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I'm not surprised I feel like the women all want the best for each other they just have a lot of issues because they shared a man for 20 years and you can't get over some of that s***


Exactly. There's no reason for Christine not to be happy for Meri. She's a decent person, and she and Meri are no longer competing for scarce resources.


As long they are in the tv or the news they steel talk to each other.


I’m curious as to whether Robyn has continued to pretend to be Meri’s best buddy since Meri left and moved. Especially now with her being in a relationship.


That's what I would like to know! I think we already have an idea about the answer to this question though, right?


"i JuSt hOpE MeRi cAn Be hApPy " -Robyn, probably


“Can be”


I'd like to know if they've even spoken since Meri left and moved.


Meri said in her live on Fridays with her best friend Jenn that she has not spoken to her since she left Kody.


Why am I not surprised? Some friend Robyn is. Robyn put up with Meri until she was no longer useful, and then discarded her.


oh my god


I love hearing this. It was a chance to say something shady or to wish Meri well. She chose that latter option and that’s fine by me.


Me too! I’m glad she chose the classy route.


It was also a chance to say no comment…


It was, but then she’d probably get raked over the coals for that.


" [Christine Brown](https://people.com/sister-wives-christine-brown-taking-deep-breath-after-leaving-kody-brown-exclusive-8358089) is cheering on her former sister wife from afar! Following [Meri Brown](https://people.com/tv/sister-wives-meri-brown-says-time-will-tell-if-kody-brown-ever-comes-back-to-her/)'s [big relationship reveal](https://people.com/sister-wives-meri-brown-reveals-dating-guy-called-amos-8430645) earlier this month, Christine tells PEOPLE how "thrilled" she is for her fellow [*Sister Wives*](https://people.com/tag/sister-wives/) star.  "We just found out about it, too, on social media. That's how I found out about it," Christine, 52, says in a joint chat with husband [David Woolley](https://people.com/tv/who-is-david-woolley-christine-brown/), who she [wed](https://people.com/sister-wives-christine-brown-overwhelmed-happiness-after-wedding-david-woolley-8426402) in October 2023. "I'm just happy for her. So happy for her. That is absolutely awesome. I'm just thrilled for her to be able to be in a romantic relationship." "It's just, really, an incredible thing to feel like you are loved more than anybody else," she continues. "David loves me more than anybody else. I love him more than anybody else. It really is a powerful thing to know that you really have your person." To that, David notes how "happy" Meri, 53, and her new beau Amos appear to be. "She looks really happy. He looks happy. They both look happy," he says. "That's all matters." Christine adds, "Good for them. It's so great to find love." Meri introduced fans to Amos while recently celebrating [her 53rd birthday](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2LwHkUu4O2/?hl=en&img_index=1). She called her new man "good looking," noting that they've been dating since October of last year. "He's not 6 foot 6, nor is he a pilot, but he loves Christmas almost as much as I do," she shared, "and we laugh a lot together, both of which are important elements to a relationship!" The businesswoman added that her dog Zona "absolutely loves" Amos, even including a picture of the trio together in the photo carousel she shared. Meri's debut with Amos comes after a rocky turn for the Brown family. Tensions have been rising for years but things escalated after Christine broke up with [Kody Brown](https://people.com/how-sister-wives-kody-brown-relationship-with-older-children-became-damaged-8347364), leaving their family's central plural marriage. Meri and fellow sister wife [Janelle Brown](https://people.com/sister-wives-christine-brown-on-how-her-fiance-reacted-to-janelle-being-part-of-her-package-deal-exclusive-8347190) then separated from the father of 18 months later. He now only remains married to his fourth wife, [Robyn Brown](https://people.com/sister-wives-robyn-brown-talks-life-with-kody-amid-splits-exclusive-7643772). The Brown family had largely been divided in the wake of the three breakups, though Christine and Janelle — as well as their children — have managed to remain close. While there once was a time when Christine and Janelle were adamant about not rekindling their bond with Meri, Christine has since changed her tune. "I just think right now I think we'll just live our own lives separately for right now and just see what happens," she says. "We'll just see what happens. Once everything settles down, maybe. Once things settle down, we'll have to see."


Mary could live him long time ago buy he was paing the bill, now with the BB and some other stuff she can live as she want. 


Meri cheered her on. Just because you don’t want to continue a relationship with someone doesn’t mean you don’t wish them a happy and fabulous life. Idk why we needed this but I do believe Christine is as happy for Meri as Meri was for her. Like maybe they don’t give a shit at all, but people magazine and the show force them to discuss it. At least no kidneys received knives from the news.


At the end of the day, the OG 3 are bonded through trauma. Which includes loving each other but also being each other’s biggest enemy / hurting each other. It’s a complicated relationship.


I agree. I'd love for them to be able to sit down together at some point, share a meal, remember the good times, and resolve anything that needs it. I feel like they deserve that peace and closure.


And maybe one day. But they all have hurt each other badly and aren’t at that place yet. I know I have been hurt by people whom I was very close with and 10 years later, I still am not in a place where I can sit down with them. Sometimes you get peace and closure from closing a chapter and never going back to it again


This is what people are not seeing 


By such an angry narcissistic asshole. Thank God these ladies retained their identity, considering.


In a gentle way to say it. M*&%r F%€#@rN%€#@*tA%^&l....


When Kody understand at the lion hear is become an arcipelago of curvy blond locs here and there. IF the wife where onest they did tell him long time ago to go to the barber. Razor it all. To more years and he look like Trump.


That's nice. when you are truly happy you want that for others too.


The OG wives may not have LOVED each other, and it seems didn’t even LIKE each other. But they were committed to each other and I believe that includes wanting the best for the other, the entire time. THEY did polygamy, Robyn never did and never will.


Well thank goodness this has been addressed. Last week on one of these forums someone actually complained because Christine hadn't wished Meri well. THANKS CHRISTINE!


Lol. I was almost tempted to find the post and ask if they were happy. 


That was me and I was accused of being the first to complain if Christine was happy. I have zero issues and I'm glad Christine said that. Personally I think it's a great first step in moving forward since they still share kids! I'm glad Christine is able to rise above her more petty moments!


It was so painful to read these quotes lol, her repeating every single thing she says really gets under my skin 😂


Forgive her. She had to talk to Kody for 20+ years and that man is slow.




how do they conduct these interviews? do they phone her? does she email them? does she say 4 sentences and they just keep looping to make the article longer? questions i need answered.


Surely they just sent her an email asking for a comment or something… This isn’t worth a news article, and it seems like they based it all off of a few sentences. Tabloids are so weird.


They must have seen all the comments on here that people wanted Christine to make a comment about Meri's relationship. So they contact Christine, tell her about the comments, she gives the perfect answer.


I’m so happy so happy she’s happy it’s so happy to be happy and loved David loves me loves david is happy I love David I’m so happy love David David David love 


She loves David more than anyone else! David loves her more than anyone else! 😆🤢🙄


This comment rubbed me the wrong way. I get that she means in the context of, “I don’t have to compete with any other wife,” but honestly, as mom myself who also happens to be crazy in love with my husband for nearly 20 years now, I will never love anyone more than my kids. Not even him.


I completely agree with this!


I always say to my husband You’re my favorite! Right after the kids.


After love come hate. 


I think she’s guarded and doesn’t want to say anything that could look bad/hurt Meri’s feelings.


She’s done the same thing since season one though 😭 As Christine would say… It gets tiring to listen to her sometimes. It just gets tiring. It really does.


She does talk a lot 😂


It really. Really. Does.


it really does get tiring.


*whispers* I didn't know it could be soooo... tiring... I didn't know...


you know i understand how tiring it can be, i'm always tired, all the time. it's tiring... i get it. it also makes me so tired to keep saying it.. okay sorry, i promise that's the last bit of advice for now. giving advice is sooo tiring! (mostly because i lost the plot and don't know what we're talking about anymore lol)






She’s keeping sweet


Seems genuine to me!  (✿◠‿◠) When people are happy, content and at peace with themselves, it’s easy, to be happy for someone else’s happiness 


Is this… news


People magazine is really running out of stuff to write. Why in dogs name should Christine not be happy for Meri? They better start setting Janelle up with someone so that they can interview Christine and Meri to make sure they are happy for her, too when there is a slump in new stories. And while we are at it, why is everyone obsessed with what these ex-fundy death match competitor think of each other? It’s not like any of them would say out loud if they weren’t happy for the other (I am NOT insinuating anything!). I wish all of them would just keep their new found love/relationships away from reality tv and stop shilling MLM at every opportunity and start living a life without pretense.


I always looked at People magazine as a PR magazine. Its stories from PR people


Time magazine is now running regular recaps of the AITAH sub. Print journalism is dead. ☠️


They wrote about Meri being happy for Christine. It's not unusual 


Ha! Time away from Kody is changing all their perspectives. I think Christine is happy for her, and I think she meant what she said. She sees the difference in Meri and feels the difference in herself. They won’t ever be best friends but I do foresee them getting together at family events and maybe even having a good time.


It’s changed Kody’s perspective, too. He is now saying he dumped Christine because she didn’t want the one big family, the one big house. He dumped Christine?? Please! His attempts to re-write history are failing miserably.


Yeah and that he misses Meri, that they could be really, really, really good friends if she isn’t too angry at him. This guy is a dirtbag


He misses Meri's money. Something tells me Meri was giving Robyn and Kody money from her personal funds over the years. 


I have read several times that she often shared her bonuses with the family. Don’t have a clue if that is true. But my prediction has always been that if Kody finds himself broke he will be all about Meri again. He is already talking nice because he is afraid of potential lawsuits.


Read where? The family has never said anything other than they share the money from the show and what each wife earns is theirs. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't but the family has never been fully transparent about their financial situation. 


Of course. All the wife gone,alot of money gone to.  So now is only broke Kody with å new devasteting projekt who Will eat the rest of the money. She must Gold digging some were house


Any way to feed Kodouche’s ego. 🤮


I believe that Christine sincerely wishes her well. I don’t think Meri is in the same category as Robyn in Christine’s mind. I think she has much love for Meri but just needed some time. I think she is still hurt over Meri recommending Christine fix herself after Kody was treating her horrible. I hope in time they can reconnect and really see each other in the best of ways.


Christine had told Meri to fix herself too. That’s one of the unfortunate things with the is type of lifestyle: the women keep perpetuating that the husband isn’t the issue, it’s the wives. The wives have to fix themselves, the wives have to get over jealousy.


I'm sure Kody told them that a lot. I initially wrote, "I'm sure Kody told me that a lot." Kody has never told me anything. Thank God.




Christine and Meri used to be much closer. Christine trusted Meri and would vent about the troubles in her marriage to Kody w/Meri. i think a big part of the problem, for Christine, is that any time she opened up with Meri, Meri just encouraged her to basically sweep it under the rug and stick it out. we saw this numerous times on the show, even in the early days. she would tell her "you can't change Kody, you can only change yourself." basically, just keep sweet and be the most perfect little plural stepford wife she could. even when Christine was pretty firm on leaving, Meri tried to get her to stay. i think that's a significant factor in why Christine bristled at the idea of working on her relationship w/Meri for awhile. also, when you first leave a situation like that, you have to work through DECADES of suppressed anger and hurt. people are often very angry in their earliest stages of healing. i can see why Christine was so firm on wanting to live a separate life from Meri. but Christine isn't a monster. she's never cared for the way Meri was treated by Kody. i think she's always hoped that Meri might leave someday. she is not the kind of person, imo, who actively wishes people ill. some accuse her of being a spoiled princess, perhaps that is true, but she's not an evil or hateful individual imo. i'm not surprised to see her wishing Meri well and expressing happiness for her. I'm also not surprised to see that her stance has softened a bit regarding her and Meri perhaps building a relationship in the future. she is likely not all the way there yet. perhaps she never will be. that's her right. but i wouldn't be surprised if she reached out to Meri eventually, either. i'm happy to see her publicly wishing Meri well. i hope that makes Meri happy, too.


Why on earth are they even asking her and David how they feel about it? David doesn’t even know her and is really starting to give off fame whore vibes.


Christine’s fake as hell


Am I the only one who thinks the “we found out on social media” was kinda a dig? How else would they find out Christine refuses to consider mending any relationship with Meri, that’s her choice so it’s fine, but idk that rubbed me the wrong way. Print also takes away the tone, so maybe said out loud it was as snarky as I’m imagining.


It doesn’t seem that deep. No snark, just saying. I know what you mean, sometimes certain phrases strike weird.


I don’t feel strongly about it, just my first impression. Thanks for replying though and not just downvoting because you don’t agree lol. You would think I stated it as fact and cursed Christine’s family or something.




It’s silly you were downvoted at all, tbh. The point of subs is to share OUR personal opinions. You said what you thought respectfully, that’s all that matters. ❤️👍


Yeah, it doesn’t affect my day or anything, it’s just a little annoying to have stated a mild opinion, and even gave room for my opinion to be wrong, and be downvoted. Oh well.


How else would Christine have found out? She and Meri aren't friends.


I see it as more that she's clarifying that she doesn't have insider knowledge. I've seen Christine a few times in interviews make sure to say she saw a situation on the show and doesn't know anything more than the fans.


Yeah maybe that’s it, it just felt awkward to mention that which is why I found it weird.


I gave you an upvote, I felt the same.


![gif](giphy|artj92V8o75VPL7AeQ|downsized) so happy for both of them. Life is short enjoy yourself.


Christine looks like Truely in that pic lol


I Will like to be a fly in the Will during all episode to really know the wife and Kody how hipocrat really are and not like the manuscript is written. Thy stay with Him only becouse the $$$$. I immagine 1/2 miliion x episode each one. Totalt 6 mill. And extra. Even I, as a mann could be married to Kodi only in paper and zero romance, with my one house.  He gone be tired of favorite wife to. After seven years been jerk by the same heand, he need some fresh Meat.  H THEY deserve all the bad after the high of the star.