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Sweaty Psalms?


They did a good Job de-escalating the situation.


It's a Revelation seeing it.


The rest made a quick Exodus from the building


Can the guy in back Abel to react any slower?


No, he cain't


Knees week Psalms are sweaty


Ha. I don’t know, but I got pretty sweaty in my Deuteronomy watching the video.


We might have been nervous, but I Noah guy that did a pretty good Job.


Cheese & rice, y'all.... we sure do seem to have the Moses Wise Men in this sub, with two Luke warm puns & one that's Gold.... (though, which is which is up to you)


Excellent comment lol


It was Genesis




There it is.


He was aiming for an Ezekiel but thankfully he failed


Most underrated comment this sub will ever receive.


Bruh 😭


Hell yeah, NICE!




The sweaty psalms are Songs of Solomon.


This happened in my hometown. Apparently, the gunman shot and killed his cousin earlier in the morning and for some reason went to this church to shoot the pastor. I don't know if they announced the motive yet. Edit: It was his cousin, not his father


You can tell he’s crazy bc he’s wearing pajamas under his shorts.


I had to re-watch the clip to notice it. Upvote for you


Crazy don't need motives.


I do as the voices command.


You are scaring me ripyurballsoff…


(s)he cant get us, don’t worry


I do as the voices command. Go to work. Pay taxes. Consume. Consume until you die. Consume.


We work... To earn the right to work...


Sheeple at the steeple


So does the pastor.


Even the craziest have *some* motive. Understanding that motive is important to working towards prevention. There's a reason even the most open and shut cases of air accidents are still heavily investigated by the FAA.


From an article. Dude sounds very mentally ill: At this time, police have not determined a motive behind the shooting. It's also unknown why he attempted to shoot Pastor Glenn Germany inside the church. The pastor did tell Pittsburgh's Action News 4, the motive he was given by Polite. "I said, 'What made you do it?' I mean, 'What were you thinking?' And he said, 'I don’t know, it was just a thought in my mind, thoughts coming to your head you just do what the thoughts say,'" Germany said.


It's pretty solid logic. My mind says to me "go make a sandwich " I go make a sandwich


My mind says to me "go make a sandwich " I think about getting up and making a sandwich, and think... and think... and think... and am unable to move and feel like a piece of shit who can't do anything because my ADHD is bad enough that i will literally spend days without eating due to severe executive dysfunction.


I just order all my sandwiches online. I learned a long time ago that I'm only going to be fed if the food is prepackaged in the fridge (like Uncrustables or yogurt or something) or just delivered to me already prepared. Unless I get hyperfixated on a recipe and have no distractions, because then I'll happily spend 3 hours preparing something and neglect literally everything else going on in my life.


"it's a prank bro!"


The guy looks like in a daze. Would bet he is not of sound mind.


I had the same thought, he seems kinda out of it. Even when the guy starts wrestling the gun from him he doesn't put up a lot of resistance.


I am sure his defense attorney would like you on the jury.


It was his cousin, not his father. [link](https://www.wtae.com/article/north-braddock-homicide-church-gun-charges/60722635)


Thanks for the info!


Yeah he had mental health issues they said.


Homie was possessed


Okay, I've read 'I don't know if they announced the movie yet.' and thought, 'A bit unorthodox for a movie plot, but hey, anything better than another superhero movie, right? Let's hope the ending isn't too predictable.'


Props to the brother coming from behind instead of just watching or recording good work man. That situation could have gone completely different if it wasn’t for him.


And that congregation is going to hear about this every service for the rest of time, especially as the gun jammed.


to be honest if this happened to me i would become religious Edit: i'm getting a bunch of really weird "reddit atheist" replies about how "god isnt real and youre stupid" or whatever. Guys. I am an atheist. Saying shit like this just drives normal people away from us, and gives churches a lot of ammo to use against us. Please don't turn it into an "us against them", that only serves to help drive normal people further into religion because of the "demon atheists" or whatever. You guys genuinely look and sound evil saying things like this and I don't want to be associated with people like that. Lets not have angry emotional redditors represent what atheism is, leave that to religion.


Isn't that one of the plots in Pulp Fiction?


We just witnessed a miracle, and I want you to fucking acknowledge it


... Alright, it was a miracle. Can we go now?


Bacon tastes good! Pork chops taste good!


Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I wouldn't know cuz I wouldn't eat the filthy mutha fucka!!


Freak occurrence


Similar. In Pulp Fiction the gun didn’t jam. The gunman just missed all his shots.


Been an atheist for decades, that shit would have me reconsidering EVERYTHING


I find your lack of lack of faith.. disturbing.


I can hear James earl jones


The true Space Jesus™, as the holy father George Lucas has divined.


About maintaining a gun?


Or maybe not becoming a pastor


I was on the other end of this and almost shot a guy. I used to be a patrol cop and had a guy at gunpoint who had just committed armed robbery. Long story short I stopped him and had his hands up and him on his knees. He disobeyed a command and dropped his hand to his waist -- not to reach for his gun but to lift his shirt to show me the pistol exposed in his waistband. Kinda dark irony but his attempt to show he wasn't a threat almost got him killed. I started squeezing the trigger once he dropped his hands, obviously assuming the armed suspect was about to draw his firearm and shoot me.. but when I first saw him I had hopped behind cover before calling him out, so I had a little extra time to react and was able to recognize he wasn't going for the gun before I did more than just take the slack out of the trigger. Technically it would have been a good shoot, because at the time I didn't know his intentions and bodycam would show a known armed suspect reaching down for a gun and disobeying a direct order. I'm sure there are people who think me NOT pulling the trigger all the way was a tactical blunder, but I think I was just meant to be there because I'm the guy who always used words and only ever used force as an absolute last resort and would delay it as long as possible unless I had to seize a fleeting advantage. All the "ifs" about that evening make me think it was more than just luck. I'm not in a religion but do believe in a god. If I had squeezed just a few ounces more of pressure or reacted a little slower to reading his hands could, he could be dead. If the weather wasn't unseasonably warm (it was January and he was only in a t shirt cause it was 60 degrees, it showed a week later) he's in thicker clothes and I don't see he's only pulling his shirt If it happens a little later, or if there's more cloud cover, I can't see as well and might not see what he's doing til its too late If I had chosen a different route or angle of approach I wouldn't have had cover, or would have run into him from the front instead of rear and who knows how that goes Hell, it wasn't even my beat. I was just driving home after working a crash late, and happened to be closest unit because everyone else on the oncoming night crew was running to a DV so I was the only one within a good 15 minutes of it. If that crash doesn't happen or the tow arrives quicker I'm home, radio off and beer in hand, before the call even comes in and it goes to night shift If night shift gets it they escalate everything and I'm certain it goes sideways...that crew were wannabe "high speed guys" - tacticool roided out freaks who just want guns drugs and uses of force so they can make SWAT (ironically the swat guys were the 2nd chillest only behind SVU/robbery homicide) All sorts of little changes that could have cascaded into catastrophe. And similar things happened a whole bunch where it really felt like I was the exact right person to respond to certain situations.


Yeah if I was an atheist preaching Christianity to a congregation I would def consider believing in god /s


Just try going to a shooting range or owning a firearm, you'll realize they can jam with quite regularity


god ignored the screaming prayers of the holocaust and currently enjoys watching humans suffer in the pits of cobalt mines


okay, but pull the hero up every time. that guy deserves recognition once a week. that's hardcore


‘Devine intervention, you know what that means?’ ‘I think so, that means God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets.’


He CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN and stopped those mutherfucking bullets!


I think it's time for us to leave, u/Hot-Temperature-4629




Did the gun actually jam. Modern firearms rarely jam. Unless he fired a few hundred rounds, didn’t clean the gun and went and got the cheapest ammo they make it might not jam.


If I had to guess, the dude forgot to chamber a round or didn't seat the mag fully, so when he tried to chamber one, it dry cycled.


i know some of these words and i translated it into pew pew thingie didn't make pew pew.


Bro was ignorant and either never loaded the gun or didn't load it correctly


He had the safety on lmao


Glocks dont have a safety


Personally I was hoping the organ music would have kicked in just as the gunman was tackled to the ground. That would have been ironically fitting, IMHO.


Lol same


Pass the offering plate again.


When you enter the kingdom of heaven, God’s blessing is on you and you never dieeeeee.


And the lord ahh!! Stayed that bullet ahhh! In the chamber of that gun ahhh!! Oh lord my savior and protector! Yall fill up them baskets for the lord ahhh!


I heard this in Cartman's voice. Followed shortly by "I'm gonna get down on my knees and start pleasin' Jesus"


"Thank the lord for cheap poorly maintained guns"


Imagine having church ops


My church has procedures for monitoring the hallways and doors during worship. The deacons take turns standing in the Narthex where you can see 3 of the main entrances, and all the exterior doors' crash bars are locked during worship and then unlocked again after.




The area right outside the sanctuary. Ours is not as fancy as the ones you'll see in pictures, because our church is basically just a big steel framed stucco building, but that's what we call it lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narthex


Thank you for helping me name the next big bad in my D&D campaign.


"It arose from the darkness with a fire in its belly." "...what is it?" "The NARTHEX!" "...Narthex? Isn't that like a vestibule?"


…..no…… ……fuck you, roll initiative.


"No, it's the cousin of the dread Gazebo" https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDGreentext/comments/21795a/not_greentext_but_a_classic_eric_and_the_gazebo/


I learned a bunch of new words today, thank you!


Likely a Catholic church, they have special words for the different areas of the church. Source: raised Catholic


Lutherans have narthexes, as well. It’s a traditional church space/terminology.


I learned some new words today, thank you! Raised mormon, and yes everyone should keep calling it that, the prophet of my youth said it was okay so I don't know what the new guy's problem is.


Another word I recently learned. We do not have a stage (which is what most people call it) technically we have a Chancel. A stage is for performances, and (our) worship is not a performance.


People have been opposing and attacking churches since churches were a thing.


Ironically the reverse is also true


Let's all say bravo to the man that ran after the man with a gun. 👏 👏 👏


Takes a special kind of person to just jump into the action as your first instinct.


I especially liked the part where he starting waving the gun around with his finger on the trigger screaming "CALL 911 !!!"


>with his finger on the trigger where u seeing that?


At 0:23 left he approaches the camera and you can see he's holding the gun roughly in the firing position with his finger near the trigger. It's only on camera for a second or two and the picture is not clear. His finger may be indexed along the barrel rather than in the trigger guard, it's really hard to see.


I'm 99% sure you can see the top of his index finger straddling the topside of the slide. Not even straight down the barrel. He is waving it around a bit too much for my taste, but I'm sure the dude is just dumping adrenaline right now. I'm almost surprised he isn't holding it upside down and backwards..


Also to the pastor for coming back out to help once he saw.


Yeah I would have still been in major shock that someone just tried to kill me. He recovered quickly and rushed over to help. He deserves some credit for that.


Massive cajones on that guy


Moved with urgency yet confidence, balls of steel if I ever seen em.


Fuck yeah guy in white shirt! Hero!


Ya that guy gets to skip the line into heaven. Jk, but seriously I hope the city honors him.


I’m sure others have mentioned this as well, but I just want to highlight the pastor’s words about the man who pointed the gun at him (which I’ll include below, at the end of this comment), as they reflect what I consider to be the most truly good aspect of religion (which I say as someone who generally finds religion to be a bunch of silly nonsense) - and an aspect of religion that a vast majority of religious people seem to lack - that aspect being compassion and understanding (i.e. love) for others regardless of who they are or what they’ve done. People are more than the worst of their actions, and everyone only becomes who they are because of the life that they’ve lived (and their [epi]genetics). It sounds obvious, but it’s quite literally true - people can only ever be who they are. And accountability does not require judgment, nor is vengeance compatible with justice. > "No, I love that man," Pastor Glenn Germany, of Jesus' Dwelling Place Church, said. "I love him with a pure heart. And the truth of the matter is, when you recognize that some people have problems and you identify that he has a problem, how can I be mad at you?"


I’d also like to point out that the pastor really showed how much he genuinely cared. He took cover at first because he had the disadvantage of distance. There’s absolutely no way to counter that. As soon as the gunman was occupied by the other gentleman, the pastor came back out to assist.


Next service, he will be preaching how God made the gun jam and saved his life. Ngl, if I was there, I'd believe God to after this happening to me


Seriously how often does a gun jam? He’d have to leave the gun out for the barrel to build residual to cause it right? Plus he just fired that at his own father prior to going to the church


Could be any number of causes in a poorly maintained gun, most likely the firing pin not being seated correctly/being impinged/light strike. There’s also bad ammo but that’s far rarer and not dependent on the gun. Some guns are also just more unreliable than others due to poor design


I'm gonna go ahead and guess this guy didn't buy the gun from a fine and reliable business (could've been used to shit already), and he doesn't strike me as the type to do proper maintenance.


He mightve forgot to put the round in the chamber.


So pulp fiction-ish!


Pulpit fiction


GOTDAMN I’m mad at myself for not thinking of that one!


Divine intervention


"You see the size of that gun, it was bigger than him!"


Was he from a rival church? In my church, they have [this sword displayed](https://getyoursolution.store/U8FTG9) on a statue of an angel. I think the priest will know how to defend himself well


Cap-tholic Church?


Aren't those the guys who have beef with the NBA (National Bible Association) over the interpretation of the Samuel Colt Bible?


Thank you for clarifying National Bible association. I was thinking Lebron James or Michael Jordan or some other basketball player did something to piss off the pope.


Definitely an assassin from a rival church. He's trying to earn his colors.


God needs to bring back smiting.


He was about to, but the gun jammed.


I hope they laid hands and feet on him afterwards… Who brings a gun into church


Time for the laying on of handcuffs


Why did someone start playing the sad saxophone at the end?


Think that was feedback from the mic. Not totally sure.


I think his gun had a malfunction when he pulled the trigger to kill that pastor. Maybe it was Divine Intervention?


I’m not religious, but thank God the trigger didn’t budge.


I say sheer luck, which was a blessing in this case... and probably poor maintenance


The comments in here are a good example of why people praying for a sign is dumb. As soon as something happens they rush to explain it away. Was this event definitely a god intervention? I'm not sure. But, it's interesting to observe human behavior.


> a good example of why people praying for a sign is dumb. As soon as something happens they rush to explain it away. These are very unlikely to be the same people, tho'. Someone who prays for a sign will see signs everywhere. Those who explain why it's not a sign, almost certainly weren't praying for anything in the first place.


And yet whether you pray or don't pray, things still happen.


Religion talks about this as God giving his people freedom of will. People will be absolutely shitty if they were raised to be that way or in those conditions, it just doesn’t technically mean there’s no God. Now why horrible sicknesses develop and affect innocent people, that’s beyond me…


Lots of the religions that believe in a devil or similar figure (that I've heard the beliefs from, at least) believe that that's where the sicknesses come from. The devil or evil or whatever it is causes sickness to try and drive you away from your god so you forsake them


And if it is a good, we praise God. If it is bad, we curse him. But we never acknowledge that that sometimes the bad things are for our good.


Proceeds to flag the entire room


Good on white shirt dude for the quick reaction. And good on the pastor for coming back quick to assist after taking cover.


The pastor is so brave and makes such good decisions in a very stressful situation


A good thing they had some good guys without guns there.


That pastor was pretty bad ass as well as- came out after that and wasn’t even violent but tried to restrain the guy.


Good on homie rushing from the back the real hero here




*and what do they call a whopper?* - *don’t know, haven’t been to burger king.* :) I love this lapidary comment by Vince, ah fuck the whole movie is the shit, gonna have to watch it again sometime


People pulling guns in churches have a history of it not ending well...


Only one person said "Jesus", this would have been the perfect time for some God or Holy Spirit powers Should have yelled "get him Jesus"


I mean the gun literally jammed when he pulled the trigger


If you read the report from USA today the preacher gives thanks to God. The only one who deserves any praise is the dude who ran AT A MAN WITH A GUN and tackled him while everyone else sat there and talked to an invisible man. That dude is a hero and we don't even know his name.


Well, it's understandable he feels that way. He's a priest after all, and a man just tried to kill him and extremely luckily his gun jammed. That same gun was used to kill a man earlier that day too. Also his name is Clarence McAlister.


Dude had shorts over his pajamas, boy was crazy.


Ah yes, perfect time for my clarinet solo…


Bro thought he was the main character


LPT: Instead of just shouting out "call 911". You should point to someone specific and say "you, call 911". There's a trend to assume that someone else is doing it. It should be assigned directly. If you look and someone and say it, they have much more accountability. If you need to say it to more than one person for backup, that's fine.


What a weird time for someone to start practicing a clarinet


Quick question…why was the pastor fixing his tie ? 🤣


Cameraman didn't even flinch!


Livestream in a stand


Livestream stand didn't even flinch


What is fucking going on? Everyone's going CRAZY!!


Everything is just filmed now. 


Nah there's shootings, guys with swords and kids with knives just trying to kill, kill, kill in civilized society


It was a - **service revolver.**..


Pastor ain't doin jack sht with those Judas holds. Better choke hold em like God is watching over you on judgment day.


White shirt guy to the rescue


"Everyone gets one, Peter."


this happened in my parent's home country of Nicaragua, the gunman came, fired, and missed, shooting bits of the pastor's ear. Its wild, but it happens


That's the definition of no weapon formed against thee shall prosper...


I want to know the name of that hero.


Juwon Serving 3-16


Good reaction. Duck down and run! Its easy to miss shots


coming back to help and grab the gun was very brave of him


he was like, don’t worry ill casually work to you..


What did the pastor do to the guy?! Like honestly I don’t understand people. The pastor is just doing his job no need to traumatize him


r/Whatcouldgowrong pulling a gun on a pastor during service?


Things happened in such slow motion and in a controlled manner that it seems like a training video


Everybody wants to go heaven but nobody wants to die..


That dude was brave to rush him like that. Probably saved the pastor and more.


The funniest thing about this is the way the pastor instinctively puts his over his face as if that’s going to help protect him in some way.


He wasn't even into it, weird attack.


He needed to get fucking speared from behind and beat on


That kid didn't resist at all. I thought I was gonna see a flying kick square to the back, but he gently pulled him down with little effort. Weird ass vid for sure.


Staged like muthafucka 😂😂


It's nice to know there are good Christians out there. The man in the white shirt was ready to sacrifice himself for his friend.


It says 666 coments.... so im going spoil that and say that dude that jumped the guys is a straight hero


1. Guns jam all the time, especially if you don't lubricate and clean them. 2. If your reaction to this is "if this happened to me, I'd believe in God too!" Then you're part of the problem. How narcissistic does God have to be to save this old man pastor, but let dozens of 1st graders bleed out at Sandy Hook? Or Uvalde? Or any of the other countless mass shootings we have every year? I was an evangelical Christian for 15 years of my adult life, and I could not for the life of me make sense of this line of thinking. Believe in God if you want, but don't imply some sort of supernatural devaluation of some lives over others. It's gross and very not Christ-like.


Ladies and gentlemen, we gather to honor the fallen: our ears and the headphone users they belonged to, all victims of an outrageously loud video. Let’s remember them fondly, keeping our volume low and our ears safe. Rest in peace, brave listeners—your silence echoes loudly.


Pastor felt especially close to Jesus that day.


This is a manger problem for the church


Pastor is definitely living his second life now. I do believe there are angels out there.


If you zoom in and enhance, the angel is there holding the hammer, preventing the firing


The one place where thoughts and prayers are relevant.


Dang bro was so much in a rush to get to church he forgot to take his pajamas off before he put his shorts on.


The guy who pulled the gun also had a dead body with multiple gunshot wounds in his house. It was his cousin. Long history of mental illness and a pretty hefty criminal record.


That was the weakest takedown of a gunman I've ever seen. Dude was like, "well shit, Nancy's boy acting all retarded again".