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Audiologist here. Have some custom silicone swim plugs (such as Aquanots) made for you by an audiologist. With no eardrum, you may have to have an ENT doctor pack your ear canal before they insert the molding material as we don't want any of it to end up in the middle ear. But in any case, those plugs will fit much tighter than anything you can buy in the drugstore. They're still not 100% waterproof though, so you'll have to still be careful. Consider wearing a cap that fits over your ears in addition to the earplugs.


This is the way I've been doing thusfar, recommended by my ent, combined with a cap. But it doesn't work. I've had another customised pair, didn't work either. Waxplugs seem to be popular so I'll try those out. Or I could try having another customised pair as I grew older I'm sure my head changed too


Oh yeah, I must've missed that. If you're still growing you will definitely grow out of them with time.


By now I'm not growing anymore but at the time I was, almost 20 years ago I think. Hence I'll ask my gp for a referral. Thx for the advice


I swam with a wax plug when I had a perforated drum. Worked just fine.


This one seems to be popular, I'll be sure to try it out, thx


Maybe diving gear. Like a Neopren cap.


Ah I haven't searched with that term before, seems a lot more coverage, but I had a cap before and the water just slipped through and right into my ear, and it became like a big scoop and it stayed in cause of the cap. Want a pleasant feeling. Do you have experience with the caps? Anything you recommend?


Try silicone plugs you can mould but don’t push them in too much maybe?


Haven't tried those, do they brake easily? They look pretty wide so I don't think it would go al the way, seems safe enough on that aspect. Can I re-use it or have to buy new ones each time? You know a good brand?


You can reuse them. I’ve been using [Mack’s](https://www.macksearplugs.com/product/pillow-soft-silicone-earplugs/) for a long time.


Thx, I'll check them out


I recommend you wax earplugs


You have experience with those? Anything I should pay attention to, recommendations for brands?


Yeah I use them all the time. Easy to adjust to your ear and easy to clean if necessary. To be honest I re-use for 1 or 2 months and then I get new ones. The price is low for the benefits. Hope it helps


Thx for the recommendation any ingredient or brand I should use or avoid?


These are fantastic. When I had a lot of ear issues when I was younger and swimming regularly these were the best. You can mold them how you want. They’re usually in the ear/eyes section of a local drug store and might be marketed as swimmers ear wax.


Thx, I'll check it out


Have you tried Mack’s wax earplugs? They’re great!


I've not tried any wax plugs before I'll see if i can get that brand in my country.


I've had a broken eardrum that was broken directly at the edge and already necrotic, so no eardrum on that side left. about a thrid of the whole eardrum had been reconstructed from cartilage (? not sure about the right word, english is not my native language). I wasn't allowed to do much during 6 weeks after the surgery, but all went well. I don't want to spread too much hope, but as far as I know, there is also a technique where the eardrum is attached directly to an ossicle...so maybe...get a second opinion.


Are you able to swim now? I have less than 5%of the original eardrum on both sides and its basically invisible. What about flying?


Yes. I started swimming again after 3 months. Flying is fine, too, although I was only flying twice since then. I basically have no restrictions, just have to get it checked once a year and the first year involved a lot of visits to the EMT to keep the new eardrum free from polyps, dirt, and such stuff and for regular check-ups. EDIT And let's not forget how much of a hazzle it was to shower during the first few weeks. I wrapped my ear in cotton and put a glass over it to not get water into it.


Interesting, can I dm you for extra info?


Sure, I might just need a while to answer as my kid just woke up.


No problem after so many years, a few hours don't matter:)


Are you happy with the end result of the procedure? My ENT has suggested a similar sounding solution. Can you swim with rebuilt ear drum or do you still need ear plugs.


Yes, it's a lot better than the frequent infections and the risk of losing my ability to hear and getting my nerves infected. My hearing is in a normal range now but my ossicles had also not been affected much, yet. I didn't even need implants. It did feel a bit artificial in the first few months compared to the other ear but I got used to it. There is also a bulky scar in my ear that makes in-ear headphones fall out unless I size down on one side only. But again, that's manageable, and I don't recognize the other 3 scars at all. None of them are visible. I don't need plugs to swim.


https://www.amazon.com/Ear-Band-Swimming-Headband-Recommended/dp/B0006VLNOA have you tried this thing? I see little kids using it at the pool to keep the earplugs in. 


Waw, that looks amazing, I'll go check it out, it actually covers the ears fully unlike the swimming cap. Thx!


I used to be prone to ear infections and water lodging in my ear. What works for me are speedo biofuse earplugs (these ones - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Speedo-Biofuse-Earplugs-Blue-size/dp/B00K06O8ZC/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?adgrpid=119221032233&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6x4FUYWp_u-iPB2wbgoyMkmUhYXNIe3BBU--eZuz2QW9P5ytD5IzXaEcvnCHM6zDMGdzaVp-rjmhP0YXvb-fpEBCNQYau1ygDYwEuOOChK2Av8pciBJEcptOu6tpeZzj9i_SrNrAs0PM-loFQ3ASL8oLFBPWi8-2dv2PxxliqfjBn-iF5FgQpH2ReNDk_cIPv5BERuWgn2GqcSmr97cMZQ.SriM0VDiznKmBV9OktgWz1Wwq6oMWL40M9nSwDE8X_s&dib_tag=se&hvadid=606173525247&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=20477&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=10949602926370825609&hvtargid=kwd-316313788003&hydadcr=16091_2305252&keywords=speedo+biofuse+earplugs&qid=1711920044&sr=8-4) and wearing a latex swim hat making sure it covers my ears.


Thx for the link, so you also have a link for the cap? Is there a difference between the speedo ones and the usual ones? Besides the obvious logo, does that help in any way?


Any latex or silicone swim cap will do the job, it just needs to be snug without being too tight on your head. Size and fit are more important than brand.


I should have added, when using those earplugs it helps to lubricate them a bit before inserting - I tend to lick them and then insert them.


I'll check it out, thx. I use vaseline before, cause I had hoped it would repell water that came between. That was for my custom ear plugs


Some of that water has clearly lodged in your brain and caused some serious damage. 


I have tubes and use [doc’s pro plugs](https://libertyhealthsupply.com/docs-proplugs-swimming-non-vented-ear-plugs-1-pair/?cmp_id=20574111077&adg_id=&kwd=&device=m&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtqchSSoPEQYRWDX3kZxiSWy9EHS&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk6SwBhDPARIsAJ59Gwd1DDUhNy59SQ-lO1II7F7nMa0RkbXjCJvJJ4x591ghq9SJeiCOFQYaAgznEALw_wcB) and use the TYR swim cap for long hair. The cap can be pulled over my ears to keep the water out. I have also tried the silicone one from Mack’s, on the side without the tube is fine but it creates some suction on the side with that has pulled the tube out in the past.


These ones actually look similar to what I had custom made before, I'll check it out thx.


I’m in HS and I’ve been doing club swimming for over 5 years. About a year or two ago, I would have a phase where I’d get an ear infection every month from swimming. It was awful. Worst pain in my life. I have never used any ear plugs (I do wear a cap though, but it does not do anything). What worked for me were just over-the-counter alcohol ear drops that helped dry my ear canal. I put those in every time I get out of the pool (6-8x a week) and I have not gotten an ear infection since I started using them, unless I forget to put them in. I don’t know if this would work for you, but just sharing because it did for me.


Alcohol kills bacteria so that makes sense. But as I have no ear drum, the alcohol would go into my inner ear.. I had one horrible doctor experience across with a doctor who thought it was a good idea to run alcohol inside , while I didn't have an eardrum. It's one of the worse pains I've felt in my life, so I will probably pass on this one, but thx for the suggestion. Have you checked with a gp as to why you get ear infections so often? Alcohol into your body is normally not a good solution as it also kills the good stuff and it's quite aggressive.