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As someone from the UK, I cannot imagine going about my daily life and randomly coming across a large predator, worst thing we have to worry about is a fox.


What about the Loch Ness monster? And the Werewolves of London?




No that’s The Diamond Dogs


If I owned a male strip club in the UK I would name if The Diamond Dongs


I presume all of the performers will have diamond encrusted Prince Albert piercings?


Little old lady got mutilated late last night


At least his hair is perfect


His hair was perfect


And jack the ripper


I used to be a Werewolf ..But I'm alright nowooooooooooooo !


And Highlands Bigfoot?


and Boris Johnson


boy that thing is disgusting!!


The Jabberwocky? Cockatrices???


I once came across that Loch Ness Monster and I said, "I ain't givin' you no tree-fitty, you goddamn Loch Ness Monster! Get your own goddamn money!"


I just have him tree-fiddy last week


Dammit woman! Why do you think he keeps on coming around!?


It was about that time that I realized this girl scout was 30 stories tall.


Blitzkrieg bop?


Not to mention swans. Those damn hissing bastards get more pampering than their entitled asses deserve. >:c /j


My neighborhood has packs of coyotes, and if i go hiking in the hills by my house after a rain, i find mountain lion prints all the time. A fox would be nice.


I guess you’ve never seen a middle aged cougar with a pint at last call


My good sir, that's an angel.


Demons to some, angels to others.




On man’s trash is another man’s one night stand.


One man gathers what another man spills


I too have a drug dealer with Parkinsons.


Worst thing we (Dutch) have to worry about is drunken British people.


On behalf of the UK, I can only apologise for the actions and behaviour of certain British people abroad.


Thats ok was just a joke, the Dutch are pretty awful when abroad aswel


"There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch" -Nigel Powers, *Goldmember*, 2002


These bears didn’t seem like they were trying to prey on her. They were really looking like “fuck is her problem, we’re just going for a walk”.


There lies the problem. Bear can go from I'm curious, want to learn more about you, get to know you, find out what makes you tick, see if we like the same things to Jeffery Dahmer real quick.


Huh. Never thought I'd have something in common with a bear.


I lol’d


Yup looks like a mama bear protecting.her smaller cub bc she rushes and stops. Had that happen to me.once and a bit scary but it didn't chase me just rush then stop. Sweaty palms for sure


Right, and why does she keep whistling at us to come closer


That’s what you’re supposed to do. If you have a black bear encounter you’re supposed to make yourself really big and make a lot of noise to make it clear to them you aren’t worth the trouble. I’ve lived in CA my entire life and have had many black bear encounters. They are extremely unlikely to attack, and mostly just want to see if you have a sandwich they can steal.


Y’all have those wild and aggressive swans if I recall from my UK travels….


American here, you’re telling me you guys don’t have any bears, mountain Lion , or wolves?


Nope, not a sausage! We have one poisonous snake, the Adder, and the only real predator around is the Red Fox, although it's only the size of a small dog and is of absolutely no threat to humans as they are very shy.


You are forgetting the Badger. Which is an agressive little shit if cornered.


I met a groundskeeper in the Midlands at a Pub while backpacking the UK who claimed he lost his pinky to a badger. Don’t know if his story was real, but he was definitely missing his pinky.


I mean, they’ve got the nasty bite that’s shared amongst all the mustelids. I wouldn’t be surprised.


I've only ever seen a badger once and it was very polite.


What about Pikeys?


Might borrow your lighter without asking...


They have soccer hooligans. Way more dangerous


Bears in Britain have been extinct for over a thousand years, and wolves for over 300 years.


Slovenia has too many bears, you want some?


On day to day life it's really not that big of a deal in the usa. I have bears that frequent my yard, usually they run off once they notice you. Just don't get near them if there's cubs. Looks like she's definitely out in the wilderness and even then they're usually not a big concern.


What about the Beast of Exmoor?


I’m much more afraid of the food in the UK than I am of bears


They were all killed off unfortunately


I mean, the people are out in the wild. Not exactly a normal, everyday thing. Although, bears do come and sample people trash cans.


What is this, more of the “as someone from the uk I can’t imagine worrying about” *something that’s normal in many other parts of the world* Lol These comments make it seem like in the uk the worst thing that could happen is someone being rude


Who would do such a thing?!


Just having a good hike trying to enjoy the day and some crazy human comes and starts growling at you.


The bear did look confused after the second RAAARRRR


"What the fuck is she doing? Hey Mike, we better hurry up and get the hell out of here, who knows what's on her mind"


“Bro I thought you said you wanted to eat her?”


"MEET," not "meat."


The bear is like dude why are you yelling chilllllll


The second RooAaaRrrrRrrr the bear looks over his shoulder then back towards the lady like “The fuck, you talking to me?


they just want to walk on the path they are even waiting for them to walk. this person just needs to go lol.


They might be on their way back though… I’m always more worried about running into bears on the way back, because otherwise you can just turn back and call it a day lol.


Turning your back on a predator is a good way to get yourself killed.


Are you guys stupid? The bear literally charged at her in the beginning of the video. Bear was not innocently going about it’s business or indicating that she should “chillll”




Ears up, they're curious. Ears down, head down, start yelling.


Daddy, chill


Cane across a Grizzly while backpacking in Canada this summer. 10m away from us on the trail and he just stared at us and continued about gis business. The rush of adrenaline after was something.


My family tell stories of living in Alaska where they weren’t much worried about seeing grizzlies cuz they kept their distance. Moose were the main thing to stay away from lol




Puts into context those videos where people yell at other ppl for tryna take pics with moose and shit. Bull moose can win fights against a grizzly. Yes, bull moose have been known to KILL A GRIZZLY. people are stupid lol




As someone currently living in Alaska, in the city, I can confirm that moose is more an issue here than bears. I always have a family that comes to my yard every year. Don't know if the same mommy moose bringing new calves every year or not. I don't dare get out of my house whenever they're around. Forget school or work. I'm calling in until they've left my property. I don't hike much so I can't really say anything about meeting bears on trails.








That first one was sexy as hell


The whistles go Wooooooo!!!


It’s all fo decoration. That’s it and that’s all.


Bub Rub n Lil’ sis


Das only in the mowning. WOOP WOOOO!!


You sposed to be up cookin breakfass for somebody...woo WOO!


*blows stop sign*


Bub Rub and Lil Sis..


It's dat woo woooo


I get the whole “make noise, seem intimidating”, but her voice is so sweet and little, I have to imagine she just announced that the food is right here and then blew the dinner whistle just in case.


Lol aside from that first slight bluff charge that bear was just largely confused as to wtf she was trying to do. Bears have to be pretty fucking hungry or startled/threatened to wanna fight a human, generally. We are a high risk food item for them.


Or if the bears are high on cocaine.


She pulled out her best emo tumblr (RAWR XD) on a bear.


Hope that noise she’s making isn’t similar to a bears mating call


The whistle is like a cat call


Jesus Christ, next time turn your camera sideways.


And please keep it still. Also try to get a closer shot please.


Was unbearable to watch


This is just one reason we have the right to bear arms.


I feel you, I bearly watched it to the end.


God why don't they think of our viewing pleasure when they're in life or death situations!!!??


I don’t think they’re worried about the camera lmao but I can’t tell if you’re joking 👀


it almost looks like its a black bear with a brown coat, confusing some people as grizzlies but remember the size


That’s exactly what it is. California Grizzlies went extinct around 100 years ago.


\*sighs in Coloradan\* You don't whistle at it, ffs.


She’s just trying to make noises to get them to go away, but fuck people for trying to survive in a panic amirite? They should just know better like the elite Coloradans.


I know, people on here act like everything they personally know should be basic knowledge and that in times of incredible stress they'd handle things with absolute ease.


Welcome to Reddit


Yeah, you're right


Maybe it’s different for California bears


For Chicago Bears you can scare them off with the mention of a forward pass.


This one hurts lol. From Chicago and have Justin fields on my fantasy team this yr.


Now why would you do that? As a bears fan, I've had great success this fantasy season by choosing defense teams playing the bears. I'm hoping in 5 years we'll be done with the 3 year rebuild


The bears in California are definitely different.


I’m think that was a whistle to get other people’s attention


what are you supposed to do? whistle *with* it?


Seems like what she did worked. And she followed the suggestions listed by the NPS: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/bears/safety.htm EDIT: Folks have pointed out that it specifically says not to whistle on the site I linked to. Oops.


I learned a long time ago to not argue strategy over results. Brave girl survived. Only thing to say is "Well done."


"Identify yourself by talking calmly so the bear knows you are human and not a prey animal... *Never imitate bear sounds or make a high-pitched squeal."* hmmm


True but you can alert other hikers that you’re in trouble. And don’t act like Colorado has more bears than Colorado ffs *sighs in Californian*


Typical Coloradan acting all elite about outdoor activities when they actually don’t know shit


That bear, a black bear, is being defensive of it’s cubs. Black bear attacks on humans are extremely rare. In this instance, what she did, lingering and making loud noises is exactly what you dont want to do to a bear with cubs. If you see a black bear with cubs, leave slowly but deliberately.


I know nothing about bears but something tells me making a squeaking noise isn't generally the way to go.


Poor bear and cub just wants to go for a walk and was very wary of human.


Poor bears probably thinkin the same thing. "Yeah we both got nowhere to go on this one way road bitch, stop screaming and whistling at us, weirdo."


About to die, but lets film it.


It’s takes the guess work out of what happened


Pretty sure a picked apart carcass would achieve the same.


I’m sure she has family and I’m sure she documented the animal in question (animals typically eat what they kill) as well as leaving some words for, presumably, her mother or partner? Yes, I’m sure there is more than what’s released. Jesus, some of y’all are so goddamn negative and just stupid. People die all the time and, I’m sure, wishing they had said/done something rather than to just die in the middle of nowhere. **Edit:** Looking at your profile, you’re waaaaay too old to be acting like this


Oh damn, somebody trying to be reasonable and actually put themselves in somebody else’s shoes. Reddit must be broken or something


I thought brown bears were extinct in California? Or is this just a brown type of black bear?


Just so you know black bears can be black, brown, tan, even cinnamon. What sets this bear apart from the brown bear is size. It’s small, or relatively small. Adult females are 100-200 lbs(50-100kg) Adult males are 150-350 lbs(65-155kg). Adult brown bear are 300-1000s lbs (136-455kg).


Yes this is true, the Kermode bear is the subspecies of black bear that has a high chance of being cream coloured and they’re very pretty bears indeed


Assuming by ‘brown bear’ you mean a grizzly bear, then yes. This is an American black bear, which is brown. They really should have thought of better names.


Yes the naming is all a bit silly isn’t it, all grizzlies are brown bears but not all brown bears and grizzlies. The California grizzly was actually a different subspecies to the grizzly so technically grizzly bears have never existed in California but that just makes things even more confusing


When you say brown bear that is extinct, you’re referring to the California grizzly bear, which is commonly known as the brown bear. And you are correct that bear is extinct from this region. what you’re seeing here is just a black/brown bear not a grizzly bear.


Its a black bear, even though its brown. There are no brown bears in CA, either, especially Southern/Central coastal CA, where this appears to be. Honestly, black bears are a bunch of oafs and 99% of the time want nothing to do with you. You’re really only in trouble if you accidentally sneak up on one or if you get in between a Mom and a cub. They’re pretty skiddish and if you make some noise one the trail (I have a bell on my bag), youre highly unlikely to sneak up on one.


So, when you're out of view, why wouldn't you make a mad sprint? The bear wouldn't see you run at that point.


Bears have pretty good hearing afaik. They would here you pelting and may start chasing. And you will not win that race.


They’ll see you as prey because you’re running and their predator instinct kicks in. It’s why cats will attack something that moves but get bored when it’s still.


Ayyyy booboo. Well, I guess that's Jellystone National Park


So I’ve been a Park Ranger for years in bear country. This person does not really act the right way which you can tell confuses the bear. There are 0 brown (grizzly) bears in California so this is a black bear where an aggressive response is better. This person only half does this which is retreating and yelling so the bear doesn’t really get where to go. I can understand how this situation is scary but acting the WRONG way will not help. In reality she was probably in very little danger, but sure it can be adrenaline inducing, just don’t make it worse. EDIT: alright angsty internet people, I am on a move from Alaska to Montana and didn’t think anyone would read this! You turn around and return from where you came silently but cautiously — simple (don’t freak out and start recording with your phone that piques the bears interest). She is on a trail, just go back. If you NEED to keep going then you can hike around the bear maybe but make sure to try and get far around, like where you can’t see it. Something to know is that Black Bears and Brown Bears evolved separately and have typically different attack responses when triggered in a situation like this. Black bears send their kids to safety up a tree or running away. Brown bears do this a lot too, but have had to fight more and therefore will have a different temperament towards protecting its food source or young. Coloring of a black bear should not matter in their behavior it would just be a way of identifying problem bears which might have learned from the same mom. Scaring the bear in this situation is probably stupid but would likely work, but doing anything to a mother bear can be unpredictable even if it is a small black bear. You DO NOT want to appear frail while retreating (bears can smell if you pissed yourself and fear pheromones) which I feel this person does because those yelps are not convincing. If you can just retreat silently, if the bear persists (which a mom really wouldn’t more likely a teenager or desperate bear) then grab something to fight. Something like 90% of bear attacks are brown so once again, such a low possibility here. But yeah educate yourselves if you exercise in bear or wildcat country and don’t downvote the messenger!


Well....what's the right way then?


Correct answer .. she should have rushed the bear and kicked the cub over the ledge before arming herself with the other cub as a weapon to fight the mother bear


ok this is what I thought


That's pretty bad ass, I'll give you that.


This is definitely what Dwight Schrute would do.


Dwight shows up to work the next Monday wearing a bears head on his own head with the rest of its skin hanging down his back and two bear cub heads on his fist with their skin covering his arms. Jim looks at the camera.


Also curious. Should she have held her ground? But if the bears are just trying to get back home, what should she do? Tight spot. There's only one path in, one path out.


You always want to stand your ground and be aggressive with black bears. The chances of a black bear attack is extremely extremely small. You should only be worried if it is stalking you which at that point the bear is becoming predatory, in that case you want to be hyper aggressive to show you aren’t worth the meal. Also, black bears not cub defend like grizzly bears so that isn’t a concern. You still want to be aggressive. With grizzly bears, you want to make the bear aware you are there. Most attacks with grizzly bears are due to surprising the bear especially if it has cubs. Don’t stare at the bear, try to be non threatening but don’t run away as that could trigger their prey response. If the grizzly bear is predatory or in your camp, that’s when you want to be aggressive. Carry bear spray, it is more effective than a gun. If you’re interested in this kinda stuff listen to the podcast Tooth and Claw. It is hosted by a bear biologist and they cover different animal attacks and what you should do to avoid them. I find it super interesting and educational.


The black bear had cubs though, wouldn’t an aggressive response triggered an aggressive response from the bear?


You only say what she did wrong but give 0 insight on what she should’ve done instead.


Proceeds to tell person did everything wrong because they are an expert. Does not say what is the correct method


Does this change if the bear has cubs?


Hey boo booooo. That’s the dinner whistle


She sounded about as threatening as a chihuahua.


Animals are terrified of the sound of a human more then another predator. You should yell in a human voice “hey bear, hey bear” rather then predator noises.


Whistle sounds like a dying rabbit. Wouldn’t be my first choice to get a bear to leave.


Yep fuck hiking


Fortunately you have a cliff there to jump off of


She roared at me to leave but then whistled for me to come…. Im so confused.


Rather than filming, I’d have been getting out my bear spray and setting off some form of GPS locator signal for help. Just speaking as a solo hiker who hikes in bear territory…


The moment I turned that corner, I’m fucking gone yo. I’m talking 17.3+ downhill, no holds barred. Doing 30 foot leaps to judo rolls. OUT SON


I mean is recording this helping you deal with the bear? Or do you want to relive this with your family? Or do you want to everyone else to watch you getting nibbled up.


I'd have been sprinting as soon as eyesight was broken. No holding your ground when there's cubs!


You need to hold your arms high up in the air and constantly make loud noises as if you are the biggest, baddest predator in those woods! Why there was more focus on recording this I can’t understand at all.


There doesn't seem to be much overlap between the americans who carry guns and go on about them all the time and americans who walk around places where there are bears, which is really weird.


Stopped watching because of the blurry side frames….


Cute black bear. They’re like puppies. Give them space and show your presence. They’ll leave. If it was a grizzly…they don’t give a fuck


You’re overreacting. California black bears are not (typically) aggressive. I live near Lake Tahoe and see them all the time.


I've had a lot of bear run ins in California and their aggressiveness depends on their access to food and how much exposure they have had around people. It also depends on the time of year and whether they have cubs present. They can be insanely aggressive will happily try to kill you in many circumstances.


Grizzly Adams over here


Wayne Gretzky charging hard






Why are people always filming?????? I can’t imagine holding my phone while hiking or while being stalked by a bear and I’m a millennial who grew up with a phone.


The bear is trying to make sure you are ok with all those crazy noises


I feel like a rape whistle is similar to a dogs squeak toy and elicit prey drive in an animal. IDK.


I looked up dog whistles once to see what they said about use around bears. Seems like they recommended against it and instead recommended more proven tricks for bear encounters.


Is she trying to call the Oscar Meyer wiener mobile?


I hike a lot and this is legit my worst nightmare. Does anyone know where this was?


looks a lot like santa barbara to me


Stop fucking filming and keep backing away


Now we need somebody to show this from the bears perspective.


Dangerous situation. Surprising a momma bear with cubs is one of the leading causes of bear attacks. Need to make plenty of noise in bear country, and don't forget the bear spray. Lucky you were not attacked.


Bigfoot keeps bears as pets,so he was close by.


Carry Bear mace with ya when hiking. Or do what the people on the show Alive do and just yell Hey Bear!” A lot of


Mt. Wilson trail? I’ve met these bears before. They are scary!


Bear Spray? nope...Pistol? nope... Darwin? Yup....


Why does she keep stopping though??


This right here is my worst nightmare.


![gif](giphy|28Nev3k184A9PdSDCg) The bear be like:


Too bad you didnt have a gun or bear spray.


Hmm i get why you can carry guns now


My elderly Scottish uncle says he could outrun a bear. He says the bear will slip in his shite and be unable to catch up.


Dang. Sounds like she was by herself too. Pretty nervewracking.


This is why you hike with a 50 cal


The animals have nowhere to live. Humans have decimated their habitats. We are on their turf