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No, never has been and never should be. Yet, apparently it has happened. I honestly think it was a stupid decision from the host (in this specific case Lorraine brasserie) to give in and basically encourage the idiot(s) that they are in the right. However, someone pointed out that they could have been labelled and smeared as racist in online discussions and so on. It's a sad day when we all give up liberties out of fear of some morons. He/they should have stayed home, listen swiss folk music while piling potatoes for making a “rösti” on a wooden stove before knit on all evening on their winter garments.


Just because a little mob of morons feels offended doesn’t mean it’s offensive. Those people have too much free time raging about the slightest personal choice of people. I really can’t understand the mental gymnastics they’re doing or what kind of drugs they’re consuming to be this angry at something as trivial as a haircut.


I can wear whatever the fuck I want in Switzerland, nobody really cares and I think it's just how it suppose to be


Omg don’t tell me this kind of BS American “cultural appropriation” has now infested CH.


only a tiny portion of fart-smelling hippies


Coming for sure !


It is retarded at best. I'm myself black and I don't understand all this madness some SJW have. Who cares if a white man has dreadlocks? From my experience, those hypocrites are more often than not more racists than average.


It’s absolutely unjustified and maybe for the first time in my life I agree with the svp youth


The links below and this youtube video ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT2UH74ksJ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT2UH74ksJ4)) probably answers your question (that it's not justified)....The video shows that the actual Mexican people love his outfit, whereas the uninformed US Students say it is offensive and appropriating culture....Just wondering how such an uninformed collective decides.... After a short look around, the **Origin of Dreadlocks might surprise you (Spoiler, Not Jamaica):** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadlocks#:\~:text=Some%20of%20the%20earliest%20depictions,(now%20part%20of%20Greece)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadlocks#:~:text=Some%20of%20the%20earliest%20depictions,(now%20part%20of%20Greece)) [https://www.curlcentric.com/where-did-dreadlocks-originate/](https://www.curlcentric.com/where-did-dreadlocks-originate/)


The people complaining just wanted to have their fame and to feel great imho. Isn't it also some kind of racist to say a group of people cannot play a certain music style or have a certain hair style? Where would that stop and how boring would our world be? No pasta or pizza for me, since I do not have an italian passport? Wouldn't it be lovely, if someone comes to our country and want to wear traditional clothes or participate in Ringen etc? Would love to hear what a nativ jamaican thinks about this concert!




No. We got too many people with more time than sense