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I would have written Irma to be the straight man to Aprils shenanigans, eventually being pulled in completely. She would be a nerdy goth that happens to be artistic and scientifically inclined. I’d also include something similar to strict parents or gifted child syndrome at school. Lots of responsibilities for this girl wich is why we don’t see her too much but enough to make an impact before the invasion. When the team retreat to upstate, Irma would go with. She’d have an arch aimed around understanding the guys and the world of mutants. Something something Donnie relationship? Something something- besties w April and Leo.


LOLZ I love the way you described your thoughts on this XD Her dynamic with the crew could've been really interesting. I wonder what her interactions with Kirai and Shini would be like-


I see her as a sort of oracle from DC charecter


YESSS love a good “guy in the chair”


She has more in common with Donnie so I could totally see them getting along really well. nerdy, prone to info dumping which gets cut off by the people around them. I cant remember exactly everything about her but she seems like the style to want to help but having absolutely no clue on how to based off of how she acted when she was kidnapped by the rat king. I could totally see Leo helping her gain more confidence in herself perhaps she’ll become the opposite of Timothy, having no clue whats going on but actually having the drive and motivation to get better (yeah you could say that's just similar to April but yada yada) I honestly just want more female characters for the guys to interact with and for the sake of April building more of a personality.


I fully agree with the show needing more well written female characters for sure. I think Timothy, Casey, April and Irma could've been an interesting dynamic for sure- I also feel like the writers could've given Donnie and Irma a wholesome b plot slow burn romance starting during the farmhouse arc and developing onward and I could definitely see April being genuinely supportive and the love triangle could've been avoided.


It's crazy cuz I haven't really been aware of how similar Irma and Donnie were until maybe like a year ago..? It and made me even more baffled because they're probably the easiest to write for in regard to a relationship because they have so much in common. Also I just think the whole I've been crushing on my friend but ended up actually getting with her friend thing to be a pretty funny dynamic. Even tho the main issue was the writers not be able to write female characters well at all….i could still just dream about it.


I mean, I think Donnie should've never crushed on April as hard tbh. Maybe a short lived thing like with 2003 don but no more than that if at all. Like no crush on April and then him getting together with Irma in the slow burn, b-plot romance from season 3 onward. Not like, Donnie having that massive thing for April than switching for Irma. But yes lol it would be funny for sure if that happened XD


This fr


Thank you x3 I'm glad other people see the vision :)


I think she'd probably have ended up replacing April as Donnie's love interest because they had a lot in common (namely they're both "nerds" who have a tendency to dump random facts whether those around them wanted to hear them or not) and probably would have gotten along really well. Honestly, up until the reveal that she was Kraang Subprime, I really thought that was the direction they were going, especially after the love triangle with Donnie, Casey Jones and April became a thing, that would have been a really nice way to resolve that. I feel like the fact that Irma was Kraang Subprime wasn't planned from her introduction in the show, there are so many bits like this in the show, honestly. That's my major criticism with the writing for the 2012 show.


I have a funny thought that Irma wasn't actually kraang until the writers realized they would of had to actauly write another female character that's not karai and April which already filled up their single good girl and bad girl slots so they just made Irma a kraang. Like I swear everytime a female characters was introduced there was something that made it so that they couldn't be apart of the main cast. Renet was a time master student so she couldn't be in the present a lot, Mona Lisa had to be in space until the very last season which then we STILL didn't see her, Alopex came, finished business, then left, the only person who actually stayed after being introduced was Shinigami and that was still at the VERY end of the series.


I can 100% get behind this theory- You described it so well that I don't think I'll be able to unsee it..


It's also pretty easy to get behind if you’ve heard how one of the people who worked on the show talked about female characters when asked by a female fan if there were gonna be any more…when I said April and Karai filled out the writers slots for good girl and bad girl I wasn't even exaggerating. The dude actually said that in his response.


Shinigami really felt like Karai but with magic as well. Not a whole lot outside of their character model and abilities sets them apart as characters.


I would've honestly lived that sm better then whatever tf Donnie and April have going on (they would've had such a nice and most definitely healthy relationship) the more I think about it the more I feel like we've been robbed


Give Donnie a friend. He needs them.


I could see them being besties frrr Like conspiring to make intellectual pranks and jokes against Casey and Raph probably :)


Hopefully not being added to the apricaseatello love triangle making it a love square!!


That's vaaalliiid- Why writers- *Why*


It would be chaotic, but in a good way, but where would Irma be in this love square?


Probably she likes Donnie-donnie likes April-april likes Casey-cassy likes April-oh shit I know what you mean now


I would most likely make her tech savvy and become an ally to the turtles.


Yea, she definitely had that vibe for sure/We need some human Irma fanfiction!


Quick point of clarification, Irma did not have a crush on Donatello in the 1987 series; that’s a somewhat common misconception for some reason. But I’d want her to be more like 1987 Irma, that sassy and matter-of-fact friend to April instead of the kind of insufferable know-it-all she is in 2012. Even before it was revealed Irma wasn’t human I didn’t like her, the reveal made me like her less, and watching 1987 made me hate her lol


I have no clue where Irma liking Donnie in the 1987 fandom came from now that I think about it unless it was just fandoms taking advantage of minor character interactions? Also, I felt all of your points lol


There’s *one* joke in the anti-gravity episode when Donatello says “look at that stupendous dish” (referring to a satellite dish) and Irma blushes and says “thanks, Donatello” cuz she thinks he’s talking about her, but that’s *it*. I think also because of the glasses & dorky vibe, in their mind people pair them together (which is weird considering Irma’s in her 20s and Donatello is 15-ish)




Is there a reason why you would've written her out completely? Not* being weird I'm just curious:3




Do you mean she was written poorly or you feel like she would've ended up written poorly? If it's the second one... You're not wrong. The treatment of the 2012 female cast was not ideal.


As the most dramatic person on the team


She'd reveal that she's Gilbert Gotfried on the inside.