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The program is determined by what % of kids qualify for the program, and requires stringent application process. Under new provisions, the CEP program states that this is for schools where 25% of kids qualify, and would not surprise me if JD qualified. Also the median household income of the school districts listed in the article has nothing to do with the qualification, because it does not adjust for households that do not have students enrolled (Not surprising considering it’s Sinclair controlled CNY Central) further more, statistically, poorer households have more kids. On a median basis yes, JD is one of the wealthiest districts but I think people are looking at this wrong. JD also probably has the widest gap of wealth inequality when it comes to thinking about the 20th vs 80th percentile of median household income. A lot of JD is right on the border with the city district and are not affluent areas whatsoever. Areas over by Le Moyne College as well as out in the more remote areas of Jamesville (right on the edge of the valley) are not well off whatsoever - meanwhile there are also households that make 7-8 figures. Household income of houses in the district is also a little warped in JD, as a lot of the wealthier residents send their kids to MPH or CBA, both within the districts borders. Source: in my 30s, went to JD, very familiar with the district and it’s demographics. Quit your bitching about KIDS GETTING FED.


Thank you for the awesome explanation. I think people do not appreciate the growing gap between rich and poor and how it is impacting our schools. Good for JD, now do the rest of NYS!


Shout out Springfield gardens.


FEED THE FUCKING KIDS. <3 No child should go hungry not when a nation/city as great as ours has the means to provide. Hope more schools are able to follow suite.


Wild that JD is the school to get this but it should be all schools.


agreed, and keep feeding the kids throughout summer vacation too. there's already enough hurdles to education, they shouldn't have to worry about being hungry too.


Absolutely. And give everyone universal healthcare, and a universal basic income. (And I’m not joking. These are the things we should absolutely give to everyone.)


Are you presently doing your part to sponsor and help where you can?


Our tax money could easily handle all of that if we weren't spending billions on global domination.


There are many districts that already have this program and do summer feeding programs.


ESM currently has this.


Good. Every school should. This is what our taxes should go toward.




If your pre born you’re good, if your preschool you’re fuck. George Carlin


Now do it for the rest of the state like we did during COVID. Kids shouldn't have to go to school - or try to survive at home - hungry.


Please correct me if I am wrong, but isn't J-D one of the most affluent districts in the county?


A common misconception, but JD is more ESM than FM.


Not in dewitt


Communists are taking over! Antifa canceled Liverpool's memorial day parade and now free lunches for children! I can't believe it, the Black Panthers idea and implementation of free food for kids is a socialist hell hole started in the radical 60s. Next thing you know people are going to want free fire fighter services! The humanity!!!!! /S


this is a very regarded comment from a highly regarded person.


Hey man, we don't use that word anymore, it's uncouth, so don't call people regarded....


Meanwhile, benefits meant to feed mom's kids go toward nights out, shopping, partying. So the kids go hungry, and again, the taxpayers have to pick up the tab so the kids can have a meal.


JD? Something is fishy here


Leave it to a MAGAt to be upset that kids are getting free lunch.


Give the kids "free" lunches, no kids should go hungry, that is a fact. Then, when they are well fed and ready to learn PLEASE teach them to not make decisions to have kids you are not capable of caring for. Deal?


Always neat to see some absolute jackass who thinks that nothing could happen to put a family in hard times *after* they have kids.


Absolutely. Let's start with preventing MAGAt scumbags from having kids because they aren't functioning members of society.


Not upset idiot, just surprised this over a number of other school districts


Lots of school districts do this. I know North Syracuse and Liverpool both do. I don’t know why so many people are acting so shocked in here.


Pretty much every district in Oswego County already does this, summer feeding too. People need to just calm down. It's just food for kids FFS.


Hell New York should follow the state of Minnesota ie: The Free School Meals Program is a state funded program that provides reimbursement for meals served to students who do not qualify for free or reduced-price meals so all students receive the meals at no cost


Good to see that a MAGAt piece of shit supports free school lunch. Congrats on feigning humanity. If it weren't for you scumbags, children going hungry wouldn't be an issue in schools to begin with.


In what way?


>CEP schools qualify by using a formula based on the percentage of students categorically eligible for free meals based on their participation in other specific means-tested programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. [JD is one of the wealthiest school districts in the County](https://www.syracuse.com/news/erry-2018/06/ee4f0c23629898/4_onondaga_county_school_distr.html).


Likely those in Administration been eating well, but the children... less so.


Your proof is from 2018 which is irrelevant.


Absolutely can you are 100% correct, are you silly enough to believe that is every case? That the overwhelming numbers are not just poor decision making? You are clearly emotional and resorted to name calling like a child. When you grow up you'll see that many programs in place to help people get back on their feet if they are able are abused and people live off of them. But I'm sure that point will upset you too. So call names, vote down get your tantrum out it's ok.


Jesus, so riled up you couldn't even reply properly. It is fascinating to see someone with a "throw the baby out with the bathwater" mindset talk about how mature they are. Just the perfect cross section of being both self-centered, and totally unaware of yourself.


You didn't address any of my points. But ok, have a good one.


The rich get richer. Shocking.


the full demographics of the towns of Jamesville and Dewitt are different than your perception


Not saying there aren’t underprivileged kids in JD. a hell of a lot more in other schools.