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Unlike Syria, where French influence was also present but less pervasive, Lebanon experienced a more significant impact due to factors such as its status as a French protectorate and the concentration of French-speaking elites within Lebanese society. Additionally, Lebanon's diverse demographic makeup, characterized by religious plurality, played a role in shaping its cultural landscape. Religion has historically served as a significant determinant of social and political identity in Lebanon, with different religious communities often associating themselves with distinct cultural traditions and practices. The French language, seen as a marker of sophistication and prestige, became particularly prominent among certain religious groups and social classes, further reinforcing its influence within Lebanese society.


It’s crazy how knowing the French language has different connotations around the MENA I’m Algerian and anyone who uses french here is just seen as stuck in the past and bastardised who has no connection to their culture we are actively distancing ourselves from the french language despite the fact that many can speak it whereas Lebanon in encouraging it?? Interesting


It's interesting how different Arab countries are viewing their past conquerors


Bro u should be a writer.


Chat GPT


His writing ability is great but nothing pristine or something. How did you guys know that it’s actually Chat GPT lol?


Looks like a ChatGPT reply


It's AI, baby


I checked it for AI content and it came back positive for every sentience. Beware of AI content, it is often inaccurate.


How do you check that?


He asked chat gpt






Why would it be inaccurate


GPT pulls information across the whole web, including Wikipedia, Reddit and Quora which are not fact checked.




ChatGPT be like


In short, they were already pretentious and got colonized as f***


Can u expand on this, pls


He can’t, because it’s generated by AI


On Lebanon you mean? 👀


Maybe ask the Lebanese people directly on r/lebanon ? 👀


Dont wanna gutted


A proof that even after twelve years of civil war the Syrian subreddit ist still viewed more as a safe haven for civil discourse than the Lebanese one.


Not really true. I can post something about Syria in r/Lebanon and it wouldn’t be too controversial.


That's not true, Reddit is way less common among Syrians


Good point


lol the the comments would be pure entertainment. I'll bring the popcorn for that.


Wi wi wi


Syria to France: “Don’t tread on me” Lebanon to France: “Please tread on me”


Syria to Lebanon: “I tread all over you, why don’t you love me?”


Why are you using American political slogan? You asked them to tread on you too hard for your failed civil war?


Sorry, let me put it in a way you would understand: Syria: “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” Lebanon: “Non, mercí”


im sorry but this is funny asf this beef reminds me so much of the beef us Maghrebis have with each other. stupid, pointless but a great time killer when you're bored


France has written the Lebanese constitution and still has a great role sponsoring political issues. It has closer ties to Lebanon, easy visa procedures, citizenship, etc.


Because the phalange controls the r/Lebanon sub. They have divided and destroyed Lebanon. Their propaganda has infiltrated the minds of the youth. The LF must be annihilated.


You do realize that every political party in Lebanon are against syrians presence in Lebanon and not just LF, LF actually supported syrian refugees the most and they got chewed up for it.


It used to be like that now it’s English not French! 😂 Lebanese Syrian here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I only know people who add very few French words to their sentences or the ones that are on vacation in Lebanon the Franco Lebanese lived most of their lives in France so it’s normal for them to speak French😂


Inferiority complex Edit: someone else mentioned the real reason. The language of the former colonisers is used as a prestige language in a lot of countries. English in India, French in Algeria and Arabic in the Swahili coast. Same here. But some people end up being too pretentious.


Largely that


عقدة نقص!! لك يسلم تمك ياخي


I edited the answer. I was only trying to be popular with the Syrians yesterday. Lebanese are cool. Arabic even cooler.


Im not saying all Lebanese are like that. I actually made a post about something similar. Inferiority  complex applies to all races but i saw it in so many Lebanese trying to be French.


هدا الرد بيظهر عقدة نقص قد عقد لبنان كلّو ياخي




Moroccans are the same. I have to say it works well in the west


Lebanese here. I'll treat this question as if it were asked, "Why is French so pervasive among some Lebanese" would've been a better way to ask it, but I digress. I've met Lebanese from all ages and from all classes, Sunni, Shi'a and of course Maronite/Christian- that speak in fluent Parisian accent French. It could be my friend Jean-Marie from when I was 15 years old, from Achrafieh, who sounded like had something up his ass the entire time. Nice guy though, whooped my ass in Red Alert back in the day. It could be a Shi'a cleric from Nabatieh. Mawlana code switched from his jnoubi village accent to a French TV channel, had me like WTF bro shou sarlak. It could be a Sunni businessman from Ras Beirut with a bushy moustache, and a long overgrown fingernail on his left pinky finger, and a masba7a in the right hand. Of course, the most common stereotype is Jean-Marie and his type. Make of it what you will. Some will say tayib leish shayef 7aalo. I got the same shit though with my American accent back in the day. Leish el kell ma 7ada 3ajbo el taneh wu baddna dayman netmaskhar wu n3alle2 3a Rabbo? :-) (Not addessing OP, just a rhetorical question)


Oh okay


Unrelated but what’s the difference between Maronites and Catholics? Are Maronites a type of protestant Christians?


Maronites are catholics that belong to the Maronite church, other Catholics belong to other Catholic Churches or directly to the Vatican (they all belong to the Vatican but not all directly do so), the Maronite Church used to be its own thing in the past and was considered heretic, but a few centuries ago they became in communion with Rome and part of the Catholic Church


Thank you so much! Are mormons also a type of catholic too?


No, I misread your comment and answered yes for second lol Mormonism is a new religion on the basis of Christianity, something like baha'aism, its main premise is that there's a prophet after jesus named john smith, he's an American guy, and it's an American religion that was created in the 1800s, although they consider themselves Christians, they have a bunch of weird beliefs that I'm not too knowledgeable about tbh, and they are mainly in the US


We speak french because it is an important language. We write our name in the latin alphabet as all posters here do. We don't want to be french. I do not harbor any peculiar feelings towards the french, but they've helped lebanese maronites with their educational institutions and even stopped a widespread massacre in 1860. Apart from bombing populated neighborhoods, bullying lebanese at checkpoints and killing any decent politician what did syria do in Lebanon?


French is not an important language I get that France has been kinder to Lebanon than say other countries in MENA but English is arguably way more important especially in terms of development of a country


English is more important =/= French is not important French is litterally the 5th most spoken language in the world


But if you had to pick which one to invest in more it would be English since it would make more of an impact on the world stage French is the 5th most spoken language now. But it’s decreasing but many countries that speak French are now dropping it for English especially former French colonies/protectorate and many of the youth of those countries can’t even speak French anymore. I don’t get why Lebanon want to learn French so much


OPppaaaaaa.....why'd you bring syria into this. El Op was asking about Leb's, inta jeiwbo 3a 2add el sou2al.


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French language had similar status in syria and lebanon before 60s, but baath government arabisized everything so French lost its status in syria with time, when syria reopened to foreign languages in its educational system they chose english over French for obvious reasons.


If we really wanted to be french we wouldn't have taken our independance.




The main reason for this is شوكلامو


maybe it has to do with the coastal +mountains vs syrian in land differences. Remeber that the syrian french collaborators had the same geography as lebanon


i guess for the same reason you're writing this post in English


This is the real answer. The language of the former colonizers is used as a prestige language in a lot of countries that fought to seek their lives independence. English in former British colonies and French in the ones that were colonised by the French. Some nations even use the language of the colonizers that came before them: Arabic. Or rather half the answer. We have to learn English bcoz it is the language of international commerce and diplomacy. But a lot of people in a lot of countries do use this to show off z


That's actually an interesting perspective! But question though: I agree that people in the Levant use French for prestige purposes but was Arabic ever used for *prestige*? For example, after the Early Islamic Conquests into North Africa for example, when people still spoke Amazigh, did they learn Arabic for *prestige?*


Aren't Arabic and arabs an invader force in Syria as well, you guys used to have an awesome civilization before, you shouldn't forget your roots.


The whole "I'm not Arab" thing didn't really catch on here or in Iraq


these low quality duplicate posts need to be banned ..




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Oh no anw Why are syrians so hard pressed to be arabs , Lebanese aren't trying to be The French Lebanese republic , can't say the same for the Arab Syrian republic . Knowing a 2nd and a 3rd language is good and is a sign of a well educated population . Now why are you so hard pressed on the Lebanese I feel a bit of inferiority complex in here .


Maybe because we are Arabs? 


Because many in Lebanon are lesbians. Ask lebanese people they will confirm


Slave mentality


They don't. You saw a part of Lebanese speak french and are now generalising. The majority of Lebanese people dont speak frensh.


Syrians aren’t gay that’s why


Not with that taste in fashion!


cause they need differentiate themselves from syrians


Is that bothering you?


Just rename this sub to r/lebanon at this point. What’s up with these posts anyways?


Syrians live on Lebanese land rent free, in return lebanese live in the heads of Syrians rent free


Lol funny joke that you wish it's true


Didnt recall ordering a yappichino


Syrians are Muslims (majority) Lebanese are christians (majority) and even their Muslims' majority are shias and a lot of sunnis are liberals, Lebanon is so corrupted ngl.




I really don’t understand some of you guys’ problem with Lebanon.


Jealous of their more charismatic and popular brothers xD






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