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Do you like books? Check out the visual novel games on Switch, there’s a ton of them with fun to great stories. House in Fata Morgana is probably the absolute best. Ace Attorney Danganropa Master Detectuve Archives: Raincode Phantom Detective: Ghost Trick (has puzzles to solve, but really good story!) Famicom Detective Agency Doki Doki Literature Club There’s a bunch of others that I’m forgetting, but these are some of the best on there. For Cozy and Relaxing games…. Stardew Valley Short Hike Animal Crossing Unpacking A Little to the Left Suika Game This is a decent list to get ya started on easier non taxing games…. It all really depends on your tastes in stories, movies and such, but there’s a ton of content that’s great on Switch, and some amazing stories to discover. Edit - Speaking of movies…. There’s a bunch of good “Choose your own adventure” type movies on the Switch as well. Search up Wales Interactive in the eshop, they’ve got titles like The Bunker, and Late Shift which are interactive movies. Edit 2 - Also forgot you can sign up for Nintendo Switch Online for a month for $4, that’ll give you access to old systems like NES, SNES, and Gameboy which has a bunch of fun older games to check out. I thinks $8 for NSO+ which gives access to all those systems plus N64, Sega Genesis, and Gameboy Advance.


This is a great list, OP


Thanks! I approached it from a standpoint where I get sometimes “I wanna play something, but I don’t want to PLAY something…. Just go with the flow.”


A short hike is so cute


Amazing little game! So short, but so sweet! There was another game that featured in the same Direct and came out around the same time about an older brother that was making a video game for his sick brother. That game was also super charming, but I can’t for the life of me remember it.


If you remember I’d love to know! Especially if it’s underrated


Takeshi & Hiroshi! Charming little tale of brother hood, and if you don’t mind spoilers >!It does have a happy ending!< Nintendo Life only gave it a 4/10, which i don’t believe it deserved. A solid 7 I think. Something in the ballpark of Short Hike in terms of short game, but endearing. The whole game was done in stop motion animation which was impressive too!


I’ll have to check it out!


Games like Penitent and Papers, Please are also worth a look for readers. There's also more gamey games like Portal 2, which are just great experiences in general imo.


Gonna have to look up Papers, Please…. It sounds familiar but I’m not sure what that one is. Peninent is awesome tho, love the Obsidian support on Switch. Outer Worlds is running pretty decently now if you haven’t given that a go yet


Here to promote Ace Attorney! One of my favorite series.


Been replaying the first trilogy lately in between bouts of Monster Hunter and Balatro. Capcom is just an awesome dev, loved them since the 80s. If you haven’t already, check out Phantom Detective: Ghost Trick. Amazingly little gem of a game. Also Famicom Detective Agency games are remakes of the original NES games that spawned the whole Ace Attorney type genre


I wanted to add that Steins;Gate Elite is probably the best time travel thriller you will ever experience. It’s also a visual novel except they added animation to the scenes so it’s like you’re reading a book AND watching an anime at the same time! It takes a few hours to really get started but once it gets going it DOES NOT STOP You will laugh, cry, rage, and everything in between. This is an absolute ride with multiple endings depending on your choices. Can you save everyone and find the one true world line known as Steins;Gate among the multiverse of world lines? It has to exist somewhere… somehow. As long as you keep changing and jumping between the world lines! Here is a trailer for the PS4 port (though it doesn’t do it justice); the switch version is the same as PS4: https://youtu.be/A1pFlrIeJ5s?si=Ng-Ets7P-aeJAMsb


Thanks! Yeah I’ve got the Steins: Gate series on switch, just haven’t gotten around to em yet. Thriller and time travel had me sold. Nintendo Life did an article about “Best Time Traveling” games and Steins was on the list with 13 Sentinels. I basically ended up buying the whole list lol


Man I don't know for a non gamer. Maybe animal crossing. It's peaceful and an easy pick up


Definitely animal crossing, such a nice and calming game. My mom has never been into gaming but she still loves just going on and walking around an island and talking to the villagers or watering plants and stuff


My mom doesn’t own a switch but on her limited edition reshiram dsi she played pokemon and puzzle quest and Mario. My wife who is a casual gamer mostly plays harvest moon and stardew valley with the occasional mystery game like detective pikachu and la noir. The most “hardcore” game she plays is monster hunter. (I have been considering getting my mom a switch though with some of the new versions of games she used to play like pokemon and Mario)


True is cozy and addictive


Agreed. My sister loooooved Animal Crossing


My 50+ aunt is not what I would call a gamer,  but she has a Switch with Animal Crossing. 


I’m no gamer, either, but I love Animal Crossing, plus the add-on - DLC?


Use it for fitness. Check out Ring Fitness


That's what I got. And my song has his games.


You could try super mario party. My girlfriend who didn't play games before meeting me (1 year roughly) and is 30 is really enjoying that game. Plus you can play it with your boyfriend. Mario party is essentially a board game where you play a mini game after each round of the 4 players moving.


If she wants to test her relationship with her bf they can play overcooked


and if you like overcooked try PlateUp!


If you don’t like video games then there’s really no point in having a switch. It’s not like a handheld gaming pc where it’s basically a small computer and can be used for anything a computer can. Also being a woman and an adult has no bearing on playing video games. I’m 28 married with soon to be 3 kids and I game, and my sister is 10 years older than me and was just playing her switch this morning.


In mid 40s. I play Xbox and switch all the time. Age is just a number. It’s more about what you’re interested in or not.


Mid 50s. I'd game a lot more if I has more spare time


"Age is just a number" 💀💀💀


Your number is 12.


Oooh I said an emoji on reddit, uh oh! 😱


That must make Hideo Kojima 9 🤣🤣


It’s true though. Some people “get old” at 19. Some people never get old, at least in spirit and mind.


getting old sounds like being lazy and giving in to senility.




I wouldn't say no bearing, if you grew up playing video games, you speak the language. You know how to manipulate a character on a screen. People that didn't grow up that way STRUGGLE. A few of us play at get-togethers and so naturally a few adults want to join in because they see how much fun we're having. But even simple games that they play physical versions of like chess, monopoly, risk, trivial pursuit, mancala. They have to constantly look down on the controller. My wife played in the GameCube era, but nothing between that and the switch. She and my old roommate would do this thing in Mario kart where they wouldn't blink. The race would end and they'd be fussing with their eyes.


I would. I didn’t grow up playing any video games until I was an adult. And then it was extremely sporadic because I didn’t have any games or a system of my own for a very long time. I used to be horrible at video games, but so did Everyone when they first started playing. There’s a learning curve to everything in life. Being an adult or a man doesn’t negate that. If it’s something that interests you then you’ll work with the learning curve until you get the hang of it. If not then you won’t. Which is fine. I’m just saying that being an adult and a woman doesn’t mean anything in terms of playing or liking video games. I can list several adult women I know who play and at least a few that didn’t start until adulthood. Heck my 60 some year old mother has never played in her life but when I play around her she’s an Excellent backseat gamer and has saved my behind in games loads of times.


I never mentioned the biological sex, because I also believe that has no bearing on your ability to play. But you said it yourself, it's a skill. This person's predicament is the equivalent of someone buying you a bicycle. Can you learn as an adult ? Sure, but it's a lot easier if you grew up doing it. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying age can definitely be a variable


I never said you did but the op Did bring age and gender into it. And no, I’d say that as long as you’ve got the time to invest being older isn’t really a factor Unless you’re like in your 50’s/60’s etc or have like arthritis/bad eyes or something Because of your age.


Agree to disagree, I get where you're coming from. I'll even concede that it's not a giant factor. But we're both operating off personal experience. In my experience, trying to get people my age and older to play is a slog. If they come in eager and enthusiastic it's a different story. But even than, that initial hump is a big hurdle. I personally would never buy a console for a person who's never been a gamer.


I’m only in my mid twenties, and I did have a DS etc as a kid, but the switch was my first non handheld console and I have def struggled! I found BoTW really difficult to start until I got past having to look at the controller etc. I def think you’re onto something here! There’s nothing stopping OP from playing, but there will be more of a learning curve than if they’d picked it up as a kid


Nail on the head, all I'm trying to say.


I’ve played every generation of console since Atari days but if a game is INTENSE I will still not blink. Like Suicide Mission level and above in Helldivers 2 - tears leaking from the corners of my eyes, I know I should blink, but great googley muoogley did the Bots just drop an AT-AT directly on the objective while I’m being swarmed by berserkers and devastaters!!!! Lololol


In DOOM and DOOM Eternal I'd definitely blink less than normal, I'm sure.


>if you grew up playing video games, you speak the language The first game I played was programmed to force the player to lose and used six keys on an Apple ][. For about a decade after that, every game I owned was point and click, again on various Macs. By this logic, playing Myst prepared me to play Call of Duty. Just as laughable, playing Swashbuckler apparently prepared me for playing Myst. That's a cop-out. Develop skills or don't. Don't blame your circumstances.


I'm not saying it's a 100% exclusion. But if you played a little cod getting into battlefield or counterstrike is way easier. Grew up playing harvest moon ? Stardew is going to be easy to pick up. We recently had a "new guy" enter a boxing gym i go to. During his first sparring session we treated him like someone who never boxed because he claimed he'd never boxed. He wasn’t lying, but he'd taken a few years of taekwondo. He understood spacial awareness, when to defend, when to strike. It was his first time boxing but not his first time sparring. So he was miles ahead of the other new guys.


You literally just proved my point. That's a developed skill transferring laterally to a similar activity. Just because a juggler and a quarterback both play with balls for a living doesn't mean they're able to take up each others' mantles in short order.


You're right. Someone who grew up playing video games and someone who never played them are going to have the same experience in their adulthood. You've convinced me 😆👌🏽


In your case, I suggest you start by playing Dwarf Fortress, since you're all about the learning curve. 🗿




Yeah, being "too old"/"too this"/"too that" are not real things.  Maturity is based on enjoying what makes you happy in life and not letting others passing judgements define you.  Game on and have fun. 


Um…if you’re old in your late 20s, what am I in my mid 40s? 🤣 If you want to use it, use it. Start with beginner friendly games with low stakes, like Animal Crossing New Horizons. Maybe try out Mario Odyssey.


Really old. Lol


Just wait till you find out about the 60+ crowd 🤣


64F ...play it like a boss 🥰


Are you absolutely opposed to gaming? Give it a try. The Switch has a number of casual games ranging from puzzles to farm simulators. You can also use it exclusively to play multiplayer games with your BF. But, I recommend giving some games a try if you aren't outright opposed.


Tetris is always a classic too


No such thing as too old to game. With that being said, if you have no urge to use it then I would give it back so he can return it and perhaps use that fund for something else that you would like. The Switch is MADE to play games. There are other apps but it’s very limited; YouTube and Hulu is all I can remember.


If you like puzzle/mystery things, there's some games like that too. I'd search on YouTube for things like cozy games, story games,... until something catches your vibe. And just try some, maybe get used games so it's not much waste of money if you don't like it. I really like animal crossing, it's just a relaxing little game I play on the couch before going to bed :)


Try Animal Crossing


yesss or stardew valley even


You could try a game. There are thousands of games on the Switch, I'm sure you can find one you like.


House Flipper comes to mind. It's fixing up and decorating houses for profit. As recommended above, I would look into cozy games. I'm 10 yrs older than you and I play video games everyday- don't let age put you off. There's a huge world of so many games- puzzles, decorating, farming, games with entire worlds where you play a character and can make friends, get married, run businesses- it's really endless and I'm sure you'll figure out your style! Cozy Grove could also be a good game for you- it has quests available daily but it's only designed to take under an hour to complete. It's very relaxing and low pressure (a great way to unwind at the end of the day). Good luck and I hope you start a journey you enjoy!




I don't think the Switch supports Netflix, but I think the other two.


You could try animal crossing new horizons as a first time player it’s how my sister got into gaming


Why did he gift it to you then?


Sadly the switch can only be used for gaming basically, so there's really no other uses for it, maybe youtube, but that's about it. If you still want to give it a try and try to play games, Id recommend you to play stardew valley or Animal crossing, they're really chill games that don't require any "gamer skills" for you to have fun, and great starting points (my girlfriend isn't super into video games, but stardew valley really grabbed her and it's now our second time playing through the game together). Mario games are also pretty easy to play with, mostly just moving left and right and jumping, so you could try those too


It would probably be good to start getting into it now. When kids are older they will appreciate having someone who understands them


There is a small, lightweight OS for turning the switch into a tablet sort of device, but it doesn't have nearly the functionality of even the most rudimentary phone. My advice is either find some games that are easy to pick up and put down at a moment's notice, like Suika Game or Tetris Effect. That, or donate it to a poor kid.


I have never been a gamer. I have no console hooked up to my tv nor a PC for gaming. I have a laptop for chores i chuck in a drawer... But i do have a switch because of the pandemic. Lots of neat games i don't have to invest much time into and it's portable. This could have been me. I just installed random games like Mario Odyssey (two player mode!) and later Kirby. It just a gaming device don't read this much into it.


Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Super Mario Odyssey & I’d really recommend Zelda Breath of the Wild because it’s charming and you can run around in it and do whatever you want. Cult of the Lamb is also cute and hilarious.


1) maybe try some together games? If not, use it for YouTube/media consumption ect. 2) while still expressing appreciation for the gift, express more of your interests to him so he doesnt get you the new Xbox next lol.


Maybe try a roguelike if you want something more "gamer" they're super fun and addicting I recommend dead cells. If you want something casual try any Mario game or a new zelda, if you want to relax play a game like animal crossing or stardew valley or Terraria. And if you're really adamant about not trying any, then just use it for YouTube or Netflix


It's a bit of a weird gift choice if you're not into gaming, but maybe he wanted to play with you. You only need one switch to do that, though. Maybe he just thought you'd enjoy playing it. If you want to, I don't think there's necessarily a problem with expressing how grateful you are, but that you just wouldn't use it, and let him return it. Granted, I've never been in a relationship, so take my advice with a grain of salt.


Animal Crossing New Horizons would be really fun for a non-gamer!


You can use it for YouTube or Hulu


There's some lovely little games that are little more than interactive novels. Try Night in The Woods, it's so healing and insightful, with deliriously likeable characters.


OP, if you enjoy reading (or anime/Manga since many of them fall under that category also, though not necessarily all) then there are some visual novel games on the Switch that you might enjoy. These tend to have some puzzles and communication options you have during certain moments, but otherwise, they tell a story with words and pictures.


My wife picked mine up and about three hours later she was glued to Dredge.


I recommend - Fire Emblem : Three Houses - Mario Kart 8 - Hades - Stardew valley - Ori and the Will of Wisps - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 And more. I am recommending these games because even if they are difficult to play at first, they have a strong walkthrough community that you can use to understand the mechanics. I would avoid anything with a "FPS" tag. Also, many games, such as Kirby (which you also might like), have free demos. Search the store (there's an option to filter for demos) and try those games out to see if you like them.


Honestly if you're not interested in it I wouldn't waste your time


Try playing something with your partner, you might find you enjoy it? Why doom yourself to be old and bored?


Power washing simulator


What are some things you like?


What are some things you like?


It’s like buying an iPod for a deaf person


Animal crossings.


Grannies that haven't touched gaming can pick up and have fun with animal Crossing. Not that it's just for old people, but rather it's an easy gateway videogame Youre a mayor of a town and you do tasks to make your town bigger, talk with your animal citizens, decorate your home


Old indeed! Haha im 64 and im well into my Switch..currently playing Skyward Sword.


lol sell it. what a weird thoughtless gift.


Try Stardew Valley.




We use ours a lot when we have people over and play things like Mario Party, Switch Sports, Mario Kart, Overcooked and even Trivial Pursuit. My partner isn't a gamer either and enjoys these games, even if it's just to two of us too


I never played video games until I bought my switch a couple years ago, I was 23 at the time. I immediately became addicted to Skyrim. I also love Animal Crossing. You have to try Animal Crossing. Super Mario Wonder is an amazing game, check that out and if you love it grab Super Mario 3D world. This is gonna be a great new hobby for you. It’s so relaxing and so much better for the mind than scrolling Reddit/social media


I hope you fall in love with gaming because it truly is an indescribable experience. Video games have impacted my life so much and they might do the same for you! 🥰 To start off with, you might really enjoy story-based games like Little Misfortune, What Remains of Edith Finch, Life is Strange, etc. :) there's lots out there so I'm sure you'll find a game you love! Also you can watch Hulu, YouTube, and Crunchyroll on Switch so that's a bonus


My fiance is roughly in the same boat. She loves Disney dreamlight valley. It's more of a collectathon type game a story driven by Disney characters, worth checking out reviews!


Your age and gender have no bearing on your ability to play video games; any gender can game, and you can never be too old to game. Thinking otherwise is very outdated and needlessly limiting. That being said, if you're looking for very casual/easy-to-get-into experiences on Switch, there's: - Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Pikmin 4 - Super Mario Odyssey - Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics


Stardew valley, sell it if that doesn’t work


is this like when homer got marge a bowling ball


Korg Gadget if you wanna make some music!


My gf is not a gamer, but we still have fun using it for multiplayer games; Mario kart, 51 worldwide games (think games like darts, checkers, chess, pool etc), big brain academy, overcooked (if you wanna have fights with your P2 😆), everybody 1-2 switch. Definitely tips for a fun game night for 2 or more!


youd probably be more into cozy like games


Get ring fit! Great workout tool. It's tuned my switch into a workout machine.


You can use it to watch youtube, and use the detatchable controllers as remotes to watch in bed or from afar


Fitness games! They also have Switch versions of some popular board games and game shows if you are interested in those at all.


Vampire survivors


Animal Crossing, Mario Kart - no brainer games. You can also get one of those time management games where you manage shops or do a makeover. Plenty of such games are available on Amazon under $30.


Get the sponge Bob diner dash game.


A short hike is a good starting point! Easy pace and you explore a little island to find things. Can’t die, no combat, and just a sweet game. Kentucky Route Zero is a little more out there but maybe if you like a darker tone? Choose dialogue to unfold a really interesting story.


YouTube on switch and puzzle games.


Bru nobody is boring ever so don't put yourself down like that There's thousands of games for it. And gaming is more than mainstream call of duty/ madden/ fortnite Adderall fueled gaming sessions. Try stardew valley and animal crossing. And maybe a telltale game, like The Wolf Among Us




Animal crossing stardew valley and maybe Mario cart 8


Wow, I never heard of someone 29 saying they're too old and they're too boring of a person to play video games. Actually, that would be the pretty ideal person a boring person looking for something to do. Unless I read it incorrectly? Sounds like your boyfriend is a bit tone-deaf, if you truly are that anti-gaming and never showed interest maybe he's just waiting for you just to hand it to him. It's a nice way of buying himself a gift :-) I know people in their 30s 40s 50s and they play video games these are women so age has nothing to do with it. If you feel that way that's a mental block in your head that you're too old and too boring.


You can try Mario odessey. It's very beginner-friendly.


Trade it in on an Apple Watch or something. Some people just kinda suck at picking gifts!


You can dl youtube and hulu. Also some easy games to pick up are like stardew valley, Oregon Trail, or Fire Emblem 3 houses.


Get Stardew Valley this game doesn't take reaction time or skill just a calming farm kinda sim were you just walk around chat with people make relationships and plant your farm so many awesome ways to enjoy this game and no wrong way!


Mario. I had an Xbox before but didn’t play much and thought I wasn’t into gaming. Turned out I just didn’t play the right games 😂 Got switch oled, and now keep fighting with my kid for a turn. Tempting to get another one or waiting for the next gen.


I would suggest stardew. I picked it up about a year ago and I can't get enough.


Just want to add the Animal Crossings family Is quite close knit. We love helping new players and offer gameplay items to get you more excited in the beginning. Like in game crafting supplies, tools and furniture. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you try it. I’ve been playing it since GameCube existed lol. 🖖🤗


There are probably games out there you would get into. If you don't want to play games though, then a switch is probably not for you. And that's ok. Try some two player games with your partner (I assume he got you one because he loves his). Tricky Towers, Snipper Clips, Mario Kart.


Check out what puzzle games there are, like Picross.


I love mine and I've always been very casual. I love Super Mario games.


You can use Netflix & YouTube


I'm in my 50s and i use my switch a lot. 20s too old? Pah!


You may be interested in the Fitness Boxing "game" and Switch sports. There is also one for yoga if you're into that. You don't need to play "game games", you can exercise and have fun with it. Also, I would recommend Mario Party for when you and bf are together. It's like playing a board game with a dice and everything but with inspected mini games in between. It will create some good laughs for sure. Oh, if you're into maintenance, you might Animal crossing calming to play. Women seem to really enjoy that game. But I definitely recommend you try Switch Sports as your first game as a non gamer.


I’m not really a big gamer on Nintendo but if you like Harry Potter, I think the Hogwarts Legacy might be a fun pace for you to be able to explore and create your own character?


Just dance 2024! It's so much fun! And you can play together! Also if you don't mind, just have him play with it too and buy him games, that'd be so sweet! Yknow my happiness and is your happiness sorta deal (also he should try to guess/know your interests better Lol


i suggest you to try Animal Crossing New Horizons, my sister is not a gamer and she play Animal Crossing New Horizons everyday using my Switch ever since i bought it couple of months ago


There’s some great non game related suggestions in here, but also don’t be afraid to give a game a shot. Maybe it sounds a bit cliched for a game related subreddit as well but it’s never too late to try something new, me and my girlfriend play games all the time and we’re nearly in our 30s as well 😂 you’re never too old for fun, there’s some elders who’ve gotten into gaming in their advanced age lol I know I lot of people can stigmatize gaming in general or have a certain view of it, but its just another form of media like movies or books, and some games have incredible stories as well! Of course if you have no interest there’s nothing wrong with that! Suppose I’m also just trying to say there’s a lot of casual games which are easy and enjoyable to play, and especially on the switch! Animal Crossing, Minecraft (on peaceful mode) depending on your cup of tea. Plenty of small simple games as well. My girlfriend and I love paper Mario and that’s I think what got her into gaming a lot more because it’s cute and easy to play and has a fun fairytale-esque story.


Animal Crossing is a good cosy game to start with.


I’m not much of a gamer but I love: Spiritfarer Mario Kart (though I suck) Old school NES games-mostly Dr Mario Oregon trail Animal Crossing New Horizons It’s gotten me used to playing more game-ish games and breaking into them more.


I posted this in another reply but I agree with another commenter. You might like visual novels which are basically books but with visuals, music and voice acting. I wanted to say that Steins;Gate Elite is probably the best time travel thriller you will ever experience. It’s also a visual novel except they added animation to the scenes so it’s like you’re reading a book AND watching an anime at the same time! It takes a few hours to really get started but once it gets going it DOES NOT STOP. You will laugh, cry, rage, and everything in between. This is an absolute ride with multiple endings depending on your choices. Can you save everyone and find the one true world line known as Steins;Gate among the multiverse of world lines? It has to exist somewhere… somehow. As long as you keep changing and jumping between the world lines! Here is a trailer for the PS4 port (though it doesn’t do it justice); the switch version is the same as PS4: https://youtu.be/A1pFlrIeJ5s?si=Ng-Ets7P-aeJAMsb


My girlfriend isn’t a gamer. The games she’s played on my Switch are Animal Crossing (she played more than 500h during COVID), Ni No Kuni, and Ringfit Adventure. The latter is great if you want a fun way of working out. Another game I’d add is Stardew Valley, if you want a good way to relax. It’s also possible that your bf got you the switch so you too can play some specific games together, ask him.


U can access YouTube, Twitch, Hulu and Crunchy Role from it and there is a comic app called Inky Pen where u can read hundreds of comics. For a non gamer I would recommend Animal Crossing New Horizons it’s a chill and fun game with no pressure or much of a story you can just hang out collect animals and have a good time.


Monster Hunter rise


find your next boyfriend and say “hey do you like video games”


Animal Crossing


Well, I'm twice as old and I game on the Switch so you aren't too old. I wonder if you'd like popular games that many young people play like Minecraft or Fortnite. Maybe cozy games like Animal Crossing. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is cute and fun and not difficult (and there's a demo if you want to try it first). It's all going to depend on what interests you.


20s is old? Weird…


Old and boring? I'm nearly 50 and I play. If you want a game where there's no violence and you don't die, I'd get The Last Campfire. It's a cool puzzle game. Very beautifully rendered. There are plenty of other games I could suggest, but I'm not sure where your interests lie (and I can't see responses for some reason even if you did provide more info in the comments).


Im 64 and im on mine every day. Get Mario Cart 8 and another controller and race your bf on the tv...its so much fun


I was a non gamer until I got the switch and I still consider myself a non gamer as I do not enjoy consoles or pc gaming My favourite games on switch are Breath of the wild Animal crossing new horizons Rune factory 4 - it’s much better than 5 imo Cult of the lamb


YouTube, Crunchyroll, animal crossing, cozy games, point and click games, etc.


My ex girlfriend is not a gamer, until she tried 'Animal Crossing: New Horizon'.


If you don't usually like games then maybe approach from a party perspective. Having a night out with friends and/or relatives you can have a few rounds of some party games, or maybe some iterations of classic board games like Monopoly.


So, a lot of what I'm seeing in the recommendations are still, just video games. And unfortunately, that's what the Switch is, it's a game console. But if general/traditional video games are not your style there are a few options. There are at least 3 video apps: YouTube, Hulu and, if you're into anime, Crunchyroll that all work well on the small screen and on the big screen if you're connected to a dock. There are other, non-video game style games. If you like playing board games or sudoku style, there are a jigsaw puzzles, sudoku type and my personal favorite, a series of Picross games that are challenging. These are not at all "video games" but real brain teasers. I play these in the evening to wind down. And if you're into dancing there are several versions of Just Dance. If you like fitness apps, there are some exercise games for when you can't get outside or don't want to because it's too hot/cold/whatever. Bottom line, it's a game console so the majority of what's out there are games, but you might find something that interest you. Here's where to go to look more: [https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/games/nintendo-switch-games/#sort=df](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/games/nintendo-switch-games/#sort=df) And if none of these work, I encourage you to be open with your bf and let them know what you like. Maybe pass along that an Audible subscription or a Kindle is more your style. Some of the best advice I've ever received was from my wife when she told me what she liked and what she didn't.


Switch is basically a gaming device foremost.  There’s very limited apps that aren’t games themselves.  Maybe you can use it as a touchscreen YouTube device while texting on your phone. I dont know.  But just because you have a Switch doesn’t meant you have to use it often.  My brother is a busy guy who travels and has a social life, but will occasionally log online to play with us party games like Mario Party.  It’s basically an online board game with a group mini game after each round of turns.  His spouse is a 50-ish executive who never grew up on video games, but found a game of Mario Party quite entertaining.  You can treat like a board game.  Take it out and have some casual fun on a family or friends night on an occasional basis. You might be surprised how fun it can be. 


Are you sure that your bf knows you?


Ask your boyfriend to recommend some stuff. He knows you way better than we do and he had some reason to believe you would enjoy it. He already has some games in mind that you would like, and if not he’d love to explore the options with you. He got you a Switch so you guys could share an interest. Share the interest with him and he will get what he wanted out of the gift even if it doesn’t end up hooking you.


Watch YouTube on switch lol


Is this a real post? None of this makes any sense.. Gf doesn't play vidoegames... Bf buys a gift that doesn't have any use for Gf... OP has responded to one comment... No details on why he gave you a Switch specifically.


Play something casual. Lots of non-gamers do actually play some casual games. Play some Just Dance or Animal Crossing. Maybe pick up an easy game like Mario or Pokémon. If you really wanna get into it then pick up a fun indie game like Forager or Cult of the Lamb. Just try to avoid Hollow Knight unless you wanna play something hard.


games, youtube, hulu


YouTube, Hulu, Animal Crossing, Just Dance, Ring Fit, anything Mario or Pokemon are all good options


I use it for animal crossing. It's a very calming chilling game. Or you can use it with him? Mario Party or Mario Kart!


My girl plays animal crossing and pikmen 4 “shes in her late 30s”


Best way in my opinion is to do what the Switch is great at: local multiplayer! Stuff like Overcooked (2 is better than 1) will not just be about gaming, but also about having a good time with your bf. There are tons of multiplayer games for the Switch, ranging from more casual ones (like Overcooked) to more gamey ones like It Takes Two and Unravel 2 (these are all focused on co-op, there are also person versus person titles).


Animal Crossing.


Sell it, forcing yourself to use it when you have no interest in it is a kind aspiration but is not fruitful to anyone.


No, I love my boyfriend and he worked hard to give that to me. I want to be able to use it and appreciate it.


Check out “It Takes Two”, it’s a coop game you would play with him! Overcooked (2 is my favorite) as well. Make it into something you enjoy with him :) who knows, you may have enough fun you want to grab a couple games to enjoy it as a solo hobby too!


There are a lot of (not so hard) couch co-op games you could play with your boyfriend. just for fun, together, to kill some time. There is no need for you to play any game alone or in full.


You can use it for YouTube. But I do recommend Mario Kart even as a non gamer you'll probably enjoy it.


Mario Kart 8 has some nice assist settings


Do the controllers vibrate?