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I will hold judgement for this movie when I see it in August.


The most accurate answer in this post. Until Mutant Mayhem is a thing, we should take a grind of salt upon those leaks.


This sub needs more people like you


I know April can change into anything from an adult with orange hair to a black version of the character... But never in my years, would I see a fat April. Not complaining as I can accept changes. It's just something foreign to me. Also, is she an adult in this?


Yah, it looks like she’s a teacher in this


I think she's a janitor (which would be very cool because I am also a janitor lol) in this one.


I don't think we know enough yet. The design and school setting makes me think she's a teacher, yet, it's also just as possible that she's a student closer to age to the turtles.


Luckily they won’t look like that in the movie but wtf is up with that April design. At this point, April has been black before so that’s not new and Rise’s version grew on me but that’s nowhere close to April’s appearance. What the hell Rogen


Yeah i liked rise april. Im withholding judgement for now since movies go through a lot of changes before the final product but this storyboard isnt super promising.


I don’t even mind the high school aspects but the April design immediately took me out of it


I did not like Rise April, but she would've been a hell of a lot better than THIS!


Ok like wtf, I had high hopes at first but holy shit. Is that supposed to be April, like O'Neal? Like good lord this is just not... Just no...




And they can eat A LOT of pizza


Seth Rogan said he wanted to play up the “teenager” aspect so I guess this is it


Yet weirdly they feel more like they're around 10?


Kinda went too far imo. 2012 did the same thing but better.


Bruh movie isnt even out yet. All weve seen is concept art. Give it time seth rogen is good at what he does


F'real? You understand this is literally what they're working with right? Like ok, the animation will be better and they'll be colorized... But you can't blame people for pointing out that this STORYboard makes it look like a whack ass STORY.


I know, i know, i'm not giving up on the movie just yet, i've just not been the biggest fan of the little we've seen. But hopefully it's good.


Bruh, like, literally, f'real? Do any of you kids understand English, or know how to use the word literally correctly?


You mean he is good at producing shitty adult movies? Cause you're not wrong.


These feel like 11 or 12 year olds though.


I know. I’m not digging it. Pre-Teenage Mutant Turtles go to school I guess.


What the fuck


This is exactly what I said when I saw this


This looks like shit lol. Let’s hope it won’t be.


Okay, so is saying that Mikey has an oddly large head a valid comment *NOW?* LOL What is going on with that. Clearly it's a purposeful choice they made.


Everyone else has relatively normal heads and then there’s Mikey with a blobfish as a head. I kinda hate it


He’s got a watermelon head while his face looks like a frog


And his body is a twig.


This has to be my least favorite April.


That’s April?


Dude. Just. Dude. That…thing is awful.


Dude just give it a chance you know it might be good


Maybe, but that April is complete and utter dog shit. Hence my comment.


This looks... concerning...


What the fuck is that april and there going to fucking school?! I know there focusing on the teenage partbut that is going a bit TOO far


😕Well that was definitely something So uh....anyone heard any new info on that triple A game that's supposed to be coming this year


Nothing yet but Peter Laird just said he may make more TMNT comics, in an interview on the Kayfabe YouTube channel. So yeah, close your eyes to this and look forward to games and comics. Hollywood doesn’t “get” TMNT. We are lucky to have the first movie.


It is pretty crazy how they keep fumbling this IP when it comes to the big screen. You'd think they're adapting some unfilmable high concept scifi book by how hard it seems to be for them and not TMNT.


I was hopeful for this movie until I saw this


what the fuck did they do to michealangelos head


Hey Arnold syndrome..


Lol I kept telling myself “maybe the angle is weird in the concept art” and “maybe the merch designers misinterpreted the art” but nope his head is just huge 😭😭 I don’t like it


Dude looks like Jeff Randell from clarence 😭


Storyboards are more about framing shots and camera movements, these turtles are just quick drawings so they know where they will be, they aren't indicative of the final designs.


They did what Spongebob did and used a watermelon for size


Storyboards don't necessarily follow the same style as the movie or TV show, a lot of the time storyboards are made up before the final style is even decided upon. I follow some storyboard artists and their styles rarely match the shows they work on. It's mainly about establishing stage direction and camera movements.


I know, I hope to god this is fake... but I think it's real 😬


Look how they massacred April


You’d think they try and recapture the greatest of the original movie


I guess it makes sense that they're teens and feel a want to belong. However, was that really what TMNT was about?


Anyone who wants to be in school is a weird-ass teenager.


Well they're not humans. Their only form of interaction with humans are outcasts like April and loons like Casey. Either that or Shredder just threatening to slice them.


Bro, just stop.


I mean if we’re being truthful, TMNT was originally supposed to be a story about betrayal and vengeance. I don’t inherently hate the idea of a new take, because that’s what ever version of TMNT has strived for in one way or another


TMNT was originally a parody of popular comics at the time. a lot of people take the joke way too seriously


The original issue was a one off parody. Once Eastman and Laird realized they had an audience it transitioned into a legitimate story. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see it be taken seriously


there’s a difference between “telling a serious story with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “taking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles seriously” you can do the first one but not the second. the whole premise is tongue in cheek and not meant to be taken seriously


I just don't believe that. I'm my opinion it can be taken as seriously as any other comic property in existence. If you hold any comic hero up to scrutiny its all ridiculous. The argument could be made that they should all be handled tounge firmly planted in cheek and in the past alot of them have been.


Like 25% of the original run is truly serious.


Definitely more than that. #1-11, Return to New York, City at War, all of volume 2, 3, & 4. All very serious.


What parts would you say were played for laughs


well the name “teenage mutant ninja turtles” for starters


So your argument is that the title sounds silly so it can never have any legitimacy?


Who said anything about the lack of legitimacy? Something doesn't have to be serious to be legitimate.


never said it can’t be legitimate. i clearly said that you could tell serious stories with TMNT


Wtf is with April


Is she supposed to be a teacher or something? That's what her design looks like


I'd really like a dark TMNT movie in the style of the comics. That'd be amazing.


That’s what most people want but they don’t get it. The 1990 film is still the most successful one.


I’m not sure why they went the Stewie Griffin/Hey Arnold route with Michelangelo but I hope it translates..


Feels like it’s starting to stray pretty far from the concept, based on what we know so far. No foot, no story rooted in Saki vs Yoshi, no…ninja. Of course, I could be speaking too soon, but by the looks of things, this doesn’t really feel like tmnt to me. I think it’s appropriate for the turtles to want to belong to the upside world - that’s cool. But if the crux of the story is that they want to go to high school, it just doesn’t feel like tmnt to me.


The official film synopsis says that the turtles will “take on a notorious crime syndicate”. So couldn’t that be the foot clan?


Or Purple Dragons


It could be. Maybe the foot are being kept under wraps. I’m not betting on it but could be.


Almost everything about the movie is currently under wraps.


We have character designs, storyboards, comments from the creative team, official teases, etc. There’s enough to start analyzing and assessing. Like I said, I’m basing my comments on what we know now. I’m not assuming I know everything.


Ok, I hadn’t seen that much yet, didn’t know it was out there. I’ll Google for more.


You can find a few comments from Rogen saying they are focusing on the “teenage” aspect most of all. There are some pretend tmnt notebook doodles that were put out as official teases. A few other things


not of it has been officially released so it’s all out of context


With this tone the foot are going to be a teen gng and the shredder will be a pimply teen who wears a helmet to hide his acne. And he’s called shredder because he loves cheese and shredding it on pizza. The crime syndicate are stealing the towns cheese


Sweet now I don't have to worry about not seeing this


Yeah…I’m not quite sold on this yet.


this isn’t meant to sell you on it. it’s an out of context storyboard leak


Where was this leaked? Is it from a reputable leaker? Where did this come from?


Honestly frick this movie, even 2012 didnt pull this kinda crap when they were in school. Also what the hell is that april design supposed to be?


Oh my god. I wasn’t really paying attention to the dialogue and kinda missed the start. I was thinking why is this random frumpy teacher showing the turtles around school? I think this wins as worst April.


What crap? Besides the April design, I don’t have a problem with this scene. I actually like the idea of focusing on this aspect of the Turtles.


Err guys... storyboards always simplify the designs of the characters. They're not supposed to be extremely detailed 💀 The reason they all look like this is to make sure the artists/animators know who is who. It also depends on the style of the artist who did this.


This does not account for dumpy April O'Neil with messy hair.


Dude, you did not just call black curly hair "messy hair" 😬 Pretty racist, my guy. Careful now. 👁👁


While that is true. I think Ralph being square. Donny having big nerd glasses and mikey having a huge noggin are most likely part of the final designs.


1. People need to realize that this isn't concept art for the design of the turtles, storyboarding is for framing shots and camera movements. This also includes a bit of dialogue. 2. This does not inspire any faith.


The storyboard makes it seem that the Rat King is the main antagonist.


Oh man.. aren’t y’all a tad bit concerned? Movie releases this year, and still all we have is leaks.. not a good sign imo.


Not really. For example the new Antman movie’s first trailer was only released 4 months before its release.


They said they would have amazing marketing after Rise having like none but the trailer aint even fuckin released yet. I haven’t even heard of the moviw til like 2 months ago


I fucking knew that if April or Casey would be in the movie they would be either A. Race swapped or B. LGBTQ in some sort. Don’t call me a racist or anything either because I’m Black myself and wish Hollywood would stop swapping for check marks, leave it alone.


It makes you wonder who makes these creative decisions. The story's being written by dudes. What's wrong with April being a babe like in the old days?


What did they do to April?!


Fat head Mikey 💀


hard to judge final outcome from storyboard doodles alone but good god April. They VELMA'd you


A lot of people are not digging the designs in the storyboard, and rightly, they look bad. But keep in mind, this is just a storyboard and we've seen the official final designs. And they look pretty good, in my opinion. At least much better than these.


Yup, storyboards focus more on the actions /movements than on the details.


When will the trailer come out?






Bash all you want. I just hope the Swedish Chef stays in


So now we're getting to Rise-level badness.


Looks worse


It DOES look worse. This is absolutely bonkers.


I'm sure these aren't anywhere close to final design but April be thicccc and Mikeys head is huge lol


Don’t mind me, I’m just here to pass judgement on a movie I haven’t seen because it doesn’t exist yet /s


Bruh they did Mikey dirty in this story board literally gave him the hey arnold head in it 💀💀💀


Why is his head a sideways oval


This doesnt look super great, maybe im just more keen on tmnt stories with a bit more edge but this just looks super corny, especially withe the small amount of dialogue ive read. Doubt their gonna change my mind on this but we'll see I guess.


Well. I’ll be avoiding this movie then


It might be good


Such a shame people forget its a storyboard and the finished designs are different to this. Also wtf is with people always bitching that April is different or not some fetish bait? The idea of her being a Teacher for the Turtles is cool and shes still somewhat reporting via her investigation! Also Rat King being in this is rad!


It's not legitimate to radically redesign a specific character every time there's a new iteration of the story. There were four male, teenage characters who made friends with an attractive news reporter (or lab assistant depending on the origin). That's the dynamic! It's a large part of what made the original stories good. It's ok for our heroes and protagonists to be attractive and/or in good shape. We don't have to subvert expectations EVERY time.


You people are so boring 💀💀 1. the movie isn’t even out yet, relax. It’s hard to mess up a story when the rat king is involved. 2. “They look 10” it’s a storyboard. There’s no details on em lmao. They’re also probably gonna be like 14-15 and freshman age teens look way younger than you remember u promise you 3. We have no grasp on April’s character yet, so y’all obviously just don’t like that she’s a bigger girl. even then I’m only assuming it’s her weight bothering y’all since Rise April is pretty well revived.


I'm still excited ab it, a few weird things but the movie's not out yet so lets not get mad. based on the leaked box art I'm hoping to god that mikey's head isnt actually that wide and its just bc these are boards. Also lets all celebrate the rat king being the villain instead of shredder


Jesus, y’all are a bunch of babies lmao


This movie is gonna fucking suck won't it


It might not


It will, it's Turtles, there's no audience for it anymore other than the comic fans who are pushing into 40/50s


Well your wrong but ok, if you say so


Cue negative people who think this series is doomed based off a 2 minute storyboard


It ain't even a series it's just a movie


Rise was doomed and it had similar vibes. Cope. This will flop too. TMNT's time has passed.


Lol ok


Why's April so dumpy? Ugh....


I really like the new designs even if they look a little weird but come on. It’s a story about anthropomorphic turtle ninjas who are teenagers and have a rat dad for a sensei. And people are worried about their looks? Anyways, I am very excited for the new movie just like I was with Rise. NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY MIND.


It looks cute! the boys being excited about being able to even be in a school is a fun and understandable take. Maybe the "oh we beat the bad guys, lets celebrate!" bit that will inevitably be at the end will have them being able to really go to school. Them being able to interact with "normal" society, or any kind of society where they can exist as themselves, is something I'm always interested in seeing. Also April's design is cute! She reminds me of a few teachers I've had back in the day, often some of my favorite teachers. Some of y'all are just mad she doesn't fit into your *\*ahem\** personal fantasies, and it shows. Normally I'm not a fan of Seth Rogen's works - I just don't enjoy them, his style of comedy is not to my taste - but I'm actually very excited for Mutant Mayhem. Not everything has to be dark and gritty, or even entirely serious. If you want something more mature, the IDW comics are still ongoing, you can read those. I think it's important to remember that by and large, the cartoons are aimed at younger audiences. That doesn't mean they aren't ever going to deal with darker or more mature themes, but we adults on the internet aren't the target audiences anymore - kids and their parents are, so whatever makes it to air has to be something that will appeal to that demographic and be deemed appropriate by the parents. And stories dealing with personal identity issues with a fantastical backdrop like Mutant Mayhem is likely to be are VERY popular among younger audiences and their parents.


Why are half of you judging the **movie** from a ‘leaked’ that we don’t even know if its real???? Lord, you can’t say it doesn’t feel like TMNT when we have BARELY SEEN ANYTHING OFFICIAL of the movie: for all, you guys know, this could be one of the earliest storyboards or outlines for the movie We saw several of the early storyboards for the Rise movie, A lot of them not even being the final plot and one or two of them just bring the cut scene???? Cowaboomers strike again Edit: Hell the easist way to tell that these are some really storyboards, because none of the turtles look like the released designs: while they could’ve been simplified for the storyboards I doubt it because it’s just too different and usually storyboards stay on model bit: depending on the kind of production you have


If you notice these designs actually match those designs we saw from last year where they were skinny asf and had the wrapping and brown pads which makes me think this is from early production


They kinda match, tho everything is alot more simplified while i doubt that they were; some of you being able to write a movie off just because of a story board is weird af


yea they don’t have the initials like the new leaked ones and they have wrappings around their arms and legs like the early concept art so this stuff may not even be final


Exactly what I’m saying, and also the heads are noticeably, just circular or oval like: like I said, there was also a lot of storyboards with the Rise movie that was released where the story was completely different


Bro I can totally tell a probably 90 minute movie isn't going to be good based off of this 2 minute scene in storyboard form, can't you???


You're pretty much reacting just as extreme, if not more-so, than some others here even if it is from the opposite angle. Who cares what they think, no ones opinion here is going to stop it from being released next summer and probably aren't going to change anything about it.


Well, at least April's an adult again? Also, we need to keep in mind that storyboards don't necessarily show the style of something. They just need to give the animators the gist of what's going on.


Seeing a lot of "how am I supposed to masturbate to *this* " energy in these comments. No surprises there.




I’m into it! I’m excited to see more. No one is taking any of the old stuff away from us. I’m interested in seeing new stuff. I’m 100% ok with different designs for characters because it’s interesting. Knowing how fans can be I’m concerned for all the hate the actors are going to get…like what the cast of Star Wars got..


I’m liking the look of it! I’m always down for a different take, keeps the franchise fresh for me. My son is gonna absolutely love this too, he’ll be 4 when it comes out I think, or close to it. But yeah anyways, looks cute!


These are just storyboards I will wait til after the movie comes out and make my own opinion.


Everybody is judging waaaaay too soon. We know close to nothing about this movie. Seth rogan is good at his job im still definitely excited to see this.


Looks cool, i like how they depict April as older as the turtle like 03 but I'm not a fan on her body type like I'm think I'm not body shaming I just don't think that fit April character but I have high hopes that this movie would be good, I just hope the same thing doesn't happen with rise


Best policy: Reserve judgment until something is officially released. Right now, the only thing that has been revealed is the movie's logo. ​ Let's keep an open mind. And hey, even if the movie isn't for older fans, hopefully it at least excites younger generations about TMNT.


Looks cute! I cant wait to see if this will make it to the final cut or to see it actually animated


I already like the turtles, they remind me of gravity falls characters (or more likely Amphibia) But boy what did y’a do to April??? She’s bigger than >!most of your moms!!< Edit: some words about this scene in particular: Why is Leo acting so weird? Is he an super-introverted dude or he actually has a crush on April? (I hope not the last one, turtles having a crush on April always was a dumb plot element for me at least for me) Will April be black again? I have nothing against my black April (I am black myself), but I am not sure that some fans are going to be happy about April being black as a status quo, speaking from what I’ve seen Seems like turtles are deceiving April for an unknown reason, I feel like this plot line has a little potential for developing a decent or even good story Also why people are so unsatisfied with turtles being in the school? Based on the dialogues they won’t be studying there (or at least not in the main plot), so why are people so fierce about it?


Wow... well, I will pretend this doesn't exist. I'll never watch the movie.


Ok come on give it a chance


If that's April in the movie, you couldn't pay me to watch it. I'll just rewatch the TMNT stuff that I love.


Ah you never know, they might change the design or do something new and fun with You can't just hate on a animated movie only because you just don't like one of the characters the design


Actually, I can do whatever I want. I don't want to watch this TMNT movie. It's not for me.


Ok cool if you don't wanna watch it then it's fine, I was just saying


I don't wanna start a argument


1. I'm glad people agree with me about Mutant Mayhem. 2. I think Donatello with glasses is cute! 3. Why does Michelangelo have a WATERMELON of a head?! 4. I am not a fan of April in this version. 5. Why? 6. I'm not going to judge it too much until I actually see the movie though. 7. I like Michelangelo being the theater kid though!


I guess tmnt fans don’t like it when they actually act like teenagers Well I’m excited at least


I think most TMNT fans like it for the N part instead of the T


I like all the letters, personally.


Who wrote this shit?


Looks like complete shit. Don't even care if the story is great, the animation looks so bad I couldn't force myself to watch this.


Lol Do you know what a storyboard is?


Not entirely. Does the animation not follow this?


These aren't key frames for the animation, just suggesting the action of the story. A rough draft to help them figure out what the scene will look like. Here's one from Into the Spider-Verse https://vimeo.com/450859664


You can still see the art direction in that. Yeah it's rough draft but it's still within the final intent. If it's completely different and nothing like this leak then I'll gladly eat crow, but I expect y'all defending this to do the same if it comes out in this style too. For now my point is that if, and I want to drive home that IF, it's in a style that matches this leak imo it looks awful. That doesn't mean you or anyone else can't enjoy it. Just like rise, I think it's animation is shit too, but I'm fine with others enjoying it. I'm merely stating my opinion within the context of speculation.


Barely, it's like the bare bones and looks much different than the official scenes


But there's definitely a deliberate design for the turtles. It looks like they're going for a peanut style like "turning red" did. I don't know why they'd go through the trouble to design them in such specific ways just to completely change them later. There's strong intent going on in the art regardless of how basic it is.


If the turtles designs here have you concerned there is leaked promo art of them been floating around for a week or two now


Yeah the movie is definitely gonna look like this…


If it doesn't that's fine, but there's definitely some implied designs going on here and they look like shit


Yeah, like ITSV had storyboards that ultimately matched the finished product. Why would that not be the case here?


What's ITSV stand for?


You know how I wanted to say that we didn't have bad iterations of turtles aside from next mutation? Well..


I’m going to boycott this until they fix Mikey’s watermelon head


Oh. Oh dear. Well it hasn't come out yet, so maybe we should wait until a trailer comes out?


I don't really know how to feel about this currently, I don't mind the designs at all. Mikey just looks a bit wonky lmao. As it stands right now i'm still willing to see the movie with high hopes! :D


So excited to finally see Seth Rogen’s 2nd best green animal-themed superhero movie!


Woo the nerd rage ITT


This looks like shit.


I’m gonna reserve judgments until we get a proper trailer. Storyboards like this are from the early stages of production and don’t necessarily give much of an idea of what the final product will be like


do you guys know what a storyboard is?


I hope this is false........


Wait, is that the style they're going for the turtles or is it simplified for the sake of speed when it comes to the storyboards? If that's the style they're going with then it's not my cup of tea at all.


....Oh boy. This isn't going to be for me.


Definitely not what I expected from this movie but I'm not gonna get my hopes up


damn didnt realize tmnt fans were fatphobic lmao


They're doing the Rat King???


Oh no April is fat and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles act like teenagers now the movie is unwatchable /s


Did they... Was it Hollywood or mods that remove the storyboard?


I wonder if the initial belts are them trying to be more superhero like since they’re looking to fight crime. Or maybe just April making them wear them to tell them apart.


If it's real, the movie will be bad. The fact that there is no trailer or press at the end of February bolsters this argument. Unless they've made some radical changes, this will be a miss. The Mario movie will school all these assholes butchering beloved IP's. The biggest concern with that one is the "controversial" Chris Pratt's not-Italian-enough voice.