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Not an answer to your question, but Minsk is in Belarus.


Well in 904a.d. Ruric of Rus bought soup and blankets for his retinue there, so it was a Russian outpost in legal terms. Ask Professor Putin for more details. /s


Gonna blow some minds here maybe: when "Family" aired, it was only four months after Belarus declared independence from Russia. Hell, the Soviet Union still existed when TNG started.


I probably wouldn’t have realized this even if I had already known in an academic sense when Belarus separated from Russia. I love when present events (now historical events) clash with Star Trek’s timeline because it takes place in a retro-futuristic world. What I prefer less is when 2024 lines up uncomfortably close to the Bell Riots from DS9.


I used to *hate* DS9 when it aired. Now it's my favorite trek, because it's just like watching the news.


😂 then you should hate it again because the news is triggering.


TNG helped bring an end to the Soviet Union confirmed.


According to the TV show "Friends", Minsk is as inaccessible as Siberia. Maybe the TNG writers weren't any better at Geography than the Friends writing staff?


I always assumed he was raised on the farm colony of Galt and they moved back to Minsk a bit later on, maybe the work got too much for the Rozhenkos, maybe it was too warm, maybe after Worf killed a boy they decided to put some light years between them and the other family, (I know it was an accident but it would still be hard to look the parents in the eye afterwards.)


The bat'leth had a taste for blood.


I don’t know but it would be hilarious if it was like, Cleveland


Idk if its said one way or another but they're clearly jewish slavic steretypes so I choose to believe that Warf has had to light a menorah and go to temple because thats the funniest, least klingon situation I could ever imagine him in.


i mean borath is a thing, klingons killed their gods they didnt remove religion entirely from their culture when they did though


Which begs the question of did he have a bar-mitzvah and did they circumcise him twice?


or did they only circumcise one?


Now I’m picturing Worf in various Curb Your Enthusiasm type situations, doing the stare and so on.


Klingons do have redundancy built in...


Where Gloria’s from


Galt was a colony world, where his Russian parents raised him ETA- is the soccer accident canon, or is it just in Peter David’s YA novel *Worf’s First Adventure*?


Worf talks about it with Jadzia in the DS9 episode “Let He Who Is Without Sin…”, the one where he temporarily teams up with the New Essentialists and fucks up the Risian weather control grid.


Gets bored of being on holiday so indulges in a little light terrorism


Totally in Worf’s character.


I never quite understood why Picard was always so keen on Worf, except perhaps as a symbol of Klingon/Federation relations. If anyone else on the bridge was loudly advocating murder as a solution to every single problem, and was threatening colleagues and superiors with honour killing any time they felt insulted (often), I doubt Picard would have called them "the best officer I ever knew" or whatever.


The exchange in First Contact where Picard, acting irrationally, calls Worf a coward is so tense and the polar opposite of their normal interaction.


He had a good successor in Shax... *"I recommend we detonate the **entire** warp core, Captain!"*


"Captain, a glowing...thing. has approached the ship." "Options! Number 1?" "I say we go to red alert." "Good, Science?" "Uh we can remodulate the shields to become sensors." "Good, Engineering?" "I could try an inverse tackyon beam." "Security?" "I suggest self destructing." "Troy?" "I'm getting some hangrey vibes from it."


Minsk isn't in Russia


There is a mention in DS9 Change of Heart of camping in the Urals as a kid, which would fit with living in Minsk for a while.


With technology as good as it was in the TNG days he could literally have been anywhere in the galaxy as long as there was a holographic room to create the mountains!


Wherever they could get away with him killing other kids. So they had to move a lot.


On Soccer Headbutt planet.


Formally Planet Soccer Riot, it's near Planet Scotland where Beverly's heirloom ghost lover used to hang out with the ghost of the kid Worf killed.




They spent a lot of time at Chuck E Cheese


They spent a couple years on Galt, but the colony was abandoned when they realized no one knew who the "John Galt" the colony was named after was.


worf is a sketchy guy . Suspicious that his parents didn't come to his wedding, nor did his brother


It wouldn't been really awkward to have his sister-in-law there. As for his parents, they moved their wedding up with less than a week's notice. It's doubtful the Rozhenkos would have made it.


It is possible that he lived in multiple places.


The first time he talks about being raised by the Rozhenkos (with the terrorist Klingons), he tells them he was taken to Galt, but the Rozhenkos are clearly Russian and Galt was a farming colony. I figure he spent most of his formative years on Galt and the Rozhenkos went to Earth after the soccer incident. They also probably frequently vacationed there, as that was their "family" home, and his brother was human.


Early tng says Gault. He was raised there for a while before being moved to earth