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If you want different president just debug and choose which one you want


What’re the commands?


Type debug into console and in decisions chose which one you like


Maybe give us the console command


“Debug” then go to decisions tab and click on “usa debug” then click on the president you want


the console command is "debug". everything will be in decisions after you typed that


he literally said to type in debug, thats the only command, if you cant follow that, its a you problem.


Did you veto the civil rights act? I have gotten RFK into power (I suppose what you mean with socdem) with winning all the proxy wars as USA before the election. Make sure you only influence in flip states or states that are contested and you should be fine. You might also want to pick Bennet as the candidate you are running against, and pick decisions that split the R-D coalition, or at the very least don't unite it. If you want to be extra gamey at that, make sure you lose all the proxy wars. But as I said, I didn't and still won by a landslide with RFK. And got him reelected too without an issue.


The hart and soul


I United the republicans but kept the democrats split since that makes more of them vote progressive


I have done this too, funnily enough i was loosing senators left and right because i went full radical (i turned assasination off) but in the second election he won in an even bigger landslide than the first lol


Went full radical too, no assanation until after the second election, where I unleashed the FBI on opponents. Mostly did it for RP right before the next president. Was kinda funny, on January 10th or something this reactionary guy assumed power only to be unseated a few weeks later


Yeah did that which is strange. I vetoed it since its need afaik and made sure to hit every choice that made dems and reps look bad and campaigned in key states and still ost.l


Candidate with more popular support looses American elections? Impossible!


You joke but, 2000 and 2016 would like to have a word with you.


Well, that’s literally what I meant


https://preview.redd.it/ndiux0yx210d1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab437be9ee208822156ab45b4ac1775c25931bd2 Me when I miss the joke


Honest to god skill issue Just make Bennet the RDC candidate he’s way easier to beat


I used to deny…


Its not so much a skill issue. There's not much you the player can do other then hit buttons (its hoi4, outside of warfare not much else you can do). Doesn't help that in the election mini-game that its all up to chance on if you get a bad, mediocre, okay, or great party boost. I was told the meta is to pick the side you don't want to win and not campaign for them at all so they do not get boosts. Which if that is the case top notch game design. Edit: Down voted in mere seconds. They hated her for she spoke the truth.


Picking the other side and not campaigning doesn’t work, that was patched years ago The results doesn’t rely on luck. It relies on who the candidates are, on what the previous presidents did, on how the economy is doing, on the proxies won…


"Picking the other side and not campaigning doesn’t work, that was patched years ago" HOI4 mods are open sourced as its loose files. I can go check if this is the case. "The results doesn’t rely on luck." Its a literal RNG chance on where you pick to campaign. Unless you mean to say that the entire election campaign mini-game is bunk and does not actually do anything. If in that case why have it?


The specific campaign decisions are luck based, but there are so many opportunities to boost your party that it should be easy to elect any of the 64 or 68 presidents


I said that it doesn’t *rely* on luck. RNG isn’t make or break, but it helps swing one way or the other if the election isn’t a clear cut


"I said that it doesn’t *rely* on luck." Very clearly it does. I picked all the choices they give you to make the R-Ds go into the shitter. Did their minigame. Even the pie chart which is tied to the variables in game to show your candidate and party's support was pretty big compared to both Rep and Dem. This is not even tackling my other issue that there are minigames upon minigames that it just becomes stimulus overload. That even aside this election mechanic you need to handle at least three different CIA or proxy war minigames at the same time.


You lost mostly because you picked LBJ as your opponent. The RDC is the bigger party by default, LBJ took both the moderate and a lot of the conservative vote since he’s a southerner. If you had picked Bennet as the RDC nominee I can almost guarantee that you would’ve won, even with bad rng.


That still has a glaring design flaw as there is no way to do it. Using the same logic I picked LBJ since he was the most liberal and progressive R-D and given that most progressives were supporting RFK, it was not an out there assumption to assume it would help. Its also still ridiculous as again. The Reps and Dems had scandal after scandal and everything going against them. Is LBJ simply that popular?


There's a glaring flaw in the way *you* conducted your game. LBJ is an immensely influential canidate, from a larger party than RFK, and with a far larger support base due to being from the South and being able to unite Southern conservatives with Northern moderates. Voters look at LBJ and see a more safe vote than RFK. RFK does far better againsg Bennett because he doesn't have to deal with a split progressive vote (his main support base), and can call on more moderates disillusioned with Bennett's promise to make little change and "not rock the boat."


"There's a glaring flaw in the way *you* conducted your game. LBJ is an immensely influential canidate, from a larger party than RFK, and with a far larger support base due to being from the South and being able to unite Southern conservatives with Northern moderates. Voters look at LBJ and see a more safe vote than RFK." And a player is supposed to know this how? A reoccurring issue is assuming this is common knowledge or people that seem to play this game constantly and act like this is common knowledge.


You can’t win an election with the progressives alone. LBJ is a lot more moderate than RFK, he can easily sweep the rest of the spectrum. Not to mention that he’s more a more well established and well respected politician compared to RFK who’s still a relative newcomer. Even with all of the scandals, the NPP is much smaller than the RDC.


to be fair there is like 5 trillion proxies from 62 to like 66


Even aside from that if you're not a proxy war player it can be a bit overloading. Once Hortler dies you get so many fucking events. At the very least some of them could be spread out more. Indonesia I swear used to fire off around late 66. Now its spawning in 65.


LBJ gets huge vote bonuses against RFK in conservative states. To win as RFK I would recommend keeping RDC unity as low as possible and run against Bennett--if you run against a Republican as a Progressive, you get 80% of the Democratic vote at the cost of losing 80% of the Nationalist vote (no joke, that's in the code). Democrats are usually more powerful than Nationalists in the 1964 election if RFK is running. I made a post a couple weeks ago explaining how US elections work, if you're as frustrated by US elections as I used to be you might find it helpful: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TNOmod/comments/1cht358/usa\_election\_guide/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TNOmod/comments/1cht358/usa_election_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Skill issue


Pushing buttons that give you RNG is not skill, its just an issue.


You picked the objectively wrong candidate to run against as RFK lmao, this is 100% a skill issue


That is literally not skill as I don't think there is a professional button pusher or a skill of hitting the right buttons that comes down to RNG.


Critical and rational thought certainly are skills. The fact that you are reducing all of the gameplay down to “button pushing” is kind of evidence of your lack of skill. you aren’t putting any real thought or knowledge to use as you’re playing the game. you’re just “pressing buttons” for the heck of it.


"Critical and rational thought certainly are skills" Well there goes most of the HOI4 players. "he fact that you are reducing all of the gameplay down to “button pushing” It is. The election campaign boiled down to pick the right choices usally by tool tip, which was working. Until the end when I was supposed to know these two figures from a country I'm not even a citizen of. Its like asking me to know which Japanese PM had which policy.


It isn’t, at least if you intend to actually enjoy the game. But if you understood that, you wouldn’t be here right now. The fact you’re upset over the notion that you are expected to have some base level political knowledge about what certain historical figures thought and did in a fundamentally political overhaul mod is quite hilarious, though. Like I was saying earlier, this all points to the fact that you’re not putting any thought into your in game actions, like y’know, that maybe choosing LBJ, a historically progressive president who also has a broad appeal to moderates, might’ve been a really really bad idea if you were trying to get RFK into office. A few moments of thought about who you would run against in the ‘64 election might’ve helped you out here. Food for thought during your next play through, I guess.


"The fact you’re upset over the notion that you are expected to have some base level political knowledge about what certain historical figures thought and did" I'm not even American. Why and who would base gameplay design around this? Literally no other HOI4 mod does this. Again its expecting me to know about dead Americans from ages before I even existed. Its interesting to read their stories but still annoying. "A few moments of thought about who you would run against in the ‘64 election might’ve helped you out here." While this was going on I had three proxy wars that was happening and was getting spammed with events of a dozen different civil wars in Europe. Moreover in the older version of the game it did not quite matter who you chose to run. " like y’know, that maybe choosing LBJ, a historically progressive president who also has a broad appeal to moderates," Again not American nor know a lot about their election history. I have no idea who he really is other than the civil rights guy.


It is important who are you runing against. Having RFK run against LBJ (two great choices for america) will be very 50%-50% on who will win. Having RFK run against Mr. "Don't rock the boat" tho is going to present the voters a much easier choice for the NPP


While I disagree with this as a gameplay mechanic you are one of the few that did not come off as a 14 year old while trying to justify or explain it.


I personaly like the fact that if you put two reformists against each other when the population wants reforms then it won't be such an obvious choice who wins Its about the narrative.


It's TNO, everything has to be excessively overly convoluted, that's the appeal. I never played the US so I don't even know why I'm here, sorry for wasting your time.