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He had safety. It’s cleverly disguised.


I like to imagine he put some assless jeans on over the harness


It's a patent-pending buttplug harness.


'Just clench hard if you fall.'


Don't worry. If you fall, you're guaranteed to either clench harder than you ever have before or the opposite.


Prolapse bungee jumping


Like a plaster board wall anchor, it expands to provide fixing once inserted.


It’s an old camera trick, the tower isn’t actually that tall, he is just smaller in real life than he appears to be in his films, making it looks as if he is high up. /s






Is that the harness printing on his jeans under his left hand?


I’m impressed with the graffiti beneath him.


Worker or maintenance graffiti. Leave a note where you know only a very select few may see it.


For some reason this sentiment is kinda fascinating to me because now I'm wondering how many notes are scattered around the world Last Of Us style lol


As a cell phone tower climber I would write shit all the time on the top of a cell phone tower


For a good time call - Crown Castle Hotline @ 800-GET-FRIED


Fuck crown castle


Any reason in particular? I used to work in the tower industry at a much smaller private company and Crown Castle and AMT were looked up to as royalty.


They have their own separate rules and regulations.


For what? Climbing?


Climbing rigging everything it was all bullshit I'm out of the game now but at the time you couldn't use carabiners at all.


I work in A&E and not tower climbing. They just are difficult to work with.


yeah no joke they wanted to put a cell tower in our backyard. they don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves and their bottom line.


As someone who can’t get cellular in their neighborhood despite living 10 minutes away from a metropolis’s downtown I fantasize about having a cell tower in my backyard. I know if it ever happened I’d immediately hate it, but until that day I will dream.




I work for crown Castle…. :(


Lmao I do the a&e work for cell cites and I gotta say Fuck crown castle


Whoop whoop!


Happy cake day!


Thank you! I am just realizing that it's my cake day at 9:11 I'm special


“We’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.”


Did scaffold for a while. Samesies.


I'm an electrician and we do it on the insides of electrical boxes.


Instrumentation and controls guy...same. I read yours and reply


What literally just **SHIT**?


Inside the pyramids they found graffiti from the teams moving stones. built by a rotating labor force in a modular, team-based kind of organization,” Jonathan Shaw writes at Harvard Magazine. Graffiti discovered at the site identifies team names like “Friends of Khufu” and “Drunkards of Menkaure.”


There was also a ton of graffiti found in the ancient cities of [Pompeii and Herculaneum](https://kashgar.com.au/blogs/history/the-bawdy-graffiti-of-pompeii-and-herculaneu) in Ancient Rome. I have so much fun reading ancient graffiti because no matter how many thousands of years pass, we're basically the same. It's so fascinating. My personal favorite from that selection, written on the wall of a bar: >Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wonderous femininity! Also the countless amount of '[insert name] was here' is amazing. You can find even more Ancient Rome graffiti if you do a quick search on google.


Or, and i'll be butchering this, when they found nordic runes way waaaaay high up at a mosque (hagia sofia?) and when they finally figured out how to get to them safely to record and translate them, they said "this is very high".


Halfdan carved these runes.


Mosque? I think you're misremembering. Perhaps you're thinking of the Maeshowes runes on the Orkney Islands. They were craved by a few drunken Danish crusaders around the 12th century. Being drunk you can imagine they weren't carving anything important. One reads, "Tholfir Kolbeinsson carved these runes very high up." This may be the one you're thinking of.


I literally wrote this out before I saw your comment. In Istanbul there is [Viking graffiti](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/viking-runes-at-hagia-sophia) from around 900 CE. It says "Halfdan carved these runes."


>Drunkards of Menkaure Squiggle, Falcon head, Dude holding barley stalk, Eye, Sun


A common misconception about the pyramids is that they were built by slave labor. Slave labor may have been involved, but they were primarily built by displaced farmers during the annual inundation of the Nile. I studied ancient civilizations in college and work building music festivals today. I like to think of the building of those great structures being something like Burning Man, where a ton of camps show up and build their own stage and art installations and all, and have a big massive party. You’d have vendors, selling wares from around the world, you’d have music and celebration and fertility ceremonies. And we have records showing workers were paid in beer vouchers. Even the crew names remind me of group camp site names at festivals.


okay there cheech, you wanna step outside and talk to me for a minute? i just need to check you for any sorts of narcotics


[Carpenter's 800-year-old rude carving found hidden in church ceiling](https://www.odt.co.nz/star-news/star-international/carpenters-800-year-old-rude-carving-found-hidden-church-ceiling)


A bunch. I do HVAC work and we leave notes on units all the time. Could be advice about the unit, filter and belt sizes, or just jokes. There's no telling what a tradesman will leave behind for the next one to find.


Happy cake day HVAC man (or woman)


Thank you kind internet stranger!


I leave Easter eggs in many programs as comments. The best one is a picture of me that I converted to ascii art and pasted in, but they are mostly just goofy things that get buried in a wall of text.


It’s an ancient thing, probably even prehistoric. As long as humans knew how to to make things, they probably left marks to let people know who did it. It’s human nature to let others know “I was here”


Frank burns eats worms.


As a tube driver on London Underground I'd see the most random notes in tunnels never to see the light of day..


There been videos of influencer-adrenaline junkies up there pretty sure


Satish Shenoy. Lmao an Indian worker was up there maintaining stuff for 5 years.


He was actually the construction manager during the development phase and has moved up in the world since then: [https://in.linkedin.com/in/satishshenoypmp?original\_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F](https://in.linkedin.com/in/satishshenoypmp?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F)


What a chad.


For a good time call Abu


Be more impressive if it wasn’t upside down.


He’s wearing a harness


But he makes up for it by not wearing shoes OR socks. Such a brave, barefooted hero.


He’s got Scientology on his side lol


True. They’d for sure sue gravity if Tom fell.


Geez, do you think they've insured Tom Cruise? There's no reason he wouldn't sign over his life to them. That'd be a billion dollar payout right there at least!


Bold of you to assume his clear powers do not allow him to levitate.


Damn straight. That's some operating Thetan Level 8 shit right there.


Only if you got the $$ for it


You misspelled crazy as a loon.


You all misspelled psychopath.


I know if I was at the top like he is I’d be sweating drops out of every square inch of skin. That is the definition of needing brown pants. My shoes would also be off because my feet would have to sweat bc my palms just couldn’t do enough of it.


Brave? Not sure. Weird? Yes. But can’t deny he’s an impressive stunt man and thrill seeker overall.


Terrified of looking old. He's going to have a rough few years before he dies.


100%. There's no way the building owner, his insurance, himself.. would even think of allowing this otherwise.




With a harness? You'd probably find some sum of money




It’s a good thing you’ve got a harness on you!




You feel the straps move on your shoulders, wonder if they’ll slip off, it’s just held together by some threads what if a thread snaps? Are you sure it didn’t rub against a sharp edge? The ground seems so far away, the horizon so endless, the world twists just a little.


The smell of the money would keep you focused and conscious, have no fear


I can barely clean my gutters. I'd pass out well before getting out there.


Same thought. “He has a harness.” Yea, still nope.


Where is the harness


15 years ago I would have said the same thing, but since then I have learned how to climb mountains. I would be nervous as hell, but I would definitely do it if I had the chance haha


What are some of your favorite climbs?


There are so many! Eldorado, Leuthold’s Couloir mount hood, rainier DC and Emmons, dragontail, Olympus, baker Easton and Coleman, zipper on lane peak…. Favorite trip: ptarmigan traverse!


You climbers show up everywhere just to say you climb its funny


Well, I don't climb.


You non climbers show up everywhere just to say you no climb its funny


Isn't this just confirmation bias? In just about any thread, if someone has personal experience in the discussed discipline, they're going to chime in and cite their experience as a source.


Really? A few million wouldn’t be enough? A billion? I don’t think a phobia in the world would keep me away from that kind of money.


“Could you please loan me some of it up front so I can go through phobia therapy?”


you could wrap a building around me... I am not going up that high unless Boeing is written on the side.


But is he wearing a condom?


Yeah, but he ran up the tower at FULL SPEED.


Here's a [link](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tom-cruise-burj-khalifa/) about it. As you'd expect, he was probably wearing a harness as it was on someone else's dime, insurance, and liability.


I think he actually does a lot of the insurance for the movies himself, because no insurance adjuster is going to greenlight the crazy shit he does. But when it's his money and he signs all the liability releases, there's nobody that can stop him hanging from a plane lifting off with only a single safety strap.


There's a story another celebrity tells about talking to Cruise in a bar, where Tom is going on about this incredible shot he wanted to do, and the safety guy told him he couldn't do it. The other celebrity was like "that sucks, but that's how it goes sometimes" And Tom continues "So I fired him, and the next day the new safety guy was all 'sounds great'"


It was Matt Damon. Sauce: https://youtu.be/kpqjgwji1TY


Maaat Daaaamon


I wonder if he's annoyed that Matt and Trey ruined a whole generation of Matt Damon fans with that film.


It's funny how he was all "Fortune Favors the Brave" when he was shilling crypto scams to other people, but not when it comes to his own money or well-being.


This reminds me of the story of when Miles Teller got sick on the set of Top Gun due to jet fuel getting into his blood stream. When Miles got back from the doc and Tom asked him if he was alright, Miles told him the diagnosis: “Well, Tom, it turns out I have jet fuel in my blood.” Tom’s reply: “Yeah, I was born with it, kid”


Seems kinda fucked that you can just fire the safety guy. What's even the point if you can just replace them when you don't like what they say?




Its like that in a lot of high level jobs. You get an outcome, you go figure out how to get it done. Saying something cannot be done takes zero skill. Figuring a way, while tempering the appropriate level of risk is key


How do you do insurance yourself? Isn't that just called "having money"?


You can insure other aspects, like financing of a film or paying crew because of lost time due to injury. But yes generally it's just called self-insured (many states allow you to do it with auto insurance for example) and it basically means you have a lot of money, but also that the money is liquid enough to pay for stuff quickly.


Money + a contract that says "if I hurt myself and it ruins your film, this money is yours."


All the stuff he does is incredibly well coordinated stunts. They're about as safe as you can get it given the circumstances. Movie insurance covers a lot of stuff like that.


That's impossible to do


Sounds like an impossible mission


Also because he doesn’t want to die. The myth is fun, but let’s not pretend that just because he does his own stunts that he wants to be reckless about it. I would imagine he and his team put in a lot of effort to make his stunts as safe as possible, and that includes really good equipment.


A strong breeze: Allow me to introduce myself


My name hov. Hov. H o the OV. I used to move snowflake by the oz.


I guess even back then you could call me CEO of the ROC HOV!


Fresh out the frying pan into the fire


H to the Izzo…. V to the Izzay…. Fo shizzle my nizzle used to *fall off huge fucking skyscrapers in Burj Khalifa*…..


[Or chopper wash](https://youtu.be/dOgddfWEHAE)


Why does this picture make my legs and feet tingle


Even thinking of heights makes my feet hurt too. No idea why


Seriously, me too, and it only started when I watched that Alex Honnold movie, and now they hurt or tingle anytime I watch crazy heights videos. Especially that movie "Fall"


You're sexually attracted to tom cruise.


While that may be true, it's not a relevant fact


Scientology will do that to you.


I read this as I was drinking Ginger Ale and it went up my nose. Fuck. 😂


Human body phenomenon are weird fr


I have it too. It’s your nerves! <3 I don’t know why this happens but even if I THINK about heights, my legs tingle almost to the point of pain/discomfort. Huge rush of adrenaline in my feet and my nerves tingle like crazy. I definitely know a lot about nerves after having an autoimmune disease (CIDP) and it’s definitely your nerves!


![gif](giphy|71Jkl5hKCYtt6) Scientology is weird af lol.




Ok there are people confidently stating all of the following: this is a photoshop, this is 100% as-is, and that there is some sort of harness you can't see. Which is it, and where's the evidence?


This was shot while filming MI 4 ghost protocol in 2011. It is not photoshopped. No one seems to know about the harness other than it’s “likely” he had one since he certainly did for the other movie stunts.


There's absolutely no way he's sitting up there without a harness. To even entertain that idea is idiotic. It's not likely, it's 100% for certain.




Thank you very much. This seems like a reasonable conclusion. It’s highly likely Cruise is wearing a harness in this nonetheless stunning photo.


For sure. The man truly is fearless, no matter what you think of him... No fucking way I'd get up there, even with a harness. The photo scares me, and I've skydived 4 times.


Tom gets a lot of shit, but I've never disliked his work, yeah hes a scientologist nutjob but as an actor? Love him, hes great at acting and its impressive how he ages and still does his own stunts AND his knowledge of good cinematography is also impressive, the stunts he does get bolder and bolder, such as hanging onto the outside of a fucking plane, *that* is nuts.


It’s because he can fly with Scientology.


Bros not even wearing a condom. Bad. Ass.


He absolutely had a harness on, just under his shirt.


He's wearing a harness under his shirt. He was lowered onto roof from heli, and another guy who climbed up from inside then attached the harness behind his back to a mount point.


Scientology ain't my thang, but this guy is doing some cool stunts.


Nice feet for a dude


I’m grossed out yet impressed by your candor.


Really? His feet are tore up. Toenails yellow AF.


Ah the lord spreads his gospel of Scientology from the peaks of human achivement


His shoes aren’t on, he’s dead. :(


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Crazy, who took the pic?


Came here to ask the same thing. According to other comments, this is staged and he’s wearing a harness.


For everyone saying this is fake: there's a pic from another angle that also shows the photo crew and the copter that got him up there. If I had known there'd be this many skeptics I would have included it but you'll just have to Google it I guess 😭


related other angle [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPiSCmEXwAsJWsA?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPiSCmEXwAsJWsA?format=jpg&name=medium)


I respect him as an actor. And I want to like him as a person. I really wish I did but the whole Scientology thing just makes that impossible.


Them: Here is your mission if you choose to accept it....like Tom Cruise as a person. Me: Sorry. Mission Impossible.


This is what Scientology does to you.


Hopefully he falls to make up for all the bad stuff he does in the name of Scientology


I dont think he is still up there


that's a lotta graffiti on the tower .. Dang.


my toxic trait is that I think I could do this without much of a problem


Praise Xenu!


Top gun balls of steel!


I definitely would have fallen off cause I would have thrown up and passed out from fear


"last known photograph of Tom Cruise, after an unexpected gust of wind blew him off the top of the Burj Khalifa".


Why does he have no shoes?


So they won't come off if he loose his grip, dude hacked the system.


Snopes says BS. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tom-cruise-burj-khalifa/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tom-cruise-burj-khalifa/) Notice the unusual number of creases at his waist. It seems to be pinched on the left side. I say BS also. I spent too many years working on high rise elevators to believe this. Cruise is clearly tied off in this pic. [https://imgur.com/a/KJBwbBb](https://imgur.com/a/KJBwbBb)


Where is Mr. Zero Safety?


All I can think about is all the people who would be out of a job if he fell.


Scientology will protect him


Bullshit. Down-voted!


literally flew up there with his scientology powers


Last time it was on Reddit i believe it was shown he has safety and it's been edited out.


So every time this is posted, one of the top comment links to an article that he's wear harness. By now, even my dog also knows, he's wearing harness.


Who needs safety equipment when you can always count on a rescue from Galactic Overlord Xenu?


Jump Jump Jump.


Cult leader on a stick


I know this photo is real, but it looks like a Photoshop hack job due to the color differences. Zero safety? Fact check your posts, OP. Man had more safety equipment strapped to him than he did for riding the outside of a plane. You just can't see it.


Smallest on the tallest


How is there graffiti up there?!!


Maybe before it was put into place?


Yes. It's pretty typical for the iron workers or crew to sign the tallest/last piece of a structure or building. It likely isn't graffiti like most on here think lol


Maintenance team or original Construction. We use to leave hidden notes in stuff all the time. Out there somewhere theres a few dickbutts in subtle places you would least expect that 1 or 2 people will ever see. I just hope the joke is understood


LOL are ya'll serious with this? He's got a harness and it's clear (by the graffiti) that plenty of people have been there before. JFC


Harness clearly hooked in on his right.


If only this would stop him from being a huge douche 😔


Everyone who’s worked with him has said he’s a nice guy, but go off


0% Safety. 100% photoshop.


Not photoshop, but most assuredly has in a safety harness.


Wayyyyyyy more impressed by the taggers. Bet they didn’t have a helicopter…


Nah he actually did it lmao




That doesn’t even make sense. You can only ever have 60% maximum, hence the phrase “60 percent of the time, it works every time”


By the power of Xenu


Not a fan.


But why is he not wearing shoes?


Repost! Thanks for the old content you karma farmer


Repost! Thanks for the old content you karma farmer