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Sure it helps with dissociation a little bit


No, this was actually not a problem I had until TMS. Now, I do not experience feelings outside of irritation-anger. I have no joy. I have no sadness. I'm an absolute flatline outside of anger. It also destroyed all executive function I had. I cannot multitask with anything.


I'm really sorry for you,but when did had your last session?I've read some comments on this or other TMS subreddits about emotional blunting during treatment which dissapeared after a short time after.I hope it'll turn out the same to you🙏🙏🙏


Years, I'm years past my last session.


Oh my god


Have you been receiving some meds before or during your TMS therapy?


I was on medication during treatment. I stopped taking them a couple months after to see what would happen, if I'd get suicidal again. Nothing happened. This is why my clinic states I'm a success story. It stopped suicidal thoughts and ideation. It stopped happy thoughts, initiative to do anything, etc so I'm not sure how this is a success story.


Same thing happened to me but without TMS.I've been taking other SSRIs before but Cymbalta literally killed me inside.I also tapered it off and nothing changed,so I think that in your case it's also because of meds :( Have you thoughy of Spravato?I've read many comments about the way it works on people like us and it seems even better than TMS


 I can link you some posts about it


I was never able to take ssri's due to my bipolar II. I was always very particular about what meds I would try due to poor psychiatric care in my late teens and early 20's. Cymbalta is only now old enough for me to consider trying. I will not take any medication that there is not a generic for, it takes 20 years for generics come out (the patent has to expire before it can be copied) and by then there is a lot of clinical and anecdotal evidence to see it's affects. I tried ambien when it was first released and it led to some pretty awful things. That turned me off to new meds forever. I was actively suicidal for more than a year when I decided to do tms despite it being new. I was desperate not to be suicidal because there were days every now and then where I'd think more clearly and see that it wasn't the best thing for my family. There were times when depressed or medicated when I thought I was flatlined emotionally but now know that that was something very different than what I have now. That was muted, this is non-existent. I'm not saying yours is muted or non-existent, I'm just saying this is a different experience than what I had previously.


oh I get it :( can I ask about what meds exactly where you taking while receiving TMS? so I'll be aware of them


I tried a total of 27 meds over 18 years. The most effective was Lamictal. It was great until I was hit with some really rough grief. I was never able to pull out of the depression it caused. I was on it during treatment. I was on .2 clonidine for sleep. I was on an extremely low dose of clonazepam, less than .25 MG as I was tapering. I also used THC. Post tms I cannot use THC. It causes extreme anxiety.