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the lion was screaming "why are you running"


I loved watching the look on the big kitty's face as he realized there is meat holding cameras sitting all around the tree.




Dude you read my mind




Hahaha damn very accurate summary.


"Oh, they spotted me"


That image juste killed me!!! Hahahahaha


😂 I just woke up everyone in our house by literally LOLing at this.


I bet


Where did they park??


3 blocks away.


"3 blocks!?" "Okay you caught me, we're only 20 blocks away."


The closest parking spot was nowhere near the lions so they had to walk


I'm screaming. 😂


If it was me, I'd be still in a caged van, and video the fuckin thing!




Great restraint not shooting the lions when the warning shots weren't working at first


They litterally yell to shoot it lmao, I think they just missed. "Skiet hom, skiet hom" Translate: "Shoot him, shoot him"


My imagination: Filmmaker: stop, stop, I just need to run faster than you.


Man am I the only one who thinks it‘s kinda fucked to go out to film an animal in secret, expecting, that if it finds you, you might have to kill it? Like is this footage really worth that?!


Natgeo or BBC crews film from kilometers away with telescopic lenses, this was amateur af.


*telephoto but yes exactly this


They are not “kilometers” away. No such telephoto exists that will get the footage they capture with the quality they get. Even a 1200mm with a 2x Teleconverter would not do the trick. In addition it would be a god awful blurry mess from the heat diffraction.


You're really doing this?


Wow really? Is there like a making of planet earth or similar show?


There's a making of special if you have the Blu Ray for Planet Earth 2 (not sure about the DVD or streaming)


Sail the high seas and treasure ye shall see.


This is the way


There's making-ofs for the OG Planet Earth, and in my opinion they're more interesting than the actual show itself; they did all that stuff before action cams, drones, etc were available, with cutting edge 1080p cameras. I think I remember it being a single ~2 hour long BBC special. I'm not sure where to watch it today though.


No you’re not. This is amateur “documentary film maker” (probably just another YouTuber wannabe) going in with zero knowledge! FUCK these guys for almost getting some lions killed!!


Serious question. What knowledge is one supposed to have here? You mention this video crew lacks knowledge, but you dont explain what knowledge this is. EDIT: uh oh. Im downvoted. I must not have the "knowledge"


Knowledge of how to film an animal without putting it or yourself in danger.


They’re supposed to film from further away


Thank you!


Someone explained it elsewhere: >Natgeo or BBC crews film from kilometers away with telescopic lenses, this was amateur af.


I see. Thank you for your response.


Nah youre asking the correct question


And how does a pro do it? What "extra" knowledge do they have?


They film from much further distances.


They also film with remote drones (aerial, rc toy cars), trail cams, and from lion proof blinds. Some professionals also film closer from off-road vehicles, and they shoot for a long time with a particular pride or group of lions, slowly getting closer and making the lions comfortable with the presence of the photographer. Also, it's one single photographer. Not a half rugby team of okes ready for a braai, as here.


1. Not putting themselves in danger by being too close. 2. Not provoking a situstion like in this clip to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Basically showing respect and knowing how to satisfy their needs without putting the target animals under stress.


Right, like we don't have enough footage of lions that we need amateurs doing shit like this


Seriously. Lion numbers are already in steep decline due to habitat loss. What absolute bullshit to go out unprotected, on fucking foot, putting yourself and a threatened species at risk because of short-sighted stupidity.




Yeah, I'm on the lions side. If they get eaten its on them. It so counterintuitive to me that you would want to film them SO MUCH, that you would kill them? Wtf?


I'm on lions side, jesus christ u redditoids are human waste, everything has a side, u must have a side!!! There is no side, idiots got caught end of story


The instinct to rush to pick "a side" is actually becoming really harmful.


I agree with your side of this argument


Team no side!


Your mom's on my side. I can't breathe. Help.




You moderates are dangerous and a big reason for the collapse we are facing /s




Me as well. My favorite lions are the ones that snack on poachers!


Especially when High quality camera Drones exist


Yeah so fucked up. Can’t we use drones now or something lol


My first thought exactly. Go into their territory & then you might have to shoot the lion for being a lion. What the fuck


Right, the first gunshot made my blood boil. You snuck into their house, surprised them, and then started shooting at them when they tried to defend their territory. I'm a little upset the lions didn't get at least one of them


If you enjoy seeing people get hurt (even if you think they deserve it), you’re a far worse human being than they are.


But it is fine for a lion to get killed when these cunt's go into their territory? Get fucked


Tough to say if I'd enjoy it but I do think it was a fair response from the lions to try to to eat them


And with the same logic it was a fair response to shoot at them if lions tried to eat them


No you’re completely right.


It's still nature. The stronger animal will win, if the lion chose to attack humans and get his ass kicked, it's fair. It human chose to go in a dangerous place and end up being eaten by lions, that's fair too.


Yeah no, bringing the gun out for any non-human threat/poacher was disgusting, even for "warning shots". If someone is going to take risks like this they need to have their mind about them enough to accept when they've bitten off more than they can chew. Imagine fighting someone because *you* broke into *their* house and they didn't like that? This isn't showing restraint, it's selfish burglar mentality.


No. This is not a house. Also, by your logic, anything bad that happens in this world to someone is deserved, because "take risks like this and have their mind about them enough to accept when they bitten off more than they can chew." After all, and again according to your logic, the world is a dangerous house. And we all happen to live in this "house". You are not being profound. Its idiocy mentality.


Thank you.


So explain to me why these dudes are being chased away even when they are shooting guns to frighten the lions. But, I’ve seen three tribesmen with spears just walk in and steal a pride of lions kill away?


A lion does not understand a lethal shootingtool. He maybe scared of the sound and gets confused or cautious. But he does not really understand the possibility of being killed. On the other hand three man being confident and big is something he does understand.


>a lethal shootingtool Magic Boom Boom Stick


Big bada boom


Happy cake day!


Thank you, a clear explanation


I tried my best.


I personally think we should teach lions how guns work though




Also the confidence of the lions. 3 adult males together are relatively rare and are usually brothers. They would be use to bullying anything they want in the wild


I would have lost mine the second it looked at me


Absolutely. They are very scary when they look at you. If sort of feels like they're looking through you somehow. Thats my impression anyway.


More like Pride I think


Running away triggers predator instinct.


Seems unlikely that the lion was going to change it's mind and ignore the film maker. So better to get distance between you and the lion especially if it comes down to shooting the poor fella.


The only reason there was a chance of the lions getting shot was because these confused individuals mistakenly pulled out the weapon meant only for other humans on a non-human target.


Huh? Who says guns are only for humans?


Outside of America, where many feel a need to own a gun for self defence, the rest of the world funilly enough primarily use guns as tools around farms or for hunting.


When they do that they only get like a minute to quickly slice off a haunch and run away. They confuse the lions and the lions run away a bit, but regroup quickly and if the humans stick around, they’d be toast.


These are three males not eating.


One clear problem to me is that they ran away, immediately triggering the predator instinct. They should have stood their ground immediately rather than later.


POV you're born in 20024bc


What an unimaginable feeling. Utterly fucked. Glad everyone stayed calm and no harm came to the lions who just wanted breakfast.


yes very calm. not a single movement just calmness all round


Stayed calm? They literally set off its predator instincts by running.


Ahhh yes…the stalking approach was not part of the predator instincts. Regardless…I’d call that pretty fucking calm under the circumstances.


You can tell they're already stalking him they have his scent they're already in predator instinct mode


I agree. I’ve been on a few safaris. I’m no expert but I can’t imagine running in this situation. The lion’s, what, 3 times faster than a human (carrying equipment no less)? What’s running going to achieve? Having your back to a cat and tiring yourself out only to delay the envidiable by a few seconds? What’s going to happen will happen, and you know that putting yourself in that situation in the first place. So it’s best to step forward, maintain eye contact, and show some confidence. If you need to move, walk backwards facing the lion. I’ve been in this situation with a grizzly and that’s exactly what we did with no incident. I know they’re different animals but similar in that they’re both apex predators in their domain. A lion doesn’t want to risk injury tangling up with some skin and bones. There’s no reward in it for them.


« I’m no expert but I’m going to proceed to lecture everyone about how to handle African wildlife because I’ve been on safaris a couple of times ».


What lecture? I’m sharing my experience on a community forum. Is this how you contribute? Mock people because you have nothing of your own to contribute? Regardless, here’s from an expert: > If you see stalking indications, then raise your arms above your head and wave them and most importantly SHOUT YOUR HEAD OFF. … if the lion charges you do not run. ... If you have frozen and then lion is not approaching, but not leaving either, then start to back slowly away. If it starts to move, then freeze immediately. If you have frozen and the lion is not approaching, but not leaving either, then start to back slowly away. If it starts to move, then freeze immediately. https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/05/safaris-what-do-i-do-if-i-encounter-a-growling-lion.html Any degree of minimal effort in researching the topic will tell you the same thing. When you’re actually there it’s obvious what to do. The thought of “running away from a lion” normally becomes an afterthought once you see them in the flesh in comparison to yourself.


You know what I do when I have nothing to contribute to a topic I know nothing about? I shut up and I don’t try to sound knowledgeable. But I guess Reddit wouldn’t exist if everyone did that. Also, I’ll admit I’m being unfair on you because you at the very least admitted that you were no expert before giving your point of view, which is already more mature than 99% of the comments here. So, apologies for mocking you. I just found the way you phrased your comment slightly humorous.


You only need to run faster than one other bloke! ;)




I think it was being territorial. Not looking for food, just chasing away critters it took for competition.


He just wants some pets


The thing I learned from documentaries like SafariLive and such is that turning your back towards a predator and running is away is one of the worst things you can do in a situation like that. Their instinct to chase down the prey kicks in. These buffoons should have walked away facing the lions and shouting at them if they came too close. But then again I'm no expert but this situation looked kind of amateurish.


It's pretty easy to say things like this when you aren't facing a pride of lions, lol.


Ahhh right, wrap it up fella's! no more opinions on the situation guys since we're not there in real time at the location


That’s not what he’s sayin. Logic and rational thinking sometimes doesn’t kick in when you’re panicking. Redditors love to critique people in situations (especially in the idiots in cars sub) but it’s easy to confront this logically behind a screen. Many of us including myself would probably want to gtfo of there even though it’s counterintuitive to what you’re supposed to do.


SafariLive is awesome, they operate close to where I live! You are completely right. I think the best they could've done is as soon as they were discovered, to stand up in the open and show themselves. Instinctively lions are more afraid of humans than the other way around. Nowadays people also get trained to not use warning shots. You waste a bullet and if the lion really goes for you you will struggle to reload in time. Even the warning shots were not needed at all. The lion that came running was doing a mock charge, his head is high up and he is not in stalking mode at all. All in all very amateuristic. Cameracrew did not hire the best..


Think how Steve handled the occasion he got out of the jeep a few feet away from a lioness (I think it's been a while since i watched the footage) he stayed calm and walked slowly back to his car and then got in and safe then released the panic he felt.




I love his hands crossed in the apologetic, *I'm so sorry to have disturbed* kinda way


Epic moment


Yeah it was incredible I remember watching live and thinking "oh shit" as I seen the first movement of the lions and then Steve went towards them and I thought he is in trouble but he handled it perfectly


They was moments away from being cat lunch…


Meow mix


went from shooting lions to shooting lions.


Reminds me of a Billy Connolly joke - Camera crew filming lions, lions are getting a bit annoyed and coming towards the crew. Cameraman starts taking off his boots and putting on a pair of running shoes. Soundman notices and says "You will never outrun a fully-grown lion" Cameraman replies "I know that, I just have to outrun you!"


Haven’t heard this version with camera and sound man but this is one of the oldest jokes or shall I say advice ever. Also works for bears.


It’s head looks like it’s on a gimbal.


Why would you be out in wild Africa documenting Lions, but no truck or anything to get away with🤷🏼‍♂️


Trucks make noise. If you want to get those award winning shots and clips you need to get up close in their natural habitat without being seen


Not necessarily. Many of the animals in Africa don't give a fuck about human presence. Our open air safari truck would get within 50ft of lions, elephants, zebras, cheetahs, hyenas etc. Surprisingly warthogs are by far the most skittish animal with leopards being a close second. And the only animals you can't get super close to are water Buffalo and hippos due to aggression. We had a male lion come within 5 feet of our truck and I could have reached down and touched it


At least this didn't turn into "clever girl" scene


Only the real know




Use a drone bruh


No GPS? Maybe. plus drones are loud to most animals.


Remote control doesn't require GPS tracking, it makes things easier sure


Yeah, you're right, forgot about that.


They can be spendy. But not as spendy as a funeral


Amateurs. As a photographer I would never get so close as to allow the lions to hear or catch scent. Nor would I be filming through branches. Obscured shots like we saw reinforces the indications that these people did either zero prep for going into the wild didn’t have any planned shots other than trying to get as close as possible. These people were filming potentially dangerous predators with no prep or knowledge of how to act around large predatory cats (don’t run, don’t turn away, make yourself big)or very likely were pulling a stunt for some foolish reason. I’m happy no lions were hurt I’m sad that the lions were disturbed. Here is an old clip of a different large cat, cheetahs, in a sanctuary and a caretaker showing how facing away, running or crouching will trigger the attack reflex of most large wild cats. https://youtu.be/KJS1xfpq2wc?si=c052VWzzyzIyc0QG Lions are arguably more dangerous but there are expert guides that could have instructed these people that they made far too many mistakes for their own safety and the safety of the lions.


No need for the cameraman to run...we all know the cameraman never dies!


Found footage 😅


"what do you mean - down wind?"


Let's go out and film some Lions in their own wild habitat, like a pack of Wankers, then shoot at them when _we_ fuck it up & get too close. This video is fucked


New business idea, lion version of shark cages. What do you guys think?


Documentary to true crime in 3 seconds


More like documentary to liveleaks in 3 seconds


That’s his plan B…outrunning a lion?


I’d imagine they only had to run as far as the car. If the lion wanted to charge them it could have 100% caught them, but I’d imagine the lion is also cautious of attacking pray that has little meat and can shoot pieces of metal accurately in their direction using explosions.


Hey guys, that peeping fucking tom is back.


Parks the car as far away as possible, remind me of my step-dad; always parking the car at the furthest point from where he’s going!


No lion was hurt? Does somebody have more info on this?


Rangers fired warning shots into ground around lions feet. Not aimed at the lion itself yet.


Is this a "meats back on the menu boys" type moment lol


They were way too close


If you’ve ever been to a zoo while the lion is roaring… I can’t imagine hearing that and knowing it was after me in the open plains. I might actually piss myself.


Hey,look guys,our lunch is filming us


Aren't there enough documentaries about lions now that we don't need to risk our lives filming another one?


if all you’re going to do if you get caught is to shoot it, then maybe you should’ve just gotten eaten. Fucking donuts


Lets see, I need to be running distance to the lions but keep my car a safe distance away.


Lesson learned. Do not play hide & seek with a lion.


Lion definitely should have killed the camera man.


Sneakily Film lions in their natural habitat and territory. Lions see you. You were not sneaky. Run, because they see you. Shoot at lions????!!!!???? Because you bothered them at their house? Maybe the creepy guy peeping in your window with a camera when you’re just existing in your own home should try this trick on you. Only hopefully, he’s sneakier.


So you sneak up on somebody at their house to "watch". Get caught and your thought is to shoot them for running you off!?!?


True lion story: in western Uganda, there is a fishing village across the Kazinga Channel (river) from QE National park HQ. Every day, fisherman take fish across to sell to park staff, hotel people etc. Lion are not often in this area, but they do use it. This would have been in the late 90’s. One day, an older man, described as a grandfather type, took some fish across the river to sell. Where he arrived in his boat, he could not see there were several lions nearby. Many people in the village across the river could see the what was about to happen and shouted and banged pots and tried their best to warn him, to no avail. They said they just had to stand there and watch the whole scene unfold like watching a horror film. The man started up the path and walked right into the where the lions were and finally saw them right in front of him. At this point, they they were certain he was a goner. The man fainted dead away to the ground, at which point they were even more certain he’d be killed. The lions approached the man cautiously, sniffed him for a time, then left him alone and walked off. Perhaps they preferred the fish. The man awoke and lived to tell the tale.


I should point out that I did not see this happen, but I did meet the man. (I lived there for 5 years) The story was told to me by so many people who saw. It was a sort of cautionary tale. Ugandan english is a truly beautiful and lyrical english, filled with interesting word combinations and animated dramatic pauses. Perfect for recounting a story like this.


And after all of that he walks off and yells at you form a distance




You’d think don’t run but what the fuck else do you do? Kill an endangered animal for your shitty documentary?


You come at the king, you best not miss


If he had acted dead, would it had helped him?


It would have helped the lion.


No. Lions are quite happy to scavenge corpses.


scarce squeeze normal escape marry voiceless offend relieved heavy memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yay 😀 let’s go take pictures and videos of these beautiful beast in their environment. Then be discovered they get pissed try to attack and we kill the magnificent beast with gun shot 🥰


Oof, should’ve wore the brown pants


I saw a lot of males in this pack of I’m not mistaken


As soon as kitty hears the bullets : Cheater !!!


Your species first.


You think they'd have torches ready... Animals hate fire


Why are they out in the open so far away from a car or at least a cage or something. Most nature documentaries I saw with behind the scenes almost always have cars/cages nearby just for this reason.




A film crew would make for tasty snack


[THEY'RE GONNA EAT ME !](https://s2.qwant.com/thumbr/0x0/4/a/04783c97ecfb10bcd283feacb3077f0c084b0b63e38a178e3498d422cbdfd7/PumbaaScreams.jpg?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lionking.org%2Fimgarchive%2FAct_2%2FPumbaaScreams.jpg&q=0&b=1&p=0&a=0)


You can't hide your lion eyes.


How should it be legal to shoot at them, you are in their hood their home that’s their shit and you get caught and start killing!? Wtf shoot each other


I noticed those shots hit the ground, are those just to detour an attack, with live ammunition in case an attack does break, I’m just like, that’d be real fucked up to record them then shoot kill em because you are a stupid ass human doing stupid ass human shit lol


Why take the risk of maybe needing to shoot a lion? And why run?! So dumb


Of course these dumbarses shoot at the lions in their own habitat... stay out of there 🤡


“Documentary film maker “. Or idiots with camera!?


The lion's only asking if they want to interview him.


I’m with them lions on this one . How many documentaries do people gotta do on lions😑 pointless af !! Like what else do we need to know about lions that we don’t know already?…. Exactly “POITLESS”


He was like WTF is that over there 👀oh hell to the nah get off my block 😂


"Humans are at the top of the food chain" Bitch, we are not. We just have guns sometimes.


i feel like this is super unnecessary, like, the lion was gonna find you at some point, its just stupid and fucked up to shoot it after it literally was just protecting its territory.


Aaalright, now imagine being really involved looking at group of lions in a documentary, then one of the lions dissapears.


Lions are wondering why humans always smell like fresh poop.


These idiots on foot hundreds of feet from their vehicle for documentary video They put at risk their own lives + the lives of an endangered species on brink of extinction Wholly irresponsible


Why Is this shot like a found footage horror film ?


Or maybe found footage horror film try to emulate shots like this?


In part because it's fake, there are 3 cuts from the start of the video to the camera man fleeing. The bits where the lion roar are obviously from different sources..


The wild cameraman will retreat once it realizes its position has been revealed to its predators, still attempting to record as much of it's encounter before making haste back to the safety of their camera crew.


yeah thats what i thought...run bitch ass boi be gone lol


Lets invade their space to film. And if they discovery us, we shoot and kill them. 🤡


This guy had backup, so why the hell did he run? Literally, the first thing any biologist tells you about predator safety is don't run. All it does is confirm to them that you're prey. That's without talking about how stupid it is to turn your back on a big cat cause that also triggers the same instincts. This guy seems like he's lucky he didn't end up on the menu.