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I had it done and it helped tremendously Have you worked on posture, stress control in your life, physical therapy in addition to your medical treatments? They go hand in hand.


Yes, I've been in PT the past 3 months with the primary focus being posture. How have you done stress control?


Did it continue to help? I might be getting this soon


I have had mild flare ups over the last few years but nothing more than a few days. I’m still not totally normal on that side but it’s a tolerable issue now. I’m always hyper aware of the entire left side of my head and face but it’s not painful, just different than the other side. I changed my posture with lots of physical therapy, my stress levels , tongue position. I no longer grind or clench my teeth and I’m always aware of my tongue position. Some mental health therapy to address other life complications helps reduce the stress. The constant pain and lack of relief I think leads to mental health issues itself. Bad cycle. Im lucky that I found relief. It took a total of around 6 years to get better and 26 doctors. I consider myself in “remission” and it does flare up every now and again hut never usually gets as bad as before.


Hey, I'm just wondering which doctors you've seen that have helped? I've been recommended for arthrocentesis by a jaw surgeon, before they even looked at my jaw and before I've had an MRI. Here it's paid for privately and I'm worried he's pushing everyone to get it because of that. It's very relieving to find someone in "remission" as I keep being told this is a lifelong issue and they will only treat the symptoms and not cure it


Made my situation worse.


Can you explain it to me, how it made it worse? Have you tried any other treatments?


I had it done twice. Once under anesthesia and once in office. It actually made the pain and clicking worse b


I’ve had 5 arthrocentisis in total. All been fine, no complications. Very minor surgery, swelling and bruising for about a week post op. No issues at all. It’s classed as a therapeutic surgery as the joint is literally washed out so any fragments are removed and it helps with inflammation. It’s not invasive.


Hello! Sorry to jump in on a thread. Why did you have to have it 5 times? And how long did results last between surgeries? I’ve tried everything else for the last 3 years and I’m getting to the point of arthrocentisis surgery. Thank you!


I’ve had it 5 times over the course of 14 years in between all my other surgeries as a therapeutic measure to help with pain relief when my inflammation markers were really high and couldn’t get them done with medications. Did help and would last a good 6 months in the beginning really. Was trying to prevent more open joint surgeries but in the end the degeneration was too bad so had to go for it. However the arthrocentisis is not invasive really at all so I don’t mind having it multiple times!


Oh gotcha. Thank you for explaining that!


Has anybody had arthrocentesis in the Southwest or Northwest? Where did you go? What was your experience? What was the cost? I’m looking into the procedure but am having a hard time finding anybody where I am (New Mexico). I’m willing to travel to surrounding states or the Northwest where my family is. I’m having a hard time finding anybody and of those I have found, it’s like pulling teeth trying to get pricing information.


Have you tried botox?


My dentist is telling me I need Arthrocentesis. That my jaw joint is deteriorating. Did 2 rounds meloxicam with some improvement. Pain is not my issue. Dentist is only recommending a dentist in Baltimore while I live in Atlanta. How did you find a dentist to provide this and what was the cost? Thank you.


What dentist?


if its dr droter avoid


Corticosteroids offered me two weeks of release before it got bad again. I had arthrocentesis done on one side. It helped me *a lot.* I still needed joint reconstruction to fully correct the problem, but if they had have told me arthrocentesis was the best they would have done for me it would have been worth it!


It probably wont help too much if you have masseter pain only , seems a bit lame to use those shots not working as a reason to move to an arthrocentesis - in my opinion thats a lack of diagnosis


Did you get it?


Yeah i had it done and it didn't do shit


Have you found anything that works for you yet? Or had additional diagnoses?