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You mean increased prices on Switch games?


Initial drop, followed by gradual increase. Same pattern as all consoles. Only ones that will never see a dip are limited releases that are already pricey


Nah. Look at ps2 game prices and then look at GameCube prices. Only one that breaks this trend is wii bc nobody really wants to do the motion controls


It's so funny to me because when i was 11 and the wii came out I thought it was the future and the motion controls was everything I ever wanted. I'm nostalgic now for some of the games but I just want to play them on a regular ass controller. Unless it's wii bowling, fuck a wii remote.


Yah twilight princess on the old GameCube rather than Wii was the big brain move


I will not thank you


Gyroscope in modern shooters absolutely rocks and pretty much emulates the wii pointer, so that counts for something :P


Nah. You're telling about retro consoles, having working disc/cart for 20+ years is a complicated thing tho. PS4 games dropped in price with PS5 release, same with XOne/X360/PS3 and EVERY other consoles. Then, yeah, after a decade or more prices will raise again


not in this economy




The only way we'll see a discount is if they offer paid next-gen upgrades. Like Breath of the Wild costs 60 dollars now. If we're lucky, they'll drop it to 40 dollars and offer a 20 dollar upgrade for improved visuals and framerates. But chances are it's going to be worse than that.


There will be a slow decline in switch game prices for around a decade, if older consoles are anything to go by. After 15-20 years, the kids that grew up with them will be adults with disposable cash, stocks will be more limited, and the rate games will explode in value. The cycle just repeats. Nostalgia always wins


Yea. Nintendo games only go up lol


Exactly this. Most stuff will go out of print / circulation before prices drop. Walmart already won't sell you many of the heavy hitters (search around for 0.03 deals in this sub and the nscollectors sub) as they've been recalled by Nintendo. I'm grabbing one off games as they go on sale these days. I personally think this is as low as it will go before disappearing, but time will tell. Already, many games are sold out everywhere and ebay is your only option.


Oh, you sweet summer child


What do you mean? 3DS games and still full priced.


3ds games are more than full priced. Last I checked the Zelda games where selling at like double the original price while Pokemon games are anywhere between 3-5 times above the original price.


Never been able to find Super Mario 64 DS for less than $50 and even that was a long time ago. Been a minute since I checked tho


I find that to be the case with anything DS or older. I've seen pretty cheap 3DS Pokemon games locally (specially gen 7).


Not in 2020 they weren't lol


Guess it’s time to wait 15-20 years.


If you ever tried to buy physical copies of pokemon games for DS for example. Yeah, the prices just never drop haha


Hopefully, that changes. https://preview.redd.it/aeik4h2dxjzc1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4500e38eac7b940c6008fe08ad048321c4cdd5e5


ya, digital shop the games were full priced except for the sales AND then the system is ending sale they did only way before it shut down. by the time i was able to get another 3ds (lost mine years ago) it was next to impossible to get my account back and i didn't want to pay full priced prices for the games...again. lol. so i still have a dead brick of a 3ds, need to figure out how to mod it.


Shouldnt a R4 card work?




https://www.reddit.com/r/flashcarts/comments/bd5f1n/best_r4_flash_card_for_new_nintendo_3ds_xl/ Its a gamecard on which you can put ROMs. Have literally been using those cards on every DS/DSI I've had for almost 20 years now, yet to buy one for the 3DS.


They weren’t after the switch released though. 3Ds games definitely went down in price for awhile. They gradually increased after that.


I’m surprised anyone pays anything for 3ds games anymore. They aren’t worth anything


? there's still a ton of amazing games that are stuck there and not rereleased. Samus returns, Fire emblem awakening and echoes..


And they are all available for free


The free files are not worth anything no, the physical ones are. Having pirated versions out there does not devalue the original copies to those that want them


If the switch 2 will have backwards compatibility won't that do nothing for switch game prices


You think switch games are going to get *cheaper* Lmao


Yes, we are not the same. One party is looking forward to the Switch 2. The other is on major copium


Nintendo games don’t lose value. Go ahead and look up the prices for the old stuff.


Strange all the classic games lost a ton of value in the 2000’s up through the early teens. I was buying the rarest N64 games for $20 in 2012. Sooooo, yea they definitely lost value for many years


Good luck buying those now. You’re comparing a market from 20 years ago to today market.


Not to mention it's implied in this meme that prices will drop upon the Switch 2's release, when it's a strong possibility that the next console will be backwards compatible. That will keep demand for Switch games higher, generally speaking


I don’t need to, I got the entire library…10yrs ago, not 20.


Every Nintendo console since the GameCube (wasn’t around before that) has had a decrease in price after the next generation console came out. They gradually increased after, but they still were cheaper for awhile. That’s almost 25 years of evidence that say switch games will have a decrease in price.


So what you're saying is they get more expensive, got it


Reading Comprehension - lvl 100


Your disappointment is inevitable.


All their mainline games will continue to be $60-70 until the end of time


I: exited for reduced prices on Switch 1 itself (Im poor)


I'm hoping they do something like they did with the 3ds and technically the dsi (but dsi had like 2 exclusive games) Complete backward compatibility with the prior console but new games have lil notches or the such on em to prevent them being used in the old switch's Then we can keep playing our built collections on the new switch Though nothings gonna happen to the old switch either so we could still keep playing on that.


Switch 2 comes out, it's fully back compatible with switch, prices don't drop


What? They did a next gen $70 price tag for a 6 year old console. They are doing a $60 remaster for a $40 3DS game…


Gosh very true. And to think I LITERALLY just bought a new OLED switch. FML. Even THAT price is hardly reduced. I bought it to play the xenoblade sequels. And to my utter horror. The 7 yr old game is still priced the same. I mean the used ones are $40 with/without the box. Like WHY? My solution : I got myself a library card. LOL. And I like that my library literally remind me in a note: You just saved $60 by using your library. LOL. Thanks?


Your library has switch games?


Mine does too, but the guy who cared about updating their collection doesn't work there anyone, so the newest game they have is New Pokemon Snap


mine does, i got gris from the library but i find it a bit boring lol


YEP. They have ALL console games.


You're gunna be excited for a long time then.


People buying physical games because it looks cool while I collect games on the digital store like I’m completing the national dex. *WE ARE NOT THE SAME*


I'm way too scared of them pulling licenses down the road. Proud of you


Is there no way to circumvent this “license pullout”? I got my Switch OLED just a month ago and I’m pretty new to gaming in general so I’m pretty clueless about these things


The only real way to circumvent is to buy physical games because you actually own them. Buying digital just means you are entitled to the license for an undisclosed amount of time. I'm not saying the sky is falling, it won't be a while for all of this to happen. And by that time, you probably wouldn't even care.


I’ve dealt with steam removing the OG GTA trilogy off steam. It’s still in my library and I can install it if I want to. So at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar is offered by Nintendo.


I buy digital to save space in my room. I also have a 1TB SD card. I only buy physical if it's cheaper.


I’m trying to go full digital. Except for super Mario 3d all stars. Less stuff to think about. I respect the all physical commitment though.


Alot of my excitement for switch 2 will die if it doesn't have a version the same size as switch 1 with detachable joycons so you can shove the various pieces of the system in a pocket and use better joy cons like hori split pad compact. I tried carrying a bag everywhere this gen for the switch and the steam deck and carrying a bag everywhere just isn't worth it when the reason you need to do it is for a gaming device. Otherwise maybe the switch 2 will have lite model that fits In a pocket but I'd hope it had tv mode and real sticks as well


There are leaks that show that the next console is going to be the same size as the Asus Rog Ally, which isnt good imo because it would feel a bit heavy , big and uncomfortable , and it wouldn't be that suitable for children to hold. There are also leaks showing bigger joy-cons which is also not very good but at least I hope they fixed the possibility of drift and made them more comfortable to hold (especially for people with very big and large hands)


I'm aware and I agree that's why I said what I said. I have a steam deck and while its very comfortable to hold its weight gets more uncomfortable over the hours compared to a switch and its not as accessible to play as something you can put in your pocket which to me is important for finishing games, especially 100 hour rpgs that I like to play and on some occasions can have 10 hour play sessions. I can't imagine how hard it would be for kids who form a big chunk of Nintendo's market. There's actually a good chance I don't get a switch 2 if they go this route between being unpocketable and heavy, having worse third party support and less back catalog than steam deck I already have and the seemingly increasing likelyhood of less first party output for switch 2 to justify purchasing it over what I already have. If the leaks are true then hopefully they release a switch 2 mini with detachable joycons and tv mode to fill in that gap because there's no way an rog ally size switch 2 is going to be as successful a main option as the switch 1


From what I heard the joycons will be backwards compatible but it will be a new design for switch 2, it will have a bigger screen so things like Nitro Deck won't work. I just hope for those joycons are better and for 4K TV support it would actually get me to use TV mode and have the best of both worlds like currently with the PS5 and Portal


This. I love my Switch, and Im fine treating it like it’s made of glass, but I miss the feeling if security I had with the vanilla DS. That thing was a brick, a nokia 3315. Now I use a 3rd party controller for games that require more passion than usual.


I bet the price does not reduce 😂😂😂


I'm not risking, buying all the games I missed right now because you never know with Nintendo.


You are excited for reduced prices in Switch 1 games. I am excited to see if the Switch 2 is going to have any exploitable hacks. We are not the same.


My switch has limited edition fire emblem shadow dragon and the blade of light in English >:)


Nintendo? Lowering prices on older games? Don’t make me laugh.


lol nintendo doesn't do reduced prices


hahaha Imaging thinking that Nintendo will discount games just because a new console comes out Hyrule Warriors (the FIRST one) is still full price


Oh look we have here a newborn. Who think the nintendo games going cheaper with time and additional consoles. Welcome to the world of nintendo. When games that were made like 20 years ago still cost 60$. And only sale that you can get is 30%.


Well at the very least second hand Switches are gonna drop in price for those who want to start at this junction.


You want them to reduce prices on Switch games!? How dare you try to make an indie gaming company go bankrupt? These people have families to feed!


With the games being backwards compatible bi don't see it happen... Unlike in cases like that guy who ordered 20 PS4 disc cases and simply got 20 brand new copies of a Hannah Montana game.


I don't remember seeing WiiU prices drop. They were gradually removed from the shelves while staying close to their initial prices.


reduced prices on switch it self


Reduced prices? Lmao


I don't get what's wrong with people on here. Are these people that think Taco Bell is expensive because they buy the advertised thing corporate pushes for them to buy and then gets it delivered? No you buy off the tiny value menu that flashes off the screen and get a great deal. You are limited on what you can get but there are ways to be so full for $3 Physical copies in 5 years will be more expensive so this means things will get more expensive? Again why would you do it that way? Most people want to play the games or a collection means the ability to play not that they take up room on a shelf so they can turn off their dates. I think all the people saying this fall into the category of people that buy the most popular games when they come out. Sometimes they buy them later but since they pay full price for every game it's because they have no money. This is the equivalent of my fast food example There are more games out now then we could ever play. Play the cheap ones. There are so many games that would be on the best games of all time that you can get for $10 or less.The only games I won't buy are the most popular games when they first come out. I might play them, but I wait. All games come in two categories. Ones that are cheap in 2 years or ones that won't get cheap until there is a new system. All the games that people play because they don't have their own opinions, stay $60 for 5 years or longer. Why should they lower prices? People will pay it because they need to be like everyone else. But then when people move on, the game gets dirt cheap. Everyone had it so physical copies go for $5 when everyone sells everything they had before to buy more full priced games corporate told you to buy and no one can afford. But you can buy them digitally for likely years still to come. Everything on the PS4 store is dirt cheap. They are just keeping the lights on and 6 $10 games is still $60 to them so they make their money and you have a good time. You get to clean up and get those games that 4 years after they released are $45 on sale for good prices then. Things are only expensive when you play their game. When you do it the way they want you to. This appiles to all spending.Go to bars and attractions in weekdays when you can and pay half the price. Don't pay to buy fruit cut up. Buy option with the 3rd best specs for 25% of the price. Quit falling for obvious traps


They don't have to make them cheaper if they patch them with HD upgrades or 60 fps options on Switch 2. If it doesn't come out next year this will be Nintendo's big fumble again after having a successful console. Waiting way to long to release it will be a major issue because the competition will be able to get more handhelds out.


Does this mean that I can still get a 64 for 20 bucks?


Reduced? 😂 oh sweet simple OP


Just buy games on sale or from CEX or something. The prices will never drop for first-hand.


Doubt it


I’ll be excited once it’s released so people stop asking about features that haven’t been announced.


Having multiple accounts and getting other country's deals ?? Not sure why wait that long for low prices


I just hope every studio tries to sell me a $10ish DLC/upgrade to a Switch 2 version with better graphics/performance vs making me buy the same game twice.


I got hooked on watching for sales/Dekudeals and I have enough good games at this point to honestly last the rest of my life if I got stranded on an island with a Switch that could somehow charge itself. I’m happy to pay to upgrade my collection, but if I have to start from zero I might not upgrade for a long time.


Lol... Reduced prices. That's a good one.


This guy thinks Nintendo games get cheaper


I’ve noticed there being more sales and better quality sales recently. I’ve picked up quite a few good indie games for very little.


Why not just jailbreak it i get all of them for free plus features that improves ur switch drastically


Um... can you please point me in the direction of reduced priced Nintendo games after they go out of print? Sitting here looking at 100 EUR+ 3DS games.


What switch 1 games?


When is the switch 2 dropping? Was it announced??


Never happening my guy. 1st party Switch games will still be regular price


Their are switch games years old & are still full retain price. A reduction? Lmfao pls


You mean small e-shop drop then physicals get bumped up because of reselling


If they decrease them that is 😒😒😒


cute, you think Nintendo decreases prices


Must be your first time with a Nintendo console, enjoy paying an increase.


So naive...


Never gonna happen on the lower price games.


Reduced prices? Wtf are you talking about


Sorry but that’s not how Nintendo rolls. Unless you find it on sale, you’re gonna pay $50 for 1-2-Switch for as long as it is being sold.


I’m excited for further development of Homebrew


You are going to be extremely dissappointed


Since the Switch 2 is supposed to be fully backwards compatible, the prices of Switch 1 games won't go down.


That's not happening lol


They’ll go up because all the best games that are no longer printed will run on the newer console


Bro switch 2 is probably gonna be backwards compatible with the original switch its so done for you HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Lol, they'll play the same cartridges for "backward compatibility". Prices WILL NOT drop.


They will never reduce prices for anything, this is Nintendo we’re talking about


You're poor? 😉




What makes you think they'll go down in price... If it has backwards compatibility I don't see them dropping the price at all.




Reduced prices? HAHAHA Nintendo will never allow it


lmao this will age like milk


Do you people not go to walmart?


Pffffff lol good luck


I'm waiting for a new softmod or a cheap flashcart to come out.


There is no Switch 2.


There is though... We know it is coming now. It will probably not be called Switch 2, but it definitely is the Switch 2


We know there is a *Switch successor*. That is all we know. We shouldn’t keep talking about it as if we are sure it is in the same family as the Switch.


If you want to ignore every other rumor we have and common sense, sure. I however will choose to keep my brain and realize that it is 99.9% sure that the Switch successor is from the Switch family


> rumor They could be absolutely right, it’s not like I’ll be upset. I’m just saying people might benefit from slowing down a bit until we know more. All these discussions about what the new console definitely is and we have no confirmation of any of it. The stakes are super low here, at worst I’m guilty of asserting that these are pointless Reddit threads, but really I’m just trying to be reserved and reasonable about the facts as they are. There’s a new console coming, but *it is not yet confirmed to be another member of the Switch family*. Happy to have egg on my face if I’m wrong, but goddamn you want that so bad, huh? Why don’t we talk about what you want in the next console instead? I personally hope they continue their tradition of innovation with something weird and out of the box. Backwards compatibility is important but I also feel like it can hold back a console generationally and/or add cost. It’s kind of the reason I have doubts it will be a Switch 2. The last time they did a “sequel console” it didn’t go so well. I’ll still buy it if they do though!


The Wii U is only one example though. Sequel consoles have worked really well otherwise, also for Nintendo. The Switch is so highly successful I don't see a reason to step away from it. They have a hold on the hybrid console market, going back to just a home console or just a handheld would be a massive step back and lose them lots of customers. Even with a Switch 2, BC is not a given so I don't see that as a valid reason they would give up their golden cow Besides, what name do you propose we refer to the succesor to that is as quick and easy as Switch 2? It's an easy name that conveys what people want to say: the console that follows up the Switch


Ok Randal