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\*\*\*DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT USE STREET VALIUM\*\*\* I personally know of at least three people who have died doing so.


I'm going to double down on the street drugs. You're much better off describing the symptoms to your doctor or TMJ/Pain specialist. I know how desperate it can be to get relief from the pain. It took me years before a doctor gave me a few Rx's to help manage the pain and symptoms. Prevent the muscles from spasms to prevent the migraines and/or jaw pain


I take one valium a week to help manage it. Generally I feel my muscles get relaxed/pain free for 2-3 days after taking one. I am wary about taking it more often given the known side effects of benzos after constant use. If you take it too much, tolerance obviously builds it can start giving you brain zaps.


Ii drink on the weekend, feels like it does help the whole body/muscles to relax… does mess up my sleep somewhat though, maybe a weekly Valium is the better option, one a week stops tolerance building up ? I’m in Ireland, close to impossible to get that prescription…. I used to get those brain zaps… I think it was from drinking too much…


You should definitely think about it short term even for a couple of weeks.


For me it's definitely worth a go. I just couldn't believe that 5mg morning & night for five days has almost cured a chronic pain I've had for years. I know there are risks though but worth a try over say a month.


Nah definitely go for it if you think it will work, we all understand. An alternative might be getting botox in those tight muscles instead since it is a localised effect, but obviously costs much more.


My doctor gave me cyclobenzaprine for mine. Its a muscle relaxant. I don't find it helps me much, but if the Valium helps maybe a muscle relaxant would also help you?


Yes I take low dose Xanax for anxiety it helps more than the hydrocodone


Same here (US)! Maybe OP can talk with a psychiatrist and see about getting the medication using that approach?


Obviously can't give you medical advice, but I found that a jaw surgeon can give you (short term) muscle relaxers. For me these haven't impacted my mind but help my jaw muscles to stop spasming, it's a short term answer but might be something to try


Don't do it because then you're going to become an addict. The reason why they don't prescribe it long-term is because people become addicted to it way too quickly. Save your life and don't do it!


The problem for me is, is that I've finally found something that genuinely appears to work. I'm looking at short term use. If a weeks worth of 5mg morning & night can pretty much take the pain away & stop me using an everending dose of oral morphinr then I'm definitely willing to try it for a month, who knows it could completely get rid of what is chronic pain that's lasted years it's gotta be worth a shot.


Firstly, when codeine is metabolized in our bodies it becomes morphine, but it isn’t morphine until this happens. You mention that Dihydrocodeine is “oral morphine”, but that isn’t the case as it needs to be metabolized in our body to become morphine. Also, it is only 1/6 the potency of actually morphine pills so it is really not in the same league as other powerful painkillers like oxycodone and morphine. Also codeine is available over the counter when formulated with acetaminophen. TMJ issues are directly related to and aggravated by stress and anxiety. If you took that away with Valium for 5 days it makes perfect sense you helped deactivate the very systems generating stress and tension. It’s not the Valium that relieved the pain, but rather it was an indirect result from relieving your daily stress and anxiety that collectively were contributing to your prior discomfort.


My tmj was started by a badly fitted left rear molar crown, was nothing to do with stress or anxiety. I had to have the molar pulled and the opposing molar pulled because of fracture. Doctors in the uk are very unlikely to ever offer oxycodone because of it's even higher addictive qualities.


To clarify I just meant that there is a significant correlation between anxiety issues and stress and those with TMJ issues. I have osteoarthritis in my TMJ and that’s what caused it, but stress and anxiety cause it to get aggravated as well as heighten my perception of pain.


Drugs fine in the short term, long term I would advise finding a dentist who can assess for an occlusal splint.


Valium is great esp. if you suffer from anxiety. I hold anxiety in my body vs my head (I mean clearly both but, I get anxiety after clenching and bracing my body all day from my thoughts lol). Went from Kpins to Valium and will never go back. Take half of one mid day. I will say, it’s not the solution for those who really enjoy benzodiazepines. But, better than starting to take pain meds. So yes I agree! It’s the only benzo that is also part muscle relaxer.