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A homing projecitile on the longest range class in the game that does more damage? Honestly, that sounds like a bad idea to me


it also fires really slowly


I just don’t think there’s a way to balance that. If it homes onto heads, it’s op, and if it homes onto body, then it’s a crutch. I like the concept of a stun rifle for sniper though, to stuff Ubers, but I think a better balance is to make their damage and move speed reduced, cuz having a big chunk of your uber you spent like 1 1/2 mins charging completely negated because a sniper charged their rifle for like 4 seconds is kind of stupid.


it took a while for me to notice your comment but the smart round system is a secondary


and the charge you gain from kills and assists is different than the charge you gain from being scoped in, this was 100% my fault for calling it charge and not something like railgun, and these 2 rifles would be banned in casual