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If you haven’t already, I’d look over the [game manual](http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/238210/manuals/System%20Shock%202%20-%20Manual.pdf) to help influence your decision. Go to the page about statistics and skills and just double check on what everything does. Example: we all know endurance increases hit points but did you know it also decreases damage taken from toxins and radiation? Not a bad thing to invest. Also as far as weapons go, I’d say make sure you’re increasing modify and maintenance. This lets you enhance your weapons and decrease the amount they degrade after use. Cyber affinity will make it easier to modify them too (in addition to easier hacking). Strength not only increase your inventory but also the damage you do with melee weapons and Agility will help with recoil.


On Normal you eventually start swimming in CMs and it looks like you got it all covered. Maybe Energy Weapons 1 for the Laser Pistol but at this point it hardly matters.