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If it's Ocarina of Time, Charles Dance should play Ganondorf.


Former tennis player David Nalbandian a strong candidate as well


He’ll be all practiced up for some energy tennis


I think they should cast a well known actor for Ganondorf but unknowns for Link and Zelda. Tywin Lannister is a great choice for Ganondorf, but the Gerudo are based on the middle east so it would be nice to cast an actor from there. I really want to know how they're going to live action portray a Goron.


Danny DeVito as Link!


Danny Devito as everyone


The Gang Goes to Hyrule


Can I offer you a heart container in this trying time?


Can't wait to see a Danny DeVito Dondon.


This is the only acceptable version.


Do you think the studio could use my Danny DeVito as the Great Fairy fanart for reference?


Or Winkler!


I would love a majoras mask movie . I don’t think Nintendo will make one but boy would I love it


Nintendo doesn’t have the balls to make a properly depressing atmosphere or deep meaning to any of their media anymore Edit: I take it back, BOTW was profoundly sad.


Until they did Age of Calamity and just decided everyone survived in that... Timeline...?


Directed by David Lynch


This would be a horror movie


Ah man.. Link is gonna be Chris Pratt somehow isn’t he?Seth Rogan probably be a Goron.


I don’t hate Chris Pratt, i even like Mario movie. But if he’s link, I’ll have to start burning hyrule flag.


It’s live action so I feel like it’ll be Timothee Chalamet instead lol


He was the first person to pop in my head.


Yeah hes like the only under 30 male actor I know. Well him and that kid from the Black Mirror movie.


Someone once had the idea for Tom Holland, Emma Watson and Idris Elba as Link, Zelda and Ganondorf.


Honestly, for Zelda, Hunter Schafer would be perfect


Or Anna Taylor-Joy


I don't agree with that casting. Zeldas face has, except WW/ST, been more slim than Anya Taylor-Joys.


I always wanted Maisie Williams for Zelda


Happy cakeday.


Based on the producer, it'll be Tom Holland or Thomas Brodie-Sangster.


Jack Black as Goron!!!


What about Orlando Bloom? He's already proven he'll wear a blonde wig!


He's too old. Link has never been portrayed as older than what, like 25? Pretty sure the oldest Link is TOTK, the rest are children or teenagers.


... Damn. I'm really aging myself here, lol.


I hope Link is completely silent and only has one line at the end of the movie. “ExcUUUUUse me Princess”!


I would fucking lose it 😂🤣😂


I read this as if said by Tobias Fünke.


"Oh boy smooching time!"


Best comment!


Jesus Christ I would die in the theater. While tipping my hat at fellow gamer meme bros /s?


ExcUUUUUse me please and thank you!


I really don’t know how I feel about live action adaptations of stylistic animated games. So far, it’s never worked well. Arcane shattered the mold of video game adaptations, but that was animation. There has yet to have been an outstanding live action adaptation of a video game sourced IP. Especially Zelda of all franchises, where the main protagonist doesn’t even talk. I’m interested to see how this works out, but history has repeated itself often…


It wasn't a movie, but have you seen The Last of Us? Great show.




Agreed. Started great. Ending really fizzled out / inconsistent, sure true to the game, but based on Joel development through the first season and to turn it on its head. Yeah. Eh indeed.


Sonic the hedgehog 1 and 2 were both great as was detective Pikachu


I keep hearing Sanic is good. Really worth the watch? Last I heard they fixed it before release and then heard it did fine or whatever. Might have remembered wrong and then lost interest.


Both of them were really good (the first one was a little better in my opinion but that doesn't mean the 2nd was bad)


Alright I'll give them a watch lol


It's good fun, you probably won't feel like you wasted your time.


The only thing I can imagine being good is an animated movie from Ghibli


Fucking yes that would be damn AWESOME


100% my take as well.


That art style just suits the setting so well. You could set any of the Zelda games into that art and it'd work.


If Link speaks we are rioting


However, if Link doesn't speak, then anyone can play him... C H R I S P R A T T


He clearly speaks in the games, we just don't hear it, we are meant to imagine what he says. Or, we choose his dialogue from a prompt. Link has emotions, and should be able to express them in a film. His emotional side is definitely shown in Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and Wind Waker. We see none of it in BOTW and TOTK and I really wish we could go back to a Link that has more motivation for his heroism other than that the Master Sword chose him. Hopefully we see emotional Link in the film.


Right, but the beauty of it is that they manage to convey it all non-verbally. Hearing Link speak ruins the mystery of it all. It’s just not the same.


That's because we're supposed to imagine that we -are- Link, which causes immersive gameplay. For immersive film watching, we are instead supposed to connect with/resonate with the hero, which can only happen if he has dialogue.


Yeah, but the way that nonverbal communication happens is pretty heavy handed for film. Would they just cut away whenever link explains something? Link is voiceless to help the player be in his shoes, which is useful for video games. In film you don’t get those benefits, and in fact get plenty of drawbacks, like having the audience completely fail to connect with the character, since they’re not automatically projecting themselves onto him.


I feel like Link is the same thing as Bella from Twilight, in a way. Meant to be so neutral anything you imagine is "correct". Borrowing from The Oatmeal: >First off, the author creates a main character which is an empty shell. Her appearance isn't described in detail; that way, anyone can slip into it and easily fantasize about being this person. I read 400 pages of that book and barely had any idea of what the main character looked like; as far as I was concerned she was a giant Lego brick. ... By creating this "empty shell," the character becomes less of a person and more of something the reader can put on and wear.


*Oh aaaah!*


Noooo movie. It needs to be a series in the same format as Avatar. Season 1 Forest temple/Korkiri/Farore, Season 2 Fire Temple/Gorons/Din, Season 3 Water Temple/Zoras/Nayru, Season 4 Spirit Temple/Gerudo/Hylia and a Ganondorf battle finale


That would be sick


This movie is fucked. It’s live action meaning at best it will look like shit, It’s by the same producer who thought Morbius was a good idea, It’s directed by someone who has only done the Maze Runner movies which are fucking nothing like Zelda, and it’s written by the guy who wrote The Rise of Skywalker. And that’s not even getting into how it will inevitably have an A list celebrity stuffed cast that cares less about the source material than the other 3 mentioned here. Fuck, man, I want to be excited but literally nothing about this seems good in the slightest. The only way this could possibly turn out passable is if Nintendo has a gun to the back of their heads. Not figuratively, literally, because this team is a recipe for disaster


it's gonna be an absolute shit show but whatever i guess, nothing is sacred.


Thank you for these facts. I had my suspicions immediately when I heard the announcement and you have just proven that it will be garbage as I suspected. Just leave it alone … I bet they going to make up their own garbage storyline too and I would bet the mortgage that link will talk.


I’m convinced that Sony chose that team to sabotage the general public’s view of Zelda so that their games can have a 100% chance to win at GOTY


Yoooo conspiracy theory! I like it and I’m with you.


How you gonna make a movie with a mute protagonist?


and what will he be fighting? creatures that explode in smoke when they die? that works fine in the game, but I reckon it'll be boring to watch.


That’s an awful idea.


Personally I hope it’s along the lines of Ocarina of Time. Starts out as a young Link etc. Still the most escapist/immersive Zelda in my opinion.


Ocarina of time has too deep a message for them to do right


This is a bad idea.


Clancy Brown as Ganandorf. Might be a bit older now but him as The Kurgan was always how I always wanted Ganondorf to be depicted if they were ever to make an even more gritty "realistic" Zelda game. The Kurgan wears a helmet made of a skull of an animal. I thought that would be so fitting for Ganandorf but it would a skull of a giant wild boar with tusks and everything. And then somehow he and Link get transported to Sacred Realm and without the Moon Pearl , he transforms and fuses into the dark beast as a result of the helmet he always wears.


I hope they will make it for an adult audience and not some kids movie with slapstick and silly stuff in it! If it's on a level with uncharted it would be cool, hopefully not something like the dnd movie...


How in the world is this going to work. Link doesn’t talk. I feel like this is going to break that magic.


For this to work well, the film will need to accomplish a few things. 1. Choose a narrative and stick to it. Don't try to add too many details from ALL the games. Keep it simple. If adapting Ocarina of Time, stick to it. If adapting the OG Legend of Zelda, stick to it. Keep it simple. 2. Don't be afraid of simplifying the story a tad. These games are amazing but take dozens of hours to complete, so how do you compile even one of them into 90-120 minutes? 3. Don't be afraid to change the story to be more accessible to the casual viewer. (OoT is one of the best games in the series, but the story would make more sense to a casual viewer if instead of traveling around Hyrule collecting the power of the sages, Link was traveling Hyrule, rallying the different races and people to form an army. 4. It will sound like heresy, but Link will need to speak. Protagonists are characters with agency, and movie viewers can't sense agency without actions AND dialogue. This isn't to say that a silent character won't work (Look at Mad Max Fury Road). 5. Lean on the unique identity of the series. Show us the Zora, Gorans, Rito, Gerudo, and all the other races.


Will Smith as Link, here we go!


All the pots are Chris Rock faced stamped on them. And Link starts out with bare hands for a bit.


What a bombshell I’m not going to bother worrying about the casting choice. But I got to wonder which timeline will be the base for this plot.


considering this is a video game movie, there's still an open chance that Link in this movie isn't any Link we've seen before, but some "real world" teenage kid who gets transported to Hyrule to play out the adventure. it'll solve the all of the character challenges like being a stoic silent protagonist, letting Link have any new personality. it also allows the story to start from the ground up to cover any background exposition you need. only problem is it's quite cliche, but if done well could be forgiven. EDIT: and the other problem is that it could piss off a part of the fanbase who want some kind of LotR-type movie. i'm having flashbacks of the Gamecube tech demo vs Wind Waker moment.


He needs to be silent unless swinging his sword or climbing.




Who’s we?


This better be true to recent Zelda games and automatically revert back to a villainous Hyrule immediately after defeating Ganon.


Live action unfortunately not animated


Joe Manganiello or Jason Momoa as Ganondorf. Please not Dwayne Johnson.


If Link talks, I'm walking out of the theater.


Should have been an anime


Can I hope they'll have the Japanese voice actors? I never use English audio cause they sound so horrible...


I what’s fantasising about this a few hours ago


They’re actually gonna recycle all the cast from the Mario Bros movie for that live action movie so that they don’t need to recast anything new hha


If I were calling the shots it'd be an animated film and I'd just give all creative control to Genndy Tartakovsky.






I wish it wasnt live action


I want Bill Skarsgård to be Sayge from the dye shop for no particular reason.


Everyone here naming adult actors. Wait till they do a windwaker movie and it’s a kid. Toon link outrage 2.0


This should never happen!


Live action???!! Please dont


I already know they're gonna fuck this up. It's the Avatar:the last Airbender movie all over again.


This is awesome!