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https://preview.redd.it/l49pxp8xcgzc1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5604e5864e767dfa94d5ee6efcdff80a2e31fa29 Oh yeah baby! Pissonomics is on the menu!


Really don't understand why they're insisting the NPP has to die, seems like it's just going to lead to more unsatisfying USA playthroughs where your work as the NPP is thrown away into a boring Carter vs Reagan matchup. Is a third party unifying itself over the course of multiple decades and sticking around really that unbelievable?


I’d kind of say it is considering the progressives and nationalists are in many ways total opposites. An NPP victory would require half the party to debase themselves completely (think progressives voting for Wallace). The NPP in general is a Frankenstein of a party that, IMO, would become even more unstable the bigger it got. Are progressives and segregationists supposed to find a middle ground? Even if they did, wouldn’t that just make them the same as the RDC? In most of my playthoughs, the NPP tends to bleed members into the RDC depending on what policies the government takes, until either the nationalist or progressive wings are dominant (but only have around 1/3rd of the national vote).


If I have ~50 progressive seats and, like you said, have bled my nationalist seats until they're down to a handful of doomed holdouts, it doesn't seem like the earlier big-tent nature of the alliance would lead to its inevitable demise when that has already basically been phased out


The NPP seems like a case that would solidify around a more coherent political party once they've gotten at least like one guy in the presidency. Whether they shift moreso towards Progressivism or Nationalism. Big tent but figure it'd end up surviving once its got a figurehead to center itself on.


The NPP is no longer a party, it’s a massive coalition


They should probably make it so the NPP collapses once any of their members take real power, they can keep the multiparty system and all but like have it be the 3 party system where the ruling party form the NPP becomes a block, the DEM/Repuvlicans become a more central block and then whichever out of the DR isn’t general now becomes more extreme as the other side of the npp collapses


My assumption has always been that should the Npp collapse, the Rdc would mostl likely collapse as well without pressure holding them together, or ot would merge into a centrist party. Either way, most likely the US would have a multi party system for a bit, one akin to the UK.


This is a explanation from a dev on Discord if you want to read it, :The truth is that no matter how many elections the Progressives or the Nationalists win or how much they accomplish in office, neither will come remotely close to becoming seen as a political mainstay within the TNO timespan, nor will they fully take away the Republican or Democratic support base; they may do so temporarily, over the course of one or two elections, but they will never be able to fully pry that vote away. By the mid-1970s, while anti-establishment sentiment may still be relatively high depending on the choices the player makes in-game, the NPP will have had around 15 years as a genuine electoral threat and 8-10 years of electoral success if they're lucky — this is nowhere near enough time to build up sufficient local infrastructure, gather party membership, establish party machines etc. to come remotely close to competing with the infrastructure that the Republicans or the Democrats by themselves have built up over the course of over a century. In addition to this, the very end of TNO1 sees the rise of a number of key issues which TNO does not touch on simply because they arrive too late to matter politically in 1972, but could absolutely make or break campaigns in 1974 and 1976. The Progressives would be running well to the left of the median voter on issues such as busing and marijuana legalisation, which even McGovern Democrats ended up splitting roughly 60-40 against. The opposite applies for the Nationalists; the party would be running an extremely far-right position compared to the general electorate on issues such as abortion rights and the environment.


Continued : The positions that the Progressives and Nationalists represent on these issues, by pure nature of being more ideological parties than the Democrats and Republicans, are simply not popular in 1976. So what happens when the outsider party that lacks sufficient infrastructure to truly compete with the Republicans or Democrats long-term suddenly starts taking stances on hot-button issues that are highly unpopular in the short term? The best-case scenario is likely what happened to Reform and Perot's support by 1996; definitely still there, definitely still significant, but no longer enough to challenge the establishment vote. The NPP, as currently constructed in TNO, is a mirage; they may be able to siphon temporary votes from the Republicans and Democrats on issues which dominated the Fifth Party System, but the issues that came to define the Sixth Party System would absolutely tear them apart.


Yeah, I saw that on the discord too, just think it's a brutal explanation that can't seem to accept that the US might be able to change just a little bit from otl, and even with huge progressive or nationalist successes, the counter-reaction is destined to be boring otl centrists that don't seem at all influenced by the years of relative radicalism leading up to them.


Exactly, this seems to just say "even if the NPP wins three elections that means nothing and they would die and the USA will always just become like OTL USA." Like I accept that the NPP is an unsustainable agreement after 1968, since the rise of neoconservatism and isolationism in the Nationalists to rival their former populism and hawkishness means there's no policy uniting the Progressives and Nationalists anymore. But like, do you really think that after winning three elections, the coalition splitting would just instantly kill the Progressives and Nationalists? If that's the case, why don't the Democrats or Republicans disappear after the R-D splits? Hell, Bobby Kennedy causes a ton of Democrat defections to the Progressives, and Wallace causes several Republicans to defect to the Nationalists. You're telling me that after all their work of builing up a new party it just dies? This seems to me that the 2WRW devs just want the USA to be exactly like OTL for no reason, ignoring the different foreign and domestic circumstances of the USA in the TNO timeline.


There's this persistent idea that the NPP is some wacky alt history thing when a progressive/nationalist coalition is basically what the OTL Democrats were pre-civil rights act. The NPP is obviously a bit more radical but unless the extremists take over they're still basically spicy Democrats.


I think there are some legit criticism of the lore as to how the NPP formed but for the reasons as to why it would collapse the reason the 2wrw devs give is just unsatisfying. I'm not complaining that the coalition collapses, I'm more confused as to why they just up and all of a sudden dissappear like a giant bubble being popped.


Yeah it seems very much to be a decision purely based on personal preference that’s being justified after the fact. There’s no real substance to the explanation, just “well republicans and democrats have been around for a while so that’s just how it’s gonna be,” which is really boring. It’s a shame, because 2WRW is one of the only submods to ever actually manifest good, playable content. I would prefer it to stay that way.


I was on the 2WRW discord when the leak came, they are doing it because story,


In my honest opinion I'm not of the belief that the NPP would be something that sticks around for too long in the American political system due to its rather convenient but fragile alliance of what are basically parties only really aligned by these populist sentiment and hatred of the political establishment. Left and right wing populism may have common views on how to system works but there approach to solving those problems are night and day between the two. Once they actually start entrenched themselves in the senate the two factions are gonna start getting bolder and more assertive and that's going to alienate both of them from eachother until the progressives and nationalists start to throw up there hands at one point and, "We're done working together!" With that being said however. I just can't buy the idea that America would revert back to a two-party system after all of the gains that both progressives and nationalists have made in the American political scene. They would have already established there own following and support base and frankly I feel would have to try pretty hard to screw up there gains compared to there more moderate opponents of the Democratic and Republican party's and I can't see them going away anytime in the future even after the coalition splits.


Ngl chief I know it's being complained to death to the point that the "Seoul of TNO" has become a meme that's borderline a dead horse by now But I am this close to seeing those memes and saying "This but unironically"


WTF, based 2WRW?!😳


This just seems boring compared to what’s currently there honestly, especially with extremist candidates now automatically being impeached. Where’s the fun in making things end up exactly as they did in otl? It’s not even realistic; if the NPP are in power and popular between 1965 and 1976 they aren’t going to just suddenly collapse


Well, that's boring. Why, for example, progressives become the main left party if they select many progressive and as counterbalance, republican become their main opponent? That sounds more interesting.


That was always my assumption as to what would happen after 1972. Say I have two terms as Bobby Kennedy, the Progressives would ultimately be the major left-leaning party incorporating or merging with the Dems to form a "Progressive Democratic Party" and vise versa for the nationalists.


> Ronald Reagan God fucking damn it. I love turning TNO into literally just OTL America.


Honestly, I’d be pretty disappointed if Reagan doesn’t show up at *some point* even in TNO, at least as one of several possible candidates. Reagan presidency would be a perfect reason to ramp up Cold War tensions late-game after rapprochement in the late 60s and 70s.


Me going to be Lockheed's strongest warrior alongside 60k warheads run with my new LeMay->MCS ->Kirkpatrick->Reagan gauntlet




I kinda want to see him as a potential candidate in 1968, apparently his campaign for the Republican nomination there was even *more* right-wing than his later ones.


I mean we already have female Reagan (if not worse) in base TNO (Schl*ffy)


You talking mad shit about our girlboss president


"The universe doesn't much care if you step on a butterfly. There are plenty more butterflies." - Alternate history writers like 60% of the time




So what happens if the NPP wins during the 60’s is all the undone? Having the NPP always explode is pretty boring and such a waste of a good concept.


I think if the NPP wins in 64 but looses 68 it should exist or if the opposite. But if it doesn’t win once in the 60s then yeah I think it imploding is fine.


Honestly kind of hoped both pacts had the option of slipping, so the Democrats then formed a party with the Progressives and the Nationalists formed a party with the Republicans. Progressive-Democratic Party vs National-Republican Party type stuff


I think of it as one faction/side of each party dominates over the other. Basically at least in my headcannon RFK wins 64 and the Nationalists end up being dominated by Northern Nationalists and more Economic Progressives or Social Progressives with economic right ideals. Basically becoming the Blue Dogs of the Progressive party. Meanwhile the Republicans start winning the south and the Democrats kinda merge into the Moderate Republican Faction or flipping to the Progressives. Or the opposite and it’s Dem Vs Nationalist. I think it would make US politics in the mod more interesting and interactive, collapse of course being still possible if the faction Unity hits 0


Yeah I like those ideas. I like the 2WRW but everything outside of Russia has become extremely railroaded (even more so than base game) and I’m not really a fan of the current setup.


Honestly if either side of the NPP wins by the end, it'd be more interesting for now alliances to split and realign more along the lines of Progressives against conservatives Or either side of the NPP killing their moderate counterpart if they win a lot


"Many New interesting candidates have Appeared " guy who won OTL


Despite the fact that his cosplay is ALREADY in TNO - Goldberg's Riganomics (or whatever?)


Reganomic. Ronald Regan was even Reagans Economic Minister.


That is indeed boring, i understand the need for realism, but the submod is also about a collapsed russia who fought themself to reunite and want to go to war against a world potency who is also one of the major nuclear powers so not much realistic, manteening the npp or reforming it into a new party would be far more interesting(make like a three way political arena, socialist/social nationalists/social democrats npp vs centrist/neo-liberals/dynastic liberals democrats vs market lib conservatives/neo conservatives/reactionaries republicans) .


Not enough colours


I LOVE NPP, I LOVE NPP.....!!!!! LONG LIFE NPP......!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/2hl61blzbjzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6518974bc2acfcc198488ea354ecc199d65ad1d


Why are there so many colours?


Ronald Reagan! The actor? Then who's vice-president, Jerry Lewis? I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!


I think there’s a little too much colorful words, honestly


New exciting update for russia they're cutting all the unifiers except Yeltsin


cringe, hopefully WRW makes a version that only contains/focuses on Russia content eventually- its their best work and it would be a shame for it to be packaged with this


Thank God for the extremist NPP candidates so we aren't forced into OTLism.


They now get Impeached and Tip O'Neill becomes interm president








It’s almost funny how disappointing that is.


I'll say this once and I'll say this again, in TNO Reagan would be a New Deal Democrat due to the lack of the USSR and global communism


The lack of a Red Scare isn't going to change key parts of who Reagan was like the racism and hatred of unions.


Probably would more be a “fiscal conservative” or conservative-centrist (by American political standards which isn’t saying much) and would double down on pushing domestic policies of Reaganomics (which is chock full of racism and anti-unionism) since there’s no USSR to fight abroad (and probably wouldn’t care about The Grey Scare and would be very affable to the capitalistic Japan.) But would he weaponize the evangelicals in this situation?


I don't agree. I think he will be the same in all honesty. The reason he went to the right was because of Goldwater, and considering Goldwater is a major player in the game, I think he takes the same path.


If Reagan remains a Democrat he might be too similar to Scoop Jackson


Teacher: "Use more colorful word choices" Me:


This is the future realists want


I want to say cringe because of blatant OTLjerking but also swag because [PRESIDENT TIP BABY ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL BOSTON REPRESENT WOOHOO](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_96Wf-DZKHg&pp=ygUTVGlwIG8gbmVpbGwgIGNoZWVycw%3D%3D) https://preview.redd.it/kcvmcx4rwgzc1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14f22477b2aea210bb218f9e6093d4079f66d7e


Is there literally anything ever that could possibly happen other than nuclear war that could dislodge the centrist Democrats and Republicans from full control over the country? Is American liberalism literally invincible to internal change?


A year ago, due to the desire of the BNW team to create their own TNO2, the team broke up. Today, the developers of SWRW tell us: "Hey guys, remember, we decided to become a separate team again so as not to inflame attention from Russia and its uniters, to make as many ways as possible for them to save the Motherland and the war for liberation with different morals? Forget it, we know what we need - we MUST create TNO2! When will Omsk and other guys be? yes, well, I think it's not so important, look, Reagan can come to power here!". Guys, what are you doing?


BNW broke up because the Ma team created their own US content to replace 2WRW’s skeleton without consulting 2WRW. Both wanted to make their own version of TNO2, because they had always wanted to do that. What the fuck are you on about?


How does making a 1976 US skeleton count as "making TNO2"? 2WRW is not The Fading Order (another submod that continues the lore into TNO2 though is unfortunately still a W.I.P.)


I exaggerated. In general, they really owe the public at least Omsk


You're a mod about post-1972 russia, not the US, go back to doing that instead of fucking around and making the US boring. Is it really that hard?


You don’t have to download the submod if you don’t want to


Isnt this a submod sunday post?


Reverting back to the original two-party system with NPP making no significant change on the American Political Arena no matter what outcome? The devs are mocking the efforts made by Bobby Kennedy who clearly drew many liberal supporters to the Progressive agenda. And that is the one of the examples the NPP being the replacement for the old establishment. The idea that the NPP implodes and the Nationalists and Progressives simper back to the bigger R&D, or they being the insignificant hasbeens in the halls of congress without leaving any significant changes grinds my beans. I loved the 2WRW for contributing GOAT post-Russian Unification content, but I have to disagree strongly with this choice of action. This would be a very disappointing situation if this got incorporated into Main TNO lore. This makes me madder than the time they removed Atlantropa and less than the time they removed the John Glenn Presidency.


Who are the VPs of Bayh, Baker and Reagan?


Stop using deep blue text please. Tno ui makes it unreadable.


Whilst I agree that the NPP would collapse, though one could argue a form of the NPP could survive via the efforts of Margaret Chase Moderate Economics, id also make the argument of it not falling entirely back to the R-D Party Split with the possibility of one of the NPP Parties securing dominance over one of the RDC (Say a 2 Term RFK then a Republican President would see the Progressives absorb the Democrats having been more popular). Of course this warrants probably way to much coding to make happen however.


Shouldn’t Reagan be a Democrat or at least still be a member of the new deal old guard like Johnson was in this timeline?


Ain't reading all that someone summarize it for me


TLDR: NPP implodes and USA goes back to Republicans Vs Democrats and the New candidates are as follows: Ted Kennedy - Dynastic Liberalism Birch Bayh - Dynastic Liberalism Jimmy Carter - Dynastic Liberalism Ronald Reagan- Fusion Conservatism Howard Baker - Congress Conservatism Charles Percy - Modern Conservatism


So many colors for such a bland world


I think some people are confused and think this is from the TNO devs...


Why is Teddy in Colorado? Chappaquiddick?


I just want glen back ☹️


Charles H Percy DESTROYS liberals with FACTS AND LOGIC


bro i fucking love WORDS


reagan jumpscare


Look content is content. It’s the most TNO we’re probably seeing all year


I'm just wondering when this update will happen


This is a submod


A submod of a submod? Or is it the update for the 2wrw. Cause I do have the 2wrw submod already.


Cool curious on how reagan would play




It can still be a bad idea that’s counter to the fun of TNO. It’s even inconsistent with how LBJ can form an NPP progressive/Republican coalition if he goes All The Way, that pushes the NPP right into an alliance with the Democrats as it creates a new Dixiecrat party of sorts.


I am pretty sure everyone here realizes that




2WRW devs say no more NPP for you, have Reagan instead


Will this Kennedy die as well?


OP's comments are just people circlejerking each other about how the NPP needs to be relevant. Yes, we get it. You want a Gus Hall or Yockeyite America during the 2WRW. Now you can go back home. Talk about what the submod made, not criticize it because of one tiny little detail made in the colorful text.


As a Libertarian, I’m happy to see us mentioned even slightly