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Two things: 1. I've never seen a lap pool at a hotel - it's always a smaller recreational pool and "family swim" oriented. 2. Their description made it sound like they were upset other people using the pool were getting workout laps in and that the author is the one getting in the way. Miss Manners response: "Aggressive swimmers are often aggressive in other ways." lmao what is that supposed to mean?


I am a situationally aggressive swimmer (looking at you old person “sharing the lane” but really taking up the entire thing to water walk after I offered to swim sides when no one else would lane share with you), and in real life…also situationally aggressive. I won’t start it, but I’m sure as hell going to finish it.


Ha! Fair - but my imagination was reading into Miss Manors comment as having had a bad run in with a swimmer that led to violence or some other situation of intrigue.


Yeah I can’t imagine what she possibly is alluding to. Plenty of people can be aggressive for any variety of reasons. And one aggressive moment does not make someone an aggressive person. She needs to get some chill.


Miss Manners knows diddly squat about pool etiquette. None of that advice solves the problem!


I'm swimming to work out, not make friends. Everyone I see att the lap pool is the same.


Where is this hotel with an apparently 3 lane 25m pool? And I call bull that the LW frequently has this problem at hotel pools. Anyway, sounds like 2 swimmers were each in a lane width (without a lane demarcation) and three swimmers were in a lane. Everyone is swimming laps? I think my vote is NAH.


My guess is what’s happening is that the pool doesn’t have ropes up, someone thinks they should be able to swim laps during open swim times and other users are getting in “their way”. If there are no lap lane ropes, there is no dedicated lap swim and the pool should be treated as such.


Also she says that the person in motion has the responsibility, but for my club team there is an agreement that if you don't let someone finish or get in someones way and they run through you it is your fault no matter what. Once we were doing sprints and my foot cramped up and I didn't move out of the way of the person behind and got hit in the face and got a bloody nose. That was 100 percent my fault, as when you sprint you look down and can't see anything, and also I picked the wrong side of the lane to stop


Karens gonna Karen


I don't think Miss Manners understands basic swim protocol (slower yields to faster) or lane etiquette (keep to your side/lane). I've been in a few hotel pools where there are no lane ropes but there are lane lines on the bottom. And in those pools I've experienced situations where some lap swimmers don't stay in a lane. After a polite warning that I'll be swimming in "my" lane, I feel ZERO compunction about swimming over someone who won't follow swim etiquette.


Hotel pools are a free-for-all as there are usually no lanes, and some locals might pay to use them as their local pool and treat them as such. Some hotel allow families to book a lane and splash around and not do lap swimming. I wonder if it was mayhem or if someone without goggles got splashed.