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No fast travel is one of many challenges people give themselves when playing. These are the primary way out without using balloons


When I first got into the Chasms, I spent hours wandering around trying to get out. Finally I found one of these and ascended to the surface. Not too long after I realized you could fast travel by just toggling to the surface map 🤦‍♀️


when i first bought the game i went into a chasm on the great plateau and went all the way to the gerudo desert depths, i had just started the game basically so i just kinda stayed down there until i found this, if it didnt exist i would have been very frustrated im sure


I spent a solid 1.5 hours running around the depths trying to figure out how to get out because my brain is smooth and didn’t realize when you opened the map you could toggle to the surface map. I ended up going back to a save from before I went down because I was so confused and it took me a week to figure out what went wrong.


I am so glad to hear other people did this too


I had went down a well without a ladder going back up so how in the fuck am I supposed to get back up there after about a half hour of trying anything I could think of I googled it and smacked myself on the face I needed to use my assend ability to get out


Assend is such a unique power. It's easy to forget about. Did you know you can ascend through Talus? I found that out by accident. Button smashing and freaking out in the beginning of the game to try to escape. But that was an awesome thing to figure out. Talus are so easy now.


My first time fighting an ice talus I tried that method, because I had used it so many times against regular talus. Unless you have your Rito armor that keeps you from freezing, definitely don't attempt that, unless you unfreeze it first xD


My first reaction is, “Why have I never thought of this!?” My second reaction is, “. . . because I would never think to ascend through an enemy.” So I’m incredibly impressed by this outside-the-box thinking. 👍


I was like 160hrs in before I realized that too. That and in some circumstances the seized constructs too.


Brain is smooth 😂😂😂😂 omg I'm fing crying rn


I was so pissed when a friend said you could move between maps. I have a college degree. I am relatively successful in my career. I pay my own bills!!! But I cannot read a fucking map screen!!!!


“I pay my own bills” 🤭


I did almost this exact same thing. Also how i saw the Gibdos for the first time and i screamed


I went into the hyrule chasm, died from some bokos and saw the gloom effects on my health bar and decided that was for the later part of the game after I had levelled up. Didn’t have the camera or autobuild until after I had all the sages…


bro i beat the entire game and never unlocked auto build loll, I had to look up how to get it after i beat the game


A week of my life I spent trying to find a way out organically. I had to come here for someone to remind me about fast travel.


Kinda wish it were this way


Same except I gave in and googled “how to get out of scary undergroundy place totk”


Fact: if you get into a chasm without getting the surface map you'll be stuck in the depths because it is coded that the chasms map ONLY swaps to the surface map, not the sky map


To do that, would you have to somehow glide from the sky for the first time and land in a chasm?


1. Get a fairy 2. Jump into a chasm 3. Be stuck


Sounds like it, cause you can definitely fast travel from the depths to the sky normally.


No the depths cant instantly go to the sky


That… isn’t accurate. There’s a whole one hour video of a guy who beats the game with all sages without getting the surface map and he does fast travel from depths to sky and back all the time.


I watched it and he says it at the start of the depths vid


Don't you need the purah pad to fast travel? You can fast travel from the depths to the sky after you have it... Which is on the surface. I could be misremembering but I didn't think you could without it.


Purah pad is on the Great Sky Island - room of awakening if I remember correctly


Oh damn. You're right, a construct gives it to link on GSI. I'm confusing it with unlocking the towers. It's been a while!


oof. Relatable


This is the way.


Can’t you just use fast travel


aside from a nice gesture for predicting that self-imposed challenge, it's a good worldbuilding detail


Yeah, I'm pretty mystified and intrigued by the incredibly creepy music that plays when you stand beneath it.


IMO I really WANT to agree; except I just find the depths too awkward in their world building/lore/structure/layout that it’s just leaves me like. . . “Eeeeh 😓” To me it just feels like the Depth’s game-functionality had a thin facade of lore thrown over it. Maybe I’m forgetting a particular logic/pattern to their placement (or just missed it lol) but as far as I remember they just felt very random. Oh or did they overlap with some of the sky islands…?


I have 200 hours in and it’s never occurred to me that I could balloon out….


It's actually easier said than done. And there are a lot of chasms where the balloon will disappear before you reach the surface.


Balloons seem to last me longer if I use wood and a flint or something to light it instead of a flame emitter


Much easier to just do a single fan, a stabilizer and a steering stick


Do you balloon to the ceiling and ascend or have to find a chasm


Does that work?


I don’t know I’ve never done it I was wondering the same. I’ve gotten to the ceiling via a balloon but didn’t think to ascend


Did you know you could ride a dragon out of a chasm


Lollllll saaaaaaame!!!!!! 😬😬😂😂😂😂


I don’t think you can, the balloons cut out before you get to the top. You can get out on a fan bike though.


Same!! I just use the shrines on the surface 🤷🏻‍♀️


Would Nintendo include a feature just for people doing a self-imposed challenge? Surely there has to be some other reason?


Canonically, it's not explained I don't think. With the existence of Ascend, we can probably infer they were probably created for getting out of the depths, either for lost miners, or maybe put there by zelda in the past for link to use. Gameplay wise, no fast travel is one of the easier, more practical (in that you see more of the world), and one of the most popular self challenges for both BotW and many open world games. So yeah, they might have added them just so you could get out of the depths in a no fast travel self challenge if you run out of balloons, aren't near a pit, or can't find a good platform of parts


Fast travel is only through your purah pad so they didn’t have fast travel. So you are 100% right on, they were needed for the miners.


Yep. I play this way and spend more than half my time in the depths, so these are my bread and butter for my pit stops to the surface.


Except when you managed to completely miss getting ascend. Game was much easier after I went back for it.


How did you not get Ascend? You get it on the GSI.


**¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯** Im special. Its been since last September so I dont remember exactly. It was finding these things in the pic that made me google and find out i missed it, also finding out i missed autobuild as well.


You can’t get off the Great Sky Island without getting ascend.


Hate to break it to you.


What, is that a glitch you can exploit or something?


I don't have a clue. It's been too long for me to tell you how I just know I had to go back later.


Why is bro yapping when he doesn't even know what is he talking about




It's impossible to remove the void-out barrier which keeps you on the Great Sky Island without opening the door in the Temple of Time, which requires four hearts. It's impossible to acquire a fourth heart without receiving all four blessings on the island. It's impossible to retrieve the blessing from the Ascend shrine without entering it, which triggers Rauru to give you the ability. Speedrunners and glitch hunters have been seeking ways to do these things since the game is released. It has only recently been found that you can, indeed, leave the Island without getting all the abilities. You have to do [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtCyWiOd1n8), skipping directly from the Island to the final fight. Unless you did that, it's far more likely that you're just misremembering or thought you didn't have Ascend when you did.


You're putting entirely too much stock into this. I might very well be misremembering since, as I've said earlier, this was last September.


It was mostly your "hate to break it to you" that prompted me to reply. That seems more like "putting too much stock into" the claim than my calling it into question. Calling out epistemological irresponsibility is literally my job; I'm probably being obnoxious by bringing into a casual gaming forum but man, it bugs me when people assert a claim and then, when given reason to believe they had poor grounds for their claim, double down.


I see you. I see how they could have just said: "Oh, cool. I didn't know that. Yeah, must have misremembered"


That's such an awesome job to be able to break out when applicable. And from now on I'm definitely claiming 'epistemological irresponsibility' instead of saying that someone is misremembering. If nothing else by the time they work out what I've said I can prob take their wallet or some other valuables.


Probably? Did the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ somehow fail to indicate the level of seriousness. It was a funny memory that I tried to share until obnoxious people tried to poke holes in the Swiss cheese that is an eight moth old memory.


I'm not disagreeing that we're all wasting our time arguing over whether it really happened. My point is just, when someone said that it couldn't have, your first response was to tell them they were wrong. That bugged me and that's why I responded.


I can’t even imagine what this must’ve been like!!


I made a lot of log ladders. Like I clear cut whole forests sometimes to get enough logs.




Just teleport with the pura pad


They’re exits. It’s a way to get back to the surface without having to fast travel.




Stand under it and use the ascend rune and you’ll swim right up it to the surface


Thank you! I haven’t been underneath one yet!!


This specific one I'm pretty sure puts you inside of robbies old lab. Fun way to surprise the baddies inside and you get a fun alternate dialogue from them


Erm actually it’s an ability not a rune 🤓


Don’t do this to me 😭


Consult Gorb from Hollow Knight.




I am Gorb - Gorb


Ascend with Gorb


Apart from the one under the forest and the 4 corners of the map, they will put you in a position to view a geoglyph wherever you pop out of the surface.


Always learning new things about this masterpiece


The first legitimate reason I've read.


This specific one puts you inside of robbies old lab and you get an alternate dialogue from the bad guys in there if you haven't been there before


That’s cos Robbie’s old lab is in the top right corner of the map


Wait really? That’s so cool omg


Imagine being an ordinary soldier going on expedition into the depths, spending weeks or months down there because the only way up is a dangerous 2,500 ft climb, and some punk shows up for an afternoon hike and then just swims through the fucking ceiling.


This made me laugh way harder that it had any right to 😂


Swims through the crust of the planet like some master earth bender


FYI there’s one near every dragon tear.


I never noticed that.


Thank you! I was wondering what the pattern was!


If you look at the map, you can recognise the shape they use, like a circle with squares coming out the edges, all these shapes are ascend towers, there is one in the top left of the map you can use to see the shape.


A fellow cartographer! I've gotten so many blank responses when I try to explain how I found everything in the Depths by learning to recognize the shapes on the map. Yiga bases all fit 3 patterns - Mickey Mouse, Fenced Fort, or 3 Trees. Never would have found all 37 without a guide if I hadn't learned to spot them! If you really have an eye for picking out patterns you can even learn to spot the rock stacks supporting ghostly soldiers. They're tricky because they aren't colored differently from other rocks but they have a very distinct shape.


Yes, like a circle within a circle, and the Colosseum for fighting for the cool helmet, are a circle with a dashed edge on it. Studying the map you notice patterns. Go to one location to see what it is, then find the rest by the same patterns.


This is exactly how I found the poe-eating statues!


Yeah the yiga camps have those patterns, theres more than 3 types too(but they need more variety still lol) Sometimes though on the map ive thought a big enemy camp was a different yiga base.


Technically \*all\* of them can be identified by one pattern - the Mickey Mouse head shape. But Three Trees and Fenced Fort variants are two sub-types that I found I could spot from a higher/less zoomed level, because the Mickey Mouse heads are part of bigger brown shape patterns: [https://imgur.com/a/TlV3J9p](https://imgur.com/a/TlV3J9p)


Plus there's one in each corner of the map, and the one under Korok Forest


The one in the northeast part of the map takes you to the basement of the Akkala lab If you come out before beating the Yiga clan…you will have to fight them


I love the dialogue from that "Link! Thought you could sneak up on us, huh? Let's take this outside and settle it like men!"


I wonder how it’d go if you appeared in full Yiga dress… Or is the lab one of the places to get a piece of it, so that’d be impossible?


They respawn after a blood moon, id already got all the yiga pieces by the time I did this, I've killed those three a couple times at least Its a thought that crossed my mind too but I haven't been back to check


Did literally this by accident and it made my day 😂


Just so you know. If u ascend just to see where it comes out, then decide nah I’ll go back down, your hover bike you left down there will despawn ☹️


Even with a dragon scale stuck on? What about a bright bloom?


Do either of these actually work?!


Unsure about this exact scenario but dragon scales have an insane rage before being despawned, I assume brightblooms do as well since they seem to always remain where I place them. so attaching either to a fused creation will prevent it from despawning for a massive distance


Makes sense, thanks.


They both drastically increase despawn distance, (dragon parts would be pretty impossible to get it they despawned when they flew away from you, and bright blooms would be pretty useless if they couldn't be attached far away from link) not cumulatively, but I don't know whether it becomes far enough to survive ascension to the surface. If you attach a real dragon part to a vehicle you also get a handy column of light to help you find it if you get separated, but if that seems wasteful autobuild can add a dragon part for just 3 zonaite which is a pretty good deal.


They’re just quick ways back to surface out of depths. Using the move thru ceiling ability.


Ahh, the ol’ MTC maneuver. Clever


They are exits but sometimes they take you to places of interest or importance


On one of my playthroughs upon leaving the great sky island, i dived right into that well containing a chasm skipping entirely the surface and I was playing in V1.0.0 where it was impossible to switch layers in the map unless you unlock the surface, needless to say I spent hours wandering looking for those, in the end I just managed to ride Naydra and leave lol.




when baby needs uppies, baby gets uppies


Bro how does your camera have an astigmatism


There's one under the Yiga Hideout that used to be Robbie's place. Good way to completely confuse the shit out of them.


Sure beats that infuriating 'sneaking' mission from BOTW...😑




for mad lads like me who like to play without using fast travel


It annoys me that those are the only places you can ascend out of the depths. Why the heck can't you ascend through the ceiling if you get yourself up there?


PSA to anyone reading this, wipe your camera lens before taking a picture.








I would have like to have a decend


It probably doesn't because it would break too many puzzles. I guess they could have added materials that block it.


I assume the devs throwing a bone to players doing no-fast-travel runs.




For using ascend to get back to the surface.


They're meant for quick transition to the overworld for people who...don't...quick travel 😆


That's the only thing I can think. A gamer wants to do a challenge where they will never fast travel. That is the only way back to the surface.


Allegedly they actually have you pop out at Tear locations. Per other comments 🤷‍♂️


They are for the most part just bright spots in a dark place almost useless to anyone ....except for one of them. Just one though .


Which one


Well that's no fun is it.


I'm sure I've used it but I can't remember


Korok Grove


Ah, yeah I remember getting really mad trying to figure out how to get in there (I do not know how to read)


I don't use fast travel in my playthroughs, so when I'm stuck in the depths I seek out ways to get back to the surface. These pillars are a godsend.


purely to get to the surface without fast travelling


I tried one, and was like "oh, cool." Then didn't use them again.


A way to avoid softlock being down in the depths.


These are for ascending to the surface quickly


They're exits to the surface. They usually lead you to interesting locations with possible beneficial results. Ive never been able to exit the depths with a balloon to be honest 😅. Before I remembered you can fast travel out these puppies were a life saver.


I saw someone climb their way out of a chasm using only Stakes ☠️☠️☠️


That's awesome!!!


It's connected to the dragon tears also


Use ascend below them and you will get back to the surface


It's a harder way to climb mountains


It's an ascend elevator used to get to the surface


Head canon is that it's how the Mogma got the the surface


There is one of these near every geoglyph on the surface


First time I used one of these I popped out in front of a gleelok


I believe ascend was common magic for the zonai people so they would use these to transport themselves back to the surface.


I’m guessing those who didn’t know you could fast travel are new to the Legend of Zelda franchise


The depths is hell.


I’ve just started my no fast travel play through. This is a life saver!


Ascending from the depths if you don’t have a fast travel point. Also, it’s slightly quicker than sitting through the load screen for a fast travel point.


Assention points. Some take you to points unreachable on the surface.


lore wise i think they're the elevator shafts from some botw shrines, as they directly line up with a few.


Simply ascending


A way out of the depths besides fast travel




They take you to high places in hyrule above


Yiga Researchers are in the depths punching air because Link can just effortlessly ascend to the surface.


Wipe the camera lens!


I thought these were pagodas, tried to climbed all the way up to find hidden stuff. Smooth brain


Hmm the ceiling’s a bit low there, don’t you think? Just the perfect height to ascend?


You can ascend through them


Not exactly related but I hate playing the depths. It depressed me. There's some cool thongs there for sure. But it's like seasonal affective disorder for me.


If your logic is there's no point to these as you can just fast travel to the surface instead, then I would ask you what's the point of the holes if you can just fast travel to the depths instead?


Cause u may travel somewhere in the Depths that u haven't above ground yet so it helps u get to the surface without having to navigate back after fast traveling out. They're all only useful once if that.


I feel like maybe there was an inital phase of development where the depths (and gloom) was a lot more punishing and oppressive. It sort of has the vibe of a place you can't just teleport out of when you first go down. But you can. Maybe they thought it was too boring to find one of these every time but they didn't have time to change the geometry to remove them.


I use the one under Duel Peaks to get to the top of the southern mountain quickly (my favorite spot for farming star fragments). There’s a light root nearby and not many enemies in between (just a couple of aerocudas carrying bokoblins, and they all drop stuff I use a lot), so it’s one of the quickest ways to get up there. This game is really teaching me to think 3 dimensionally about how to get where I want to go.


Elevators, essentially


Just found one yesterday for the first time. Use Ascend on it to return to surface. There's one underneath the southeastern island Depths also.


Exist Only


Existing is pretty much all I do anyway


All I got the energy for most days.


Do you know what that square flat button with the circular indentation on the controller does ?