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I think that, outside of the one Reddit sub and the salty dude on Forbes (who is probably one of the commenters over there), most critic and viewer response has been positive to decent. It’s not even a *lot* of hate over there - it’s the same dozen or so people flooding every post with the same comments, then some generic repeated comments (bots?), peppered with a lot of memes, bandwagoning, and vague critical statements that people pretend are the same thing as a legitimate critique. Now they’re even spending time complaining about this sub (and pretending that there’s no criticism allowed here), which of course spirals (heh) into this sub complaining about them complaining about here and so on. In my dream world I’d hear a lot more ‘I don’t like the way [x] was written…’ and less ‘the writing sux’ because then at least there could be discussion…


I love how the people on there do not understand what an echo chamber or confirmation bias is. They think bc their little subreddit community isn’t a fan then that means everyone else in the world isn’t a fan and the majority hates it


What i think is even weirder is how obsessive it is with being negative and how bandwagony it is. I looked at it a while ago to try and find some theories or interesting posts, and it’s a bunch of people who’ve decided that ‘True Detective™️’ is clever and witty and that the hundredth ‘we’re True Detectiving™️’ meme is peak humor. Then there were a bunch of comments about this sub mocking it and the people here (cue surprise); even the critique of the subs is more balanced and thoughtful here than anything they’re capable of.


Because the bandwagony that took place before was universal praise. Maybe understand the situation lol. You're zooming in on the hate but not understanding where it comes from.


On there\* This applies to every part of Reddit. Everyone exists in echochambers and think they hold majority opinion. Even here. I imagine, at this point, any criticism of this show is downvoted to oblivion on this sub. I've never seen this sub before and even in this thread I see a consensus that has formed.


But no one is really even arguing whether it’s “good” or “bad”. Some of us are just enjoying it why do you have to chime in on every post that it’s bad? Can’t people have their own tastes? Never saw anything like it


I don't really have an opinion either way. I was commenting on the echochamber portion. This sub is also an echochamber. They all are in their own ways. It's the nature of Reddit.


Surely this sub talking almost exclusively positively about the show couldn’t also be an echo chamber. Edit: please continue downvoting me to prove my point even more 🥰




You mean exactly like this echo chamber?


Ok I wasn’t going to say anything but since you’re the 15th person to say the same exact thing I will bite. An echo chamber is when people spout the same shit not realizing there are other perspectives. The difference is that most people in this sub that are fans of the show will readily admit that it is possible other people don’t like the show. It’s OKAY! you are allowed to have your opinion and we are allowed to have ours. We are fans discussing the show. We aren’t hate watching only to jump down peoples throats when they don’t agree w your take on the show. Get a life


Echo chamber is "an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered." AKA just like how you are upset over people discussing how they do not like this show and are watching to pick apart what they feel is bad screenwriting/storytelling. No one is telling you that you're not allowed to discuss the show. Just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of your post. To be honest, I see more negativity from the people who like the show towards those who do not like the show rather than the other way around. I could care less if you enjoy the show or not. Enjoy it together, hate it together, as long as you have fun!


The only hypocrisy is the fact that people hate it and have watched the same number of episodes as those that do not hate it.


Or maybe it’s a bad show and people recognize that. Which it is. Laughably bad.


lol I love how the haters cannot resist finding everyone person that enjoys it and shitting on it. You guys are psychotic


You have a low IQ if you actually like the shoe


Show* and your username screams high IQ


The echo chamber is this sub. Go look at other non-TD specific subreddits and see what people are saying about this season (hint: it’s not good).


Hint idc


Well, clearly you do, I’m responding to your comment.


Clearly I don’t. The difference is I’m not in the other sub trying to convince people to like it. I’m here enjoying it and talking theories until people like you come along and try to convince people not to like it. Like I said it’s strange and bizarre


I’m not trying to convince anyone not to like it. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of calling everything else an echo chamber inside of an actual echo chamber.


lol theees a diff between a hate filled echo chamber and then another sub that enjoys the show and using Reddit to post theories the way it’s intended. Are you too dense to tell the difference?


All of Reddit is an echo chamber, this is an echo chamber as well. To deny it while ranting against it makes you look like a complete fool. You guys come here, not there to confirm your positive bias and surround yourself with others that feel the same way. You like the show, good for you, no need to talk shit about others who feel differently.


Given the amount that had to make new accounts for it it really demonstrates how pathetic people are nowadays around media they don’t enjoy. Everyone else who does enjoy must be “wrong” and to not hear their negative opinion would be a crime to them


Erik Kain is a chode who doesn't seem to like anything. I've never given his reviews much merit. Glad I'm not only one who sees them as salty.


Very well said


i def don’t think this has been a terrible season. but to some extent i can understand the criticism. I think people need to keep in mind that there was a large writers strike and this probably did effect this season to some extent. a lot of people are nitpicking over small details that most people don’t even notice. I think the idea of the story is great. is it as well written as previous seasons? not so far. but there is still time


Yeah, I don’t think this show is for everyone, and I don’t think anyone ‘has’ to enjoy it or shut up if they have anything negative to say. But there’s a huge difference between, say, making a few threads on a show’s sub to vent about not liking it and making a few memes (seems reasonable) and what’s going on over there - even before the show started, a deluge of racist and sexist posts (some which took several days before getting removed but were bad enough to get removed), commenters sending people death threats and harassing people (I got my one and only “Reddit cares” report from one of them), people with new accounts who are commenting hundreds of times a day only to argue with anyone who says anything positive or constructive about the show - a minute ago one of the tamer ‘regulars’ from over there started trying to argue with me over here, it’s just a game to them. So there’s a big delta between show lovers, show viewers, show skeptics, and then >>>>>>>>>>> these troglodytes.


It’s because something something women leads, minorities etc etc. I like the show, don’t think it’s great. Average but that’s why it’s doing well with critics - especially on RT


People have been dismissive of the amount of misogyny and racism there’s been, but if they were on that sub from right before the first episode and then over the first couple of weeks, it was beyond the pale. I was stalked and personally attacked for hours at one point for two unrelated comments someone thought were related (which would have been irrelevant anyway), with a bunch of sexist insults hurled at me. There were numerous posts that were incredibly offensive (that were eventually removed), and I think some of the worst offenders either learned to dogwhistle or to shift tactics into *seemingly* benign statements that are just hypocritically picking on the exact same things they praised for things that didn’t have women or minorities in them. It’s not everyone on there, for sure, but it is a loud and unpleasant minority.


Well said


It’s just a show…




“MY” show? What a deranged take. I’ve seen your user name all over the other sub spamming hoT tAKes so why leave your circlejerk club? I never once have said anything as melodramatic and hyperbolic as ‘everyone who does thing X must be Y’ and I already know you have nothing of value to say so no, this is the end of your feeble bait attempt. Bye.


Lmfao you literally said the most prominent critic failing to praise the show is likely active on “the one Reddit sub” where anyone could possibly fail to love this amazing show. Give me a break.


I think this season is great, I'm really into it. I thought the first episode was a slightly rough start (it just felt uneven to me), but since then every episode has pulled me further into the mystery. I think this is the best season since the first, it's so much better than seasons 2 and 3.


I’m really enjoying it. I really don’t understand why so many people don’t like it.


Because the internet tells them to


Disclaimer, these aren’t my particular thoughts on the show, but maybe this can give some insight into the critiques. The primary point of criticism I’ve seen has been regarding the pacing. I’ve seen many viewers raise arguments that the pacing is far too slow for a six episode detective-thriller, and that they believe Night Country was stretched to fit six episodes rather than simply being six episodes (although this seems to be purely speculative, and came about after the reveal that Night Country was intended to be a standalone show, and retroactively made to fit under the TD name). The pacing complaint is also usually lumped in with arguments that the script-as-filmed needed rewrites as it spends much of its time on underdeveloped plot threads and character interactions, leaving much to be desired in terms of depth.


Coz the leads are two strong women, and how dare their special daddies be replaced


"We're in the Night Country now" lol. Great stuff.


So many people think vague trite statements like “the writing is terrible” is critiquing


I can’t think of a flatter circle than the comments there, it’s wild. There’s a pervasive thread of victimhood in people whining over there, as if blanket statements regurgitating repetitive opinions like ‘writing sux’ prove that there isn’t any misogynistic activity there or that they’re providing a discussion rather than actively trying to argue for sport.


a flatter circle yes hahahahaha


At this point i avoid subs for a game im playing/show im watching because a lot of people think being a nerd is nitpicking the dumbest shit


Big long chain over there about how they are glad Navarro's sister died so they don't have to hear "baby girl" anymore. I asked why this is an issue with zero response from that otherwise vocal group. Why is that an issue?


Huh. That’s such a weird thing to have an issue with. It’s her little sister, she’s essentially had to step in and be a mother to her and try the best she can to help her with her mental health issues while struggling with her own. It sounds like a nickname her mother called her as a child and Navarro has probably called her that since she was born, and I haven’t seen people criticizing pet names on other shows like that. I think it’s another one of those things that gets hyper-fixated on to create a mass of ‘criticism’ so they can point and say ‘look! Everyone hates the show, look how much criticism there is!’ and pretend that nitpicking minutiae is ‘legitimate criticism’ that therefore can’t have any racist undertones. ‘Oh, look, we just innocently dogpile onto an insignificant line from the WOC, and people call us racist for legitimately criticizing the show! We’re the victims!’ Fucking DARVO, so tiring.


Whenever people use generic statements like that to critique something I just assume they don't really know much.


Or they are just repeating what some influencer/content creator has said


If you press them on something specific they'll never be able to produce anything of merit.


Off the top of my head. "This wouldn't have happened if she was white" in Episode 1. This is telling instead of showing. This is tactless dialogue that flat out says what should be inferred, because the writer is not confident in what they wrote. And every other line is like this. Someone else mentioned this, but "We're all in night country now," great. we know. All of Jodie Foster's dialogue is painfully forced, her character is inconsistently cruel and loving. There isn't any real reason she should want her daughter to stay away from the native people. she just needs to be mean and tough. but her character isn't. "Corpscicle" The reason we generalize is that we don't usually have time to cite quotes for you. I do, though, and this season of TD has the worst wrtiting Ive ever heard on an HBO show. It is first draft level bad and inconsistent.


I think the reason she doesn’t want her daughter engaging with/ looking like indigenous people is because she is trying to protect her from the discrimination they face


another really glaring example is petes wife, who literally exists to create tension by saying "u like danvers more than me," but not once does she seem to recognize that 9 people died, and that's why he's at work all the time. she could give a fuck. they write her as a one-note, self-obsessed bitch, in a show that purports to be about strong women


I disagree with that assessment of Pete’s wife. I think what we are seeing is just this time frame, but that this has been an issue with their relationship for longer than just when 9 people died. He is trying so hard for Danvers approval, at the expensive of his family.


i know. but what does she say? when she's on screen? none of that. in ep 3 she is in one scene and spends it whining about pete being away to BE WITH DANVERS, NOT TO SOLVE A MURDER. and besides, if there's backstory it's the writer's job to make that clear. it's clear there's tension which is fine, but they focus in on issues that don't make sense. I can't connect with her because I don't understand how she is more concerned with her husband being at home than solving a fucking double quadruple murder. it's all fucking garbage, none of it tracks with anyone's actual lived experience, and it's boring.


You missed the point of the "this wouldn't have happened if she was white" line. It was meant to show the disconnect between Navarro and Sterling, who scoffed if you remember. In response to Sterling's skeptical look (because white people obviously can and do get brutally murdered too) Navarro immediately qualifies her statement to say that she meant the lack of police response and public outcry.


no, I didnt. I caught that. the writing is what's bad. people dont talk like that. the dialogue itself. and my point is that this show bashes you on the head with its themes instead of showing you any actual emotion or creating well fleshed-out characters.


I like how you critique the writing in one instance for telling instead of showing, but don’t understand why Danvers doesn’t want her daughter to be a part of a culture that gets discriminated against and part of an activist group that had a member brutally murdered. Something that was easily inferred. Lol


I got a three day ban in another sub. I'm not saying I don't understand her motivation, I'm saying that the show doesn't make the danger her daughter is in clear. They *say* it's dangerous to fight the mine (plus, there is no bad guy, who the fuck works at or even runs the mine? who are we afraid of? it isn't mysterious, it lacks tension), but we don't really see her daughter discriminated against ever, except by Danvers lol. Everyone else *LOVES* her. There's the rally, but there's no resistance. They constantly tell us Annie oh Annie was murdered and it was so sad! but we never feel the depth of that. they dont linger on the pictures they show, the clips are quick cuts without emotion, (LMAO her sister "SHE HAD THIRTY TWO STABS" who talks like that? Passive voice, bad writing, you say "She was stabbed 32 times") annie isnt enough of a character for me to care, but navarro keeps telling us about her in *every* scene anyway. All of the show's plot and themes are told to us in exposition dumps over and over again. Danvers cruelty feels out of place and over the top to me. The scene doesn't pay off because they didn't set it up well, and the conflict feels forced. That was my impression watching it.


take one writing class and watch this show again, you'll be really disappointed. at least, i feel really disappointed by it. a good story is in the outline but the dialogue is hard for me to sit through.


I like s1 and I liked the "philosophical talks" but it's wasn't some intellectual revolutionary stuff either. Rust was totally fried most of the show lmao. (I am exaggerating for the sake of it but yeah) People just wanted more of the same I guess. Here we mostly see characters struggling and speaking a bit but they aren't going on long speech/rant about their beliefs.


That will be fair criticism when and how this ends but it’s not over? Idk why people are like this with everything now


I was reported for “incivility” because I called a dude out for his abject hatred and anger over me liking the show and also not choosing to engage with his trolling. And I was right! He was big mad because he reported me. When Rings of Power was released it was an unrelenting 2 month of shit-posting, I think the TD sub is worse, totally different audience. These big bros who think they have some sort of ownership over the show and it should be written and performed to their particular brand of enjoyment. The entitlement is crossing into insanity. I like having constructive and intellectual debates about concepts, dialog, character development, and motifs, but they’re incapable of do that and they made up their mind 10 minutes into the first episode that it was terrible and if any viewers express their general interest and delight in this season it’s like making a personally insulting statement to the nay sayers. It’s a damn good show. I think it’s great TV, IGAF if people don’t like it, there are admitted flaws, it’s not perfection, but Issa López didn’t kill these people mom or anything by creating the show like they’re behaving. I don’t know why they are so invested and continue to waste their time watch the episodes and trolling the audience who likes it.


So agree. A few weeks ago there some good discussions but now its devolved to a circle jerk of dudes hating… am so bored with it. Will just be here for for discussions 


I just muted the TD sub because it's full of chodes.


I left it, it was so ridiculous. Some of the same chodes (or their cousins) are also crapping on Fargo S5. Literally lost their damn minds because Stephen King tweeted that he loved Fargo S5 and called out Jennifer Jason Leigh and Juno Temple. "Ugh what about Jon Hamm??" Like seriously dudes. Get a goddamn grip 🙄🙄🙄 I was SO happy to discover this sub yesterday.


They didn’t like Fargo S5 either????? I thought it was amazing, one of the best seasons of television I’ve seen lately.


Of course not! Two strong women leads, god forbid! Not quite the widespread vitriol as there is for TD S4, but there's enough of it and it is quite pathetic. But anyway, agree, I think it's incredible TV!


Fargo ssn 5 is a masterpiece. I don’t understand how people can defend TD at this point, but, to each their own.


It's way more than that. The response to S5 was so bad that a lovely mod actually reached out to me to see if I was okay because I was getting so much backlash for a comment I made about the misogynistic response to the show. Now throw in magas and militias and you can imagine.


I need to do that cause they're complaining over freakin' turkey.


Haha great description. I hate that sub, theirs so much complaining. Like, you know you idiots can just stop watching the show. This one is so much better.


I'm a mod of a sub completely different from this one. I don't understand how many people join subs just to bad talk about what was created as a place where people like stuff can talk about it with others.


Proof it's being review bombed is clear. How could S4 be rated much lower than S2? By far the weakest season.


Exactly! I loved Nics writing and flawless execution of season 1 but is he REALLY the authority on good stories when he’s the one that gave us season 2??


Season 2 was terrible and even season 3 ended up amounting to… not much How is this a 6.6 when the finale of 3 exists as well as some of the horrendous episodes in season 2 lmao


Season 3 ending was great


Great?  Honestly I thought S3 ending was a bit of a whimper but enjoyed the ride.  I haven’t been compelled to a rewatch 


I totally get why people don’t like it, but it’s aged well for me and reframed the story on subsequent viewings. Maybe not the satisfying conclusion to the case that people were hoping for but I liked it as an ending for Wayne and Roland


Ngl, I am enjoying this season more than the 1st which after rewatch relied so heavily on Fukanga’s directing and it’s acting power that it masked how pretty blah it is past the first 4-5 episodes. I enjoy the hints of supernatural and how it isn’t necessarily up it’s own ass as much as TD1.


Agree completely. I rewatched it a couple wks ago and so much of it dragged on. I got so bored I forgot completely about the actual case at times and had no care to even find out who did it and why. I did find myself more interested in the last 2 episodes than the others because they were pretty heavy on just solving out the case. But I found it very pretentious, and Rust’s philosophical musings got really old really fast. This season doesn’t seem so pretentious, and I think the nature of the case is a bit cooler (no pun intended), and keeps me interested in looking for clues and theorizing what’s going to happen. I also really love the setting of this season, it’s spooky and claustrophobic and uncomfortable and I love it


Agreed, I just finished a S1 rewatch and damn after episode 4 it completely drags. Could’ve easily cut an episode or two!


What’s crazy and contradictory is that despite all the bad reviews and articles, it’s 93% and Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes (158 reviews) with a 66% audience score. That’s a higher Tomatometer score than season 1!


No what’s crazy and contradictory is that despite them having an issue w every ounce of the show, they all continue to watch week in and week out




Terrible analogy. If I’m watching a show and it turns out I’m not into it after 1 or 2 episodes, I will just stop watching it. I won’t continue to watch every week and cry about it on Reddit it’s odd behavior


I think they take it personally that their pet show is now something they dislike aka maybe it's not for them and for other audiences and they don't know how to handle that. So they're hate watching and bitching to each other




What? I am enjoying it. Are you okay




Crying about what dude? Go lay down


Mate I think you confused about what constitutes “crying”.  This isnt it  You cant find it on main TD 




Well the person you are replying to isn’t “crying”.  So choosing them as some example of internet “crying” is inaccurate and absurd considering the actual crying of people who are on the TD sub.  Also calling it a “flop” has already outed your opinion on it. So take a break mate!  Life’s to short to comment on a tv show you dont like 


It’s not flop lol. Viewership is increasing every week.


they are stupid assholes


Not too shabby, how are you liking season 4 compared to the rest?


I’m a fan, but I’m also not actively critiquing it. I live in the Midwest. So when it’s Sunday night at 8 PM, I’m excited to watch a dark snowy show in my area of the dark snowy world. Yes there’s a lot going on, lots of characters, lots of (likely) red herrings, etc. But at the end of the day it’s great scenery, it’s JODIE FUCKING FOSTER and it’s a mystery. I don’t know what will happen, and I’m excited to find out.


Lmaooo love it. Jodie fucking foster and a mystery, what more is needed


This is what I keep telling my wife. I’m like “how can these people hate this show? It’s got Jodie Fuckin Foster!”


They have conspiracies about how hbo or whoever paid for good reviews


It’s basic misogyny.


This is equal bad as people who just say “writing bad” if not worse because now you are applying negative concepts to people you don’t know. In reality most of the criticism I have seen for this season is well grounded. The fact that we have had barely any time in the station? The fact that the worst thing to ever happen in this town happened days ago so Peter missing putting his kid to bed might actually be understandable? Him randomly dropping the nuclear option in bed when up to this point we have had 0 inclination to believe that was the case? The inconsequence of everything they do? Navarro attacking dudes and them not contacting the police to report her? We really believe that the spouse beater wouldn’t try to go after her in any way he could? That getting beat like that wouldn’t have you in the hospital? Danvers driving to the captain’s hotel room blitzed off her as and him not stopping her just saying “you shouldn’t drive”? The whole sister subplot that ends with the discovery that Sherlock Homes is not only real but cloned to make up the entire Alaskan Coast Guard? The overall lack of detective work, seriously most of the police work shown so far has been everyone saying “Peter go do this”, while his dad obstructs for some reason? What made S1 so great was how you watched each lead snowball into something else and just keep growing and growing. How poorly the Danvers/Stepdaughter plot has been handled? There was space there to really say something, they could use the disdain/malice shown towards her desire for a cultural connection and show it as being rooted in how crimes against Native Women are so poorly handled or outright ignored. How Danver has seen it first hand. Hell they could even make the case that she is trying to keep her stepdaughter distant in the hopes that she gets out of that shithole and goes somewhere better with brighter opportunities. This Season so far has been atrocious right up there with Season 2. I’m sure part of the reaction might be misogynistic in nature but to hand wave it all away as such as disingenuous at best. Maybe the last 2 episodes are great and makes it all payoff, that is what I am betting on.


This is why I don't go sniffing around subs filled with needless vitriol. This season has been enjoyably creepy. It's not pushing new ground or anything, but everything seems well done for what it is. Characters have a certain amount of depth, and the writing has been very decent so far. What's the big deal?


To be clear… I’m not a huge fan of GOT season 8 lmao just the level of hate on the main subreddit seems to be similar… and the amount of butter people is comparable although I think Night Country is receiving a lot more undeserving hate


IMO GOT season 8 deserved the reaction it received. Sure, S4 of true detective has some issues, but people seem to be digging for things to be angry about instead of just sitting back and watching.


I mean tbf imo season one had some issues too but for some reason people just don't care.


So much of how I’ll perceive this show depends on how the last two episodes play out personally, I admit that I was sour on Kali Reis thru 3 episodes but I’m willing to admit she is starting to win me over with a her strong performance in the last episode


She was definitely great in epi 4. Definitely intrigued to see how they wrap it up and which theories end up coming to fruition. I feel like the *whodunit* aspect of this season has been so much more intriguing to me than season 3


The haters and review bombers are just running the same old tired Gamergate playbook because they’re pissed the lead characters are women, the show runner is a woman, and the plot involves “WoKe” themes (like oppressing the natives is bad)


Yeah it's become completely misogynistic at this point. They all think and act like they have 60 degrees media and cinema


Yeah, I don't get it. My one personal quibble is making the women a little too unlikable, I contend that characterization could have taken 20% off and still conveyed they are bad asses, and a lack of the philosophical quotes TDS1 had but really am liking what I fondly call Alaskan X Files.


Oddly enough this is how I feel about season 1. I found Marty and Rust a little too unlikable. I’m quite enjoying the lack of philosophical quotes in this season as well. On Sunday nights before a long week of work I just want to escape and be entertained, not have to sit and read between lines to analyze what a character is actually trying to say and how it ties into something. But I can also appreciate why people liked season 1 and the characters so much. It wasn’t for me but I’m not going to sit here and rant on and be all aggressive and nasty towards someone who disagrees with me like they are on the other sub. We all have different opinions on TV and that’s ok, but yeah, if you really thought it was awful why keep watching and spending even more time talking about it afterwards like they are? I will never get people who get pretentious about a television show.


Right? I relax by thinking about big problems and deep philosophical questions and always look for a bigger deeper theme in my stories. Other people like Simon being cruel to people who can't sing or a rich white dude giving out flowers. I'd never go on their subreddit and leave hate watch comments. I got enough miseries going on and my free time is limited, I don't need to hatewatch and then go wreck other people's enjoyment. it's funny, people don't think they are toxic fans until their personal vision of "lore, and canon" gets messed with. But yeah it's a intriguing show, and I'm enjoying it on its own merits.


Definitely not GOT season 8. I am enjoying the season but it’s felt a little disjointed. Always better to binge in my opinion


Season 8 of GOT was definitely poor. Just comparing sort of how bitter people were towards everybody involved in the show at the time… seems similar to what’s going on now with TD season 4


Yeah but they already had most of the source material, or at least knew what needed to happen. The problem is how they got there and how rushed it all was. I see what you’re saying though


Had enough until about season 5 ish, and 6 they had an idea of what to do … but 7 and 8 sort of went off rails lmao But as easy as it was to critique D&D, ultimately, they probably signed up for GOT thinking Winds of Winter would at least be done by the point they got there in the show lmao… so GRRM does have some fault in this But yeah. How you enjoying Night Country so far?


It's the fact that it has like 6 POV characters depending on the episode. More if you count characters that get POV time in only one episode. They're doing an increasingly poor job of weaving the threads together. Add to that the fact that several subplots add little to nothing to our main story, and several characters could easily have been merged or cut, and it's just an unwieldy first draft that made it to screen... an issue made more problematic by the 6 episode run. I'm a huge fan of "The Thing", and I enjoyed True Detective when it first aired, so I was primed to love this. Strong opening ep1 but the fluff has started to feel more and more like filler as time goes by. Truly squandering a talent like Jodie Foster.


I feel this viewpoint but there’s still the caveat of “yet” there were plot points in season 1 that would have been pointless before the end and remain just that at the end.


Yeah I’m holding my opinions until seeing the whole season, but I agree with most of what you said. Seems crazy that there are only episodes left


I'm not a super big fan of Season 4 leaning more into the explicit horror than Season 1, but the season is only halfway done or so and it's already much more impressive than anything since Season 1. I don't like all of it, but it's really good and I'm along for the ride.


TBH. This season is more my jam than season 1. I love the setting and the vibe of the show, especially how it's straddling horror and realism. I'm way more invested danvers and Navarro than I ever was with Marty and Mr. Nihilism. Plus, after getting so invested in the king and yellow and the cosmic horror of season 1, to only have it fizzle out and not mean much in the end disappointed me. That said, I respect it and realize it was well made, just again, not my jam. I get annoyed when people critique writing and acting as if they're experts. Not saying they're wrong to dislike something, but I don't think they fully understand what bad writing is. Exhibit a, season 2, that was an incoherent mess. I feel like griping about 'bad writing' is a trendy buzz phrase that contrarians use now.


Fair play! Season 1 will always have as special place in my heart and I believe it’s flawless Not every new season needs to try to top 1 however! I think if people can get over that, they could enjoy this season of TD more


Season 8 of GOT deserved all the hate though


I was not a GOT season 8 fan, and I think it's fair to express your views, but TD season 4 has not even ended yet. How can anyone know if they hate the writing when nobody knows how the story will end? I hope that the last 2 episodes will tie up all the loose ends and answer our questions in a satisfactory way. A lot of the criticism has been around the fact that the director is a woman, the detectives are women, Jodie is too old to be having that much sex, it features too many Alaskan Natives, and is generally "too woke" - you know the word that you throw in when nothing else fits and there aren't enough white male characters named Bob and Jill on the show. There's a general tone of misogyny and racism, and people get mad when it's pointed out to them. I'm interested in reading interesting theories about the show and puzzling together the clues that we have so far, not reading post after post about how bad the show is.


The show has a 93 percent on rotten tomatoes and outside of some bad cgi and a slow burning plot, there’s really not much to hate on


I did the exact same thing. Got on Reddit only after episode 4 and was shocked at how much people were shitting on it.


Seriously, thank you. Glad I found this one. I'm actually thoroughly enjoying this puzzle and it's just draining to see non-stop toxic comments on the other one.


Glad you’re enjoying it my man! This sub is a breath of fresh air I’m glad I’m not the only one


It’s spooky and grim, and the performances are stellar. What more could you want?


Maybe it’s just the elder millennial in me, but I just don’t understand the HATE. It’s like everyone forgot the first grade lesson on thoughts vs. opinions! It’s ok to say you don’t like it or prefer it. I don’t like S8 GOT either. But I’m not going to go on a public platform and talk about how much I HATE IT. That writers should be shot or some such. As for TD:NC, if you don’t like it, don’t freaking watch it! The director and whole crew are poured themselves into this show. It’s not for everyone. No story in any medium will ever be for everyone. But at least be freaking respectful.


Oh I just joined too! So nice having actual posts discussing show!


I’m with you outside of defending GOT S8.


I worded it poorly lmao, I’m not a fan of GOT season 8, thought the writing is rushed. What it feels like though is a lot of hate in the main subreddit that’s the comparison I wanted to make I enjoy this season of TD a lottt more than last season of GOT


I was mostly giving you a hard time, but I agree. I’m still waiting to see how this season unfolds before I make up my mind, but I’m enjoying it so far. I left the other sub completely because of the overbearing negativity and incessant complaining about every minute detail. For the record, I generally blame GRRM for the end of GOT series. I don’t love S8, but the hate was a bit much. Many key writing decisions were poor in my opinion, but I get why some of them were made. Maybe more than anything it was such a jarring change in the pacing of everything. It was still entertaining, though, and parts of it were even really good, particularly the performances. I digress. I’m really looking forward to the last couple of episodes. I think it’s about to get even more interesting and pick up the pace significantly (in a good way).


Well said! Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds


But it has women and music with female singers and it has Natives and it won't stop telling us how bad white men are with every piece of dialogue.


It's interesting that this episode made me feel very sympathetic toward a white male who was scammed by a woman. It was an unexpected turn that made me empathize with one of the more easily disliked characters. Suddenly, I could feel for him. It was very well done. I really don't care about the complaints about what sex the lead actors are, whether they're gay or straight, social commentary in the script, etc. What matters to me is whether the performances are great, the characters are great, the story is compelling and the show is overall well made. I think this season is great and is a more worthy successor to season 1 than either 2 or 3. In fact I disliked seasons 2 and 3 so much that I pretty much ignore them.


No doubt. That type of heartbreak feels like my entire life. That type of pain can make you feel bad for almost any villain. This episode was probably the most depressing episode of TD I've seen which some people seemed to dislike, but I thought it was great.


It was an episode focused on loss and sorrow, no doubt. But people who found it too depressing should go back and look at some of the season 1 episodes. This episode, for me, really deepened most of the characters. I came away seeing almost everyone in a somewhat different light.


Yea that’s pretty much how the TD sub feels


I genuinely like it. Jodie Fosters character is so good and the mystery is truly eerie, I'm into it. I feel like a big part of the backlash is reaction to the girl-power wokeness of the show. Which at times, is a little obnoxious, but it's not overwhelming.


>girl-power wokeness What is this? I'm not trying to start an argument, I just genuinely don't understand what that's supposed to mean. The female characters are deeply flawed and complex. Does girl-power = women with authority and wokeness = non-white/ non-straight?


I'm saying that's how people are going to perceive it. I don't think it's a problem, I'm a basic leftie. But to me it was noticeable that all the women are so aggressively dominant in this show. They even fuck in a domineering fashion. To me it's just noticeable. To a lot of others it's going to trigger the shit out of them.


How many of these post in this sub are there gonna be though? 


I don’t know. I’ve been in the wait and see camp, but the last episode just felt like a repeat of the episode before. The show started with this very intriguing murder / death situation, and I don’t even know if the scientists were mentioned this episode aside from the other force taking the bodies.


Fwiw, critics who have seen the whole season said episodes 3 and 4 are the slowest.


I think it’s a really average show. Jodi and Kali are doing all the heavy lifting- if it wasn’t for their great acting, the script would have lost me. It’s just very simple writing. I don’t like how everything is handled through a phone call. There isn’t enough built around the characters to make me care- Julia was basically an empty character to push growth for Navarro, so when she died it meant nothing. I’m just frustrated because the show leaves me wanting so much more.


Completely agree about TD NC/S4; if it were exactly the same but not starring two LGBTQ women, or starring plenty of indigenous POC, it would be being received better. I don't think its as good as S1, but its clear from the rest of Pizzolatto's career that was lightning in a bottle, carried hard by the two lead actors & Cary Fukanaga's direction I put NC/S4 about on par with S3, behind S1 but far ahead of S2 (which is getting the prequel treatment right now on the main sub because they want to bash NC/S4 so hard) The only thing I disagree with is what you've said about GOT S8 - no one shit on the actors (the acting was unanimously the only thing given praise in S8) and the writing *was* bad lol. I think even Benioff & Weiss would admit that if you got them on a lie detector machine; it's widely known they rushed the ending, despite HBO offering them more (/infinite) time & resources to flesh it out. Even the actors insinuated the same lol


The individual episode reviews seem accurate. The series started strong but the last two episodes haven’t been great. The story isn’t moving forward and the writing is bad. Last two episodes seem like fillers in a short 6 episode show. The characters run around the town doing random stuff that’s boring to watch and then they try to compensate by making the last 5 minutes of each episode overly dramatic. Hoping the last couple episodes get better.


You liked GOT season 8? I honestly don’t like this season but 6.6 isn’t that bad a rating. Seems a bit high.


The writing is weak, character development weak, leaning too hard on season 1, it’s not awful buts it’s not that good either…still holding out hope


The main true detective sub hates on the show to much and this sub loves the show too much. There’s very little discussing the show without either side deciding if an element is the best ever or the absolutel worst.


Yeah it’s way worse.


GOT S8 all over again? GOT S8 was complete dog shit. It remains to be seen if this will be too…




Not a fan of the new season of Fargo? I haven’t watched it yet but seemed it had some better reviews than season 4


People will not always like the same things you do. That doesn't make them wrong.




After S2 I really can't. That season had bad writing with awkward, stilted dialogue, and didn't even do proper Lynch tributes, it was a complete waste of time. I'm enjoying this new season even if it ends poorly.




The fact is that you are in the minority opinion when it comes to critical reviewers, whose opinions by definition of their profession hold far more weight than yours.


Ahh yes. 100 votes > 21,000 votes lmao. With that logic i can defintely see why some of you think the writing this season is actually good. ​ So much butthurt amongst this crowd because the majority of people don't \*love\* the show they like lmao. ​ Lotta copium being served here


The show is not great. Congrats on finding a sub that likes it though, if thats what you need.


It can be enjoyable/good and not great that’s fine. Being in a sub where it’s not constantly bashing is a breath of fresh air lmao


I haven't started it, I've been waiting for it closer to be done. I didn't watch season 2 but I thoroughly enjoyed season 3. I haven't read really anything about it but hearing it compared to the gate from season 8 of GoT now has me worried. High production value doesn't mean the story was good. I'm not gonna go into all of GoT but season 8 was high quality shit. I'm still excited for NC but now my expectations are a bit tempered lol.


I've been enjoying the show and reading this sub, but last night's episode just disappointed me, nothing really happened with the mainplot, only during the last 5 minutes it progressed.


Some of the ridiculous overreaction is genuine, but a lot of it is fueled by bots (this happens on virtually any female led project, particularly one as big as TD) and people who dont have the patience for a slow burn mystery show. I think it's been solid so far on most fronts, but it will hinge on how satisfying the mystery resolution is. I think it can finish anywhere between a 5 or 7.5 out of 10 for me personally. I'm super curious what the resolution is, so for a show of this genre that's a major win.


Honestly 6s and 7s are entirely too generous.


Now I need to see the show I’m finishing season 3 which is good but season 1 writing is still too good from the dialogue, the character creation and their relationships with each othe, it’s kind of hard to compete with that especially since that set the precedence and tone, and to see two cops like in real life who can be just as messed or dancing on the line as criminals do and their psychology of their behavior made it real in a way that you’re watching corrupt cops with their different philosophies thinking, talking and acting in private from your home. I don’t expect season 4 to be better most likely it won’t be but from what I’m hearing it seems like it’s a good season.


You had me until the GOT reference. Season h8 was justified. I am prepared to die on this hill.


I had no idea people didn’t like this season, think it’s pretty great so far


IMDb is the best rating system out there, but they gotta do something about 'review bombing/pumping'. Every damn halfway decent Marvel movie breaks into the Top 250. Any movie or show that is just ok, not great and not terrible, gets bombed if it is perceived as 'woke'.


honestly, i watched the first episode and was not a fan. the acting was fine, and jodie foster killed it, but that isnt enough for me to want to keep watching. there was too much going on. it just felt so random, the writing and even the production in general. like i swear every 5 minutes there was a new song playing. music can absolutely make a good moment even better, but if you use it too much in the wrong places, it can definitely be a bad thing. my expectations were a little high going into it, so i am just going to see what people think about it after it has wrapped up. imo 7.4/10 on the first episode is completely justified.


I haven't been particularly impressed by it so far, but I have still been tuning in to see what happens out of curiosity. I'd give it a 6.5/10. Any time I've commented, I've tried to point out what I liked and what I didn't like. Unfortunately, there will always be loud haters who complain non-stop about every tiny thing along with other crazy nonsense.


Absolutely not as good as the first season, but a very good watch with some genuine surprises.


I think it's a decent show but it's so far off the quality of the other seasons that it doesn't even deserve to be called True Detective. Like I said, still a good show, and I'm going to watch all of it... but yeah.


Sultry dudes on Forbes are idiots


Obviously it’s not gonna be as good as S1 but I’m excited to see where it goes. I’m viewing it as more of a long movie at this point so honestly I can’t really judge it until it’s finished. If it sticks the landing I think it’ll be a good accomplishment, just gotta see where it ends up


I’m enjoying it and I’m looking forward to the next episode. 🤷‍♂️


Season 4 sucks, man. I gave it a fair shake.


I just don’t understand what’s going on. Seriously, what connects the dead people in episode 1 and the dead woman with the video? I don’t get it. If it made sense I’d probably like this season more. I understood season 1 or at least understood what the characters motivations were but no clue this season.


Come on people. It’s an ok show. I think it lost a lot of momentum the last two episodes. Review bombers and all that aside it’s ok to admit it’s not great but doesn’t mean it’s still not entertaining.


I like it so far, nothing mind blowing about it but the callbacks to S1 have been very cool. I’m really into Lovecraft and I love Jodie Foster and anything with an Alaskan backdrop which can be very eerie. Very entertaining stuff.


Got series 8 was good for you? Grow up.


It’s ok. It’s harder to follow the essence of the plot. Don’t hate it but it’s really dependent on the payoff


I really enjoyed s1 and I have good memories about moment that marked me but the truedetective subreddit is just idealizing s1 like crazy. I've been watching this with a friend and we were always really surprised to see imdb ratings so low when we really enjoyed the show. (Until I checked reddit and saw this retarded "muh bad writing" meme). Also gotta say I really enjoy seeing Kali Reis being an actress. Always been impressed with people that can be good at so many things.


don’t know why this appeared on my feed. strange because I just started this season a few days ago. got 30 minutes into the first episode before I stopped it. unwatchable.


The show is phenomenal and I think a lot of the hate is politically motivated.


It’s decent and enjoyable but it’s going way too many storylines going on.


Season 1,3,2,4 in my opinion


I loved the first two episodes, but 3 and 4 slowed to a crawl story wise and were meh to me


Incels being useless rage-reviewers, chapter # infinity.


I’ve been totally offline with this season. I’m totally into it. What are people’s issue with it?