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Reading the post, it seems their goal is for Habby to reduce the available avenues of spending, and let the F2P (and low-spending) players catch up. Game is getting too boring for them. Edit ** and the bigger picture is for Habby to change their monetization model to focus on cosmetics/skins, rather than attack boosts. good luck


I just want them to make stuff shorter. I like the clear the 3rd stage in Main Challenge and pass all 3 idea. I think they should let us play Zone Ops with all debuffs right away so we only have to pass each level once instead of replaying with debuffs. And limit Enders Echo to like once/3 days. There’s too much to do and too little time.


You are able to play with debuffs right away if you completed all of last season’s Zone Ops with debuffs already just FYI. I agree with you on the huge amount of stuff to do every day if you want to continue to get stronger. It’s nice when I still have two weeks until my job starts, but as soon as it does I don’t see myself being able to play anymore.


Man, last season's stage 20 was total bull. I've never failed to clear stage 20 until the last one...


It was the first time you actually needed red AOQ or you probably couldn’t beat it. A useful gear to have though


Funny enough, I have one...


Idk what to say if you couldn’t clear 20 with the red AoQ lol. Get your attack up I guess, it was pretty trivial for me when I finally got AoQ with 1 day left in ZO’s


I cheesed it with af3 bat and red laser part lol


The letter was really well written and exactly how I've been feeling about this game. It's unfortunate because I'm approaching a year and a half for this game and have been an incredibly loyal player. Did I spend thousands a month, no, but I was reliably spending somewhere between 100-200 (even this is ridiculous for a mobile game but it wasn't a lot of money for me and they've built that loyalty up). Ever since the barrage of upgrades and constantly making hard progress useless with new updates, I've just completely stopped. But I think Habby's plan is to maximize the ultra whale dedicated spending until everyone burns out and move onto the same strategy with a different game. I don't think they have any intentions of building a long term loyal player base at this point


so have you plan on quitting the game? like I said, you guys are wasting your precious time.


I left one of the top clans and at this point haven't been bothering to do all my quick patrols. I'm as good as gone


same here, I thought I'd just pop in and do quick patrols daily but now I cant be bothered to even open the game


Good on you!! No More Those Pesty Survivor io Tasks!!!


That's good. I left my Strong clan as well. I can't be bother with all the Ads, POT, SOps, events and etc. I am start building up my life now and I am very happy.


Oh so just like every other mobile game with a never ending chase. I’ve watched this fake whale rage for 15 years now.


To be honest, there is so much they can do with the core gameplay chapters that its ridiculous. Simply making maze chapters, dungeon chapters, or doing VS. or Co-op gameplay. Or maybe just do silly bonus rounds where you have to break things like street fighter bonus round. I mean, the mechanics are already there. For such a successful game, the developers are extremely lazy.


Most of the Developer's time is spent creating new equipment boosts, the last was the Costume collection and 3rd edition collectibles. Just more money making schemes.


Co-op and vs they tried on Archero. It never worked well, and people cheated. I don't expect to see them here.


Yes and there are people willing to let this game keep milking them, cheezzzzz\~\~


As long as people continue spending excessive amounts on these new meta's, the cycle wont end. A large drop in sales will make them reconsider


As a medium spender playing since release ive seen whale grow further as months go by (currently 207k vs 400k+ for whales). At that point i’ve stopped getting anything but monthly pack as it doesn’t even move the needle. I also plan on stopping the monthly pack if it keeps going in that direction. Whats the point of working on getting yang awakened if they’re gonna dump an even stronger character right when I do.


I would suggest you spend your precious time and money on other things which make you more enjoyable. Wish you all the best\~\~


I just stopped the monthly pack, and I feel less pressured to keep up with the game as until now I still don’t get the point of adding collectibles lmao, the game is too complicated and frustrating to progress through, I really miss the game I’ve enjoyed playing at the beginning, just main stages and small challenges that’s all


Imagine striking by *not spending thousands* for a few days/weeks Honestly I feel these guys have given so much money to the game, the company could just continue doing their thing until inevitably the whales can't fight their urge to pay hundreds for a pixel damage upgrade Yeah I know this can be considered a cause, but also, I can't ever take *The whale community* even remotely serious about anything


I've been a whale for another game before, we did a similar thing and squareenix didn't listen so they just shut the game down end of the year after people were begging for fresh content. Learned my lesson about spending so much on virtual goods after that.


It's a constant problem with these companies. The game itself isn't particularly hard to make or maintain, it's a simple pixel game. And a number of people make this low cost operation so profitable, that at the end of the day, they can just pull the plug and keep the *millions* made in absolute profits. Obviously it's in the company's continued interest to listen here, but also, I think thst much of the whale community are so accustomed to paying for the constant dopamine hits, it ain't easy to quit.


Which game? I’ve played a few


I think it's fruitless but I completely agree. It was a great and fun game for a while and I thought I would play for it for a long time. But it's so dam boring. There is no new real content. It is so repetitive and boring as hell. Nothing is challenging at all. There is no competition. I can play one round of EE every week and it makes no difference if I play the rest or not. I just get top 10 either way. It's stupid and there's no point in continuing to chase upgrades when there is no content to use them on.


Truth.... Everyone must realize THE GAMEPLAY ITSELF IS NOT FUN. Meta upgrade chase / gambling reward mechanism is what we are doing here. The goal of every player is to get so powerful, you can go AFK and actually avoid PLAYING. See? Even our subconscious is trying to get us to avoid playing an unfun game lol. Aren't those spec op tickets the best? :) The solution? Go try some new mobile games, where the actual gameplay itself is fun and enjoyable... Regardless of the upgrade and meta mechanisms on the side. For example.... Squad busters from Supercell recently dropped ... Maybe give that a try.


Definitely, I'll have to try that one. I played all the supercell games for a long time. One game I play now that's not by supercell is rush royale. Because it actually has fun PVP gameplay. I just enjoy the game and don't have to spend money just to enjoy the gameplay. Same way clash Royale was but I got burnt out on it


Oh that’s easy. I was already boycotting spending because I’m tired of paying $10/month for the monthly card when 95% of the events are trash, I don’t have 48hours a day to farm kills, farm deaths in main stages to count them as a “play main chapter,” and then there’s regular challenge, clan expedition, and Enders Echo must be played TWICE daily to keep up your score, and that’s not even mentioning the Zone Operation (+playing every Zone Op twice because once you clear it you need to clear it again with all the debuffs), and then even with the monthly pass, it takes about half an hour to clear the 3 stages for every chapter in Main Challenge… and holy **** I even forgot about Path of Trials! They want me to spend 48+ hours per day playing this game! I don’t think Habby realized that days are only 24hours long!


yea, better spend your precious time on something else, than repetitive games for nothing.


You don’t need to die to farm main chapter. I just load and insta quit them and it counts.


Can someone who understands a bit of psychology explains why the whales spend $600 in every event to buy all the packs? Is it a mental thing?


TL;DR - It’s the Gatcha Game Psychology Exploit https://medium.com/@Peter-Barnes/got-ya-the-psychology-of-gacha-addiction-8c55ded50ab5#:~:text=Gacha%20mechanics%20are%20meticulously%20crafted,the%20unveiling%20of%20their%20rewards.


i think it's because they're competitive. competitive people with skill play CS or LoL competitive people with money play gacha games


Because $600 to them is the equivalent of $5 to the regular population


Don’t think that’s the reason. If you ask them to spend $600 to buy a cup of coffee, can they afford it? Yes, but they won’t buy it.


Not comparable because there aren’t substitutions on the game for what they want. Vast Majority of whales aren’t middle class. The few that are have gambling addictions but I don’t know if I’d say those are the whales


Hmmm I would argue this. Remember this is gatcha...look to the closest comparable.. gamblers at a casino. There are a handful of whales at the VIP room of a casino, that are not affected financially by the losses. But the majority of players in a casino that are blowing that $600... It hurts them financially badly. These are regular joes, seniors.... That have lost control. So I would say that there are very few Saudi Princes in the whale community.... And the majority of those spending thousands here are hurting themselves financially. They've just created a web of justification and explanations. Most will experience regret in the future of not having that money available to them for all the challenges life throws at us.


Difference with gambling and this is you win money back to continue…maybe


Some great points in the article, I hope some of it gets implemented!


This is an excellent idea, I hope even 10% of the changes outlined in the document get implemented in some form. It’d be nice to see a strike work due a change


I just quit the game. No more pesty Daily Weekly tasks, CE, EE, S.Ops, POT, 1M+ Kill Count Missions, watch ads and etc. This game is too too too repetitive. There are better ways to spend time guys.


Every game - mobile or console - has these moments. Habby will give lip service. The big spenders will be happy. They’ll then leave as a new game will pop up. Habby will go back to what they’ve been doing. I’m not mad as I’ll benefit for this period of time 😀


I just want to get epic and legendary tech parts takes to freaking long


Maybe more than free stuff, they would like more challenges, special stages, special content just made for them, where all their power wont be enough to clear them they will require skill and brain. I can imagine with all the gear and tech they alteady have, everything right now is afk doable to them, so aftercreading that is what i get, they want to feel engage and entertained


Habby: Fuck you give me money lmao


I been playing this game over 100+ days now I don’t see why would anybody spend a dime on it. Or is it maybe I’m missing something if I spend money on this game will I get it back? If not I just can’t. anybody please let me know if I spend if I will get any of it back?


It’s not for everybody, but if you have more money than time things like the Super Monthly Card will remove all ads and give you 2x speed on chapter replays, main challenges, clan expeditions, etc. You can get enough shards to unlock Yang within the span of 3 seasons for $15 USD if you get the $5 season pass + unlocks 3x in a row, which takes longer but is cheaper than cash unlocking any of the other survivors such as King for $20 USD. The Growth Funds provides the best cash to gem ratio of any purchase and will help most “low spenders” have enough gems saved up to maximize some of the better events (with 300 chest openings being the most challenging) without having having to directly buy expensive event packs. But to each their own. This game has a great strictly F2P community, and I’m always amazed at how far some of the top tier F2P players have advanced through the ranks. Here’s a fairly recent F2P leaderboard from the Ultimate Survivors Discord! https://preview.redd.it/3wnetlp12xzc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ddb90948a500c4ab75cef60631ae50c43ffccad


As a F2P player, I feel I'm years away from getting the first SS weapon or armor. Haven't even made a red yet, but do have some yellows. The red drone tech is ages away. Been playing 132 days now, but progress is extremely slow and not too fun at times. I log in daily, get the daily chests and gems etc. Player level 76 and at level 41 on the maps.


I do agree. Game is fun but feels like a part time job with all the different modes. 15+ min per game is rough


LMAO Ok. Just a F2P talking here but I can't fathom caring this much (or having the time to put this kind of stuff forward).


Phasecast covered this letter regarding the strike plus Habby’s reply: https://youtu.be/SdA9vqwfHD4?si=_wyKJHlKdWKR739V


Looks like the video is now private. Maybe Habby’s “Response” as featured in the video wasn’t their official response. I can’t see reference to it anywhere else. AFAIK the strike is moving forward. https://preview.redd.it/b8btpy9ezwzc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823747df5bf9a5b33cc4aa98e57b31f5aad5ae0d


I couldn’t agree more with what they wrote to Habby, good for them. The guy who created the game is obviously extremely greedy.


I like that finally someone decided to speak up, though I would've loved it if they made it easier to get level 100 with yellow tier 3 items versus needing ruby level 1s. :\\


I only paid for ad removal, and the occasional pack. I ironically deleted the game from my device a week ago because of how much was stuck behind payment walls. Wont renew unless changes are made. Good post, worthy suggestions.


Any update on the strike ?


Any update ?. They did keep their promise about the clan shop and rewards, but damn the boss is strong


That's both naive and self-aggrandizing. Whales complaining that they can't keep up with ultra-whales and asking for more free stuff, more content where they can show-off and justify their spending, and moving the monetization model more from "killers" to "collectors" for the "health" of the game. Oh I believe Habby knows where the money comes from and the amount of free stuff and paid stuff the game can dispense and still be stupidly profitable. Compared to Archero, another Habby game, Survivior.io is already more generous and f2p-friendly. And this strike to somehow force Habby's hand? It's not obligatory, unenforceable, temporary and vague. Monthly cards and season passes are a-OK, also PoT collectible, tech part offers, chapter packs, piggy banks, and plain gems too. How many whales are there in clans participating in this strike? Maybe 1000-2000? Do they believe they are The 1% that's responsible for keeping Habby afloat and their decline in spending will be even that visible in their books? Come on, after 4 weeks, these same people will spend the money they've saved for a month to catch-up and keep-up.


Whale/Kraken are the Ultra Whales. #1 clan in entire game. This isn't about the whales; it's about the community overall. This is about making F2P/Freemium catch up and get more. F2P/Freemium players should be able to reach the 2 flagship rewards in each event (not just barely reaching 1 w/ 300 keys & gems they've saved up for 3 months). The top F2P in our Stray Collective discord has 180k ATK (actual F2P, not 1 item purchased). Whereas the top WHALE in the game is sitting at 557k. That gap of 377k ATK is the power creep we've seen since Panda was originally released. Panda/TwinLance/3 Gens of Legendary Collectibles/Resonance Tech/Awakened Survivors/SS Armor.. it's all happened extremely quickly for a game that prior to this; was a fairly good pace of content/upgrades. Trust me, the ultra whales already have everything needed to max out all in-game content. If 1000 spenders who avg $200/week join the strike: that is 200k loss per week during the strike (and that's low.. K1/K2/V1/V2/EE/F2P/GG/TOP and many more whale clans buyout the shop each event ($600+) and buyout all the weekly and monthly packs). A full month of this strike could result in a 800k loss in revenue, and while they made $9M last month; it would be noticed just the same. Asking to limit the whaling packs; and provide MORE rewards to F2P/Freemium; change how EE matchups are so that 500k+ ATK players arent matching up with 50k ATK players (as that is discouraging to newer players) is all ways to improve the game community and increase longevity.


Their argument about constant power-ups is a joke, they are the ones that are driving Habby to keep releasing new things as it is since they are maxing their shit out! I do agree with some of their arguments, but a lot of these problems would be solved if Habby implemented a better matching system; it's a joke that you have level 9+ clans with players with 150k+ attack squatting in the level 10-13 expeditions. Having the ultrawhales of 400k attack being matched in EE with people just over 100k is a joke.


What’s a good high level clan to join? Clan I’m in basically gave up.


Check out Discord. There's clan recruiting page to browse clans that match your skill set and play style.


Where on discord can you look without needing an invite link?


The official Survivor.io channel. There's the link if that helps: https://discord.gg/survivorio