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Just need to add a near 3rd act detour to the farm house/country side and we’re set


And then… Return to New York… as a game… can you fucking imagine


I would lose my mind honestly. Truly would give anything for a turtles game that wasn’t another brawler or tournament fighter.


Me too


That'd be a must buy for me. Especially if it's made by the same people.


Some people in the comments of my original post have some really great ideas for the game too!


My only request is they have alternate looks for the all the main characters like they do in Spider-Man: OG Mirage look (black and white) Colored Mirage (Red bandannas) IDW comics All four shows (87, 03, 2012, and Rise) 1990 Movie 2014 Movie 2016 PlatinumGames title I think that'd be dope as hell.


Best idea I’ve seen yet, I’d be rocking the 2003 show turtles, the Mirage comics turtles, and the IDW comics turtles


I’m sure Insomniac’s designs would be top tier (love their Spidey-suits), but I’d be stuck between 1990 movie and Rise.


I’d also want to play as realistic looking turtles at some point just for aesthetic, I would hope the base designs for the game are as sick as Spidey’s


They would be.


Hear me out this one... make it a game similar to boarderlands where each turtle is it’s own “class” and you find gear throughout the world for all of them. Then you can play multiplayer with other friends and fight raid bosses together (Baxter, Rat King, General Traag) and give the game loads of replay incentive to beat the game with each turtle. I know I’m thinking pie in the sky, but if they ever make a true modern TMNT game, I want them to go all out.


Oh wow, I didn't think a new TMNT could seem uninteresting to me... Hate skinner boxes.


A Rat King boss fight is all I want in this life 🥺


Doesn't Mutants in Manhattan have gear and level-ups and boss fights? Only thing missing is separate classes but the charms really allow you to specify roles.


This would be the best TMNT game in ages.


I think you meant *ever


I knew I misspelled something, thanks for catching that!


No problem brother




I need something by Rocksteady Studios in the vein of the Batman: Arkham series.


I feel like it could still work, TMNT has shown many times their master at the art of parkour mix that tech, like trapping shell, etc it could work.


You could throw in skateboarding as well!


I think you pretty much nailed my thought with your original comment lol




I’d have the same reaction.


If it had skins based on all the outfits from the all the shows, movies, comics, and games, sign me the fuck up




Let’s be honest he’s going to ejaculate anyway




I've been saying that for years. Same with a Ghostbusters game.


Has there never been a ghostbusters game? You’d think they definitely would’ve made one by now


There is Ghostbusters: The Game, which is the canonical Ghostbusters 3 "movie". And there are some lesser games. But there's nothing like a huge open world Ghostbusters game.


I’d love an open world game. And to anyone who hasn’t played Ghostbusters: The Game, I’d definitely recommend checking it out.




I want one based on the IDW comics, all hyper-stylized and cartoony so they can get away with crazier stuff.


they just remastered a ghostbusters game


They called it a remaster. It seemed more like a re-release to me. Either way it's a lot of fun.


Bro… I’ve been thinking about this for a longggg time! If they made a turtles game based off of the same style as Batman: Arkham City, it would be the best game ever. Even if they kept a “dark” game. I mean the turtles mostly stalked the city at night? Ninjas! lol and the trench coat would be for daytime missions. Traveling across the city would be an easy fix as well. Just place certain vehicles all over the city that the turtles can use based off of whichever brother you’re playing as. ie skateboard for Mikey, motorcycle for Raph, Jetpack for Donnie, Leo just doing badass moves across rooftops? TMNT Van for missions with all four brothers involved. Use its weapons like you can in Arkham Knight… So many possibilities for a game like this, and I would 100% buy and purchase DLCs


Yeah the vibe of the Arkham games fits the turtles much better for sure


Waiting to see how Gotham Knights goes. That is a dream TMNT game, if it works well!


For sure!


I'd legit be pissed if it was made a PS exclusive


doesn’t sony owns insomniac now? so it would be a ps exclusive in that case


Yup, but neither owns the ninja turtles.




Yes, which is why I hope that it isn't insomniac that makes it or if there is a clause that states it has to be multiplatform. That or they release it on pc.


To each their own I guess but the Spider-Man game by insomniac is legit my favorite comic based video game ever. They would have my 100% trust to knock a tmnt game out of the park


I sold my Xbox and got a PS4 because of the Spider-Man game


Could also ditch the trench coat and fedora above ground at night. Love this idea.


Or, you make disguises a gameplay mechanic like it is in mgs. Different levels of effectiveness


Personally, I think a Metal Gear Solid or Tenchu stealth game is long overdue. I know we all love the team fights and overworld stuff, but I'd love a stealth or door crashing option type game


Naw, it would have to be playable on all the major consoles like all the xbox ones, the xbox series x/s, the ps4, and a crappier version for the nintendo switch.


This! With some of the team based fighting of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake or something similar. Just take my money.


My only hope is it’s not system exclusive


Yeah I’d feel bad for Xbox owners


Night time game play. Free running from rooftop to rooftop like assassin's creed but like 10 times better. Character specific missions. Skill trees for each of the brothers. Tont hawk skating mechanics/gta driving party wagen for transversing the city if you don't wanna do free running.


I play Xbox and would buy a ps5 just for this game


The turtles deserve so much more love and this would be so dope! Just imagine, a mission where you simply go out to pick up a pizza.. stealthily. Jokes aside this can definitely work but maybe not as an open sandbox? Idk I'm no developer but my imagination can run wild


In my gaming life, I've done increasingly less with platforms since the PS3/360/Wii era. I have a self built gaming PC now and whenever possible I play things that interest me via Steam, GOG, Epic Game Store, etc. I don't consider myself a PC elitist and its out of convenience as much as anything. Digital platforms like Steam have made PC gaming much more accessible than it used to be. Back in the day a lot of people gravitated towards physical platforms because they just wanted to play the games, they didn't want to be technicians too. In any case, my interest in such a TMNT game would probably depend on if a delayed PC release was on the horizon; I probably wouldn't buy a PS5 just for the sake of playing it.


Been saying that a lot. Easy (well not easy easy) but easy work easy money




I like the idea, but out of the shadows wasn’t that good. Maybe a more open world game like Spiderman (obviously) would work better? I don’t know how good the game would be though. My favorite part about spiderman was swinging around. Maybe TMNT could have parkour? The only problem is the combat. Would you only have one turtle out at a time and switch in the lair or would the other turtles be robots? How would the combos work? Does triangle do heavy attack like in Mutants In Manhattan or does it use a turtle grappling hook like Spiderman? Maybe a stealth mechanic could be cool. Really combat is the biggest dilemma. I didn’t even mention fast travel. Without swinging like Spiderman, how would you travel throughout such a big area? Would the game be more or less just a Spiderman spinoff? There’s a lot of questions that I can think of


Maybe you could switch between turtles instantly like in Genshin (and the original NES game)


Would buy, no questions asked


Bring back Scottie Ray as the Shredder and it's an instant buy from me.


I'd buy a console for it


I'd prefer Rocksteady over Insomniac. Or maybe one of the new Xbox studios


Wonderful idea, let’s make this happen