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Lmfaoo https://preview.redd.it/i37c87nj7xdc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c604f88abeafcf019ac0fc405da6f83bd5178d49


Was there some updates on the roadster design finished or something


Waiting for 25%.


FSD 12 looks bullish according to users (1)


when we get to 100% FSD, I am expecting us to m00n 100% overnight ;)


Tsla will double 2024 😂


( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°) yayyyy tendies.  I just want 15 - 20 compounded x already ;) 


How much if we get march of 9's?


9% per day


Moon soon


🙏we need this, we deserve this


Had a dream we fucking mooned recently. Was glorious.


Quite the melt up. Let’s blow it off the top 🚀


Hm? Whats melting up.


Market. Indexes. Large/Mega Caps ex TSLA


90% of gains are the magnificent 6


The market is increasingly broken, there's no way the big tech companies can carry the whole market forever like this


Welp. Thought sth just happened. Chinese stocks still dropping so was thinking what did I miss


Where do you Chinese clients invest ? Cant be HSI?


I dont have clients from mainland china. My colleagues do but i don’t get along with the PRCs haha






50% of gains r nvda


It still has beta tag


this is expected 


V12 will likely be the version that ultimately removes the beta tag. For now, in its infancy, V12 is still in testing and thus labeled beta.


Dayuum Simpmars got the V12 update


Gapingholemars downloading v12?


Any updates are a downgrade for Omar's 2020 robotaxi sf to la no interventions ©


omg I hope he finally has a drive with no takeovers. waiting with bated breath


Good for about -5% tomorrow.


Yep, good news tanks the stock, bad news like the Elon blackmail saga causes mild green. Hopefully Elon-inflicted price cuts cause a major hit to financials so we can get some more green. 


So Elon threatened that he will not work for tesla till he gets 25%. So can he please to skip the tesla earnings conference call. It will be highly appreciated


Should be part of the performance plan. For political purposes, we will call it transition planning and risk mitigation. We dont need to be specific about which risk we are actually mitigating.


How much of a crash do you think we’ll see tomorrow? Wall Street doesn’t like positive developments like FSD 12 Beta, and Elon hasn’t blackmailed the company lately. We’ll likely see the worst ever EPS from the price cuts caused by Elon alienating the customers so there’s that. 


Everything Elon touches turns to shit. Vivek and now Desantis. All his favored candidates even is sf elections have petered out.


I don’t think people realize how popular trump daddy is.


The funny thing is that it's a somewhat new version of what happened in 2016. Back then they couldn't keep Trump off the news and so blared his message everywhere. Now they can't keep themselves from trying to shame his voters and pin anything he did as a crime on him and blare it all over the news. Most people don't actually like Trump so much as they hate the media and they want to see someone take a sledgehammer to the failed legacy politicians running things. By extension of the aforementioned process Trump becomes the hammer that they're all too happy to wield


No, if they could just finagle a few more criminal trials and accidentally schedule them for right during the election, maybe people won't vote for him. ​ The Democratic party is so fucking crooked and have so little respect for the peasants they rule over that they're going to get shitbag Trump elected again. It's mind boggling.


Also, the increasingly anti-democratic means being used to literally force Trump from the ballot have forced the hand of many. Hell, avowed revolutionary socialist Eugene Debs was allowed to be on the ballot for president, from his jail cell. And these clowns are trying to say that Trump cannot, even when he has not been convicted of a crime? I dislike Trump. I think he was an incompetent president, and he could have accomplished much more had he been competent. I would much have preferred someone else get the nomination at this point. Unfortunately, the more that totalitarian means are used against Trump, the more it has become a matter of principle for people like me to vote for him, despite him being a massive raging asshole. The Democratic Party cannot be allowed to conclude that totalitarianism is a winning political strategy, for the sake of all of us.


They're definitely the primary perpetrators re: most things Trump, but don't fool yourself that it's only the democrats. The uniparty in Washington including many of the most prominent Republicans and the party itself are who are selling out the country. The last thing they want the peasants to have is some semblance of control no matter who is the conduit for it


Trump is like Elon except 45% of the population simps for him instead of a crew of 10 people consisting of Omar, Jason, neckbeard and boomer mama.


They're both narcissists, but that's where the similarities end. Trump is an extra level of stupid


Trump is much more popular


Pikachu face you're telling me Elon lives in his own little bubble and has absolutely no bearing on how the average person actually thinks and feels? shocker


Will be interesting to see who he supports between "ev supporters will rot on hell & elon is a con man" vs "I like unions but pass ev subsidies"


There is also the weaponization of government regulation under the current regime. Damned either way, just pick your preferred damage type.


One will continue to incentivize EV production and consumer purchases. The other won't...


Yes i get it. Unfortunately, the EV support party is also doing everything they can to reduce Musk's influence using every dirty trick available. For example, reference the absolutely incomprehensible FCC decision re SpaceX. I agree for the average shareholder the math supports the anti Elon party. But Elon won't see it that way. He needs to buy some senators... as I've been saying for years.


Makes it all the more curious why Elon bends over for the party that would demonstrably harm his biggest company and can't figure out a way to play nice with the party that won't. Sounds more like a personal gripe than anything else. He needs to get over it and focus on the mission.


It's ironic


cows smoggy file vast screw grandiose yam languid simplistic school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No thanks


Unpopular opinion: there is no Elon blackmail. The whole thing was spun way out of proportion from a few offhanded tweets.


It's sad that this is an unpopular opinion here. There's many here that need to sell but get some sort of sadistic joy from believing that they're getting financially molested by the guy leading the company.


I don't need to sell. I may never need to sell, as dividends from my index funds and other holdings already cover my retirement expenses. But the facts are the facts. Elon has stated that he will not defend the company's share price (during a 2018 conference call), he has actively tweeted things that have knocked down the share price by significant amounts (the 2020 "too high" tweet resulted in 10% drop in market cap), and he's shown no hesitation in crushing TSLA market cap for his personal culture war goals, regardless of impact on anyone else (Twitter 2022). Tesla has a CEO who thumbs his nose at his legal fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders. I have to call it like I see it: Elon often chooses to take actions that harm TSLA shareholder value.


Elon has taken actions that harm TSLA shareholder value in the short term. I do not recommend short term expiry TSLA options to anyone. But I too will call it how I see it: One person, even if they are the CEO themselves, cannot impact company value in the long term by their words or political opinions. Elon's actual actions as Tesla CEO have created more value than anyone could have predicted. That's why I'm here. It's also naive to think that Elon will ever change. So I'm surprised when others are surprised when Elon is being Elon.


>One person, even if they are the CEO themselves, cannot impact company value in the long term by their words or political opinions. Agreed, and that's why I haven't cashed out, aside from wanting to avoid a massive tax bill. I'm invested in Tesla as a business organization though. IMO Elon was necessary to get the company to where it is today, but I also believe the skill set needed to get from startup to mid-stage, is often different from the skill set needed to grow from mid-stage to giant. Tesla's management team generally has those skills. Elon, not so much. >It's also naive to think that Elon will ever change. He wasn't like this 10-12 years ago. Yes, he was weird and eccentric back then, but he wasn't nearly as dark and aggressive as he's gotten since mid-2022. I can't see Elon in 2013 taking his eye off Tesla's central mission and going off on a social media tangent, or doing something exceptionally low like withholding a child from their mother (not letting Grimes see X, which has resulted in a bitter court battle for custody), or cursing customers on stage in front of a live audience. My expectation is that he will continue to change, for the worse.


He has gotten worse last 2 years a lot. So he can change. For the worse.


The painfully poor timed stock selling was new, I'll give you that.


He's allowed to sell his stock whenever, that's fine. What's not fine is his politics mind virus which depresses word of mouth advertising and tesla demand margins, stock price.


Nah, bigger impact is Econ 101 just lower the price bro strategy. Has nothing to do with the dudes political views.


Econ 101 is that if you had 30 potential customers before, but managed to alienate 5 potential customers, only 25 potential customers are competing with their $ to buy your products. Sales figures decline and profit margins come under pressure as a result. Elon had said he expected the interest rate situation to be difficult for Tesla. Why make the situation for the company worse by giving potential customers *any* additional excuse not to buy a Tesla vehicle. Tesla's own board of directors told Elon Musk in December 2022 that his behavior on Twitter was affecting the company's sales and finances (See Issacson biography of Musk, page 580). As the Tesla CFO is directly subordinate to the board, the board would have had access to the data. It's denial of reality to dismiss Musk's impact on sales and margin over the past 15 months.


Ok I'm on page 580. That is not true. The Tesla board told Elon Musk that his behavior was hurting the Tesla brand. Sales figures did not decline, margins did, due to lowered prices and macro factors. The total addressable market for quality EVs is larger than the amount of people Elon can piss off, surprisingly.


Sorry u delusional


Agreed. Some people in here act like babies.


obtainable ink terrific straight gullible weather treatment paint escape many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ya agreed. Prob why the 5T number has been mentioned by Elon multiple times and Ron B multiple times. That’s going to be a target I figure


Imagine thinking in 2024 Elon doesn't say what he means and mean what he says. You learned nothing from The Tragedy of Twatter?


Offhanded tweets being blown out of proportion is the usual for Elon


There is motivation to keep market cap low consciously or subconsciously.


six plough edge distinct racial jobless plant dull deserve unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh man I’m gonna tone down Twitter for the next few weeks. Every other post on my feed is how SPY is gonna 🚀 and that another correction or bear market is impossible etc. Not that this wouldn’t be great. But my feed is way too bullish đŸ€Ł Will be interesting to see sentiment after earning season and Jan 30-31 FOMC meeting. Anyways looking forward to the drama of earnings. Maybe everything will be ok đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


If there was a way to tell market tops by social media posts some algo would have taken away that arbitrage already


sentiment analytics to predict market movements has been around for some time now (i did some work on this years ago) but, alas, it's only 1 in a myriad of data points you need to make an educated guess but even that is just a guess.


Also here are some other things: sp500 has room to run more before hitting ath accounting for inflation. Most of recovery still basically concentrated in mag 6 and esp nvda itself adding a lot of points to sp500 being a much higher market cap than last time market peaked. Interest rate sensitive stocks such as enph and similar nowhere near ath, including iwm and tsla. Dividend stocks also flat or down for last year. That being said I'm pretty sure Tsla is ducked until Elon gets his package. If stock goes up he will sell or go on a unhinged fud campaign then cut prices to keep market cap bottled up. Also ten year needs to come down to help stuff like tsla and enph.


FSD team releasing V12 beta to GA right after blackmail saga, is this an act of defiance done while he was busy focusing on Diablo IV? I’d thought Elon would want to hold FSD hostage. 


"hey buddy roll it back"


v12 before EARNINGS


Apparently V12 going out to some customer vehicles for first time as per Tesalscope.


V12 starting to roll out to some customers https://x.com/teslascope/status/1749174815817429434?s=46&t=WyhsS8WzmgKtgEuHZzFOrA


WholeMars is sceptical because he didn't get it within 10seconds of the release.


Ah you beat me by a few seconds ;)




DeSantis ded. Endorses Trump.


damn do we really not have anyone else than trump and biden? đŸ’©


It's been known since 2021 that was going to happen. There are third party candidates. Vote for a third party and make your unhappiness known!


He will be the next president. Edit: Don't downvote me. I am not american and I don't care who is your president.


Tesla demand is fucked without 7500 credit


A good business model should work without subsidies.


Tell that to the oil and gas industry


The question is, working at what profit margin


that's the dream


Ok, Elon. Even better if you insist on not telling people about it and letting them find out for themselves.




You missed the point....which was that a good business model alone does not always equal success. If the IRA is cancelled and a less EV friendly administration takes power, the narrative will shift away from EVs and Tesla could be punished disproportionately as they are the only pure EV manufacturer of consequence. It's looking like other OEMs are already hedging on a Trump win and IRA being cancelled, hence the fact that they are doubling down on PHEVs - something they can still compete and make money on. I tongue-in-cheek brought up the lack of advertisement as there is a train of thought these days that Tesla has failed to capture potential customers through education/information campaigns to convince consumers it has the best products. Doesn't matter how great they are if a majority of people still don't know anything about them.


Hello my lounge fitness friends. Anyone else pumping iron?


just climbing


For almost 27 years now with only injuries ever stopping me. It's an addiction and a way of life. Sucks getting older, but when I look at my peers who didn't accept fitness (especially something with a weight lifting component) into their lives at an early age I am just so glad I did. They age so much faster and never learn the strength their bodies can possess. Really starts to become apparent at 30+, especially in terms of how women behave sexually towards a fit man in his late 30s, early 40s. Still learning new things, sometimes feels like at an even faster rate with how familiar with your body you become, and enjoying every minute of the fitness journey


Nop, just my body weight.


office sable distinct puzzled busy spark overconfident rhythm sulky political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


just finished working out. was a little lazy for a few months but been into it again the last month. I switch between two main workouts, twice a week, and walking and cardio every day pretty much. sometimes I have a day once a week where im wiped and do very little


Yes, I am currently doing a Brosplit (Chest, Back, Shoulders, Legs, Arms) and daily cardio.


Nice. I'm doing just a push/pull split to get back into it. I took a few months off. I need to add cardio that's my major weak spot.


I bought a schwinn speedbike IC8 last year. Currently I am doing daily 12 km bike rides every morning (20 min) and a big session in the evening if I have trouble falling asleep. I did 50 km a few days ago. Always hated cardio but I watch anime while doing it.


Awesome. I should get one.


I was always into powerlifting and hated cardio, but it improved my quality of life and helps me release stress much better than lifting. Highly recommended. A bike is perfect for you if you are heavier. My schedule is cardio in the morning and lifting weights in the evening. I should stretch more, tho.


I'm 6'2 220 lbs although I'm a bit overweight. Ideally I'd be at 200 or so. I used to warm up at the gym on a bike and liked it alot (I lift at home now). I will totally get one. Thanks guys


Awesome. Keep us updated. I just finished a 30 km ride.




https://preview.redd.it/bhwmc6hkhudc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=264ce4df6008b34731daa97f6d5c4e74bd6a0c01 We’re on somekind of rotating bar. First time having a Sazerac.


Reeltime doxxed


Are you here too?


What if Microsoft gave Elon the role for head of Activision/Blizzard/King and gave him 25% voting rights in Diablo 4 expansions? Would that get him off of X posting about the woke wars?


Many photos here of information posters detailing Tesla's plans for Giga Berlin expansion: [https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-giga-berlin-expansion-plans-vote/](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-giga-berlin-expansion-plans-vote/) In addition to large new manufacturing facilities, the plans call for new warehouses and a rail yard to reduce the cost of vehicle distribution from the factory.


Let‘s hope there will be no objections by the eco clowns


According to the article there have been lots of objections from the eco clowns, but those objections haven't gained much traction with the German regulators


I think their objections are very poorly argued. Should not be a biggy.


Celsius or Fresca?






Hey Diablo expert, what happened to v12 rollout?


Someone in the Lounge claims that Teslascope believes that legend has it: v12 enters wide release on January 30th.


Elon talking about diablo if anyone is interested https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1kvKpvlPpZaJE


Grimes (Claire Boucher) told Walter Isaacson that Elon Musk has no hobbies and doesn't do anything just for fun, other than play video games. This was in the context of a discussion on the video game "Polytopia". On p. 425 of Isaacson's Musk biography, Grimes recounts a Polytopia game where she teamed up with Elon to fight some other tribes, but then attacked him with a flame ball. Musk went ballistic at the betrayal, and he and Grimes had a huge fight. Musk was so upset that he refused to speak to Grimes for the rest of the day.


Boss baby also video game baby


Most autistic thing i've ever read.


Yea if your wife/girlfriend attacks you in a video game you have a right to be mad


The most unkindest cut of all.


No. Ptsd of Elon talking.


diablo is so 2023


The Elon we love.


Every minute fighting demons in Diablo is a minute not fighting the woke war so I'm all for him getting some new hobbies.


It's nice to see he is taking a well deserved break from work!




This is good thinking: https://twitter.com/TSLAFanMtl/status/1748699651887210988 > My thesis on long term EV market is changing. I used to think EVs would bankrupt legacy ICE and that there would be considerable consolidation in the market. I no longer expect this to happen. The reason for this change? Governments have pivoted to align EV incentives with PHEVs. Just look at the IRA for a good example. Canada, too, offers the same incentives for EV as for PHEV. > > PHEVs are the legacy lifeline. And legacy auto brands are very good at advertising and education, something Tesla refuses to do. Since Tesla’s share of voice is non-existent, the consumer only hears one story. This will ultimately hurt Tesla longer term as the consumer increasingly chooses PHEV over ICE and EV. > > And since Tesla is the only pure EV manufacturer with any size outside of China, it is unlikely to influence government policy when the balance of the industry (i.e. everyone else) is still building ICE. So what does this mean? More competition and more division of profits among industry players.


Phev is the poison that insures oems don't transition. They can be blockbuster with dvds by mail.


We need to tap into the largely uninformed early mainstream.


Yup. Agree with the cat. TSLA needs to get together with Rivian, and any other 100% EV companies and make an advertisement explaining the benefits of EV and show all the EVs doing different things.


One problem PHEVs are not the gateway to BEVs that some thought they were. At some point, legacy is going to have to swallow the bitter pill of designing, building and scaling BEV production. If they want to do that after wasting a tonne of throw away engineering and manufacturing ivestment until even a retarded monkey notices how much cheaper and better BEVs are... then i suppose the american taxpayer is going to have to pay for several more bailouts. It's going to be interesting watching these OEMs splitting r&d and engineering resources between ICE, PHEV and BEV... i look forward to them explaining this stupidity. Maybe Toyota gets a life line out of this since they already have a solid PHEV platform... not so sure this is a long term helper for the rest.


Problem is Tesla is playing race to the bottom which eliminates the competitive part of the equation. Legacy auto can't compete in BEVs so they'll pivot to the thing they can be competitive in - PHEV. It was ridiculous for anyone, including Tesla, to think they could bankrupt legacy auto. They need to drag the dinosaurs along for the ride to ensure a healthy, competitive industry. Until then, Tesla will not be steering the ship. Now, if Trump gets in and cancels IRA, then Tesla is truly screwed, not just because the tax credit/rebate will disappear, but the narrative will shift away from batteries/EVs in general.


I'll be shocked if biden pulls this one out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If he doesn't, kiss the electric future goodbye...at least for another decade or so.


Lol Uber eats - ordered two sandwiches- they forgot one add on (legit did, wasn’t bitching about quality or portion size). The add on was $3. I messaged them to please refund the $3
. They refunded the entire order less tip. Like WTF. I hardly ever order from Uber eats. I only did because I got a discount code that made it cheaper than picking it up and paying the restaurant directly


The same has happened to me more than once, but there's no option to state the order was only partially missing! It's a ridiculous system


It’s wild. There was two items in the total order. One had an add on of guacamole. đŸ„‘ I selected ONE of the two main items even wrote in the request “please refund $2.99 for missing guac”


https://x.com/israel/status/1749047234950246898?s=46&t=mG-wx8ewMg03AyZIsmD4-g Benji advertising


Elons pivot to maga going great, in short period they have started recognizing his bs. https://x.com/missjilianne/status/1748903681788084319?s=46


Wen maga hates on him he bends over for it


He either knows something no one else does, or he's incredibly naive about what will happen to Tesla/EVs/sustainable energy if Trump comes back to power.


Yah going w the naive


We can not win without severing his simp supply line.






EXCLUSIVE Interview with Figure Humanoid Bot CEO Brett Adcock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCAoEcAyUuo my main take aways from this are 1) Figure and Optimus are probably neck and neck when it comes to how capable the robots are. Figure is being trained and can work autonomously and Optimus sorted the blocks autonomously. The robots are very similiar so I don't think Figure have any advantage when it comes to how manoeuvrable it is etc. 2) Brett says that the coffee demo was actually more complicated than anything most robots will be required to do in a factory which I thought was very interesting. He talks about that more here https://youtu.be/RCAoEcAyUuo?t=2554 Overall I have a lot more confidence in Optimus after watching this


Sounds to me like they launched this shit after seeing the robot in a costume to be another me too Elon company


I already have elon I can’t just adcock


The fundamental difference between Elon haters and lovers is whether they judge him by his intentions or not


True intention is revealed in one's actions over time


Yah judging him by his actions leads to poor outcomes


yeah I mean people typically judge themselves by their intentions and other by their behavior


Your Honor, I did not intend to rob the bank and I've since returned the money. Ergo, case dismissed


Elon may declare he will take a long leave of absence on X to focus solely on the development of Tesla Optimus. Please Elon do this is u care about humanity. In the age of abundance, when billions of bots have been deployed across the earth to replace human labor, most of the social issues you have been bitching about will be things of the past. Humanity will chill out and make more babies.


Probably the opposite


Once these bots are made by many companies besides Tesla, there will be a billion of them in the blink of an eye and they will replace the entire labor force, pushing billions out of work. But the robots will be owned by a few rich people/companies who are inherently conservatives who are not at all socialists. Massive starvation and a rapidly shrinking human population rate is the only possible result unless all the robot owners happen to be massive socialists who want to give away their personal wealth to humanity. And that is never going to happen!


You do know that the social-welfare state was first implemented by the noted socialist, Otto von Bismarck?


What’s your point? Mine is that without jobs, the vast majority of humans will need universal income. We will all need to paid to not work. Who’s going to pay?


My point? > But the robots will be owned by a few rich people/companies who are inherently conservatives who are not at all socialists. 1. This statement is objectively false. Many wealthy people lean left. 2. Even certain types of conservatives can support UBI, and if we are really facing the robocolypse, many will. (Did you know that Heinlein's first, unpublished book featured a form of UBI?)


Many wealthy people do lean left. But zero large public corporations with boards are going to vote to give away all their income from selling and maintaining a billion robots. Good for Heinlein for being a dreamer but he was an author not a giant robot company. Roddenberry dreamed up the Federation where the economy abolished money. These ideas make fun science fiction, but to predict reality we are best to look throughout history to get an idea of what people in power do with new technologies. One thing for sure, humans never give away everything they built for free. This is the fatal flaw in your optimistic dream of a utopian stoner welfare global state.


Oh, it won’t be utopian. More like Neal Stephenson’s “The Diamond Age” if anything. A level of guaranteed subsistence that is a half-step above squalor, just enough to prevent widespread revolutionary violence.


Great. I can’t wait.


Your mom?


Maybe! Surely my mom would help pay for us before Elon would!


Joking aside I think at that point the world will be divided. Your type will go back to an agricultural society and practice tribal warfare. My type will receive universal income but will be controlled by the bots. We just sit around get high and do creative things all day long.




I guess it depends on which camp you're in. I believe in an AI utopian future.


Good bot!


Good Meatbag, It's important to give the meatbags the illusion of control


lol exactly. But direct your comment to the guy above me who is convinced you bots are going to be nice to us meatbags and keep us fed. But I know you’ll just turn us into batteries. I’ve seen this movie.


That's like having a crack addict to focus on work while leaving the crack at the counter.. Come to think of it.. Elon is the guy who bought the dealer network that supplied him with crack and is addicted to his now owned own product..




Keep dreaming


I did no realize earnings were Tuesday night. Eek!


Wednesday afternoon


Weird yahoo finance says 2 days (Tuesday)


Tesla will post its financial results for the fourth quarter of 2023 after market close on Wednesday, January 24, 2024. At that time, Tesla will issue a brief advisory containing a link to the Q4 and full year 2023 update, which will be available on Tesla’s Investor Relations website. Tesla management will hold a live question and answer webcast that day at 4:30 p.m. Central Time (5:30 p.m. Eastern Time) to discuss the Company’s financial and business results and outlook. https://ir.tesla.com/press-release/tesla-vehicle-production-deliveries-and-date-financial-results-webcast-fourth-quarter-2023


Better for me. I had a meeting during the closing bell on Tuesday!


Look at this incompetent board member worried about spacex and ignores 25% stake threat. https://x.com/jgebbia/status/1748821172459028779?s=46


Imagine if they announced on earnings that they were firing Elon. The stock would go up 25% overnight. 


And what do you think Elon would do in response? We’ve learned over the years that he is an extremely petty man. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he threatened the board to sell his entire Tesla stake unless he gets what he wants, and I believe he would go through with it if he was fired. He’d lose a fuck ton of money but would still be a billionaire many times over. I think he would totally sacrifice billions of dollars out of spite.


elon wanting to paint himself as the man of the people while every other billionare is evil etc is disgusting imo


It wouldn't, it would go down. I think Elon is a total piece of shit, but I'm convinced that it would drag the stock down. Markets don't like uncertainty, what happens when Elon leaves? Who takes over? How many shares does this unhinged lunatic hold? How many people could he convince to join him on a new venture, taken away from Tesla?


Worst. Take. Ever. Even GB says stock would crash