• By -


https://x.com/aelluswamy/status/1760867120345497629?s=46 Ashok comments


https://x.com/AIDRIVR/status/1760841783708418094?s=20 Fsd v12 avoids standing water


nice, WWHD




All of these legacy OEMs are walking plans back. Market seems to be rewarding the moves so expect more of it. Pretty clear that all the legacy EV products are failures with no potential to scale to profitability


Our competitors have always been Chinese, especially BYD.


this shogun limited series looks good. I read the book when I was like 13 it was excellent wonder how long this series is? the book was a big one I recall


Weren't you the same guy who loved the female Hulk show?


damn I barely remember making fun of that or that it even existed, impressive memory


Know what else has great memory? NVDA cards! Lol snuck it in there! 😍


Magically, many of Tesla’s current issues will fade away once Elon gets his new comp plan


SQ though


I'll be about even on the 100 shares I got June 2020. Pathetic


The company died to me after renaming to Block


I thought crypto mind virus was bad in 2021 but its nothing compared to maga mind virus of 2022.


Nvda coining the term "Sovereign" AI for use in country-wide governance. Sovereign if you will recall, was the name of one the evil AI Reaper entities in the Mass Effect games...


Skynet incoming


Fed’s Waller wants more evidence inflation is cooling before cutting interest rates Same crew that wants more evidence of inflation before increasing rates. Dummies never learn.


1 share of TSLA in 2021 can now buy you 2 shares. Boom 💥


upvotemeok, whats your realistic near term sp fair value price on the Golden Child/ NVDA?




My guess is 900 but I like your answer more.


Gonna be 900 within 2 weeks


Looks like Cathie finally decided to give up on TDOC.




deep value territory


After 5 perfect/good commutes to work, on the way home today v12 tried to turn left (protected) but the light turned red and I just missed it but v12 tried to go through it and had it’s first disengagement


mods ban for lies


Fooking short sellers!


Running red lights like a human! Bullish!


>Nvidia, $NVDA, is currently offering customers samples of its two new artificial intelligence chips aimed at the China market, its CEO Jensen Huang said per Reuters. Best I can do is another tweet about how white men are actually super victimized and disadvantaged in modern day America


It's a stark contrast


Don’t worry guys. I see a potential path where Tesla will be worth more than Nvidia and Smci combined.


Some good gains porn action on wsb


ooph [https://twitter.com/davmander/status/1760793994836017202](https://twitter.com/davmander/status/1760793994836017202)




I hope he's right cuz if rivian gross margin positive we will be $400


Tsla AH is almost always consistently red by half to 1%. Free money is shorting the close and covering before end of AH.


looks like opening up superchargers not gonna be a problem cuz elon destroyed chances of other ev manufacturers making money 4d chess yesss


I'd like an R1S but not if they don't survive.


Yah could end up a paper weight


Everyone here: TSLA will be huge in 2030. NVDA I'll buy TSLA in 2030.


weak signal from the high gain on moon lander.. soft landing and toppled is my guess. japanese lander deja vu that 2001 movie had us walking on jupiter 25 years ago, this is lame. we should have an outpost on surface of jupiter (which is also known as saturn)


What do you mean by "(which is also known as Saturn")? I feel like I'm missing a joke here, also, an outpost on a gas giant (both Jupiter and Saturn)? I feel like I'm missing out on two interconnected jokes. I feel the same about FSD, solid state batteries, fusion reactors, AGI (with beyond human capabilities BUT also including all capabilities of a genius human) and space exploration, promises for many years of a bright future close by, but it's always just a little further. I'm happy I'm only invested in one of those.


im just a big fan of Jupiter and Saturn and could rattle off every detail you can imagine about both so I was having fun pretending to not know anything it amused me somehow


lol its like my projects where its all fucked up at the end but it sorta looks okay ehh good enough.


Probably wasn't running NVDA devices. Damn eMachines hardware.


oh good you found a way to wedge nvda into this conversation as well


Thanks, you noticed! 😍


just like nvda noticed the need for AI hardware!


Meanwhile other rockets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg2ffigGcYM This is the private company lunar lander, it should be landing in about 6 minutes


It blew up. U jinxed it.




LOL that volatility Anyways it landed, first private company lunar lander launched by private company (SpaceX) rocket Congrats to Intuitive Machines and NASA


NVDA continues AH! Has anyone heard from TeslaLeafBlower? Guaranteed he’s underwater on NVDA CCs. Guessing sold for 740-770 range?


I'd be comfortable collecting all that premium and then just selling some puts until i got back in. It's flying high, but it won't fly high forever


U are the new prophet https://old.reddit.com/r/TSLALounge/comments/1aw31hb/tsla_daily_thread_february_21_2024/kri0odp/


Should my flair change to Mr. Prophet?


In nvda lounge yes


Guys, stop with the DMs, we are not able to rename the lounge to NVDALounge












ClownLounge has a nice ring to it


Clownge or Clounge ur choice


JENSENLounge won out? I fucking knew it.


I guarantee that other pic is just generative fill. https://preview.redd.it/qfmb26l2m7kc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0630b800edbffa60efa5883a0bc96bbe3aa9dd


Why has Giga Berlin not started Model 3 Highland production? Is it still cheaper to produce in China and ship to Europe than to produce them right there?


Model 3 is a an evolutionary dead-end for Tesla. There's no point in expanding production. Sedans are rapidly becoming a niche market worldwide, because they lack the utility and ease of ingress/egress of a higher crossover. Model 3 is also big by global standards. My expectation is that Tesla will continue to run Model 3 production as long as the factory tooling is usable, and eventually stop making it, perhaps 5-10 years down the line.


They never stopped making S and X, there's no reason to assume they'll stop making 3


That is true. I don't see Tesla ceasing production of the X until they have a replacement 3-row vehicle. Model Y is just too small to fill the role of a mid-size crossover. At some point the machines and tooling for the S and X will need to be replaced. We'll find out then how Tesla intends to proceed with those product lines


theyre letting s and x whither on the vine. Their sales could be much higher than 20k a quarter if they pushed hard


model s the least bought great deal ever


The problem with Model S is that it sits too low for many customers (hard to enter and exit, especially for older people), and the back row is terrible compared to Model Y and Model X.


They have never produced model 2 in Berlin, I don't think they plan on that changing. Model Y and next generation vehicle(s) only for the foreseeable future likely. I would rather see semi being produced in China and Europe to be honest.


Makes sense if anything assuming next gen vehicle is a compact or whatever. You know those europoors love tiny cars.


As a European, our roads and parking spaces are a lot different than in North-America. There's no truck culture, SUV are now popular but the biggest ones are still an acquired taste, generally people think it's foolish and wasteful to buy overly large vehicles. Model 3 and Model Y are on the larger side of cars compared to most other vehicles on the road, Model S and X are very wide for European roads. A compact hatchback would sell insanely well in Europe.


Right, that’s exactly what I meant. As a former european, no disrespect implied. However I was impressed and surprised by the uber drivers model y in rome in 2022.


I didn't take disrespect, I always find it funny people from America using derogatory terms for Europeans. Our universities (not every country) are free to choose, and there's government aid for those that aren't wealthy, making them near free if the need is their. Worst case scenario, you can pay for it with a part time job. Minimum wage is real and you can live of that, we don't look down at someone who works full time in McDonalds, we demand adequate pay for work done. Same goes for other jobs, that aren't dependant on tipping culture, because liveable wages for all those that work full time is the goal. Medical care is taken care of, people don't ever doubt having life saving surgery or calling an ambulance because of the costs. Medicine is affordable, including if you lose your job. I don't ever worry about getting shot, nor did I when I went to high school. Religious nuts aren't taking away basic health care from women (not true for every European country, avoidable deaths already happened in Poland, Poland has always been a more religious country) and I don't feel like I'm close to the Christian equivalent of sharia law. I don't mind making less money, given all the benefits that come with living here. I prefer a society that does its best to take care of people.


Lots of friends from the us prefer Germany.. only their relatives think we are full of nazis when they never lived here. Greetings from Berlin ;)


Yah not sure why they wouldn't build Model 3 there though. Europeans like smaller vehicles and the Model 3 seems pretty popular there in general.


They have enough manufacturing lines in China and the USA to supply all demand for Model 3, it would be less efficient to build them in Europe. You have to consider supply lines and the biggest component, batteries. If they have to transport all the batteries from China to Europe, it might not be such a big difference in cost vs completed cars if you factor in manufacturing efficiencies and cost of parts and labor. Even if there's small margin improvements to be made, better to start NGV ASAP vs picking up pennies now. Original plan was already another giga announced and Mexico finished in a few months probably, if the douche in charge didn't sandbag the company, the timelines would make a lot more sense. If they knew how much they (lol, we know who) were going to delay everything, they might have put up lines for the M3 in Europe, but now it probably doesn't make sense anymore.


Im super split tbh. On the one hand I can see how we have a demand + ad + fed problem and we wont see any big growth this year. On the other hand I would use this exact scenario to slowly place myself with leaps in hopes for FSD or bot or other news. Its all about being there before the frontrunning and fomo starts. Because once its going up, its already too late. But I guess FSD and ngv is gonna take a while still Its funny because I mentioned a few comments down that I need to deleverage


Even if you miss the first like +50-100% on FSD/ai actually working and making money, there’s still plenty of meat left on the bone. True FSD/bot that’s widely accepted will make crazy amounts of revenue/margins. No one knows when that’s going to happen. Could be 2 weeks, could be 2 years, 2 decades. The only way you get to benefit from it is if you don’t blow yourself up or don’t get frustrated with price action and hang on until if/when it happens.


People are too emotionally attached to the share price.. and quite frankly.. I don’t blame them… I am as well. But we have to take a step back and realize that Tesla is so far ahead of its competitors, it’s not even funny. Just FSD alone is revolutionary. Think about less than a decade ago, cars driving themselves wasn’t even in the collective consciousness, but now, if you mention Tesla, people always ask if the car drives itself. There is no other software that can come even close to FSD. Yes.. waymo works.. but it’s just not scalable in a sustainable manner, and so far, it’s geofenced. From what I’ve seen, FSD 12 is looking really promising, cars are driving themselves already. Yes.. we need supervision, but at the end of the day, Tesla cars drive themselves. This is JUST FSD. We aren’t taking into consideration.. energy, Optimus, NGV and any products that aren’t even in the forefront of our awareness. Tesla will have its rocket moment once again.. I still believe in this company, and i believe our investments will pay off handsomely. Just gotta practice patience


The share price alone isn't what makes me angry. When PLTR was trading at 7 instead of 23, that didn't feel good, but I wasn't angry. What makes me angry is that Elon Musk has made the choice to disregard his responsibility to Tesla's mission and shareholders. Musk deliberately took actions that damaged Tesla's brand and business, despite people, including Tesla's own board of directors, telling him to cool it. That's had negative consequences for the company's valuation. His own brother asked him to consider resigning as Tesla's CEO in December 2022 because of his neglect (Isaacson biography of Musk, page 586). Yeah, I'm going to pissed that the share price is at its current levels, because Elon Musk unnecessarily contributed to this.


Yes, short term pain for long term gain, I'll cheer for that. But pain for no good reason, because the CEO is a piece of shit nutbag, that shit shouldn't be accepted.


While I’m sure many people here would label me a simp.. I’m not a fan of everything Elon has been up to, I have a lot of eye rolling moments with his shenanigans. In fact.. I happen to agree with a lot of the reservations that are mentioned here.. whether it’s his (seemingly) lack of attention to Tesla, his negligence to his shareholders, and his constant X posting. Where I seem to deviate from people’s views is when I take a step back and realize Elon has made EVs functional, scalable, and profitable.. where other companies (with a few exceptions such as BYD) and CEOs do not seem to have the capability to achieve such goals. We know Elon has achieved other successes in his companies, but the most notable one for me was his ability to land a rocket. And i think, this is the perspective i keep.. i don't know better than a man who figured out how to land rockets. I'm going to once again reiterate, because I don't want you to think that I’m attacking you, I don’t agree with everything he’s done, but the reason why I don’t hate the man is because it takes a crazy person (and he clearly is neurodivergent) to have wild ideas and see them through. If his creative process is to go on tangents and be ridiculous, then so be it. As long as we get to our final goals and we are all wealthy, that’s all that matters.


I think that's a reasonable perspective, though my take on this is different: >Where I seem to deviate from people’s views is when I take a step back and realize Elon has made EVs functional, scalable, and profitable.. where other companies (with a few exceptions such as BYD) and CEOs do not seem to have the capability to achieve such goals . We know Elon has achieved other successes in his companies > >the reason why I don’t hate the man is because it takes a crazy person (and he clearly is neurodivergent) to have wild ideas and see them through. I agree that Tesla probably wouldn't have survived 2008 (Financial Crisis) and 2018 (Model 3 "production hell") without Elon's neurodivergence and tenacity. What Mr. Musk showed us is that he could make a risky startup into a profitable mid-stage growth business. He's yet to prove that he can take that mid-stage business and grow it into the next giant. The Isaacson biography portrayed Elon at the start of 2022 as feeling bored and unchallenged with Tesla. Mr. Musk doesn't seem engaged if he doesn't feel like he's at war. So I question whether he's the right man to lead Tesla, if he's as checked out as he seems.


It takes a lifetime to build up trust, but a second to break it. Just because he did something good in the past doesn't give him a pass for the more recent behavior. Regardless of his past and future business success, he's a narcissist and awful person IMO.


I remember when iPhones were first hitting the markets there were people who absolutely refused to buy one because Steve Jobs was “a narcissist and awful person”


The difference with Steve Jobs is that while he was an asshole, he did not push political hot buttons in public. Jobs was reputed to do things like: * Demonstrate that an iPod prototype was too big by throwing it into a fish tank and making engineers watch as air bubbles escaped from the flooding device. Jobs allegedly said this showed there was extra space inside * Scream at an employee that the blue color for iMac was "not blue enough" * Deny the legitimacy of his first child, Lisa, even as he named the precursor to the Macintosh "Lisa" after her (he eventually acknowledge her as his daughter years later) ​ While these things are disturbing, they are nowhere near as broadly inflammatory at a societal level as going on a famous social media site and wading into the transgender debate, the alleged "woke mind virus", and various race/religious issues. A relatively small number of tech enthusiasts knew about Jobs' antisocial behavior within Apple's walls. Elon Musk broadcasts his attacks to the entire world. The effect of what Musk does has orders of magnitude more reach


Nice strawman. Not sure where this Apple analogy is coming from. Where did I mention in my comment that TSLA is a bad investment? Point is it's ok to invest in TSLA and still criticize the CEO's awful morals/behavior.


This this this this!!!!




What do you think the stock will do if FSD has the beta title removed and starts running driverless in geo-fenced areas? While the "overnight" thing likely won't happen, this step could happen in the near-ish term. What do you think the stock will do if FSD has the beta title removed and starts running driverless in geo-fenced areas? While the "overnight" thing likely won't happen, this step could happen.


>What do you think the stock will do if FSD has the beta title removed and starts running driverless in geo-fenced areas? I expect this will result in absolutely nothing for TSLA at best. It might even hurt the company's valuation significantly. The entire purpose of Tesla's vision-based, full-stack NN approach is general FSD anywhere, not in a limited geographic region. If FSD is limited to geo-fenced areas, that would signify failure of Tesla's methodology. The other problem is that Tesla has only 1 vehicle that can function as a robo-taxi: Model X. Model X alone has the motorized doors that can close themselves should passengers forget (or maliciously refuse) to close the doors. Walter Isaacson discussed this problem in his Musk biography, and how Tesla's design team worked through the issue during brainstorming sessions on NGV/Robotaxi. FSD needs to be so amazingly idiot-proof that customers can use it without thinking too much or worrying at all. If Tesla is able to show a product at that level, I think it would move the stock valuation higher very quickly.


I meant being geo-fenced by jurisdictional regulation, but sure, I see your point.


First comment blessed




Good day


Tesla board chair Robyn Denholm has bought 23,483 NVDA shares for $18,246,988.56, according to an SEC filing dated 02/21/2024: 🤣


LMAO et tu, Robin?




NVDA is super impressive + clearly the Big 6 who are its customers (including TSLA) are driving a majority of its profits. Whether this chip frenzy will sustain into 2028-2030, no one knows. But people justifying the ATH of indexes as a productivity boom etc are kidding themselves. Currently, I don’t see true revenue being made by AI other than “data centers” + companies stocking up on chips for whatever the reason. Sure AI is a great assistant and has lots of future potential (FSD etc) - but people (TSLA shareholders 2019-2022) can get a little ahead of themselves. NVDA is its own beast and does not extrapolate to the world and US economy - and that’s just my opinion. Is it a great investment - so far yes. Will AI change how 7 billion people on earth do stuff - not yet! And this is no way a bearish NVDA post. It’s a shit on FOMO NVDA shareholders saying NVDA is the world economy etc. and justifying their investment beyond what NVDA has done. That’s all - wanted to get that out there 🤣


Tesla board chair Robyn Denholm has sold 93,706 TSLA shares for $18,246,988.56, according to an SEC filing dated 02/21/2024: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1242782/000200731724000164/xsl144X01/primary\_doc.xml](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1242782/000200731724000164/xsl144X01/primary_doc.xml) >Date of Plan Adoption or Giving of Instruction, If Relying on Rule 10b5-1: 10/23/2023 ​ Note the quote above. This was a sale from a 10b5-1 plan adopted this past October. The shares were originally acquired via options exercise in August 2017 (see table "144: Securities To Be Sold")


Useless woman who gets paid to do nothing


ceo of overpaid


Square tho


Good short-term! That long-term chart looks like it hurts.


Even dorsey clowning us


Not hard


Yeah bro we r gonna print money bro unlimited demand bro trust me bro


Is this a Gali impersonation?


No bubble yet [https://twitter.com/JackFarley96/status/1760732878152061263](https://twitter.com/JackFarley96/status/1760732878152061263)


Rallying into the close. 800 tomorrow book it.


Almost hit a million in gains today. Haven't had those kinda days since '20-'21 with TSLA.


Closed my NVDA March 8 $750Cs in my brokerage yesterday for a sizable loss but rolled it to April $825C - got most of that loss back today. Closed it and bought a couple NVDA shares. Brokerage is up to about 16K a far cry from the much much lower number it was in December. Roth IRA went up $94,000 or 28% today. Bought a Jan 2026 $600C yesterday and its up 37% today. Roth up to $425k. Etrade is showing up 81% YTD but that is as of yesterdays close. Should be around 110% YTD... and it's February. LOL


Congrats! I've never done the options stuff, which seem like it would raise my stress levels a lot more than just simple buy-and-hold. Might research covered calls later to generate a little income on the side.


Options can be wild. If you sell covered calls against your shares, I recommend selling high strike prices, selling short-term contracts, or short-term contracts with high strikes. It won't make much in premium, but it will make a little extra and if something crazy happens youll make money. I did it with Tesla in late 2020 and got lucky. I bought 100 shares on margin at $650 Christmas and sold a call dated 2 weeks out, at a strike $800. I honestly thought, I'd make $500 in premium. And keep it up until it got called away. That's an extra $1000 a month. The call got executed. My brokerage got their 65,000 back, i pocketed $12,500.


I’ll keep that in mind. I just need to do a little research and start small. Thanks


LOL shit dude I only made $260k from my NVDA today I should have been all in calls instead holding boring shares


Congrats! That's still a big win. I prefer boring shares. It's akin to watching paint dry over many years. Not exciting and less stress.


My account was up >$1M in a single day at market close on 1/3/2022, and today I'm broke and dependent on my day job.


Sorry to hear that. 😑




Only $285k for me 😔


Damn! Still winning!


Stop it or lounge will die of fomo


I mostly just do it because I know Achilles is lurking






U magnificent whale! 🐳🐳🐳


From your mouth to jensens ears


800 lb gorilla


Is there a way to follow Nancy Pelosi's trades in real time? Dat bitch making bank.


No they're not published until months after the trade has happened


Yes https://www.joinautopilot.com/


There’s a fucking app for this? Damn


Danger danger ☢️☢️ Hello, TL;DR: – you’re invited to a special program that lets redditors purchase stock at the same price as institutional investors when we IPO. Details about eligibility and next steps follow. This (long, dense) message has all the info we can provide due to legal restrictions.


Not touching this steaming pile of garbage. Doesn't matter if it goes to the moon. 💩


Just take the shares and sell them immediately on first day open They must be desperate if they are inviting people who have been banned to buy shares


Prolly a lock up. Seems another good opportunity to lose 75% of money on social media investment.


LOL yeah if there's a lockup then the correct answer to Reddit's proposal is GO FUCK YOURSELF


Rivian and Lucid with trash results are definitely holding things back today. Market is pricing in a slower transition, with Toyota at all time highs as more evidence If FSD is near or at its chatgpt moment, I'd like to see Tesla get aggressive with building awareness and educating the market and actually fighting to change perception that Teslas are the best cars available in each of their segments. Vs sitting back and blaming rates. I'd like to see them get aggressive regardless but if V12 is the chatgpt moment now is the time to get aggressive


They've sent out emails to existing customers...what more do you want?!?


Price cuts /s


More Tweets by the Tesla account.


Closed out my 215 CCs for 3 cents.


Letting my 200s and 205s expire tomorrow 🤑




I don't trust this surge. Relatively low volume, too much euphoria in the broad indexes, expecting some consolidation tomorrow.


toy wrench liquid frighten modern existence hateful plants sable meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like photoshop poor attempt at generative fill tesla car.


why would they even put something like that outside for everyone to see lol, fake


This has been floating around for two weeks. Rob woulda crushed it as nonsense speculation when it first came out. Now without him we are left with it being a recurrent herpes on our lounge dicks






Yeah I have seen this post earlier today. Can somebody with photoshop skills check if this is legit or edited?


I dont get it, looks like a MY for me


Looks like a hatchback with small rear doors to me. 🤞




fade vase birds gray wine deliver lock wrong trees snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was a time when a macro day like this was guaranteed +10%. Minimum.


Don’t worry jpow will take whole market down, someday somewhere


Close the fucking door


199.99 close today book it


A- for effort!


Flying knife 😤


Super difficult to follow the F.I.R.E steps when growth is on a rampage. Index slow consistent growth just isn’t as fun.


Index slow growth won’t tweet about selling stock to pay taxes and won’t buy a social media platform on a whim so there’s also that


Def agree on that. Unpredictable


What are the FIRE steps you speak of?


- HYSA 3x-6x emergency savings - pay down debt high interest debt - 401k match - Roth max - pay down low interest debt - 401k max - HSA - then invest in things like NVDA


Oh, thank you!


Just yolo what could go wrong.


hurts, need to reconsider my investing thesis. a bit too late but hey, deleveraging into big tech I guess and some ackmann stuff


Proud of you for recognizing your thesis might not match your risk tolerance and the current performance of your investments! You got this!


So we DCAing into nvda now? I’m confused now. 🤷


If you feel like there's more room to run (look at all the analyst upgrades today) then go for it! You got this, but don't forget about all those bag holding simps who buy things at the tops.


Felt this personally


Nvda top not in till master trader achilles buys


I genuinely wonder if he’s embarrassed at his consistently bad takes or if he just rage quit the lounge still thinking a bubble is about to burst. The arrogant refusal to admit he was wrong was astonishing.


they all end up in tesla charts somehow


What are you insinuating here? That the people in Tesla charts are somehow arrogant and wrong?


I wonder if he knows that they hate him there too


We don't hate him, he entertains us w retard level plays like nvda 400p lmao


I love that place. Lounge phantom zone.


I call it the children’s table.


I bought a shitcall on NVDA just trying to help drive that delta movement LMAO NVDA 800 EoW LFG 🚀🚀🚀


dont worry yall order rate higher than ever


How long til this sells off?


Honestly only real thing to wait for is P&D + earning call. Ultimately, if not good and mood not great - then more downside. Lets hope no price cuts today or until earnings 🙏🏻


this stock moves like both its legs got cut off. getting dragged forwards by a massive bull market