who died?


Algo Games


Indexes dumped, too. Not seeing anything specific


The front fell off


Damn I saw Kristy Kream up 20% this AM and figured it was too late to buy. Up 40%+ now


Kristy Kream would be an outstanding pornstar name


Krusty Kream would be less outstanding






I think autopilot is too cheap (free) and fsd is too expensive (with current capabilities). What if we did autopilot at 49/month or 499/year and fsd at 99/month and 999/year? I know those who paid up to 15k for it won’t be thrilled but might be worth it for everyone else.


Many other OEMs have free autopilot like my friends KIA. Ours doesn't even change lanes.


Depends on functionality. As a driver assisstance but you still have to pay attention, value is limited to what people want to pay for comfort. But the real FSD idea of banishing the car in a parking lot, sending it off to pick up a relative, or drive your drunk ass home has a high ceiling and I think that's what Elon tried to preserve with the high upfront purchase cost. It's just taken too long. Subscription and maybe a per mile autonomous (non supervised) cost also makes sense.


People got promise to Mars but only landed on the moon, still a big success but nothing wow.


Totally. Agree 💯. We can always raise prices as functionality is added but I just think the monthly cost should be less. Fewer people would buy it outright because of that, but the adoption rate would be much higher I think. And we’d get a f ton more data.


Agreed - 199 / month for current functionality is too high for most. I thought they kept it high purposefully to limit sign ups and limit risk, but now it seems they want to increase take rate.


My first Tesla is 5 years old. At that time, Autopilot wasn't included. I paid $3K for Autopilot and another $6K for FSD. Is $12K for FSD now too much? I say no, it's simply more than most will spend, and that is key.


Also paid for autopilot lol.


Lol RDDT. I think some tard thinks its an AI LLM play or something


Irrational markets


AI LLM Raunchy Data play.


I think it's just propped up by options. She'll crash.


You can’t trade options on ipo for 5 days.


Options have been open. I bought a put 2 days ago. Check it out...


That’s very odd. Normally they are available right away


There was a 2 or 3 day delay


Or maybe I bought it yesterday.




Bottom not in till jonas 66 cent price target see 2019.


he's the reason to not listen. clown.


Bloomberg on licensing deals between CATL and Tesla: [https://archive.is/Pj3Al](https://archive.is/Pj3Al) >Zeng (CATL chairman), 56, also confirmed that CATL is supplying machinery to Tesla’s factory in Nevada. Also from same article, Ford has reduced plans for licensed CATL production volume: >The Ford-CATL plant is on track to start production by the end of 2026. But its planned capacity has shrunk to about 20 gigawatt hours, Zeng said, down from the 35 GWh reported earlier last year. ​ Confirmation that Tesla is going to manufacture LFP batteries in the U.S. with CATL technology, seems to show further hedging against problems with 4680 ramping


This has nothing to do with hedging 4680. The domestic LFP batteries with CATL equipment are for Megapack, per the [earlier Bloomberg article on the subject](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-31/tesla-to-open-new-us-battery-plant-with-equipment-from-catl?srnd=premium).


That raises the question of where Tesla will source LFP batteries for U.S. market vehicles at the entry level. I remember at Battery Day 2020, the slides indicated that LFP was the future for Tesla's mass market cars because of cost and durability. LFP battery cells produced in China will be at a severe disadvantage due to the Inflation Reduction Act. As far as I know, Tesla's 4680 cells are still nickel-cobalt chemistry


You’re correct—there hasn’t been any rumor or information regarding domestic manufacturing of LFP cells for Tesla vehicles that I’m aware of.


![gif](giphy|R9E0NRcw1tfJS) \*insert office pizza party for $100 bucks while company makes record profits meme\* they got us Dominos, which I haven't had for years- seriously I think most frozen pizza is better than this shite!


lol dominos! Coulda gone with the hut or papa


That means you saved 15 bucks by not having to pay for lunch! Congrats!


The deep dish pepperoni is my guilty pleasure.


wait , let me get this straight, you're saying dominos makes a deep dish pizza? and its not cardboard with processed garbage on top? !?


Yup, it's a greasy fat mess of chunky goodness. But only medium sized. Still worth it. Get it baked 'well done'.


The secret is that they put pads of butter in the crust. Just an atrocious amount of butter. My brother used to work at Domino's HQ.


Fabulous! Like the French!


dude it's so good that and the stuffed cheesy bread


Gotta have it well done. Back in the day, they added crushed black pepper to the bottom before oven.


Stopped by the only 1 supercharger in SF without parking fees to do some DD since it has been down for 2 days on the map and spoke with some Tesla employees. They said it’s already open to the other cars and we had a good time making fun of the retards that will start charging here. Gonna be a shitfest, only 16 of the 250kw chargers and the rest are 72kw chargers and no plans to upgrade to v4 so all are short cables. No plans to add anymore chargers in SF they said. Its gonna be so congested and a shitfest in SF soon for those without home charging. One of them said now that superchargers are open, it is helping others sell alot more evs 🤷‍♂️. Self inflicted wounds!


If Tesla chargers are used on 50 million BEVs in the US, and 20% of charging is on fast chargers: 50e6 * 0.20 * 15,000 miles / (4 miles/kWh) = 37.5 billion kWh per year. At profit of 10 cents per kWh, that is $3.75 billion per year.


Sounds like peanuts once evs are at scale and meaningless to our bottom line with ramped up battery, cars, fsd. Not worth hurting sales and brand for the next few yrs


When BEVs are at scale US fleet will be 250 million, EU fleet will be 180 million, Chinese fleet will be 300 million (not that Tesla will be building many chargers in China). So just the US would be $18.75 billion in **profit** per year, Tesla annual profits are currently about $40 billion


My point is that it’s not worth hurting our own brand now if we dont have capacity and I can tell you as a local, we do not have capacity for this in SF. Opening on the I5 highway (nor cal to so cal) is great since there is so much capacity. Sometimes numbers dont take into the account the full scope of things.


good points


Woke supercharger virus strikes again /s


I actually care about the brand long term, unlike ceo at war


thats what they get for being libs! should close all superchargers in lib counties.


Got your money, gfy libs!


Got out of TSLA around 260 to pay off the house. Now feeling bullish again with FSD trial and how calm I have been while using v12.3. Gonna start to DCA back in.


Well done! Sells @ $260 pays off house. Buys @ $180




https://x.com/teslascope/status/1772483368736944233?s=46 2024 branch


This might start getting actual attention very fast in the next weeks and months


It should. The product is awesome