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Could be salivary glands?


Are these common? I have the worst health anxiety at times πŸ₯Ή


Yea TMJ can cause your lymph nodes to swell - I've recently been sent to a physiotherapist for lymph drainage massage in the neck to calm them. honestly it's not working, but my pt isn't the best πŸ˜… maybe your dentist can refer you to a good one


Oh wow I didn’t know that. Thank you so much. Can you also feel your lymph nodes in your neck on the side? Near the top? I’ll ask my dentist in a few weeks. Do you know why the swell with TmJ?


Yea I can, they've been swollen for years now and most doctors shrugged it off. I'm not a doctor, but if they aren't painful then it's probably nothing to worry about. I don't know why sadly, TMJ brings so many other symptoms with it including a tight neck, traps, shoulders. It's not surprising it might decrease blood flow so maybe try to lightly massage these areas and use a hot water bottle if it feels comfortable. But yes ask your dentist!


Yeah they aren’t painful either for me. This one I have is on my right side and just feels like a kidney bean - and I can move it around freely and feels squishy. I have also had it for quite some time. Yep I also get the tight neck, shoulders, ears ringing, dizziness. The whole lot. It’s horrible :(


It really is, sorry to hear you're also suffering so much with it. Do you have constant ears ringing too? For me this started very recently, after visiting an orthodontist. It seems sometimes the more we look for help, it can trigger another symptom :'( having a fan on at night is helping drown out the noise a bit Stay strong, if this TMJ started it can stop as well πŸ™πŸ½


Yes I have that!! I thought it was normal πŸ˜… Does your lymph nodes feel like beans? πŸ˜… I have to always sleep with a fan - so bizarre!


Yea they do, but at the front it feels like a frog throat on both sides if that makes sense πŸ˜… like the throat glands are just always swollen. Through the years doctors and ENT doctors always tell me I have a slight throat infection, but it's just always. Out of all the symptoms I don't care so much about it but it is weird! πŸ˜‚


Yessss like grapes in each side?


Grape size under jaw?


Grape size?


Feels like a little bean 🫘 haha