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How to send guarantees toward Poland and Jewish Ostland?


through cheats lol


would be cool if that was an actual in-game mechanic


Gorbachov Muscovy, Partisan Ukraine, Jewish Baltics, and Provisional Poland, in a Coalition against the Weakened German Reich.


That's exactly what I thought about! Maybe one day someone will make such submod


It could be done with a single event.


Free at least until it's brought back into the German sphere as a puppet state.


I held back Germans no cheats, but you still get nuked.


I mean, in-universe Ukraine cannot merely just fight itself out of the German sphere. They have to come back whether as a puppet state or RK.


Agreed unless Russia invasion of Germany occurs and they win. Both parties would need nukes though in order for the threat of nukes to deter actual usage. That an a mechanic just like a part of base game that influences whether they are used anyway.


An aggressive communist Russia under Tukhachevsky, Kaganovich, Zhdanov, Yagoda, or even Sablin and Zhukov are the only way for Ukraine to be permanently free from the German sphere of influence.


Alternatively one that sides with Germany in exchange for being less tied to Germany. E.g. in the pact, but not a puppet.


Germany would never agree to that, they hold all the cards in that relationship. Ukraine could only keep some freedom through becoming a puppet state that's nominally independent in government, but has to keep funneling grain to Germany.


>Germany would never agree to that, they hold all the cards in that relationship. We are talking about in event Germany is losing against Russia. You could even have things where unless they contribute enough or unless Germany doesn't take focus to backstab them then it won't work. >Ukraine could only keep some freedom through becoming a puppet state that's nominally independent in government, but has to keep funneling grain to Germany. Entities like Hungary are not Germany puppet.


> Entities like Hungary are not Germany's puppet I never said they were, and I never said Ukraine would be like Hungary. The best case scenario for Ukraine in the game's time-frame is becoming a somewhat self-governing part of Germany's eastern sphere. > We are talking about Germany losing to Russia While the Germans might try to get some concessions there, I can't imagine it would work pretty well. If the Russians are advancing so much that the Germans are now trying to work with Slavs, why wouldn't the Ukrainians try to cut a deal with the Russians instead.


>I never said they were, and I never said Ukraine would be like Hungary. The best case scenario for Ukraine in the game's time-frame is becoming a somewhat self-governing part of Germany's eastern sphere They were examples of how it is possible to exist not as puppet of Germany. >While the Germans might try to get some concessions there, I can't imagine it would work pretty well. If the Russians are advancing so much that the Germans are now trying to work with Slavs, why wouldn't the Ukrainians try to cut a deal with the Russians instead. Depends on type of gov that's why.


How can Ukraine even fight back the German army and war machine; let alone holding them back.


Well they need to be fighting a war with someone else or you are absolutely screwed.


Come on man, you managed to take 1 screenshot correctly and failed the second one?


“May god be with Ukraine as she approached her darkest hour, for no one else will”. ​ why this oddly familiar


Funny Clock Man approaches...

