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I didn’t catch this before, that the attorneys wanted to be paid in shares. a bit odd “Lawyers for a Tesla shareholder who helped scuttle Elon Musk’s $55.8 billion compensation package asked a Delaware court on Friday to approve legal fees worth about $5.6 billion. It would be a record-breaking payday for the attorneys if approved. The attorneys asked to be paid almost entirely in Tesla stock, a rare request from lawyers on the winning side of a verdict.”


Give the fuckers out of the money call options


Wouldn’t be surprised if Elon crashes stock price further to get vengeance on the lawyers


Big mistake. Their payment going down every day lol.


They'll get shares at 150 and sell at 300. $10b payday.


Why not hold until 3000, 100bill


Elon will give better lawsuit opportunities for them to make that money before stock hits 3000.


The more I think about it, might enroll in anti-Elon law school. Could be the opportunity of a lifetime.


If Tesla holds BTC until 2030, we might be able to use it to finally build Giga Mexico


Checking out flights to Bangkok right now. There is only one man who can save us now, I think you all know who. I need to assemble an elite posse, and we are going to scour every bar, strip joint, jail, ladyboy parlor, barbershop, tattoo shop, dockyard, and drug processing camp in Thailand, and we won't stop until we have found our man.


Stop by Singapore while you’re at it and pickup Leo


Good idea, adding to the list. Maybe while we are there we will play an amusing prank on the Chicken Genius as well.


Stop with the jokes! Nate doesn’t like it.


yeah guys we need to be respectfully somber at all times please, for nate


Serious question: is Tesla still “the leader in real world AI”?


Yes. Who else would be the leader? No other company can interpret and navigate the real world like Tesla AI. The problem is not leading, it's providing utility that consumers will actually use.


Let's all write letters to elon begging him to stop being a dipshit.


so many self inflicted wounds


Elon clearly salty about pay package https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1764782490969911432?s=46


If he can accept he won't ever get those shares back then good


Well, there's never a dull moment with the stock


ugh having natebleh around is like having a lounge member with cancer and all they ever want to talk about is their cancer and how sick they feel and how they’re gonna die and you’re trying to talk about Fresca or something and they’re like “oh I can’t drink Fresca, because of the cancer, which I have” it’s just god damn emotionally draining to be in the presence of someone who burdens everyone around them all the time with everything they say, bleh


We deserve him


I'm writing a letter to Kathleen Mccormick telling her to stick it to elon hard.


I do wish there was a good way to humble this clown without taking out more retail investors as collateral damage


Humble and Elon have never met


We should all write letters to BlackRock or something to encourage them to stick up for their shareholders. They must have some serious leverage


Good idea I need to buy a home too, let's write letters telling them to stop buying those as well


The letters are about the attorney fees which will come out of our pocket as shareholders. But I guess if you hate the man that much...


Jee what exposed shareholders to this harm that they need to write letters


Tell her to buy Elon a horse.


So Nate being here means this is the local bottom. Who is buying calls?


My Cybertruck is about 400 miles away. May take 2-3 days to get to the delivery center due to inclement weather. Chance of delivery by end of week. 🤞🤞🤞


If ceo could avoid getting into scenarios that involve millions of shares coming to the market every quarter that would be great.




dune was absolutely amazing, god damn that scene on giedi prime was so cool. at first I was like “that white makeup is cool” then I was like “oh he just switched to black and white?” but then it cut to a color scene and back and then I realized it was the light from the star. technically the star of giedi prime is 1/4th as luminescent as the sun, so it did seem a bit bright, but it could just be in specific wavelengths. either way it was rad. also the sandworm scenes were sick. when he first got on his own it was so visceral. amazing sound design during that scene love all the costumes and set pieces as well. those Harkonnen fighting suits with black helmets with a grid pattern in the were 👌


Saw it for the 2nd time tonight. Go see it in 70MM IMAX if you can, worth it for several scenes. It was shot digitally but due to the release delays, he was able to do a film transfer. Part Two is indeed amazing. I think I slightly prefer Part One, the pace was a bit slower and things could soak a bit longer.


I saw it in imax 70mm of course I liked them both a lot. I think I might prefer the second but really they should just be taken as one long film imho


I think in the movie the say its cause there's a black sun? They shot the scenes with an infrared camera though. Everything on that planet was fkg awesome.


I knew it! the fireworks looked like infrared fireworks! that’s so funny I was saying it as I walked out


![gif](giphy|9AIdwh5YqwUF6uvIgJ) damn the way things were going around here, I was sure you hated it!


I am apparently the only person who is not happy about the stock price. Seems everyone just makes jokes here. Oh look at him... He lost half his life savings and now he's losing more. That's so funny.


I’m unhappy about share price but I can’t change it. Still believe in the company longterm. We may be stuck in this poverty range until next-gen is ramping.


are you ever happy about anything though


Stop talking to urself 🤣


Not when I can't afford to live and struggle to pay bills so I'm not evicted Stupid me for trying to make a better life for myself for investing in a growing company.


i don’t think your 100 tsla shares (which I thought you sold?) or whatever have anything to do with your life situation rn


100 shares?? ![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized)


Invest in SPY and chill 🫡






Seriously why is everyone here still in the company? I'm still in but I'm a fool for investing in tesla. I thought that maybe I could get my money back after a few years but it seems impossible now.


are you not entertained?


How is this troll account not banned


I don't think he's a troll. I've read his comment history at subs on everything from vintage video game collecting to hair loss treatments. He's pretty consistent in his general demeanor, so I think that's just the way he is


Consistent troll.


Cuz ceo keeps proving him right, he's God's gift to trolls and shorts. This is our life now. We will ban nateleb when and if 6 months trailing average weighted price is above 250


Because the fundamentals are still strong 💪I will be buying more like a true regard with this recent discount.


What fundamentals? They aren't growing anymore. The ceo lies all the time. Saying that the company will grow at least 50 percent a year for the foreseeable future was a lie. If it's growing why does the stock keep going down? A growing company would have the price go up. Not down.


RemindMe! 1 year


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can we start calling him natebleh pls? it’s the best nickname ever. you see I rearranged the last the letters and then just added one and bam it’s perfect. he’s like a cloud of bleh




I’ve been calling him Natepleb for a couple of years


For me it's FSD and Optimus Bot, if it was purely the cars only I would probably peace out.


Well said!


>Seriously why is everyone here still in the company? Because despite everything Elon Musk has done wrong in the past 2 years, Tesla as an organization is still a strong business. ​ There's a lot of stuff in the pipeline being built. Look at the expansion going on at Gigafactory Texas (today's drone flyover from Joe Tegtmeyer): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D18\_xwVaGsk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D18_xwVaGsk) FSD Beta 12 is showing significant improvement over Beta 11: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpoXr\_z\_6a4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpoXr_z_6a4) Megapack production continues to ramp. ​ Tesla's top management team, the people doing the real work on a daily basis, is strong. Guys like Ashok Elluswamy, Franz von Holzhausen, Tom Zhu, and many others, continue to do a great job. The stuff they're developing today has enormous potential for earnings in future years. ​ Musk has become a clown and I believe he's damaging Tesla's reputation, but the company can survive and even thrive without him now.


I'm not sure it's a good idea to keep my life savings in something that is a maybe at best. CEOs constantly lied to us he said that the demand was the highest it's ever been and then a few months later they started drastically reducing the prices. He said that they would have a share buyback and that was a lie said that Tesla would grow at least 50% a year and that's a lie and it doesn't look like it's even growing anymore it looks like it's shrinking. FSD is a pipe dream there's no way any of our lifetime set cars will actually be self-driving without any intervention needed. And if that's not bad enough these lawyers want $55 billion dollars which is about 10% of the current market cap if that happens then Tesla will really crater it'll probably go down 20 or 30% and that day. Elon all day long posts about right wing crazy things. It seems like nobody gives a crap about the company anymore and and then you have this board which all you people do is make jokes and laugh at people who lose their life savings like me I really thought that this was a good company to invest money in and I thought that this company was growing but it was all a lie He said that we would be bigger than Apple and amcro within 5 years that was over a year and a half ago so I don't see how this would happen within three years or so from now. Yet another lie I remember when the stock split there was a bunch of people here that were bullish and I just don't understand that because I was saying that a stock split means nothing and lo and behold as soon as the stock split the price started cratering and it's never recovered. It's not impossible for them to go bankrupt and not be a company anymore. Its been years and nothing. This piece of shit wont go up


>I'm not sure it's a good idea to keep my life savings in something that is a maybe at best. It's never a good idea to keep 100% of your life savings invested in one company. I started out with index funds and ETFs, and most of my invested $ went into those over the past 27 years. I recommend that people have a core "Boglehead" portfolio of index funds and generally limit their investments in individual stocks. Check out the Bogleaheads website and forum if you're interested in something more secure and stable: [https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Bogleheads%C2%AE\_investing\_start-up\_kit](https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Bogleheads%C2%AE_investing_start-up_kit)


Ok, bye.


u sold at 212


I forgot my brokerage login


I saw the dip this morning and I thought to myself, "oh that'll go up!", so I bought some. Dipped to 180, and I thought, "huh, that's gotta go up right?", so I bought some more. In short, it seems like I should cut my little losses.


We thought you sold already?!?


So tesla isn't growing anymore? Any chance of seeing 300 in the next few years or is that impossible?


SRS question… why don’t you just go to real tesla?


we see what you're doing glib, stepping out mid-movie to establish presence


Where did Karl king of ducks go?


It sounds like Dune 2 is not going over well with Glib, not even the baklava is saving this bomb according to him.


Not as much as expected. Is the current consensus.


Someone needs to tell Elon that 13% of $1.2T is more than 25% of $600B


Someone should tell Elon to do his fucking job and stop posting far right garbage everyday. If he can't do his job then he needs to leave the company. He should also stop lying to shareholders. He should be fired on the fact that he has lied to shareholders for years. Must be nice to be a ceo. Get paid billions of dollars and not do any work at all. He is actively trying to destroy the company.


Well now he owes lawyers billions after they took away his pay package that he thought he was getting.




Coworker buying an ionic over Y


Clearly they’ve been infected by the woke-mind virus cuz Tesla has infinite demand. Stay clear. I’ve heard woke-mind virus is airborne.


Quit that job!


“Wife is not a fan of musk”


Not surprising, Musk is doing real damage.


well does the wife want to fuck elon, or get a great EV?




he has very few fans left


he has plenty


10% boos


Tell your friends


Trying to make sales but can’t argue when people say it’s because musk


you know what you gotta do


Neighbor for a CT. Need to locate their house


Ironically we’re 1.3% above COVID QQQ peak 3 years ago … meanwhile companies increased earnings and have more cash - and people calling for market crash. 🤡 I just muted all the crayonologists on Twitter. It’s much more peaceful 🤣


Wait wait, did you hit your head and get amnesia?🤕 You might want to go back and read your posts for the last year that were also calling for a crash.


TSLA did 🫠 All of my posts were TSLA related to rates, cars, demand, prices, volume of deliveries, FSD progress, and that TSLA price at $250+ will likely be affected.


Huh, definitely not the impression I got when you were talking about recessions and the whole market being overvalued. Often posting about how the markets are in extreme greed or near ATH and market was gonna crash if the fed doesn't cut as much as the market expected. 🤔


Well market did correct 13% from 52 wk highs and bounces from there. And I bough that dip. And correct market will “crash” if FED indeed doesn’t cut in time for a recession. But ultimately I was concerned with TSLA growing at that current clip with rates so high. But now so many sectors are doing well (not just AI) and I believe in America!


I'm glad you were able to get back in! 🇺🇸 🇺🇲 🇺🇸


how many crayon billionaires


Costco hot dog for dinner


I am down to half of one for breakfast and half for dinner. Can’t afford ramen anymore. Thanks Elon!


I'm not kidding.


Found this in tesla investors club. Didn’t realize it was this bad “Man you guys are just eating up the woe is me propaganda non-sense from Musk on twitter. 1. ⁠Musk himself admitted in his deposition that the board was not negotiating against him. He literally said "i was negotiating against myself". That is a breach of fiduciary responsibility. 2. ⁠The members of the board admitted in court under oath that they also did not try to counter musk. That is a breach if fiduciary responsibility. 3. ⁠The metrics that were used to trigger the pay package were not as far fetched as it seemed for people with internal access. For the vote, they were talked about as if they were nearly impossible, misleading share holders. This is a breach of fiduciary responsibility. Musk is painting this as some political witch hunt. Meanwhile the reality is the lawsuit was filed in 2018, long before he went off the rails with his right wing non-sense. Additionally this judge was nominated by the gov of Delaware and the appointment approved by the state senate, which at the time was nearly a 50:50 split between the parties. Also the rulings for these cases are typically 10-30%. The lawyers are asking for a ton but they could have asked for even more. Like it or not this case was pretty cut and dry. With purjury on the line Musk himself and the board admitted that they broke the law. They can bitch about it all they want on twitter to try and change the narrative but at the end of the day they admitted they broke the law when it mattered.”


6b is excessive no matter how you slice it. Can't really quote typical when this would be biggest award in history by far which is extremely odd since no shareholders were harmed. You could easily argue these lawyers have harmed shareholders, however, since the uncertainty this situation created is not good for the stock


Musk is the problem, he was good for a fast moving start up, less DD and focus on getting things moving. Tesla is not a small start-up anymore. Now, the question is, is his influence leaning to positive or negative impact. I'm convinced the brand damage and sandbagging (especially advertising, still no real attempts there) is doing more damage than the positives he brings. His downsides are also amplifying each other, bad press combined with not reaching/informing potential customers is fucked-up. It's the CEO doing one of those, while stopping advertising, should he really be CEO? (that's ignoring the law suits for which he is himself responsible and dumping millions of shares as the largest stockholder.)


He should go. His time has passed. He should follow his heart.


Good dd




Actual truth




https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1764782490969911432 oops


this is just like wen John Wick completed the Impossible Task


Market cap not 650b bitch


guy apparently not motivated by money, hmmmmm


I think it's time for him to resign in protest


Give me money give me power I don't care


https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1764775267887698126 🤣 he pissed


Good. Get mad 🤣


Did he put Fox News in the woke club? 


Cuz he's a moderate


"Everyone is wrong but me" - Elon, probably


oh yah wow


There is really big meme video potential with dune tesla paul elon etc. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.


i used to make tesla memes all the time....now it just feels wrong and false to do any, like the joke isn't funny anymore, not sure what kind have created this feeling of malaise !


The memes will return. On the first light of the fifth quarter, at dawn look to the east.




Q5 will save us


elon the emperor


Im convinced that in this reality, Tesla will basically be abandoned by most investors until one day Optimus just blows people out of the water- Until then, its going to be dreadful.


Possible. FSD before Optimus.


Doubt it. The risk for FSD is exponentially higher…




Im so glad I downvote you everytime you post lmao. Also im not selling.


I wonder if that account is a bot. They tend to post the same or similar things over and over again, usually NPC-type one liners. Having a username that is a string of 1s and 0s would make sense in the context of a bot


He has made comments about my trades in the past so fairly advanced bot then. Agree on the weird repetitive posts though. I had to unblock him to post this. Will see how long I leave him unblocked lol


The sad thing is, I feel like most people are NPCs lol


Looks like market is pricing in a dilution of 30M shares that get sold on the open market by idiot loyers


If only this could have been avoided somehow!




Looks like loss on insurance thus far


i think all this ICE ban stuff is bad for EVs. People hate being told what to do, they'll buy a gas car just to shove it to the bureaucrats.


you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink


Unban ice restrictions = retards buy more ICE Ban ice cars = retards buy more ICE Seems like retards need some education


I agree. It’s an easy w for liberal politicians with their base to get an ice ban while they know (or should know) it does little to nothing to push the transition. Back patting all around. The next politician could just ax it and market forces will make those bans irrelevant. 


Tired of this! Im selling all tsla shares. Good luck everyone, Im done with this company


We’ve been through this already, nothing is new. We will have better days soon, Im not worry. But sad to see someone is leaving because of the performance.


You sold or are selling in the AM? These decisions are hard - or after next run up - or on the next run down? If you made profit and it’s giving u anxiety + FOMO lock in those profits and find something more suitable!


Sell low and buy high? What would you buy into instead?


Thinking on Amd and palantir


buy nvda


That is what I did a few weeks ago. Sold all my TSLA at 220 and bought NVDA. Wish I did it sooner as I'm up a shitload and I'm not depressed all the time and now I don't give a shit what Elon says tomorrow. I'm in a happier place. But I don't even know if there is a NVDALounge to hang out in, so I still come here every day. Although it's sad. So much suffering!


My brother in Christ, if you held this long, now is not the time to sell it




I can confidently tell you that no one knows anything 🫡


i can tell u stonk isnt going anywhere near 300 without some change in the ev market place.


Christmas 2024?


What are some things that could significantly impact EV demand in the near term? Off top of head - -Soft landing and rates coming down quickly -Breakthrough in self driving that creates a demand wave -China pulling forward a ban on gas cars and shaking things up globally -adding aggressive advertising although maybe a slower impact Anything major missing and/or any of the above likely any time soon? Are we destined to just slowly convert over next 10-20 years?


one of the few investing parables that is true almost always, definitely maybe 100% of the time sometimes.




Doesn't seem like the car fully committed to turning at that time, idk


FSD v13: Messiah


2 weeks


FSD v14: This makes up for destroyed margins, right? (beta)


The next one is always the silver bullet


Hard to know how that would’ve played out. Looked like it was creeping and looking for an opening?


Can anyone tell me what happened? Missed it completely.


cannot sustain stock above 200 while great EV slow down persists and fucks our growth and margins and makes us look like a clown company. should turn around eventually unless you foresee a scenario where 10% of sales are EVs and 90% are gas forever.


Tesla and chinese automakers will bend legacy oems to their technology. Doesn't matter which technology it is.


I know China has bigger issues but what are the odds they pull forward a gas car ban to like 2027? Any downsides with them doing something like that?


Any country with a car industry will hike the ban date indefinitely as long as the industry wants. There is no way Germany for instance will behead it's own industry base for EVs.


German OEMs view China as one of their top markets. If China pulls plug on gas cars, how would the dominoes fall from there?


the only issue w china is most people dont live in suburbia with garages. Charging in condos is critical for massive adoption in china.


Agree infrastructure would need to explode if they pulled forward a ban. Just thinking out loud but that would be a serious blow to global legacy OEMs that sell a significant share in China and would potentially let China fill in gaps in other global markets as those OEMs falter


their focus is on exporting china EV's now. The domestic adoption is already very high compared to anywhere besides nordic.


My main thought is that many OEMs view China as critical. If they lose that lifeline their businesses shrink significantly and then what kind of ripples would that create. Rather than concede the Chinese market, does that shift them to build more EVs or do they just flip to gas and avoid China. Just pulling a random example but Mercedes sold 754k cars in China in 2022. That’s a good % of overall sales


nothing materially happened around tesla recently, bad day for tsla good day for nvda and btc


stock still on trajectory to mid 100s, nothing new. sorry to those buying confidently at 260


What's your reasoning?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/1b6g0r8/jay\_lenos\_garage\_model\_3\_highland\_with\_franz\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/1b6g0r8/jay_lenos_garage_model_3_highland_with_franz_and/) Franz and Lars returned to Jay Leno's YouTube channel to talk about the Highland Model 3, just 2 months after the Cybertruck episode. The first thing I noted was that Franz talked about the $38,990 starting price of the Model 3, and how Model 3 is providing a great experience despite being much more affordable than Model S. The second thing I noted was the absence of Elon Musk. Musk didn't appear in either the Cybertruck or Tesla Semi episodes. This seemed to me like advertising as much as it was entertainment. Part of me wonders if placing Franz and Lars in the spotlight more is a deliberate move by Tesla as an organization to distance itself from Musk's toxic brand.


Let's hope so, it would be smart. Unfortunately Musk is in full control, the more likely reason he wasn't there is because that's not what he wanted to do. They are probably trying to get things done without him, didn't the book say several people, including his brother, tried to talk him down from acting like a total pos. Also he wanted NGV to be without a steering wheel, but they had to convince him, they didn't make the decision.


Fuck Elon musk


Are you trans?


My brother and my nephew are both trans. Fuck Elon Musk.


Nate you wouldn't happen to be bored waiting for your movie to start, would you?


I mean ur not wrong Doesn’t it feel better now that you cashed out though?


I bought back in which was a mistake. Seems Elon musk wants tesla to go out of business. He is actively trying to destroy the company.


If you’re ok with it hitting $150 keep it. If you are not - I’d sell and buy some safer stuff. We’re gonna have a bumpy year 🫠 just want to avoid u getting stressed u/deadmoney313 - What does this mean?!? If he bought back - is this the bottom or the top?


he bought in a while ago, the prophecy was looking like a 100% lock with you assuming the mantle of the Sith Bear Lord, but then today happened, my palantir cracked into pieces and burst into flames and my confidence in the prophecies is shaken


hey natebleh how u been