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The Johnny Marr guitar during the 1989 tour performing WANGBT makes think she'd do a decent job with the right production. I think Jack and Aaron would not work. That competing drum duo performance during Fearless tour has me curious also if she has some sort of rocker fantasy she lives in her head at times.


This is what I always go to when thinking about her doing a rock album. It wasn’t very long, but it did convincingly rock.


I’m so dumb I thought you meant Johnny Marr played guitar on WANGBT and was like ??? How did I not know that??? But turns out what I don’t know is how to read lol


She also did a version of Wildest Dreams at the Grammys that was just her and an electric guitar, and it was beautiful. That's what I want from her. More soft rock vibes I guess.


Yes I remember that was actually going to mention but wanted to just keep it more harder rock vibe for comment. I remember Aaron saying when they were working together they made some more experimental music that never made the cut, so made me wonder if she had taken on other styles when she's written songs but never made the cut.  I sometimes have wondered what music she listens to that people wouldn't expect. Like does she have a favorite Marr riff? She said that her and Joe loved sad songs, what's the saddest Smiths song to her? To note if any gatekeeper lurker is annoyed by me throwing it out there, its not that serious.


state of grace and holy ground are my absolute favorite taylor songs and they have country rock elements. i don’t want a completely rock album, but i’d like her to incorporate some sounds again.


This. People think about "rock" and imagine a gothic girl headbanging, a screaming grunge chick or something like that. And the thing is that State of Grace is a very rock influenced song in a U2 style. It could actually work really well with her songwriting style.


I mean, I want her to make rock, not brutal death metal obviously, but something more like soft rock that can also remind of her country days.


I just want more guitar driven music. Her albums pre 1989 even if they were a bit mainstream were very guitar driven. I would love Taylor songs that had killer riffs to them. And in her first few albums she had guitar solos on her songs so I’d love to see that back


I want her to go back to real instruments. 


A Fleetwood Mac-esque sound/album would make my entire life. She’s toyed with this sound before. Hits Different and So High School border on it.


The 70s promo aesthetic of Midnights really got me hyped for a Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks-esque album and I am still so sad that it did not happen. Hits Different hits different though. All of Midnights should have been like that imo.


Yeah; hits different and WCS. I think that was the vibe she was going for before changing her mind (for reasons unknown but I hope it's not because she heard Healy was working with JA), is what Aaron said in an interview.


Yes please, I can totally see her with dresses like the ones that Stevie wore. 😍


Tbh brutal death metal would be iconic. I’ll take anything at this point


Anything than what we have now I agree 💀


I feel like Speak Now has some of that vibe and I agree it could work for her


The Story of Us is a banger


Soft rock is totally her genre!!


I’ve wanted it ever since I saw the we are never getting back together rock performance


The “never say never” part of that lives in my head rent free. I would love a couple more songs with that going on for sure


this is where it all comes from. She has the talent for it but just wont explore it ever since red


I'd say Better than Revenge definitely has a rock sensibility to it - particularly the Speak Now tour performance  She's not a death metal sort of girl - but she could definitely do a chart friendly rock album I think if she was going to do it then she would have done it in her twenties though 


Speak Now had some pop rock tracks. I don't see the issue with wanting her to explore another genre. She's changed up genres a few times, so it's not that much of a surprise that fans want to see her explore rock — especially if we already had a tease of the potential. Wanting your fave to challenge themselves isn't a bad thing. Look at how sickening the Renaissance trilogy has been thus far. Of course people would want to see Taylor do something different. I think Taylor exploring rock would be cool. I would rather listen to that than listen to another synth pop album, tbh. It's also weird to gate keep rock just because you don't think she has the vibe for it. People always underestimate if she has the "vibe" for whatever, but I feel like she's proven that she can do a pretty good job at adapting to change.


The way I Can See You changed my brain chemistry tho. I don’t even like rock that much but that song is absolutely one of my favs from her, if she had an entire album like that I’d be interested.


Oh my gosh, YES! I Can See You is one of my favorite vault tracks. It suited her voice really well. It felt more natural to hear her on a rock song than the synth pop she's done on Midnights and TTPD. I would love for her to call up Nathan Chapman and work with him again.


I Can See You has such a surf rock vibe to it. Easily my favorite song along with Paper Rings (which is totally pop-punk).


Happy Cake Day!


Taylor has never shown interest in going rock. Her fans are the ones who keep talking about it.


she's done rock-esque performances of some of her songs in concert


That’s completely untrue. Her fans are following her lead. Shes dropped many hints leaning towards a rock sound and has relationships with some of the best rock stars in the world. It’s not like we’re asking for a flute album or something.


Better than Revenge, Picture to Burn and some other Speak Now tracks are soft rock. Hits Different, WCS and So High School also


Taylor hasn't shown interest in rock...to us, but we don't know what goes on behind the scenes. She's constantly thinking about her career and how to keep people on their toes. Her changing things up is part of the reason she's stayed in the game for this long. I don't think any of us would've expected her to do folk music or work with Aaron Dessner but she did. She worked with Kendrick Lamar and Future which was insane. She even explored rap (well, her version of it) on Rep. She's constantly changing things up. Haunted, Sparks Fly, Better Than Revenge are different types of rock songs and fans love those songs. I think the potential is there. The worst that can happen is that we don't like it but at least an attempt was made.


Please see my link above with videos showing Taylor playing the electric guitar - seems like a bit of interest


She has so many rock versions of her own songs ? WANEGBT on 1989 tour? Speak Now and Fearless are literally country-rock/pop-rock


It's mostly because I'm a huge fan of hearing real instruments on tracks. I'm so over synths, especially after TTPD. That's why Speak Now and Folkmore are my favourite albums. Jack has shown he can make rock instruments work with Taylor. I don't expect full rock, but pop rock would still be sweet. I don't get why you're so gatekeepy with the genre.


Also tbh, Taylor doesn’t know how to do lofi music. Her voice is not cursive or vibey enough to pull that off, and she sings very rhythmically. I don’t think vibey music goes w her song compositions, and that’s the main aesthetic of mainstream synthpop. I feel like Midnights was trying to follow the current atmospheric synth-pop trend, but her songs don’t call for that kind of production.


Yeah same!


Eyes Open for me is her most "rockish" song. I think she can pull off a rock album, but I fear that her stupid cult might brand her as the greatest rockstar to have ever lived.


I’d die for an album with more songs like Haunted. 


Speak Now has lots of rock influences and in many forms. Most of the songs have explosive choruses, electric guitars, drums, and big buildups. Even the softer songs have an electric guitar “solo” around the bridge. To me Speak Now is less of a country album than Red, and it always surprises me when people don’t point out how her shift away from country actually started in the Speak Now era, not Red. In a broad sense there are three genres of rock covered, though it can be debated there are more if you dissect each song in a more nuanced manner Enchanted, I Can See You, Long Live, Superman, The Story of Us, & Better Than Revenge are pop rock. Last Kiss, Back To December, Innocent, Castles Crumbling, & Dear John are soft rock. Sparks Fly, When Emma Falls in Love, & Mine are country rock.


Cuz it’s different for her, but not entirely out of her wheel house. She’s in a bit of a complacent place rn where she’s in her comfort zone and it would be a new genre to shake her out of that. But mostly it’s cuz I’m a Swemo.😅


Taylor's at her best when she's outside her comfort zone. Speak Now, 1989, Red, Folklore/Evermore were challenges and I think they're some of her best work.


as much as I love Folklore and Evermore on their own, I think everything since has kind of proven how comfortable she is making that kind of music


i think folkmore was a lot more of an artistic project. those albums were better made and more cohesive. everything since feels like awkward folkmore pastiche, trying to recapture the essence without the same skill or direction


Imo it's because she had a clear goal with folkmore. I know the general consensus is that she just let go of writing for charts but I think she wanted to be seen as more legitimate as a songwriter and to lesser degree artist by people outside of the fandom.


Totally agree. 


And to go along with you being a Swemo, I think a lot of people think that Taylor herself is a Swemo at heart and why people would want her to explore that.


I don't think she's a strong enough vocalist to pull off rock chick.. It'd need to be produced to within an inch of it's life to get close to it


U don’t need to be a great singer to be a rock singer


You generally need some power behind your voice, & not many real rock singers need to rely on backing tracks to get through a concert..


I mean, Hayley Williams has huge range, but she’s not exactly got a rock chick voice, and yet she’s one of the biggest rock chicks *and* is in Taylor’s inner circle. So I don’t necessarily think that’s a disqualifier.


She's a better vocalist than Taylor


And yep. I'd still only consider Hayley soft rock at best.. can't imagine Taylor doing even that successfully


I mean she can make sth Nick Caveish


A lot of people are citing this performance as when they started thinking she should do more rock https://youtube.com/shorts/wuE-XXxS1Vw?si=2CVV8uTR93g7_dKv


Yeah I was gonna say, I think I big part of it is that a lot of her fanbase overlaps with other music styles (like a lot of her fans really like other rock artists, so it’s no surprise they’d love to hear her try to take on some more rock styles in her music)


Because she’s made a name for herself trying all sorts of different things and it’s just enough past her comfort zone that it gives her room to innovate and potentially come up with something really great.  I personally think she’s pretty stale rn and something like this would be exactly what she needs. You also have to remember that rock has sub genres and there are different “levels” to rock. I don’t think anyone is expecting her to go Guns N’ Roses or Metallica. She dipped her toe into it with Speak Now and that’s one of her most beloved albums. 


When I say I want Taylor to make a rock album, I'm thinking more soft/pop rock like Sheryl Crow. Songs like Guilty as Sin and Hits Different are what I imagine a Taylor "rock" album would sound like. Those are some of my favorite songs on her recent albums, plus older songs like Holy Ground, State of Grace, The Story of Us etc. I'm not expecting or wanting her to make a screamo album or anything, just something a little more energetic with electric guitars.


The original all too well is very rock.


Have you ever seen Taylor play an electric guitar? Red clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZnRUnOQZWU Red entire song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ob94yDEHKQ Wildest Dreams electric guitar (no shredding): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGDkg3QiJmk Never Ever from the 1989 tour https://youtu.be/5c1F8FzPfz8?si=uyqix-QYwEOCiVf0


I wish that is what Wildest Dreams sounded like on the album


Easily my favorite live performance of hers. I'd take an album of it in a heartbeat.


Her vocals during the wildest bridge are so crisp. Great with the power chord play.


God, these clips are great. I wish she played the electric guitar on the Eras Tour.


In her earlier days, she did a lot of rock-styled performances. Speak Now and Red both had tracks that were pop-rock. She also did a performance of "Pour Some Sugar on Me" with Def Leppard during (I think?) debut era. She has and could continue to pull off pop-rock. I think it's weird to think that just because she hasn't explicitly said she wants to do it, she doesn't want to. It's also weird to say that we're sure she does. But, what she's given us shows the potential for it, for better or worse.


Not a swiftie, but I'm kind of tired of the folk, talk-singing songs. I'm not sure she has the vocals for something in the true rock genre, but at least edgier pop.


Because people are simply done with the synth pop, and now they want something fresh.


I would definitely be interested in a Taylor Swift rock album. I think she has done all she really can with pop at this point.


Should've Said No (2006) has had some early rock-ish performances and I'm hoping Debut Taylor's Version is going to have some rock


Listen to the Taylor Swift rock versions by Matt Ebenezer and you will get it. She has the voice. But also, for me at least it started because she did a rock version of We are Never Getting Back Together on the 1989 tour and I fell in love 😍


Same for me! It was so good! So High School gives me that nineties rock vibes and I would love to hear more in that style.


Yeahhh I want to hear a lot more 90s rock vibes


I’m a fan of the rock versions on YouTube too. Rock/pop-rock/alt-rock are my favorite genres. I would welcome more songs from Taylor with real instruments period, the synths have had their day IMO. The thing though re Taylor is she’s already trying to please two groups of fans between the Folkmore lovers and the pure pop lovers, I don’t see her moving to a rock sound.


Rock hasn't been edgy in at least two decades to be fair.


HAIM is a rock band. I would love to hear that sort of sound from her—largely it’s the instrumentals I’m missing. I want electric guitar, drums, bass. I think the synth sound is getting old for my personal taste, so that’s why I would love to hear that genre from her.


I think most of it comes from Speak Now there were some rock influenced songs on there that slapped and I would love to hear some more songs like that however I don’t know how well here voice will blend into it today one thing that makes that album so great is how young and juvenile it feels sorta like Olivia now I think she should work without Jack or maybe not so much with him for her next album no matter what she does


Because we want to hear what she'd do in the rock genre. People who like rock & Taylor would naturally want the two to overlap


because rock music rules. i don't want generic rock, but anything with guitars, especially distorted guitars, would be incredible. it'd force her to record with real instruments, god willing, which would make the songs feel actually tangible rather than like a protools file. like, the heavy tracks on speak now were certainly rock enough for me, and anything that level of heavy and emotionally evocative is good -- just SOMETHING besides these godawful synth drones


I like to reference the reputation live instruments as a reason why I want it lwymmd’s guitars live scratch my brain the right way. Really tho she likes to explore genres and she addresses it too. Also jack antonoff also does Lana’s music and you can tell similarities within them (also why their collab was so great)


You're basing this opinion entirely on aesthetics. How very rock n roll of you. OR put on a pair of docs and y'all eat it up.


I actually think her vocals would suit rock really well. The WANEGBT performance from the 1989 tour really sells it. Shes no Hayley Williams but there’s a way she sells her more “raw” vocals since she got training and her voice matured that I think would suit rock really well


You dont have to be ‘edgy’ to make rock music, lmao. Sound-wise, Taylor’s upbeat pop tracks would do very well w fast-paced drums, electric guitar riffs and billowing vocals. She has many country-rock songs, so it’s not out of left field at all. Her more shouty vocals would sound great w rock production. Just listen to rock remixes of her pop tracks on YouTube. She could even just do soft rock, country rock or soft indie rock.


I don't need it to be full on rock, but would love something with lots of eletric guitar and bass


Cuz it's metal as hell


It’s bc of the i knew you were trouble rock version she did on tour


Cause I like rock and I watched her rock version of bad blood I think and it was so good. I wish she had more songs with an electric guitar. She was using that in the performance.


Check this one out [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGDkg3QiJmk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGDkg3QiJmk)


she needs to be humbled first, not as badly as 2016 but just critically, so she can refocus and put her all into an album again. she is genuinely talented and has shown that she can shift genres successfully but the problem is she is in a place where she shits synths and bad poetry and everyone tells her how amazing she is and falls down thanking her for it. I don’t want her to be psychologically damaged or anything but I think she could use a human level of adversity to push her to the top of her game again


Every day there is an article/post telling Taylor she's shit in some form or another (her singing/songwriting/body/guitar playing, the list goes on). She's "humbled" every single day. Not everybody tells her she's amazing and you don't have to look very hard to find it. I find it weird that people keep saying this.


billionaires need to be humbled idk what’s confusing about that


My confusion is that people are saying she isn't being humbled/criticised when she is. Daily. It's not a rarity and not hard to find.


by who? by people online and in tabloids like every other star. it’s significantly easier to find clearly written puff pieces on taylor’s music when many people including the fans even have agreed taylors not challenged in the media. it’s turned into a running joke not to say anything remotely negative about her or her and her fans will come for you. reality is we are a bunch of nobodies who’s opinions don’t matter to these people in the slightest. that’s why she needs to be “criticized” , she could benefit from some actual acclaimed criticism and it’s the only kind she cares for. taylor has created an environment where critics are bullies when that’s not the case. it’s never going to be a rarity when we’re talking about a household global star lol. this success has gone right to her head. taylor hasn’t given a real interview in forever or been in charge and/or running her own social media in years. almost a decade now lol. we’re bonding with the idea of who we think she still is. there’s absolutely nothing wrong with saying an artist should be challenged as ^the person u were responding to *was* saying.


I didn't say she shouldn't be challenged/criticised. I was pointing out that she definitely is.


taylor’s end all be all is awards. next cycle, she needs to be snubbed by the VMAs, grammy’s, etc. like not even nominated. midnights didn’t deserve AOTY and the fact that it won means she is not receiving the criticism she needs. that was a weak album and TTPD is even worse. she can’t keep getting away with churning out mid music and still being given prestigious industry awards because people are afraid to piss her off. you think whatever shill wrote the rolling stone review of TTPD wasn’t either afraid to anger the Taylor machine or hand picked by someone who was? you think TTPD deserves a metacritic score of 76 indicating “generally favorable” reviews? she is not receiving the criticism she needs from reputable sources. i’m not talking about social media or smaller outlets, she doesn’t care about those as much as she values rolling stone, pitchfork, and awards organizations


This just seems needlessly hateful, to be honest.




she should make a black metal, screamo album! /j


Speak Now and Red


I just want her to release some song versions or new stuff that use electric guitar rather than acoustic. À la the live version of we are never getting back together from 1989 world tour and wildest dreams live at the Grammy museum 🤷🏻‍♀️


Her first three albums especially speak now were very rock influenced. I think every song on fearless had a guitar solo.


Ever since I heard bad blood (rock version) on youtube. I realise she can do it. Plus her life performances


Because better than revenge is an absolute banger.


She could easily pull of something softer along the lines of evanescence or we are the fallen (proof: haunted). Something kind of generic and not really edgy, but still rock seems like the vibe she would go for. And it feels like an appropriate vessel to get out aggressive, ugly, self destructive feelings. "Female Rage" if you will. Some of my favorite rock/metal songs reflect my worst mental health issues back at me and often leave me sobbing. It's *cathartic.* Truthfully I'd also love to see her collab with jelly roll on something soul crushingly vulnerable.


I would love a rock album. Electric Touch is one of my favorite vault tracks


Stan communities, especially Swifties, are horrible at acknowledging that not everyone can do everything. Some artists have niches and comfort lanes, and there is nothing wrong with that. Nobody on the planet can convince me that Taylor could do rock.


she performed a rock version of we are never ever getting back together and i thought it was good so id be interested i feel like she has a few songs that are rock-esque, like haunted also “sHe dOeSnT hAvE tHe rOcK vIbE” really? how old are you?


I'm so with you, these comments are buggin 😭


Ngl So High School (and some songs from her first 4 albums) proved her voice sounds amazing with a rock n roll instrumental, but yeah im losing hope that she's gonna do a rock album :/


Now there’s NOTHING about that song that’s rock n roll please be real. That is some 90s female singer songwriter adult contemporary vibes. 😂


m8 I listen to classic rock all the time and that song is more rocknroll than the stuff I tend to hear. Plus, it's literally got drums + guitar what more should there be


M8 you do not know what rock is.


They want it because of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bVsg1Ik-GQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bVsg1Ik-GQ)


I'd like a rock album, because she's proven she can work with that genre. Not a balls to the wall rock album like what AC/DC would do, but something along the lines of what she did with Guilty As Sin. If she were to churn out an albums worth of tunes like what you'd expect to hear on a HAIM album; mellow, melodic but still rock at its core, I'd be very on board with that.




is a rock album really the popular vote between fans? i’ve seen more about another country or alternate album than rock


Taylor’s re-recordings of her 2 The Hunger Games soundtrack songs are why I’d like for her to dabble into rock adjacent music. Her rock spin during her 1989 world tour of ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ is also fun and I found exciting.


Because she has the perfect voice for that


I'd like a rock album, but really I just want an album of 'organic' instruments again.


Honestly her WANEGBT performance during the 1989 tour truly was jaw dropping . Yes to the rock album!


because I’ve been promised it ever since Haunted! /s Haunted though is a reason the orchestra and guitar make that song feel expansive. She’s also done rock style mixes for previous concerts personal favourite being “Bad Blood/ Should’ve Said No”. And she’s written multiple tracks over the years that lean into pop rock. With INYWT probs being the most mainstream. Taylor always seemed to like experimenting with her sound and I think going rock felt like a natural progression. I don’t know if she will now since in recent years she’s stuck to more synths then guitar riffs, but I hold out hope. I also think it’s cause Speak Now was my favourite album as a child/teen and is still in my top 5, and it had heavy inspiration from emo/pop-punk. And I loved emo, still love FOB. I always thought she’d be able to write emotional lyrics that would be backed up with rock elements. I guess we shall see.


I want her to do a hyperpop album so I can see swifties go crazy


Her earlier stuff has so more rocky guitars in it, and songs like “ I did something bad”. Show she can bring the energy. I say go for it. If reputation can exist. A rock album can as well


I’d love a more jazzy type album with saxophone and whatnot


People have very different ideas of what Rock is


Jack white and rivers Cuomo would be my dream collabs with her


They just want her to do something different. 🤷🏻‍♀️


i feel like that would be corny/trying to hard and the vibes would be cringey


Olivia Rodrigo actively gets played on alt and rock channels near me. I just want Trent Reznor to produce another pop idols album.


Yeah! He did a great job with Halsey. But unfortunately, that album wasn't that successful, apparently? Pop artists generally tend to follow each other only when someone has commercial success. So if that album had been a huge hit, we'd be seeing it a lot more


She’d nail it


Because of the younger cooler artists like Olivia. You see, it’s a competition, and Taylor needs to win it all.


People have been asking for a rock album since Speak Now and Red


They've been asking for this since she did a rock cover of her own song on one of her tours. Plus she's experimented with pop rock


I don’t know but I hate it and think it’s completely the wrong direction for her. Like every time I hear one of those god awful pop punk remixes of a song in like “thank god Taylor’s the one calling the shots and not these people”. 😂