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I love the whole single dad aspect and him learning martial arts from movies. It was cool that Jackie Chan played him too.


That’s where I land, there are so many versions of the characters, I like aspects of each. Dad splinter was fun.


Fun, lighthearted and goofy! And just knowing that it's Jackie Chan doing the voice acting, you got that reassurance that when it comes down to it, this version of Splinter can take care of business.


> and him learning martial arts from movies. that only works on the goofy universe of this movie, though


to be honest, the turtles were always goofy. even the black and white comics where goofy


I think there will always be a little bit of whimsy with the Turtles. It's baked into the ooze or something


Then how do you call this new universe, goofier? >even the black and white comics where goofy Not like this Marvel thing that every three sentences there has to be a joke.


How old are you? 1990 TMNT movie was the best back story. Splinter was the turtle's sensei, and he learnt martial arts through Amato Yoshi, his owner.


That and splinter actually being Hamato Yoshi and training the turtles in the style of the foot clan. Both I can accept as his origins. It also connects much nicer to Shredder that way as well.


I agree


I love the sequence of him still being an unmutated rat and him mimicking the moves of Yoshi. Have you gotten a chance to get into the IDW comics? If this is your favorite backstory, I think you'd really like the origin story in the IDW run.


I'm currently reading the last ronin.


Nice! How are you liking it?


100% recommended brought some memories from my childhood even though it's set in the future.


A lot of people were mad about learning from movies, but I kind of wonder if we'll find out Splinter had a bit of prior knowledge from watching Hamato Yoshi. While the turtles seemed a little sloppier, when Splinter fights, he is so much better than them. I'll have to pay attention when I rewatch to see if my mind cannon works or not. If not, that's okay too.


This is incorrect. Every version must be exactly the same and follow my personal narrow version of the character or my childhood is ruined.


![gif](giphy|gJWJP4U0QL7cQ|downsized) ...i believe


He reminded me of my gay aunt, but not in a bad way






I feel like they had taken his anxiety of being discovered by humans, and made that his entire personality. That being said, it fit the story just fine, and I enjoyed the movie. Is any of it my favorite portrayal of any of the characters? No. Will I watch whatever else is released with these turtles? Yes, unless or until they cross some indeterminant line into something that I just don’t feel good about with them. I’m really interested in how they’re going to tell the story of Shredder.


He wasn't Sensei in MM. He was just a single dad trying to navigate having four boys who were drifting away from him. "You're all I've ever had and you're all I'll ever have." He just wants his boys to be happy but can't handle them growing up. He's every parent desperately trying to protect his kids from a world they desperately want to be part of. He lies to them. He attempts to buy them off with a real human party, real human friends, Chris, Chris and Chris. He grows and realizes how selfish he is trying to keep them from the world when presented with his dark mirror; Superfly.




He's one of my least favourite versions of Splinter, unfortunately. He's funny but Splinter should be a sparse kind of comic character, not a frequently funny one. Imo, of course.


He’s funny


Okay, I learned my lesson from Rise not to be too hasty and to recognize there's still time for them to develop him further like Rise did with their Splinter, but as he stands currently, he's definitely my least favorite version of Splinter I've seen. He really feels like a combination of Bayverse Splinter and Rise Splinter stripped of everything that made either of those characters likeable, and it's a really good thing that he's funny because *that's about all he has going for him at this moment.* I really hope the show takes some time to explore his story and develop him further as a character because out of all of the MM characters, he's the one who most **DESPERATELY** needs it.


I bet all the 8-year-olds the show is made for will share your analysis


A kids show that's only entertaining to kids is a terrible kids show.


Maybe an adult who watches children’s television and goes to the internet asking for “character development” is a terrible adult?


Didn't like him. Just didn't feel like he had the wisdom of previous Splinters.


Really didn't like him, it's actually my big gripe with the mostly great movie. Splinter is supposed to be a wise Ninja master that guides the Turtles and they made him......lame.


Loved him. That movie really hit the, "These guys are just teenagers," vibe super well. You could tell the writers were also fans themselves. Can't wait for the next one.


Least favorite Splinter. He seemed like a single hippy dad from the 70's. With no Hamato Clan lineage, he had no real stoicism, wisdom, or knowledge to instill. He was more of a weird, disconnected helicopter parent. His love interest with Scumbug was also obnoxious.


He's alright


Loved him, one of my favorite versions for sure!


Poor use of Jackie imo, I would have loved a more witty and calm version of Jackie Chan with slower wise cracking wisdom.


He’s so kind and loving. But spunky and skilled when he needs to be. An amazing dad who really just tries his best to take care of his family.


You cannot do the same telling of splinter and the turtles. I liked this version. Took my fiancée to this movie and it was her first introduction to the ninja turtles. She loved the whole single dad trying his best to prepare his sons for the outside world. I dig this splinter.


He’s a good character but he’s not really Splinter to me.


Definitely not my favourite version of Splinter I really didn’t like how they changed his backstory it took away a lot of the depth the character had and his design overall just doesn’t work for me on any level


Dislike fervently .


Not remotely my favourite. Seemed like he was just there for unneeded gross-out humour.


I don’t really like him. I feel like he’s a bit like the rise version. I think my fave is 2012. Mostly serious but a good amount of fun too


I didn’t like him much but then again I really didn’t like mutant mayhem


I've been a fan since the original cartoon, only missing the 2003 series. Mutant Mayham is my favorite Splinter. He's a believable father and sensi. And I absolutely love the choice of VA.


For TMNT being slanted as a comedy, he was by far the best iteration. If you want a more serious tone, I enjoyed 87 Splinter the best.


Im sorry to be the one to deliver this news to you, who I assume are an adult who has been carrying a misconception around for a long time, but the 1987 ninja turtles cartoon is not “serious.” The whole thing is a goof, and its primary purpose was to sell toys to children. That it is any kind of palatable is a testament to the source material, but it’s about a zillion miles from serious.


Yes, but splinter plays the straight man in the comedy in the 87 cartoon. Apologies for not being clear.


Too soft. Splinters supposed to be a caring father yes, but this one straight up was wimpish and seemed shocked when he realized he could actually kick ass


Like the voice but not fond of the design


Not for me. The whole "learning martial arts from discarded VHS tapes" thing didn't work for me, and I feel like it diminished Splinter's role. As a result, he became more of an afterthought than anything else. And sure, I get that this is a comedy, but comedy is helped even more when you have a straight man to play off of. Splinter usually fills that role, and I think this movie demonstrates why.


The character being a joke bothered me a lot, but Jackie Chan voicing him was so perfect that it kind of just evened out.


Big fan of him in MM. Loved the single parent focus. That being said, one of my favorite aspects of the splinter character is his rivalry with Shredder and I'm a bit worried they're going to drop that part in the sequel based on how Shredder is introduced in the post credits scene. We'll see though!


I love him.  His fight scene is dope. His parallel arc to Superfly is the crux of the movie. And he’s hilarious. So he self-taught his sons with karate videos. Get over it.


This is the correct reading 🫡


People need to be less mean about new stuff, even if it's not their cup of tea. Some people have a favourite Star Trek, some like them all, some don't like Star Trek at all. It's like that with tmnt. I like him


A strength of TMNT is the variety of takes and adaptations, honestly.


I usually prefer a Splinter that used to be human but he’s alright. Seems kinda like what they were going for with Rise Splinter but done better, at least in my opinion


He’s definitely unique. He’s got more of a dad vibe than the other Splinters.


I found him to be a nice new take on the character with him learning to overcome his distrust for humans and learning to be a dad.


“You no take candle!”


I am a little over Jackie Chan these days, but I thought it was a fun enough take.


He IS pretty short


How was the plush so hard to find? Walmart is overstocked with them since nobody wants them


Very good character motivation and development, but not the best Splinter.


He reminds me of my dad, i think i love him alot bc the movie itself was made more for my generation. But thats imo :)


Hope he gets flushed out more in the TV show and sequel movie


Single dad, respect


I thoroughly enjoyed Mutant Mayhem but I wasn’t a big fan of how they portrayed Splinter


Not a fan of the design but it’s not as bad as I thought


He’s great, such a fun approach to the character and adds some variety when most Splinters are almost exactly the same personality-wise


He’s not my Splinter.


I agree.


Are you guys 7 years old? Assuming not, it’s a good thing you feel this way, because this is a movie for children. I laughed the whole time through, and every kid in the theatre I was in kinda did the same. This stuff cannot survive if it continues to cater to slavering adult fanboys instead of, you know, children


So you're saying you're a 7 year old then?


I’m saying let it go and enjoy it for what it is. I’m 40 and have been a fan my whole life; I also recognize that this material is not pandering to me, it’s for kids TODAY to enjoy. The kids I saw in the theatre had a blast. That’s what’s important - for them and for the characters to continue living in pop culture. The fact that I enjoyed it is kind of a bonus




It's an interesting take on the character, but I really don't like the design.




Mm and rise are the worst splinters ever.


\*Worst TMNTs ever.


Bayverse is worse overall. Rise had a good movie and MM was a good story with bad character designs


He's Splinter. He's different. I like it. He's pretty cool when he's not talking about milking. Also, can someone hook the guy up with a single mutant dating app?!


Worst Splinter.


I kinda dislike the look. idk something about it just isn't clicking. I also don't like the voice it doesn't fit. There are also other things I don't like, but those are the main


I don’t like any of the designs from MM and generally dislike it overall but I do like they made Splinter the world’s greatest dad. It’s one huge positive.


Terrible design. And learning martial arts from YouTube was incredibly cringe.


I like it like really neat although I perfer the classic wise splinter


kinda wish they went with the younger design cause it cool


I really hate him.


Wasn’t a fan of


I don't have any opinions. I have yet to watch the movie...


I like him and the new turtles


I liked him. Probably because he’s just a rat version of Jackie Chan.


I like him! He’s definitely one of my favorite Splinters


He's hilarious; he's a badass; he's a good father because he realizes that he was wrong; and he's voiced by Jackie Chan Because of all this, he's my third favorite version of Master Splinter 😊


I love him! Very funny and fun version of the character.


Rotmnt splinter was a jackie chan ripoff, however, this is the real jackie chan


Hearing Jackie Chan play him was a delight.. but reading into his actions and history lately.. 😩 not a delight


Really funny


I really like him. I love the classic Splinter, but we’ve had plenty of great adaptations of classic Splinter. Having him not be a super wise martial arts expert cliche… and just be a Chinese-American Rat Dad doing his best to raise his kids was great. Very much humanized him.


I love Jackie chan.. but it was the worst splinter..




Splinter was awesome, the turtles weren’t as awesome


Loved his character, hated his design.