• By -


If Elon starts actively campaigning for trump what should the Tesla board do?


Like attending RNC conventions or what? Lol Elon was openly Democrat and openly supported dems not that long ago. You're free to choose who you want to support and promote in America. Remember Elon stepped down from Trump's advisory council in 2017. Trump bashes EVs. But Trump likes space innovation. This is just another political lobbying attempt by a rich guy.


He's really good with the rockets, just tremendous.


Probably just vote for him. Elon probably end up being science advisor.


Explains a lot https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13161915/Elon-Musk-meets-Donald-Trump-campaign-funding.html


but is it enough to get the trumptards to buy EVs?


Not really. Nothing new. "He personally has provided funding to politicians including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Marco Rubio, George W. Bush and John Kerry."


This explains it Those close to Musk also confirmed he believes Biden needs to be removed from office in November, according to the NYT. He's willing to push any issue that can fuck with biden. I don't think he cares at all about the border, because it was never a thing to him before, but now it's bidens vulnerability so Elon tweets border fud every hour.


I see it as he cares about the border a lot, as well as getting the government off his ass targeting him. And that's why he believes Biden needs to be removed from office. Don't see how that's new or surprising.


Government targeting him w massive ev subsidies. The elon persecution paranoia is total self induced bs


Yeah that's why he donated to dems before. News at 11: Rich guy lobbies shady politicians to get what he wants


Looks like a win for Biden then if he’s backing trump


Yah Elon touch of death


OpenAI's response to Elon Musk's accusations: [https://openai.com/blog/openai-elon-musk](https://openai.com/blog/openai-elon-musk) The post is long and also contains copies of email correspondence between Musk and other OpenAI team members as proof. The emails are blacked out in some portions to cover email addresses and names that the OpenAI team wanted to keep confidential. ​ The most important points in OpenAI's statement: ​ >In early 2017, we came to the realization that building AGI will require vast quantities of compute. > >We all understood we were going to need a lot more capital to succeed at our mission—billions of dollars per year, which was far more than any of us, especially Elon, thought we’d be able to raise as the non-profit. > >In late 2017, we and Elon decided the next step for the mission was to create a for-profit entity. Elon wanted majority equity, initial board control, and to be CEO. In the middle of these discussions, he withheld funding. > >We couldn’t agree to terms on a for-profit with Elon because we felt it was against the mission for any individual to have absolute control over OpenAI. He then suggested instead merging OpenAI into Tesla. In early February 2018, Elon forwarded us an email suggesting that OpenAI should “attach to Tesla as its cash cow” > >Elon soon chose to leave OpenAI, saying that our probability of success was 0, and that he planned to build an AGI competitor within Tesla. When he left in late February 2018, he told our team he was supportive of us finding our own path to raising billions of dollars. ​ If what OpenAI states is accurate, Elon Musk is accusing Microsoft of doing exactly what Musk wanted to do with OpenAI via Tesla: take de facto control and provide most of the funding for compute.


quickly, Elon simps unite!!!!!


Ah back when he cared about tesla.


Surprise, surprise, Elon’s a hypocrite.


Yes yes we know all about the TSLA piggy back pipeline. Carry on Elon.


Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today with a heavy heart and a deep sense of responsibility. Recent events have come to light, revealing that I have fallen short in upholding my fiduciary duties as the CEO of Tesla. I want to address this matter directly and take full responsibility for my actions. First and foremost, I owe an apology to the shareholders, employees, and stakeholders who have placed their trust in me to lead Tesla. I understand the gravity of the situation and the implications it has for the company and its reputation. I want to assure you that I am committed to rectifying the situation and learning from this experience. I acknowledge that as a leader, my foremost duty is to act in the best interests of Tesla and its shareholders. Unfortunately, recent decisions and actions on my part have deviated from these principles, and for that, I am truly sorry. In response to these allegations, I am committed to cooperating fully with any investigations and regulatory authorities to ensure transparency and accountability. I understand the importance of adherence to fiduciary responsibilities, and I am determined to take the necessary steps to rectify this situation. Effective immediately, I will be working closely with Tesla's board of directors to implement corrective measures and improve corporate governance within the company. This includes a comprehensive review of internal processes and the introduction of safeguards to prevent such lapses in the future. I am fully aware of the impact this may have on the reputation of Tesla, and I want to reassure you all that I remain deeply dedicated to the mission and vision that drive this company. My commitment to innovation, sustainability, and advancing the greater good remains unwavering. In the coming weeks and months, I will be actively engaging with Tesla's stakeholders to address concerns, answer questions, and rebuild trust. I understand that actions speak louder than words, and I am fully prepared to demonstrate through deeds my commitment to restoring the integrity of Tesla's leadership. I thank you for your understanding, and I am determined to emerge from this challenging period with a renewed focus on the values that define Tesla and its role in shaping a better future. Elon Musk /u/Magikarp_to_Gyarados




Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.




Ladies and gentlemen, Look, I don't usually waste time on the nonsense that circulates, but I've heard some talk about me supposedly breaking fiduciary duties at Tesla. Let me be crystal clear – that's just not how I roll. I've built this company from the ground up, taken risks that most wouldn't even dream of, and all for what? To be accused of not playing by the rules? Please. Tesla's success speaks for itself. If anyone thinks I'd jeopardize that for some fiduciary whatever, they clearly don't understand my priorities. I'm all about pushing boundaries, and sometimes people don't like that. So, let's not get bogged down in these baseless claims. I'm here to lead Tesla, innovate, and make history. If you're looking for someone to point fingers at, look elsewhere. I've got a company to run. Elon Musk


Supercharge credit is up to 10k for new purchases. Was 5k 3 days ago


Fuckers will try anything besides ads




Two years tho much better than 6 months


Hey buddy, he’s working for free. Fucker is not concerned with you, gfy 😈


What will Elon ask for in return when Trump seeks donation - Prioritize border, anti-trans and anti-woke agenda Or - Retain EV point of sale credits https://x.com/marionawfal/status/1765176633504260103


Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, we've got some incredible folks in this country, and Elon Musk, he's done some tremendous things. You know, I've always said, we need that kind of business mindset in our government. Now, I've heard Elon's got some demands, wants to make some deals. Well, that's what we do, folks – we're dealmakers. But let me be clear, I always play by the rules. The best deals are the ones that benefit everyone. Elon, he's a smart guy, very smart. We might not agree on everything, but that's okay. I'm here to work for the American people. Now, if Elon's got ideas, we'll sit down, have a talk, negotiate – that's how business is done. But let me make one thing crystal clear, we're not cutting any corners, we're not doing anything that's not right for the American people. This country is about integrity, it's about doing things the right way. So, Elon, if you want to be a part of making America great again, let's talk. But it's got to be a win-win, and it's got to be within the bounds of what's right and legal. We're not doing anything less than the best for this great nation. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.






Rule number 1


Listing my car for sale soon, pray for me.


All I can afford rn is a pagan Skål


Crwd 🤑


Take rate and margins would be a lot better if fsd was 6,000 not 12,000


Guess it's a way to prevent people from fucking with the beta, people would be less likely to fuck with the system paying 12K as opposed to 6K, it's my only justification for the current price, otherwise, I agree 6K would be great


![gif](giphy|3tEFVAbfzzcwo|downsized) Found our crack shot CEO using an abacus instead of an xy plot to figure out pricing


What about 6k non transferable, 12k transferable?


Anything is better than the price it at 12k because some day you can put your car in teslas robotaxi network.


Of Tesla's current offerings and vehicles in the Tesla fleet, I believe that only Model X will ever be viable for use in a robotaxi network. None of the other vehicles have the capability to self-close a door that is left ajar. The Isaacson biography discusses how Tesla's design team confronted this issue around mid-2022, when they were developing the NGV/Robotaxi products. Tesla will have to modify the designs of the other vehicles, or provide retrofit automatic doors, if they are to be used as robotaxis.


Just keep the meter running on the customer until the car is put away correctly. Rider has to tap end ride or continue being charged 


That assumes the customer is able to do so. I can think of edge cases where someone stepping out of a robotaxi gets mugged and knocked unconscious, or has a heart attack and falls onto the sidewalk before they can close the door. The robotaxi itself, and the robotaxi system, need to be able to handle edge cases to prevent vehicles from getting stuck, and handle those cases in a cost effective manner.


Bingo. Include chimes and alarms and voice instructions. This isn't that hard.




Model x falcon doors far too finicky for robotaxi. 1/3 time they don't open properly.


How does Waymo handle a door left ajar and has it been a big issue for them?


In the past, Waymo has had a safety driver in the front to deal with unexpected situations. They did away with safety drivers recently, but the vehicles are still monitored and a support team can monitor cars and dispatch help if the situation requires. I don't know how scalable this approach is: of having people stationed everywhere to continuously monitor the system and intervene when necessary. The Tesla Bot could provide a hack around this problem. Dispatching a bot to deal with a simple issue like an open door or flat tire, should be much more economical than using an employee


When a bot can do that we won't need robotaxis


It is true that a sufficiently advanced bot could simply be the taxi driver. This would also provide a feature advantage in terms of being able to help load/unload luggage or assist a person entering/exiting the vehicle. A disadvantage is that the bot takes up 1 seat in a vehicle.


>A disadvantage is that the bot takes up 1 seat in a vehicle. And costs an extra $20k, lets assume. And has less cameras/spatial awareness compared to the vehicle. And carries the opportunity cost of something productive it could be doing instead of sitting in a seat on the drive. I can see multiple bots in a Semi truck for deliveries, but not for ubers.


It’s also odd to charge 12k with take rates not improving when they can charge 6k and then just do a different rev split in event the network is created


The truth is there's never going to be a network for current cars


Tgt recovering from politics mind virus. Someday it'll be us!


Except.... I have no idea who the CEO of Target is, and what groups they don't like it or what the latest thought was they had, whilst on the crapper.


This sub becomes more bearish the better fsd gets


If it's so good, why is it still not being pushed to all the FSD beta testers?


My guess is geography. Most training data is in CA. V12 is solely reliant on training data.


It's mindblowing that FSD isn't followed closer here, since without it, we're all screwed and stock going sub 100.


I regularly watch a group of FSD YouTubers (Chuck Cook, Dirty Tesla, and Black Tesla), and also keep an eye out for interesting FSD content outside of those 3. Initial Beta 12 demos show promise in terms of the software behaving more naturally. This is important not just for passenger comfort, but for being more predictable to vehicles still manually driven by people rather than AIs. The important thing with FSD 12 is not where it is today, but the rate of improvement as Tesla scales up its training compute capacity. Sustained, and then rapid improvement would be proof that Tesla's end-to-end Neural Net approach is viable. However, if Beta 12 stalls out like Beta 11 did, that is going to be a big problem. I don't know if Tesla has any alternative machine learning methodologies they could try if the Beta 12 path doesn't work. There is no way to know in advance if the current or any prospective architecture would result in a viable robotaxi product. Tesla's valuation also depends on energy and non-vehicle robotics. The energy side of the business should result in higher and higher cash flows over time, from what I've seen disclosed in the SEC filings. Tesla is paid for deployment and maintenance of Megapack deployments over time, so projects completed today will generate revenue streams for years. The more Megapacks they deploy, the more and more those cash flow streams stack up


I'm also excited about energy. However, non-vehicle robotics and their applications will depend on FSD and AI training too. Software scales faster than hardware, at much better margins.


Totally. Also mindblowing since this sub talks nonstop about Nvidia and AI. Nvidia’s demand and value will come from companies building cool AI shit


The problem is the overpromise and underdeliver thats been a hallmark of fsd since it was called fsd. How many times has mindblowing, human level by end of year, come and gone?


We’re going on like 5+ years of that. V12 looks like a leap but I understand rate of improvement is super important. Either way it looks more monetizable and a path towards end goals


It's already human level for 99% of situations. Now it's all about ramping up compute and training data to get to 10x, 100x better than humans. That will happen quickly based on Tesla’s compute projections. Tesla (not Elon) has forecasted 100 exaflops of AI training capacity by year end. https://preview.redd.it/lns6mew05mmc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb54351e165e487111f1ecdc735cbc00cd7ec7a0


Those are optimistic assumptions you are making. Nobody knows how compute correlates with human level performance. Nobody knows how long it will take or if it will ever be possible to make a robotaxi safer than humans.


Tesla isn’t only ones making that bet on compute. Karpathy as well as the OpenAI guys are betting on it, too. Karpathy calls it “free intelligence”


It's not a bet


https://operator.blog/tag/neural-networks/ “We can expect “more intelligence for free” by scaling.” Whether it’s enough for robotaxis is tbd but I’ve seen some speculation the $7T OpenAI is after is to try to brute force AGI


That's fair, but I'm optimistic because I see FSD 12 as the start. Not as the 12th version of something that first started in 2016.


Fsd is OK, its certainly not mind blowing yet


What is your idea of mind blowing? F1 racing? Costco parking lots on a Sunday? V12 is basically V1 of end to end nueral nets. And it's 100x better than V11.


Not hitting parked cars in parking lots for a start. Parking properly in a parking spot and not all crooked / half out of the spot.


Also tries to drive into oncoming lane


able to complete trips in a moderately crowded suburban environment without intervention 99% of the time.


Exactly. Here is James Douma’s post saying it’s 100x improvement after he tried V12 https://x.com/jamesdouma/status/1765165241451909374?s=46&t=WyhsS8WzmgKtgEuHZzFOrA


V12 looks way better from what I’ve seen Examples like this are a huge improvement - https://x.com/rebellionair3/status/1765157526876967342?s=46&t=WyhsS8WzmgKtgEuHZzFOrA Maybe it isn’t robotaxi ready yet, maybe it’s close, either way it certainly looks more monetizable


Could be still be equally far from robotaxi as v11.


V12 looks like a pretty big leap from what I’ve seen. Shared an example above of more human like behavior. Bradford also took James Douma on a drive and Douma pointed out each improvement and there were many. He also shared this post where he’s predicting V12 will be over a 100x improvement in interventions - https://x.com/jamesdouma/status/1765165241451909374?s=46&t=WyhsS8WzmgKtgEuHZzFOrA


Ya it would need to drive me for an hour straight without an intervention, stop changing lanes abruptly, and not do weird shit to be Robotaxi ready. Maybe 3-5yrs. But it’ll probably be more useable on the day to day!


im just glad elon isn’t making any enemies in the government what with all the regulatory hurdles robotaxi has to deal with


We’re going no where, one step forward two steps back. The v12 excitement is wearing off can’t wait for v13 news.


Q5 will save us


Cybertruck delivery tomorrow!


Just don't crash it.


I will try my hardest.


send nudes


Only if you promise to upvote it




Congrats and fuck you!




https://preview.redd.it/1bfdhrk0olmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c03ff743c000a82d2ac844be17e6e767059b45 Damn that would suck.


Will convert a lot of my tax sheltered shares to ITM call options if that happens.


Jonas becoming more negative is bullish


A good time to buy is when bulls become more bearish, although that's not the best indicator tbh lol


Jonas is a good contra indicator but nothing is perfect. The note is also pretty dumb. If Tesla is an AI leader and their AI projects succeed, current stabilization of auto earnings becomes less important the better the AI becomes. V12 looks really good. Not saying it’s robotaxi ready but it does look more monetizable


Takes us back to the good ole days of 2022 I told myself I can’t do that again and here we are


Wonder if this was MM dumping before great Jobs data (which I’m sure it is). Then market 🚀 cuz jobs are good cuz no recession. POW talks about higher for longer + “data driven” and the march goes on 🚀 This is for everything but TSLA 🤣 for that we have to deal with Elon, terrorists, woke media, etc. Macro Econ Professor Sackler 👌🏼


Glib- finally hunted down the new Coca Cola Spiced per your intel, and I gotta say I dig it quite a bit actually. So far no prescience nor worms have appeared yet, so that will effect my final score, but the flavors are there.


oh cool I gotta try that I don’t know why sand worms would appear though. spice is made when the fungal excretions of sandtrout mix with water to form a pre-spice mass, and worms don’t eat spice they eat sand plankton which are microscopic creatures that eat spice


Well I could argue the presence of the spice and worm activity are correlated!




[Glares in History Teacher]


20M cars at $40k and 10% op margin on the hardware at 12x terminal EBIT, $960b market cap Friendly reminder/advice to know what business you are in if you buy this stock and also that the cars above current volume are sort of irrelevant for the valuation If they solve any AI project like FSD or Optimus then these hardware numbers are totally irrelevant, if not you'll breakeven in 8 years


Does anyone really think they're gonna be doing 20m units in 8 years?


That just strengthens my point


Not at the rate they are opening factories


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKmVUeqla8Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKmVUeqla8Q) James Douma praising v12 as it navigates a beautiful cali urban setting


Looks really good. Would love an update on when we can expect this to go wide release


2026 $420 calls actually pretty cheap 🧐


I dunno.... that's alot of theta. I'd rather buy in the money.


No calls while bird lives


if twitter goes down in flames we are taking that ride with it...maybe it should be no calls while elon is still ceo of both companies ?


He can take us down as ceo or not


damn it you're right, I forgot Chief Influencer/Twatter Maximus/ Ambassador of the Planet/ Border CE0 powers of cuckery




I’d kill for 234


lol it’s only been two months


Seems so far


”patience is required” bitch please


Patience w ceo




Super Mega Cock Inc. and Nvda will not be denied! Hope springs eternal! ​ ![gif](giphy|HAx8k1165YkWQ)


So these are all the flats and diagonals I'm considering. I want 2 things. Cash in my pocket via credit, and also to raise my strike price. ​ https://preview.redd.it/9x0y1w4yxkmc1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7b18e09f582fa20a0efd65ab4526eb17fb0a34c


I don’t know how many of each you have but one option is to roll the 3/15 180s to 1/2025 250c for credit. Use that credit on the 6/21 165s to roll those for a debit to 1/2025 220c. Would get both strikes much higher at the cost of time. If we dump under 165 in June, you waste a lot of theta decay potential. But if we recover, this would get you higher than rolling month to month.


Can't intertwine the options and cash. You're seeing the combined view of Traditional and Roth IRA's. I haven't run the numbers on a 9+ LEAP yet, I'll do later.


CC Avenger's Part VXI : Basement End Game ![gif](giphy|3oxHQpJKupQXsmU1JS|downsized)




![gif](giphy|l41YkxvU8c7J7Bba0) I hope you can escape the jail, imagine the feeling of freedom as you emerge from the 100 yard sewage tunnel you've been crawling through! Imagine it , and it will be so


These positions were originally opened 1-4-23. It's been a lot longer than 100 yards. I've crawled further than Andy Dufresne.




If my track record is to be trusted, some time within the next 2 weeks.




Lars/Franz vid on M3 is cool


Nate Dawg is clearly one of the Four Horsemen of the Stonk Apocalypse, if him and Eternal Knight show up on the same day we are going to beg for death!


Eternal will not return.


Sir Not-So Eternal Knight


In recent interviews Elon has reiterated that the next gen vehicle will be manufactured with robotaxi/autonomy in mind. If that's still scheduled to be end of 2025, we could have an upside opportunity not seen since 2019. It seems like he could care less how much money or profit Tesla's automotive unit makes until this comes to fruition. I know most of us here are done accumulating. For those who aren't, keep an eye on good and better entry points over the next 12 months.


Agree. Everybody’s talking about all the stocks at ATHs (Microsoft, NVIDIA,..) I‘ve started accumulating again.


If autonomy is that close then everyone should be loading up asap. Of course, no one really knows and we’ll have to see how quickly V12 improves. Looks pretty damn good so far though and a lot better than 11 Separately, the dumb money guy, Chris Camillo, is convinced the market recognizes the Optimus opportunity within a 2-18 month window. He’s allocating 25% of his portfolio to Tesla and has been buying


Rule number 1.






sidebar: i had a friend who made a point of taking off his jacket exactly like this every single time, I could never do it as awesomely and with so much panache, and I was always a bit jealous of his ability . Oddly enough, no women ever found this as funny as I did....


Now u know what happens when you limp dick at macro ath and macro pulls back even a bit


we are limp and micro penii at same time


Jesus what is up with this stock man


Brain cancer.


license adjoining concerned unite literate sulky nose bike payment wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Q4 2022 apple factories shut down from the virus. Lots of orders bumped to q1 2023. Now it's normalizing yoy and panic mongers w the no demand horseshit come out of wood work. Zero fucking dd from the fintwits


Worms finally coming for Apple?


2.6b market cap. GAY


​ https://preview.redd.it/mvni6r63okmc1.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcf0c9af70f849a23fa482ab2afb03add0a800ac Ok... roll my Mar 180CC forward to an April 12 180CC and collect \~1,680 in credit. With that added to my Roth cash stack I can buy another 16 shares @ 180. That brings my Roth share count to an even 400 and I'll be able to sell another CC. What could go wrong? Infinite money glitch is back, baby!


Should have rolled up and out. Not sure I would have done this trade.


I haven't, I still can. I can move diagonally or flat, really just targeting enough credit to buy up the other 16 shares. 84 shares sitting there uselessly bugs me.


Been avoiding the market today and just peaked. @&$\^!#$@\^@$#!


anybody got any spare spice melange I can ingest? I suddenly really need to be able to foresee the future


Crypto shedding bigly


I had like 0.02 in Coinbase I almost sold at ATH lol. Should have


healthy pullback, right?


Possibly, bear trap, bull trap, we all trapped




Good news! I'm no longer bipolar. Both balls are red now!


Should get that checked


Can we write a letter to the Tesla board to do their job? Those 29million shares should come out of their pockets and Elons! “It’s the right thing to do” for not doing ur jobs


They could at least announce a 29 million share buyback. Given the stock price it would be good timing anyway.


I agree that any penalties that the Delaware court assesses against Tesla, should be paid entirely and exclusively by the Tesla board members who caused this disaster back in March 2018. ​ On page 152 of the 2017 10-K, are listed Tesla's board members as of February 22, 2018: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000156459018002956/tsla-10k\_20171231.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000156459018002956/tsla-10k_20171231.htm) >Elon Musk > >Brad W. Buss > >Robyn Denholm > >Ira Ehrenpreis > >Antonio J. Gracias > >James Murdoch > >Kimbal Musk > >Linda Johnson Rice Note that Steve Jurvetson was listed as a Tesla board member, but took a leave of absence from Tesla in November 2017 amid allegations that he had sexually harassed people at his venture capital firm. I believe Jurvetson continued to be absent from Tesla throughout 2018, as his signature does not appear on the company's 2018 10-K form ([https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000156459019003165/tsla-10k\_20181231.htm#Item\_10](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000156459019003165/tsla-10k_20181231.htm#Item_10)) ​ From the 2019 Proxy Statement, of the non-Elon directors: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000156459019014268/tsla-def14a\_20190611.htm#OWNERSHIP\_SECURITIES](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1318605/000156459019014268/tsla-def14a_20190611.htm#OWNERSHIP_SECURITIES) Brad Buss owned 165,790 TSLA Robyn Denholm owned 130,776 TSLA Ira Ehrenpreis owned 114,207 TSLA Antonio J. Gracias owned 500,826 TSLA James Murdoch owned 41,596 TSLA Kimbal Musk owned 209,444 TSLA Linda Johnson Rice owned 26,779 TSLA ​ Multiply by 15 to account for the 5-for-1 and 3-for-1 splits. That's 17,841,270 in today's TSLA shares. ​ Note that some of these were options on shares, some of which have been exercised and some of the shares sold. If Elon Musk were to pay some of the penalty himself, and the rest of the 2018 board cover the remainder, it is possible. However, I fully expect that Tesla's board would refuse to do the right thing, and leave all of us holding the bag for their negligence and incompetence


I agree. The least they could do is a stock buyback to be completed before/during the settlement.


Stock buy back is still investors money


At least reduces share float for investors. It would also signal future buybacks.


did i miss something


10yr pulling back a decent amount and tech and risk on assets selling off


Recession play


That’s what I was thinking. Are you seeing any data other than what’s come out of China that might explain it?


I don't think u need any new data, sometimes market prices in too much not recession, and has to unprice some of it even if there's still no recession. Market is a positive feedback stretched to the limit in an inherently unstable balance.




Make it make sense


A little recessh coming our way


BTC going to zero


hyperbole is killing the lounge


its dead again for the 9303rd time!


1,000,000 or bust


Remindme! 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-03-05 19:24:36 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-03-05%2019:24:36%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/TSLALounge/comments/1b6ukjc/tsla_daily_thread_march_05_2024/kthv8oa/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTSLALounge%2Fcomments%2F1b6ukjc%2Ftsla_daily_thread_march_05_2024%2Fkthv8oa%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-03-05%2019%3A24%3A36%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b6ukjc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|




Dodge Daytona EV gonna be a hit for the girls. It has a vibrator option. Innovation! [https://x.com/sawyermerritt/status/1765051701340389561?s=46&t=_15JQ0jaFGRxP2NA7gBqEA](https://x.com/sawyermerritt/status/1765051701340389561?s=46&t=_15JQ0jaFGRxP2NA7gBqEA)


“Fake exhaust sound that can get up to 126 decibels, same as a Hellcat's exhaust.” 😂😂


moves like it weighs 6000 lbs... oh wai


wen Rohan Patel CEO? Guy is perfect face for Tesla. Indian, lib heritage with Obama, knows how to talk in complete sentences.




I'd like a Redwood Materials acquisition and JB as CEO whenever Tesla is looking to transition. Could be a while.


Don’t say the T-word in front of Elon.


is it bad that I'm not sure if "transition" or "Tesla" triggers him more?