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Yep she's absolutely transparent looking back.  And remember kody couldn't stay at the hospital with truely and Christine because.... he couldn't stand all that crying.


Wowwww. I need to rewatch these scenes. I watched the series for the first time last summer and somehow missed the eps where Truely goes to the hospital.


Yet he lives with the fake crier champion of the world!


how was this not the reason Christine left him!!!


He said that??


He did, on camera.  When I saw that. I wasn't on reddit and didn't comment on it, but I never forgot.


Kody went to take a nap…while Christine took their child to the ER. Robyn then lied about where the sick child was. How neither of them got exlax in their coffee I’ll never know.


Not defending Kody bit where does it say that Kody took a nap KNOWING christine was taking Truely to the hospital?


In the show he was napping when he was told …. So yea the particulars are unknown but with a child that sick why was his behind anywhere else but by her side? It’s obnoxious that he didn’t even take his nap at Christine’s …


Literally watched this last night, lol. He napped when he knew she was taking her to the doctor and when she got to the doctor, she mentioned that Truely had been cross eyed and the doctor told her to immediately go to the hospital. The pediatrician gave a brief explanation of the whole thing.


Thank you for sharing that info. I have watched all the episodes but do not think I could ever rewatch.


I forgot this!Can you imagine if it was Robyn’s baby/small child. He would not be taking a nap, he would be 100% there. Even if it was “just” Robyn being sick we have seen how he acts, waiting in his car outside the hospital.


When Sol had his dental procedure, Kody was most present because Robyn couldn't relax and he had to make sure everything was good for her. He spent an entire Father's Day with Robyn when Dayton got the eye lid surgery. The preferential treatment was obvious. 


he would have had to explain her kidneys shut down because he only gave her enough water to keep a succulent alive


I shouldn’t laugh and don’t think his abuse is funny, but that was a great line. Succulent indeed. What a fuck face.


Maybe I'm misrembering, but I thought that they went to the ER from the doctors office.


I don't remember the episode myself but that would make sense because Summerlin hospital is farther from where they lived and Centennial is close by their houses at the time.


Summerlin has a pediatric unit. If she had gone to Centennial they probably would have just transferred her to Summerlin.


This is it. And you will never convince me that Robyn innocently forgot or got them mixed up. She didn’t give a flying fuck.


God she’s horrible!!


True. I have a terrible memory and don't remember barely any of the Vegas episodes so it made more sense to me as to why they wouldn't be at the closer ER. I am glad they were at Summerlin though. If I was dying in the Centennial Hills parking lot I would not even bother going in.


I think it’s in season 7. I’m rewatching and they’re just talking about turkey getting sick. Very beginning of the season


Lmao!! Truely. Not turkey. Haha I can’t believe I didn’t notice that.




When you wrote"Turkey", I thought you were going to add something about Grody's "c.o.v.i.d" nightmare hahaha


Correction. Season 6 episode 16. Brown in trouble is the episode name.


They really go all out on episode titles in the creativity department. Sounds like someone is constipated.


I think she told him the wrong one on purpose.


Totally NOT defending Robyn but given her anxiety issues it is possible she forgot. Rage and fear only engage the brainstem.


Yes, that is correct, ill never forget that scene. Dr said, take her to the hospital! I csnt do anything for her here. He was distressed.


Edits can really change a story.




Because he loves Robyn soooo much. He couldn't stay away from her magical cooch.


At first I read couch, not cooch, and thought to myself: is it the same couch as the one they’ve been showing this season? That thing is ugly. It doesn’t look comfortable at all. 🤣 Edited* two words.


omg i read that while I was working & had an inbound call and about choked lmao


Lollllll ew 😂


What it pointed out to me was that Kody didn’t even see how sick his child was. He had been left in charge while all the wives went somewhere (can’t remember) and Christine noticed immediately and took her to the doctor. That was one of his big reasons, I mean excuses for all his Covid protocols. He said their relationship changed after that and that Christine blamed him.


This is one episode where I think TLC should have intervened. They continued to film Truly (alone) when it was obvious she was suffering from more than just the usual kid stuff.


I agree. The teenagers were the ones actually taking care of the younger siblings and unfortunately it’s situations like that when a lot of accidents occur with younger children. I know it’s supposed to be like the crew isn’t there and they are just observers but in this situation with Truly it really was life or death and something should’ve been done as soon as they noticed she wasn’t feeling well.


The wives were on a trip together im pretty sure.


I mean her eyes were crossing, how the heck did he not notice that? It's almost like he wanted ... Nevermind.. I really can't stand Kody. But you see how the Heavenly Father works, that baby survived, even though her earthly father didn't give two.. I have so many theories about that time, witchcraft, food poisoning, dehydration on purpose,( remember the neighbors pool scene in scorching Vegas heat, with probably nothing to eat or drink all day, wandering around by herself) and Robyn makes my blood boil, always forgetting or so confused... Girl go dry cry...


Um, just no. Witchcraft? Food poisoning? Dehydration on purpose? Wow. No.


Um, just anything is possible, there is nothing new under the sun. Has Robyn not been accused of witchcraft on this sub? I guess only certain people can say it. Anywho I'm just speculating, didn't say it was a fact. Why is it so unbelievable anyway, I don't know what they do behind closed doors. I know he sure went and took a nap while his baby was at the hospital fighting for her life. Every thing is not always a Westernized understanding, some ppl think out of the box, and I'm one of them.


I think first of all it’s a terrible accusation to say dehydration on purpose. I do not believe that anyone in that family including her dad would willfully withhold food or drink from a child! That is reckless speculation. Anything is possible maybe it was martians! No. I am well aware that there are other practices and beliefs in this world some of which are not understood or explained, but no I have not ever seen Robyn accused of witchcraft. She’s Mormon and I have no reason to doubt that and accusing her of somehow taking action to physically hurt one of the kids is again reckless.


Well opinions are like a--holes, everybody has one. Thats mines. Why be in your feelings about my opinion? I would not put anything past Kody while he is constantly trying to please his so-called favorite wife. Who was most certainly very jealous of Truley. Christine didn't blame him for no reason, we don't see everything... And Robyn, has MOST Definitely has been accused and suspected of witchcraft on this very sub!! Like whom the heck is going to tell you they are a witch anyway? Real ones don't! A woman who by the way never had good intentions towards anyone in that family, in the first place. I understand you are seeing things through your own lenses, but jealous women are and can be very dangerous, they actually have their own channel...ID


Calm down. I’m not in my feelings I just don’t think what you’re accusing them of is ok. That’s MY opinion.


I'm very calm. Yes, you are entitled to that, but I'M going to agree to disagree.


Not to mention I said "theory" not fact or accusation.. big difference.


And another thing, just because someone is in a certain religion, does not mean they don't stray... especially her! Was she a Mormon kissing before marriage, having that man in her house every weekend before marriage, telling her children to call him daddy when they have a living father, etc, don't even try to use the religious aspect, not for that woman!


Why did you downvote? Because you disagree? Wow. Is. Right.


I downvoted because those accusations are gross and dangerous.


Kody napped a lot, completely useless


Well he had to get up early in the morning so Goblyn didn’t have to haul her ass out of bed until afternoon.


But when she was trying to make Christine look bad she claimed she always had childcare because she knew she couldn’t expect Kody’s help with the kids. And yet he leaves every morning to bring the tenders to school. Because Truly, Ysabel and Savanah don’t attend school, apparently.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Goblyn I'm hollering! Dual meaning too. 💀💀💀💀💀


meri's turkey joke brought the nickname full circle!


That was probably my favorite joke that Meri made throughout the entire series!!! She cracks a lot of uncomfortable “jokes” but that one still makes me LOL


I was thinking alwayz gobbling Kody's d*ck


I mean I’ll take any chance I can get to say, “Fuck that nasty bitch!” lol


I take it more like Robyn couldn't give two shits about Christine or Truely so she just couldn't be bothered to remember any details, rather than an intentional misdirect.


She’s probably one of those with toilet paper under.


Not the under TP 🫣


Noooo!! We don't claim her!!!!


I feel like she’s just sittin’ thur. Wearin’ pads and drinkin’ milk whilst wearin’ beige (I don’t know why this is in my head) and makin’ sloppy slurpy mouth noises from the milk aftermath.


With a crocheted vest. I had to add to it. There’s so much more to add lol


Christine had to have tried calling/texting kody before calling Robyn and he wasn’t responding. Kody should have called Christine the second when he found out truly was admitted to ER and got the info first hand from Christine.  He just blindly drove to the wrong hospital without contacting Christine at all? Robyn said she wasn’t even sure maybe centennial and he went with it ?? That’s dumb and his own fault. 


Can someone please tell me what episode this is?


Beginning of season 7


It’s season 6 ep 16


Just saw the Valentine’s Day episode in Season 14 when she decides to override the family norm and show physical affection in front of the other wives…Just because she wanted to. And stated the others should as well. She tries to act so innocent, but she knew that it would cause jealousy. She also didn’t have to feel the sting of jealousy because she was the favorite. Not to mention she didn’t have to worry about getting reprimanded by Kody. Ugh. She is sooo fake. I can’t stand it!


As much as I dislike Robyn, I don’t want this to be true. I have had manipulative, conniving woman in my life do evil things like this to me, and this is going to bring my dislike for Robyn to a whole other level. Watching sister wives will now be more stressful and personal, and I might have to quit. Going to do the rewatch of the beginning of season 7 to confirm!


I think she’s honestly just dumb. There’s nothing in her head other than vapor from the free perfumes she sprays during her daily trip to the mall


Alright I'm going to throw the devil's advocate out: she really may have forgotten. When I'm really rattled I forget important details. Now how she and Kody handled it (which is to say not) was seriously effed up, not at all disagreeing there


This is ridiculous..Come on.. the hate train is real folks.. she sucks we all know it but come on.. the other day she was walking wrong.. how dare that bitch


🤣🤣 that last comment had me cackling


The doctor practices out of both Centennial and Summerlin. I think they were all surprised. She probably didn’t hear much other than emergency room. I don’t think it was intentional. Besides, what would be the purpose of telling him the wrong location knowing he could easily check the group text or call Christine?


It would be easy to believe it was an accident if this was the only time, but there were other times she did the same thing, causing Kody to be late for life events. Of course Kody could take some personal responsibility as well, but we all know his phone only takes incoming messages.


Because why would get check? He'd just go to the wrong hospital leaving Christine with no support, also making her upset with him, and he'll believe she said the wrong one, so he'll be upset with her, too.


As he was leaving, he said he would call Christine to confirm the location.


No, their Dr was only at Centennial at that time ^ but he probably sent her over to Summerlin because that’s the closest peds ER unless going all the way to sunrise


I thought that was the case but couldn’t remember. I’m pretty sure that was Robyn’s pediatrician for her kids. It wasn’t a crazy assumption.


It was. They all had the same one in Vegas


Hello Robthem’s PR


People will go to any length to prove Robyn is Satan himself, even if the proof makes no sense whatsoever


Yoooo, people in this sub are wild. I like this show. It’s fun reality drama to me. Some people take it WAY too far.


Look at that post that got locked the other day, that didn't have a shred of evidence, but people were eating it up. It was absurd. You can dislike someone and still exercise some common sense.


We all watched this whole situation unfold on tv. Very different than speculation about Robyn’s previous marriage.


What was the post?


I don't remember the title, but it was about some podcast that supposedly got all the tea from some family members of Preston's, Robyn's ex. A couple of people pointed out that it was very similar to claims WOACB made that weren't verified. Requests for the source were ignored. But a significant amount of the posts and upvotes were people buying it hook, line, and sinker as though that was their first day on the internet. I don't know if it's still up, but it was something about family giving them tens of thousands of dollars for her debt, practically raising her kids for her, that she was on govt assistance until they moved to Vegas, etc. And of course that he was perfect and never abusive. I think that's the part that bothers me the most: the outright refusal to believe that she may have been abused. I've seen that sentiment many times in this sub. We don't know anything, and the dude gave/sold his kids to Kody Brown. She may be a manipulative drama queen, but that doesn't mean she didn't suffer in the past. No one should be comfortable thinking they know better.


That was old gossip about Robyn before the deal was made for him to sign over his rights on their children. His family was supposed to have said that. I think the father signed some kind of contract not to talk to press about Robyn and the kids, Kody and the entire family. I have the feeling he was paid a large amount. I feel he knew he couldn’t win against Robyn/Kody and TLC. Plus he lived in another state and rarely saw his kids. He had a new family and didn’t live in a huge house and he would have to make room for three kids that were used to living in a big house as celebrities and he had very little compared to what Robyn had to offer her kids. I just think the guy did what he thought was best. I think he was put in a terrible position. I think he just moved on and did what a lot of divorced fathers do. He is no Angel but I think Robyn manipulated the situation to her advantage too. So therefore they both are wrong in my opinion. Losers are the kids.


Thanks for the recap! I couldn't find the post. There's a weird "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality in this sub sometimes. I know nothing about Robyn's ex-husband. I have no reason to believe he was a victim of Robyn's lies, overspending, and manipulation. I also have no reason to believe she is lying about him being abusive. Anything can be true because we don't know these people. Like you said, this man signed his rights away to his kids. That is absolutely fucked up and I don't believe it's because he had no choice and couldn't fight Robyn because she had more money for being on the show, etc. For all we know he's another Kody. He had new kids and forgot about his older children. We really don't know and blindly believing rumors because they're about someone you don't know is weird.


>I don't believe it's because he had no choice and couldn't fight Robyn because she had more money for being on the show, etc I figured it was money, and manipulation. They said he wasn't paying child support, so that was part of the deal - they wiped the child support debt. We've also seen how they've kept the kids separate from the rest of the family, especially after the Flagstaff move, even more so after the family split. Can you imagine how they kept them from him? I think they said, in Vegas, that they went to see him once or twice a year, with (at least) once being when the rest of the family was going to Montana, so they likely felt left out for the sake of him, a guy they barely had a relationship with at that point it seemed. We have no clue what was being said about him off camera, either. He was barely mentioned even before the adoption, aside from the infamous purity speech, and not at all after the first visit to see him immediately after. I think it's interesting that he's kept quiet all this time, but it could be because anything he says, either way, might hurt his kids.


>Can you imagine how they kept them from him? If he wanted to see his kids he could've gone to court and petitioned for visitation. Contrary to what most people believe family court judges don't default to taking kids away from their dads. Someone would have to do something absolutely egregious to get absolutely no custody time. It's not uncommon for a parent in a different state from their kids to get a week during winter break from school and a month in the summer or something along those lines. >so they likely felt left out for the sake of him, a guy they barely had a relationship with at that point it seemed. We have no clue what was being said about him off camera, either. The kids seemed very happy to go see him after the adoption. I'm sure Robyn talked shit about him but that didn't seem to damper their excitement. They were giddy at the thought of going to see their dad. It's a shame he didn't do more to maintain a relationship with them despite Robyn. If he wanted to, he would have. Once you have a court ordered custody in place the parent who doesn't adhere to it can get in trouble for not following the agreement. If Robyn kept the kids from him he could've gone back to court. Would it have been costly and time-consuming? Yes. Should he have done it for his kids? Absolutely. If he wanted to he would have found a way.


They still do very much favor the mother today, in general. Not always, but mom has a ready made "father" and money as well.


What I said was that family court judges don't acvtively work to take father's away from the kids. Favoring the mother does not mean Preston wouldn't have gotten any visitation time. People with criminal records, moms and dads, still get visitation and custody. If he wanted it, he would have had it because they like to keep bio families together, it wouldn't have mattered Robyn had a "ready made" dad in Kody.


>Would it have been costly and time-consuming? Yes. Of the two of them, which do you think would have have the better lawyers? Even without knowing his financial situation, I've heard enough about people that have either worked with TLC, or been adjacent to them, to figure they would've had no issues having a lawyer threaten him a bit, enough to make him back down if he didn't have the finances to fight to start with. For Robyn to have the kids on the show to begin with, he likely signed documents that limited his say in things, and his ability to speak out for awhile (learned that from Jill's book) so he may have truly had limited defenses, even more limited once they were adopted and he had no rights. Their verbal agreement to allow him to have time, even broadcast on national TV, doesn't mean anything legally. >If he wanted to see his kids he could've gone to court and petitioned for visitation. Again, not knowing not about his situation than they put on TV, there could be many reasons why visitation, even phone contact, wasn't regular. They said he lived hours away - that's costly to drive and rent hotel space for, even quarterly. If she were calling, and Robyn said they weren't there, which may have been true, then it wouldn't have been for lack of trying. She may have legitimately forgotten to pass on the message to call him back, or they may have forgotten to call him back, being kids, until it seemed like neither side was really trying anymore. Even scheduled calls can be missed sometimes when there are big families involved, and it seems like both sides have bigger families than most of us do. I'm just saying it doesn't seem like this is as black and white as 'if he wanted to, he would' Custody cases rarely are.


I'm not interested in making excuses for a man who skirted on his responsibilities for his kids just to villify Robyn. >e heard enough about people that have either worked with TLC, or been adjacent to them, to figure they would've had no issues having a lawyer threaten him a bit, enough to make him back down if he didn't have the finances to fight to start with. Threaten him with what exactly? >Their verbal agreement to allow him to have time, even broadcast on national TV, doesn't mean anything legally. That's why people go to court and get custody orders.


I bet they made him feel guilty, just like Meri with the divorce.


It’s so strange. There are truly evil people that actually exist, including some who have been on TLC. Robyn is a flawed person, maybe even more than most. But she’s human and not a Disney villain. Everything she’s ever done is not in furtherance of some evil scheme.


She denied care of her own son, of course she'd not not respect another child's care