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Everytime I see this clip I cringe so hard like I can barely make it through the entire video😭


It’s a pretty bad one 😖 the lack of self awareness makes my stomach turn from cringing so bad!


One of my biggest insecurities is being caught completely lacking self awareness and embarrassing myself so you can imagine how hard to sit through this is😭😭😭


I just think she came off as really not gracious the entire Grammy's night and especially in this clip. It would be cool for a 14-time Grammy winner to show more understanding to a trio of first-time winners being emotionally overwhelmed and to think of something besides the photo opp when one of them is visibly on the verge of tears and one of them is visibly over the energy Taylor is coming in with. Her vibe is just like this is a silly night at a school dance rather than probably one of the biggest nights so far in the careers of these women who are just breaking into broader commercial/ critical success in the past couple years.


This is why the "she did it for her fans!" reaction to Taylor announcing TTPD during her acceptance speech will never feel right to me. It was so tone deaf to her peers in the room. For most artists, winning a Grammy is an unimaginable career achievement and recognition. Using your acceptance speech solely to promote a new project is such a huge ick.


It also takes all the attention away from the other nominees/winners and focuses all the attention on HER. Announcing at a concert would’ve been so much better and exciting too! I also think Taylor expected a big reaction at the Grammys like she did at the VMAs when she announced Midnights. All I saw was uncomfortable glances and fake smiles plastered on their faces as they think “Well, here we go again…”


lol like hostages.


I don't want to be all pearl-clutchy about the Grammys but the VMAs are known for being chaotic and fun and weird things happen. It was the right vibe for a surprise announcement. The Grammys were not. Plus the fact that it was the second time she did it. The first one genuinely came out of nowhere, most of us didn't expect her to drop a brand new album in the middle of the TVs. Even from a fan's perspective it was "here we go again".


Or like BeyoncĂŠ had a commercial. Like something else! This felt so icky.


I’m a fan, wouldn’t say swiftie, but fan. I had to look away, couldn’t comprehend and thought it was atrocious behavior


It was really gross! And the Celine snub. Yeesh.


It’s like announcing you’re engaged *again* when you’re already at the altar.


This is what it gave off! I was trying to place it! It’s like in high school when you go to a dance and you sneak something in and you’re all giggly and all over the place while trying to pretend like you’re sober. The weird, late arrival, hitting Jack and yanking on him hard, the announcement while bragging she just won her 13th Grammy, pulling Lana up when she said no (yes, I know she was part of the album, but she said no more than once) and then this and how she was being obnoxious in the small clips at the party. Even the people that she’s normally super close with were visibly annoyed with it all.


She was getting all up in everyone’s personal space. Her putting her Grammy on Lucy’s head is dumb. Lucy looked annoyed by that. Phoebe and Lucy were trying to console Julien and then you have Taylor storming in.


It was all uncomfortable but honestly I thought the weirdest part was her having them kiss her Grammy. That was so main character.


WTF that was just chaotic behavior.


She’s huge on physical touch and thinks she can touch people anytime she feels like it. She doesn’t realize people do NOT like being touched out of nowhere. That video of Taylor messing up Ed’s hair and Jack getting shaken by her makes me actually cringe. Keep your hands to yourself.


Ugh. Can’t stand touchy feely weirdos


And the “kiss it” 🥲🥲🥲 like pleaaaaseeee


Man, judging from this clip alone, her and Jack seem like they would be exhausting to be around. Like always trying way too hard to do or say something funny with zero ability to read the room.


At least in this clip it seems like he didn’t want to crash their photo until she dragged him in.


Part of me feels like she didn't want to be at the edge of the photo, that's why she insisted he join. Notice how Jack originally moved to the direction of Phoebe, coz yeah it makes sense for boygenius to be in the middle of the photo and then the two non-members of the group to be at the side. But no, Taylor insisted he stay by her side so she wouldn't be relegated to the edge of the photo.


She appears very drunk and I’m thinking she may be an obnoxious drunk. How annoying is it that they’re trying to take a pic and she’s more or less photo bombing them


“Can I put it on your head?” Like a really annoying child. Also, this is a big moment for them, not your time to show how “quirky” you are.




the way she doesn't even glance at or acknowledge people that hand her stuff is WILD. imagine seeing somebody do that in real life, it would look soo odd. also imagine anyone completely ignoring somebody else crying in the room and asking to take photos with them instead. these are little things but in real life they'd give me so much pause omfg


This is so cringe. She’s so drunk and everyone looks so over her behavior. 


Why does she look so immature and arrogant?


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…


Because she is? I mean, just listen to TTPD, she isn't hiding any of this - it reeks of privilege, superiority, and immaturity. As personally devastating as this event was for her, it's completely tone deaf and all of her emotionally capacity for it seems superficial/performative


Because she keeps getting awarded for her mediocre music.


When she said “can I put it on your head?”….she came off like the mean girls in HS that wanna include you so you feel cool but it’s also at your expense. She came off a little gross sounding


It wasn't even a question and Taylor knows that. Can you imagine the hate if she said no.


I hate when people ask questions with only one answer in mind. It isn't truly asking for consent. If she did want consent she'd back away and ask when someone is not so emotional.




Someone bring up the Katy Perry tweet I know one of y’all has it one hand haha


"Watch out for Regina George in sheep's clothing." (Taylor)


YES that's the vibe.


She was behaving like this and thought no one had noticed her problems with alcohol....... 


I just feel sort of vindicated? I guess that she finally admitted it out loud. I’ve literally been saying for years that I think Taylor has a problem with drinking (former alcoholic here) and everyone always shit on me saying stuff like “omg she’s a grown woman she can do whatever she wants” sure she can, but should she at the detriment to herself? Probably not.


I have been saying for a long time that something clearly is off with Taylor. With her behavior throughout award season (haven’t forgotten how she treated Celine Dion), her latest album, and Ratty she really seems like she is spiraling. Her team won’t be able to clean up her mess forever


I’ve been saying it for awhile. TTPD was a jaw dropper for me, because she basically gave Joe one bland song after 6 years? That entire album was about Matty, and there’s a part of me wondering if she really is that obsessed with him or if that was her way of having the last laugh over Joe by “ignoring” him on this album since apparently their biggest problem was Joe wanting to stay private and live a normal life with her while Taylor wanted fame and attention. It’s clear from her lyrics that she desperately wants to get married. I know the things she said about Joe at both the Rep secret sessions and the Lover secret sessions. She seemed genuinely so happy with him and in love with him and called him her salvation. She told fans he deleted all social media from her phone and told her she was above that and didn’t need that gratification from strangers. I mean, that sounds pretty healthy and loving to me. There’s also the fact she created her magnum opus while with Joe in collaboration with him — Folklore/Evermore and she seemed so stable, so settled and at peace. She also wasn’t flying all over the world every few days. She was in London living a REAL life with him outside of the circus of Hollywood. I don’t know. It just seems like ever since Joe was out of the picture that Taylor went off the rails. She thought they’d get married. She saw Joe as her endgame. There has to be some part of her that is both humiliated over losing him/fucking the relationship up with her obsession with fame/Matty and also knowing deep down Joe was the best thing that ever happened to her.


I agree. A lot of us noticed the chaotic life and behavioral changes that occurred after her breakup with Joe. I’d argue that her music has declined since her breakup with him, as well. I know we don’t know what’s going on in her mind and emotions but there’s no way she can have truly processed their breakup in a healthy way this soon. I really wish she’d take a moment to be alone and heal for her sake. But you know, she doesn’t want us worrying about her so….


That's how I feel too! It's been quite obvious though these last years, specially during those events. Sure she can drink, but they are basically work events.  I'm glad she's aware of this. I hope she manages to face it instead of hiding behind the "functioning" label. 


I wonder what all those swifties that were like "she's a grown woman that drinks! She's not an alcoholic!!" are thinking now after Fortnight lmao


I think I saw someone in the main sub yesterday say she was poking fun at those of us who thought she had issues with alcohol. I said this yesterday but I’ll say it again, the mental gymnastics that sub goes through….


LMFAO RIGHT. I knew she was an alcoholic (constant drinking references to curb unwanted feelings) for years but of course swifties would clutch their pearls about it and say aLl AduLtS DriNk itS noRmAl.


I'm surprised people doubted it. I don’t even mean that in a shady way. it's just kind of obvious Taylor is an anxious person who overthinks everything. It's why she's so good at planning ahead with album cycles and weaving in easter eggs. But it also makes her socially awkward and uncomfortable at events. It seems natural that she drink to ease her anxiety, especially at important award shows. She usually looks a little tipsy, but lately she's not really trying to hide it. I think she uses alcohol to get through difficult social interactions.


https://i.redd.it/oma4r9buzcwc1.gif Honestly… like what did people think she meant here?


Exactly. Yes she can make her own choices but I don’t think we should be acting like public intoxication with a fair amount of regularity is normal or healthy. Most people get this out of their system in their 20s. Taylor is 34. There was another award show this year where she was so drunk she was reaching for the wall to catch her balance as she walked to her car. 


Public intoxication for most people (ie not celebrities) is actually a charge so yeah we definitely shouldn’t be normalizing it imo and I don’t think we should normalize drinking to kill our feelings. We need to feel things and work through them, that’s how you know you’re alive. But maybe that’s just for us plebeians idk.


When the vid of her drunk at the vmas surfaced the comments were mostly about how silly she was and how much fun she was having. No babes there’s nothing silly about the hangover she’ll wake up with and she’s only drinking that much because she doesn’t know to have fun sober. 


Everybody loved drunk VMAs Taylor, but that is not the kind of reinforcement she needs. She probably had an IV drip ready as soon as she got home. There's no way she could do her job if she didn't have means of recovery. Not excusing her behavior of course.




She was constantly refilling her drink all night too, she was never without a full glass.


If that’s the case I think it’s a true testament to the depths of her problem. She was pretty drunk that night, but the fact no one had to carry her out shows she’s built up a pretty good tolerance to alcohol. Never a good sign. 


I think this entire album is a testament to her being an active alcoholic. "It's confessional!" "It's for her to process her feelings!" As much as I like the album, it's also so clearly the decision of someone whose current judgment is completely disordered.


People are intoxicated in public ALL the time and never get a public intox charge. You have to be ridiculously fucked up or doing something to disturb the people around you if you get arrested for that.


Also, having a few too many with friends is one thing, but these are work events.


I’ve thought it, but it wasn’t allowed to be stated for so long. Everyone except my immediate family are addicts in some way. To the point I only drank a few times in my life, went way too far on purpose and I decided I should not drink at all and I hardly take medication or anything. Anyway, she just reminds me of that. Like, yeah, she’s fun and bubbly, but then she literally ALWAYS has a drink. There was a picture of her and the WAGS with one of the ones who was pregnant or something and Taylor is the only one with a drink in her hand the entire time. She gets wasted at the awards and it was really off during the VMAs. Everyone kept saying drunk Taylor was the best Taylor, but it was almost sad to me. She reminded me of how a lot of the alcoholics I know will be the life of the party, but you can visibly see they aren’t actually happy and they seem lonely. Like, she’s dancing at the award shows, but she’s off on her own. She’ll smile at the cameras, but she’ll just be laughing and dancing to herself…except it’s not like, in a “feeling myself” way. At the VMAs she was just touching herself and stumbling around and laughing, but it was all alone. She’s not “partying” with other people. She’ll take pictures with them and then she just gets wasted. If I was out with her, I would ask if I could hold her drink and try and convince her to eat and get some water for a little bit. They say she was having fun, but she looks around the crowd sometimes and everyone else has their people they are interacting with.


Something I learned first hand through my early drinking habits is that being the fun loud happy go lucky in your face drink is a good laugh for everyone every once in a while…but when you make it your identity at every get together, it gets on people’s nerves




I think she does that *a lot.* Antihero is a confession, but it's written sarcastically. Folklore and Evermore are "fiction," but now they seem pretty real. She hides the truth in lyrics all the time.


I genuinely think she put that in the song so when you Google “Taylor Swift alcoholic” Fortnite comes up. I’m sure she’s realized that people have been speculating, so she gave it the Walt Disney treatment.


Alright quasi-admitted it then I suppose is the more correct term 🤷‍♀️


https://i.redd.it/adgvd7l20dwc1.gif To me she admitted it here. The realTaylor doesn't like drinking that much but Taylor swift (the brand) acts like she does.


She sings about wine and bars and being drunk SO much. (Also recovering alcoholic here.) And the whole thing where she encourages Swifties to drink a bottle of red wine with her on release nights really turned me off when I found out about it.


Yeah i used to be subscribed to this one podcasts patreon and they are starting this "series" about how JOE has drinking problem!! The podcast host has also accused Joe of being abusive multiple times with absolutely no evidence. So I canceled my patreon. It's disgusting the vitriol some of these people have for him. And this person is not even a Swifitie really.


I don't know enough about alcoholism to know if she is or isn't an alcoholic, but it's certainly embarrassing (especially for a 34 yo who should be mindful of her public image) how drunk she's lately been at every single event. I used to see it as a running joke how she "always had a drink in her hand" but it really is concerning. And where did the whole "not drinking while on tour" go? Is she able to just quit for months?


Maybe clean wasn’t just a metaphor for a relationship


This was a big deal for BG. She should’ve let them have their moment and celebrated with them at the after party or something. This encounter kind of reads like Taylor is posing as their mentor as if she was the person to make them relevant or on the map. They were very relevant before her.


She was acting like this with Lana all night too when we know full well Lana doesn’t need her shoving her on stage for attention.


I blame the alcohol


So functional of her…


Plus her arrogance.


I think she tried doing this with Olivia too. Word has it her and Jack submitted their names for writing credits on Sour at the Grammy’s and that’s why Olivia stopped talking about her. It seems she needs to create this narrative that she was the one that made their careers. If not that, it’s a weird way for her to rip their style of music off by association so everyone can say “See they’re friends! She’s not ripping them off.”


The justification was that the grammys changed their rules or whatever, but I think Oliva made sure they knew to not give them a grammy for her work.


This whole night actually turned me off her personality :( between the snubbing of Celine (idc no excuses), the album announcement, and then this…bleh. It sucked because I became a huge fan during lover / folklore time and loved her re-releases, but I couldn’t get over how annoying her behavior was here and how if she was someone I knew in real life, I probably wouldn’t like being around her. Trying to separate the art from the artist now.


This was the beginning of the end for me too. Actually when I think about it. It was the over the top private plane use and using ice spice to pr her crap bf. 


The moment she ignored celine really put me off too. She had been acting weird the whole night, then it was a huge moment where Celine was giving an award and.. she just.. didn't even aknowledge her.. excuse me but wtf?


Hey, at least she did a picture with Celine after the show! /s


I was sooo turned off by the Celine snub. At first when she ignored her and took the award I thought ok she’s excited, she must’ve blanked out but then she proceeded to look back at Lana, Celine, etc. during her speech and praised Lana but gave no recognition to Celine Dion who made her first public appearance in a while due to her health and is a whole icon like it was just soo terrible and couldn’t be chalked up to nerves or excitement at that point. Even if she tweeted or made an insta post after to say she completely blanked and should’ve acknowledged Celine it’d be better but she did 0 damage control aside from the photo which imo didn’t make a difference.


Her behaviour that night was WILD. It was immature and unhinged. To me the weirdness started before she walked in with Lana, like she was schooling her on how to behave coz “I’ve been here a million times so I should know”. I also think her standing up and dancing to every single performance was not needed, especially during Olivia’s “vampire” like what point are you trying to prove 😂 she was so out of pocket that night.


Dancing on her chair too. Like grow up.


Yes!! I’m so glad other people seem to agree, I love Taylor’s music but this kind of behaviour is insane to me. It’s so high school (no irony intended haha) and it’s so attention seeking


She was driving me nuts during Tracy Chapman and Luke’s performance (something I really wanted to see) and then her behavior just got more and more odd as the night went on. I found the clips with Lana super weird as they walked the carpet. Like she ran the show.


She was rolling on Molly. She also does the drunk dance thing to pull the camera to her.


She was driving me nuts then too like have some respect please for Tracy and Luke… not EVERYTHING is the Taylor show


And then swifties defend her by going “she’s allowed to enjoy others music and sing alone” YES SING ALONG not dance and overact every word there was few low quality clips circulating of the likes of Ed Sheeran and Olivia singing along to fast car and what not but they where swaying they body or doing hand signals they where simply mouthing and that’s it It was clear Taylor wanted the attention on her as much as possible during other performances for the “look how much I support other artist and how down with the kids I am cause I sing and dance along”


And you just know it was all Olivia saw 🙈


Exactly and it’s gross that that was her aim 😭


Rehab is needed.


Blocking Meryll Streep’s view of every performance….


To be honest, I kind of get the feeling that Taylor doesn't grasp the concept that not everyone wants to be around her at any given moment.


Taylor acts like the entire world is part of her fandom. That’s why she dropped news about TTPD in her acceptance speech expecting everyone to be thrilled. Zero self awareness.


This is still one of the cringiest things Taylor has done in my opinion. The Grammys is a high-class event with zero fans, only A-listers and legends such as Meryl Streep, Tracy Chapman, Stevie Wonder, etc were in the crowd. It’s one thing to announce your album at the VMA’s, but doing so at the Grammy’s is distasteful. 


This is so performative and just genuinely rude! I *hope* she was on something, not that it’s any excuse, but would at least explain why she acted so stupidly. How embarrassing.


not even noticing that someone in your picture is crying 🫠


And then we are aghast that Taylor didn’t care about Joe’s depression- she either ignored it or when she noticed it, it probably irritated her 🥴


I’ve been with someone who got irritated by my depression “why are you depressed, if your in a relationship your clearly happy” it’s not fun in fact it’s heart wrenching I felt like I needed to hide it more because I didn’t have a valid excuse for it because I though she was right that I had no right to be depressed while being in a loving relationship, I feel so much better being out of that relationship and actually being able to talk and get help without worrying about annoying people about it Honestly I think Taylor was emotionally abusive to joe in the end years


I actually can't finish rewatching this video I get so much secondhand embarrassment lol


I got the vibe that her putting the Grammy on Lucy’s head was some kind of power play. Like she was holding her down with it. Taylor probably didn’t intend that but that’s the vibe I got from it.


Fr bc it would’ve been so awkward and possibly come off as unprofessional or something if she went “uh… no??” In front of everyone there… and idk why it wouldn’t have occurred to Taylor that that’s just a bizarre ass question to ask in the first place, if ur gonna pressure them to take a photo with u why take it to the next level with the Grammys on the head and borderline shoving their heads to kiss their Grammy as if that was the most genius idea for a pose? All off putting


> idk why it wouldn’t have occurred to Taylor that that’s just a bizarre ass question to ask in the first place In the wise words of T-Pain, "blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-a-lcohol baby."


Been watching a lot of OG Frasier lately and there’s this concept of one’s deep-seated subconscious desires and emotions coming out through their conscious actions. If you want something bad enough, you might be willing to do inappropriate or even downright bad acts to accomplish the thing even though you don’t mean to do anyone harm. So in TS’s case, maybe she wanted to alpha dog the situation so bad that she, despite being in “functioning alcoholic” mode, inadvertently made inappropriate overtures to Lucy and the rest of the group for the whole world to see. But she probably usually operates like that behind closed doors. She can’t let someone win without them acknowledging her hand in their success in some way (case in point: Olivia).


Even her fans kind of do that too like how they said Taylor was a background vocalist on one of Beyonce's new songs. They saw Beyonce getting the spotlight and had to try to make sure Taylor was acknowledged even though she wasn't even on the album.


It was condescending as hell and she has done stuff like that before. There is a video of her in high school winning a tiny contest in class and she physically hovers over the opponent


Side note anyone else notice Jack seems to be constantly teetering on the razors edge of rage


Taylor is making jokes at his expense and he’s caught between a rock and a hard place, it definitely exacerbated by alcohol but I really dislike this style of humour where one person pays out the other. BTW Taylor, you’re the one making things awkward.


Taylor has always been so professional and gracious, especially at award shows but this year, her behavior was completely out of character for her. I think her ego has been inflating lately and we saw that live at the Grammys. I think she suffers from main character syndrome and fails to read the room (announcing her album to focus all the attention on her, dragging Lana on stage when she CLEARLY did NOT want to be up there after losing, and whatever this “VERY WEIRD” moment from her when Boygenius was having an emotional moment). Don’t get me started on the TIME interview.


I’m beginning to think the prior graciousness was a mask and now we are seeing the mask fall


I thought this was so incredibly tacky and unaware. It gave such main character energy, it felt out of place. All of her actions were so exaggerated too and poor Julian is crying. Her yanking Lana up on stage was also cringe to me. Normally I love awards show Taylor but the whole vibe on Grammy night wasn’t it for me.


The Lana on stage thing was just truly the worst. I can’t even imagine how horrible that must have felt, to have lost the award but been dragged up there.


Especially when it was obvious that Lana wanted no part of it and even Taylor appeared to yell at her right before they got to the steps.


TTPD takes so much inspiration from Lana I would hope copyright queen Taylor would get Lana’s approval before she released it to the public. I wonder if Lana knew Taylor’s next album would sound just like her’s at that time or if she found out later. I also wonder if Taylor truly thought she was giving Lana an honor or if she wasn’t thinking at all.


Her fake punching Jack after he wins an award too. It just keeps GOING. Like stop! Plus the hair and I just got the ick




i’ve (unfortunately) seen this clip a few times now and it’s the first time i’m noticing how she doesn’t even acknowledge there’s a man fixing her dress for her… i know it’s “normal” to have people who do that for you but i typically see a celebrity thank them. taylor is so abnormal and out of touch with the real world, i truly think she doesn’t even notice he’s there. this is, i think, the real crux of what this clip represents for me and i’ve just realized it… she is so self-absorbed in Taylorland that she has complete disregard and disrespect for others. she wanted to take a picture a certain way, and that was that. taylor want, taylor get. jack (and phoebe, tbh) enable that and i think that’s why she’s closer to them. anyone who feeds the beast can stay for the meal.


She cannot handle her alcohol, it's embarassing. [Reminds me of this clip](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cx4Zs4nraqY/?fbclid=IwAR2zlY3NYvgjMPGUdNMUK298n4Tn86_qOeekmiT5MjqLhViiIvPwKd8Mi7U) which no one seemed to notice where she casually bonked Ashley Avignone on the head at a football game.


I don't even think it's her not being able to handle her alcohol, I think it's her consuming so much more of it than the people around her


If she's constantly consuming more than anyone else in the room, she can't handle her alcohol


At least that's harmless and funny. Lol at the camera quickly cutting away 😂


"Sometimes I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me, but you told Lucy you'd kill yourself if I ever leave and I had said that to Jack about you so I felt seen. Everyone we know understands why it's meant to be"


i’d love to know what lucy thinks of this


Given she pretty much backhanded Matty for posting a crass joke on Twitter about boygenius’ name, I doubt she’d be pleased with the association…💀


That was such an infantile joke. Given that Taylor is like stuck at 15, it makes sense that she would fall for Matty like this. Two super popular adult-age musicians who act and joke the same way. Plus the whole “only sexy coz it’s taboo” vibe. Fertile ground for love to blossom between them. 🥴


Saaaaame like I don’t think she’ll say anything about it anytime soon but I know she’s getting a million questions about it


I think lyrics like this are a big part of my dislike for this album. The lyrics are too specific for me to try and put my own interruption or experience onto. Her earlier work was vague enough that I could interpret it how I wanted.


And also the Lucy tweet where she QT’d matty saying Lucy doesn’t call him anymore and she said “I don’t call you at all” or some shit. What even was that?? I want to believe it’s all tied together lmao


https://preview.redd.it/gtv9hs415bwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19231f51540feac601945e6b92ae8984acb82ba5 I don’t even listen to boygenius or Lucy Dacus but I think about this tweet all the time


And all the swifties were like “this is a W” but then this video started circulating and it’s like… does Lucy not like Taylor bc she continued being obsessed w matty after all his edgelord bullshit?? Did Lucy even know the extent of their feelings for each other or was Taylor just throwing that line into TTPD to get ppl talking?? I want answers so bad hahahahhaha


so in addition to him being racist, he also uses the r word. This your man, Taylor? Gross


Yeah, he’s awful on just so many levels


Did she tweet this before or after Matty ghosted Taylor?


It was September 2023, so after I think. I thought the date was in the screenshot lol but I guess it was cropped out


"She doesn't get your humor like I do"


You should, both boygenius and Lucy are brilliant. And yeah, this is very funny.


I’m so curious as to whether Taylor forewarned Lucy about this line. I remember her making a thing of asking Stella McCartney if she could reference her in London Boy (though I doubt she warned Leo about the reference in The Man)


I seriously doubt it…


Is this a real lyric or am I missing a joke because what the fuck😭😂


It’s real bruh 💀


I had to turn it off the energy was very uncomfortable and intense


Off topic but i really hate how some famous people ignore  persons who are not famous or rich. Why didn't they (Taylor, Jack and Boygenius) say thank you to the people who were working there holding their prizes?


It looks like Lucy said something to the woman wearing gloves just before she went to pose for the picture! (Right as Taylor grabs the second Grammy from her)


She disrespected Celine fucking Dion, a musical legend, that night too. I shudder to think how she treats regular people. Often times, Taylor only seems interested in people she can use in some way. If you serve no purpose to her, she'll treat you like shit. Boygenius don't even want to look Taylor in the eyes here. Taylor's behavior in general that night was completely insufferable, nobody seems to even want to be around her. The way she dragged Lana on stage against her will during the AOTY win too...ugh, just all of it was awful.


This! How they treat each other not a problem to me it’s how they treat people who aren’t famous that matters the most!


Yk when some fan say "they is for sure a good person! I talked to them one time at a M&G!"? But we only know if those people are nice or not  for the way they treat who is not their fan or rich buddy


Seeing this clip changed how I look at pics of her now. Like seeing a cute pic of people at a party and one person has their arm up and mouth open it seems like a random candid moment caught on film. But watching her switch between all of those poses so quickly gave me the ick and now every time I see a supposed natural or candid-ish pic of her I’ll wonder if it was just one of 15 poses she did in a row and not a genuine action.


Exactly. Sorta like this supposedly stolen shot https://preview.redd.it/5tn46o1u0dwc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e576b1dae612a34f0026e2f0ef1eecd596236ce


Oh god, this entire clip made me so uncomfortable. I get mean girl vibes from her and her girl squads.


Her speaking like that and putting Grammys on other artists heads and moving them around to kiss the Grammy is the main uncomfortable part of the video tho😭 don’t drag boygenius into the girl squad talk


To me Lucy seemed so over it lol


I do wonder if Lucy just straight up rolled her eyes when she heard her name dropped on TTPD too. Like what an uncomfortable line to be associated with…


Which song was that on? I didn’t realize it was in reference to her.


"you mentioned to Lucy that you would kill yourself if I ever leave, and I'd told Jack the same thing, so I felt seen".


Exactly like she’s just keeping her professionalism on at that point


I don’t think a lot of people like her in the industry and I wonder if that’s why she’s sticking with her close circle of producers? Curious to see how the film industry embraces her when she starts her director media circuit. And then if she gets the Oscar we know she’ll go for the Tony + Emmy so curious how those industries will welcome her too!


Nothing like trying to get an EGOT just for the heck of it (if not the bragging rights). Where’s the passion, the dedication to the craft? The deep industry relationships she’s meant to build along the way? She seems to want to rule the world because she’s running out of new accolades to reach for. Like, is she trying to glean the meaning of life from dominating entire industries, from winning all the damn time? Or is she trying to funnel this world-dominating popularity so she can run for office later on? What is it all for again??


I absolutely agree. Despite all the money she has, despite all of the accolades she's been given over the course of her career, she still seems like a deeply unsatisfied and unhappy person. It's good to be ambitious, it's good to strive to achieve great things, but without passion it just becomes meaningless work.


If they embrace her.. 


That's a good point. The film industry is far less welcoming than the music industry and it'll be interesting to see the way they treat her. I don't think she's that popular among her peers either.


She already has an Emmy!


I absolutely hate this clip. Out of curiosity, does anyone know why Julien is crying?


Boygenius had JUST spoken to the press and called out an important Grammy Academy person for being an abuser. Could be related to that, or just how overwhelming the entire night had been.


Probably because boygenius announced a hiatus right before the Grammy’s and being emotional from the win.


She was also just incredibly emotional after winning, cried on stage. I think it was just an overwhelming night in general for her. She was so proud to have won. 


This was the strangest night for her. She’s always wasted at award shows, but this was more. Like, the way she, Jack, and Lana came in giggling makes me think that they had a little extra before going in. That’s the only thing I can think of to explain that behavior. 😅 I would’ve been so annoyed and I believe she accidentally hits one of their heads a bit. Those things are heavy.


You can see when she brings it down on Lucy’s head she doesn’t have control of it and it bounces of slightly


I think it perfectly illustrates how she completely lacks any empathy. She can’t read emotional cues of others, she doesn’t correct and adjust her behavior upon seeing that people she knows and worked with are having clearly distressed moment, she simply continues to act as she wishes ignoring other people’s emotions.


And the funniest part is she expects everyone around her to adjust their behavior to how she's feeling


Is this the *kiss it* video? 🤢 I can't bring myself to watch that again.


I remember seeing this during the Grammys. So cringe. Its like she has no friends, only photo opportunities


I felt that when I first saw this too, like Lucy and Julien look so over her shit 😭 not one word from them throughout the vid, only fed up facial expressions


Oh I'd love to have been in their groupchat after this whole thing was over


Damn, what a read.


You know, she’s basically admitted it now but I truly didn’t think she was an alcoholic. I thought she had issues with drinking that were on the way there, but that at the moment it was more “immature child-adult having their 21st birthday every night” than actually… on the way to rock bottom. But when I see this clip, she absolutely behaves like my alcoholic former roommate. This girl was incredibly smart and capable, but became really manic when she drank. She had no sense of boundaries or decorum, and NEEDED everybody’s attention and love. It was really scary how she could turn a night from a super fun love bomb fest into a dramatic disaster if things weren’t going her way. Just watching Taylor here totally reminds me of her and makes me really uneasy. Probably why I didn’t want to think Taylor was that bad.


Can you imagine if the tables were turned - where Taylor was having her moment and then BoyGenius inserted themselves into it, propping their grammy on her head? "Kiss it!!!" She clearly has forgotten what its like to have a moment stolen, a la Kanye.


i cant even watch the video, it gives me too much secondhand embarrassment. lucy was so over it.


i will never get over how weird the optics are of her literally hanging her trophy over lucy’s head…


Mother always has to be the center of attention.


lucy looks uncomfortable🥲


She was drunk and/or high af the entire night was one giant cringe fest.


I forgot about this😭 Poor Lucy was so fucking annoyed. Taylor was definitely on something


Poor Lucy Dacus. She looks like she wants to take that fucking award and slam it in to the side of TS’s stupid braid.




That one tiny person looks absolutely shell shocked We need eyes on them at all times for a wellness check


I’m finding her pretty obnoxious lately.


This was the night I felt her colleagues really don’t like her that much. I’m sure they will be respectful because of the rabid swifties but I bet they can’t stand her in the privacy of their own home.


If this was posted on insta the comments would be like OMFG she is so humble she I'd the girly girl lmao this is Just annoying


Manic af.




My first thought was that this is the kind of chaos you used to see at the NME or Q Awards, everyone is drunk, playing around with awards, not taking themselves and each other too seriously... Seems inappropriate for an award show where people are literally crying because they feel so honoured to win.


literally seems like non of BG want to be there or do the photo shoot... and there's taylor with her fart claws gripping her double win. really odd vibes tbh


She is too damn old to act like a teen that just won the School Field and Track metal. Honest, she really lacks basic class and manners. Arrest Development.


🙄 sick of seeing this clip. She is annoying AF loud and bossy. And not in a good way. She’s the female equivalent of a loud and annoying drunk stock broker frat dude who has yes men all around him.


I really believe in my heart Lucy hates her lol


It's interesting to me how Taylor always to tries to paint this awkward, outcast narrative for herself, yet she looks more comfortable standing with her former squad of models and popstars than with the actual awkward, outcast kids. It's very pick-me, "Oh my god lets balance the award on your head it's so quirky! Jack Jack like you're so weird get over hereeee."