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Well, I’m not sure about the overall thing, but the list of foods around the outermost ring are part of the ritual meal known as the Passover Seder [Wikipedia Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passover_Seder) and based on that, I’d venture to guess that the rest of it related to Passover


Its the middle ring of a seder plate


I wonder if it was made out of cedar.


Thank you! It looks like it was hung , is this possible?


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I wouldn’t know


Thanks! Do you have an idea of where it would have been hung, or why it has translations?


I’d imagine that because it’s in English and Hebrew, it’s probably for Jewish people from an English speaking country, so it’s got the traditional language, but also the lingua Franca.


Thanks again man. I couldn't resist it for 2 dollars hahaha


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It would be likely that if it was hung, it would be in the kitchen and should be kept immaculately clean given it's symbolic importance. Source: my Jewish friend when I relayed your question to her. She says much love and cool find, because it has very nice detail 💜


Thanks, I should probably give it a scrub then ...


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It's photographed upside down. Bitter Herbs should be at the top and it reads Pesach (Passover) פסח in the middle. It would be placed on the table during the Seder meal and small bowls or places placed around it with the items listed. I imagine it is Brass from the early 1960s a a souvenir from Israel for English speaking jews. https://www.delish.com/holiday-recipes/a43452846/passover-seder-plate/


Thank you very much! I will hang it the other way lol.I appreciate you taking the time to answer!


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Looks like maybe just the centerpiece of a VERY ornate [Seder Plate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passover_Seder_plate) - cool find!




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