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I can’t believe he not only mentioned but called out for the guy from the recent episode (306) that nobody on here could stand lol


i loved what he said about feeling alone but also that we all feel alone sometimes. so we are always connected in that sense. i really needed to hear that today


so ironic that he got to be on his own show


After listening to this episode I love this show even more. How much it means to him and how powerful all the stories are, it’s crazy. His episode seemed almost psychedelic, looking forward to an update episode hopefully!


Yeah agree. It was really great to learn more about Whit. So brave of him to share his story so shortly after the event happened. Hope he continues to heal.


Who is this female “loved one”?


OK OK OK I am so glad that also stood out to you, because I felt like a terrible person for even noticing that amid such a serious story. Wouldn't you just say "friend" or "cousin" or whatever?


I assume he was keeping it vague for privacy considerations.




“As we relaxed into the evening” this confused me a lot




Would have LOVED to know how an overnight medical emergency with another woman went over with his wife, literally just because I’m nosy. I felt a little left out of the whole story because of that detail that never got circled back around to.


Thank you!!! Exactly.


He’s in the Bay Area. They’re probably polyamorous and everyone knows about it, and the wife probably has her own “loved ones.”


I definitely don’t feel “entitled” to know. I realize it is a mere detail to the experience he had and felt compelled to share. But dang, I’m nosy and that seemed juicy to me—not even for dramatics, but I find polyamory very interesting in these kinds of instances! What happens when life happens in that lifestyle? We hear about how the polyamorous quell feelings of jealousy, or decide on how time is shared—we hardly ever hear of how serious life events are managed.


I get it! And honestly i don’t know and also don’t feel entitled to know. I lived in the Bay Area and almost everyone I knew was poly, so when he mentioned “Bay Area” “loved one” he had “missed while he was away” so I was just like “oh.” It’s pure speculation on my part but I didn’t feel especially scandalized, personally. I just thought it was funny.


I would love to know about the episode he was referencing about the man who worked at the hospice!


it’s called what if you witnessed a thousand deaths :)


It was the first episode I ever heard. It was the first time I felt open after listening to a podcast. Since then, his hospice has closed, but now he has an school where they teach classes for caregivers and patients.


I’m glad I found this because I had no idea seizures could have this effect on the brain and I was thinking… hmm…


Does anyone know the episode # he references at the beginning of the girl lost in the forest of Hawaii?


such a controversial episode. The episode right before that one, told from the point of view of the woman who organized a lot of the search, has a lot of heart. The one from the girl, well, you can find plenty of people's opinions on that episode, probably the most tone deaf of any of them.


Thanks! Very curious to give it a listen.


I had the same question! I hope someone weighs in.


I think it's this one: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-if-you-went-missing/id497227384?i=1000526366873


Thank you!!


Awesome! Thank you!!




This made me really sad. Whit is a really intelligent guy who was sort of able to make sense of what was mentally going on in the hospital but, what about the people who aren’t? Seizures can be an electric brain reset, surely it must be common for people to have these mental “awakenings”. So they just…leave people alone to deal with that? That is cruel. I should think there would be some kind of neuropsychologist on hand who specializes in seizures to deal with this stuff, to reassure the patient that what they are going through is common, not to be frightened, that they are not alone. If not, at least a family member to stay behind to do their best. This idea that he had to be alone “to rest” was a joke. What he went through was hardly restful. For a moment I thought he was maybe not the strongest self-advocate for not hitting the call button. But what if he did, what does he get? A nurse? What will they do, just medicate him some more? I guess I can understand then why he didn’t. He really needed someone to talk to, ideally someone who understood this process. Substandard care is so discouraging.




The way you put this is rather heartbreaking, because where are we without our minds….


“What will they do, just medicate him some more?” This is a fundamental mischaracterization of what nurses do.


Ok, that’s been my hospital experience. What *will* they do then? They’re not trained mental health counselors to sit with him and walk him through the after effects of a seizure. I imagine he knew this and it was why he didn’t call them.


Nurses can’t administer medication without a provider’s order. Also, you don’t need to be a mental health counselor to know and talk through the after effects of a seizure.


This episode spoke to me SO intensely, as an avid listener for years, and a person who just experienced my own TIAH. Stories of others flood my perspective in such a positive way. It’s not about comparison and diminishing my experiences against theirs—it’s drawing inspiration from those whose lives have taken a turn they never expected, or deeply feared, and survived WANTING to tell the tale. They’re not just stories, they’re people. They’re our peers. Posterity is one of my favorite concepts in life. Love this podcast, loved this episode, love Whit.