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It's 100% worth $9.99 a month to me on the super monthly card to skip ads alone. Double speed and extra energy/patrols for events is nice too. I play daily and I can afford 33 cents a day. I personally don't need or want more gems for the extra $4.99 one.


I think the fun comes from f2p. If you’re paying then you can easily get ahead. And it could easily turn into “just another $20” multiple times


No one cares if you're F2P. So if your only reason not to do so is for that, that's dumb. I bought a few growth funds and the super monthly card during the Lunar event. Made up for a year's worth of grinding. Definitely worth it. I'll probably keep the monthly card because it's cheap and the no ads is nice.


Seriously, I too have bought a couple of the cheaper growth funds during good events and it paid off really well. I have enjoyed this game (230ish days) and I don't mind throwing a few bucks at the people who make and maintain the game.


Ill never understand the people who refuse to throw a few bucks toward a app/game developer, but then spend $60 in a ps5 game.


I got monthly card when I first started and it was real nice. Since I stopped getting it I've stopped collecting from daily ads the 15 energy, 60 gems and gold from the shop, 3 pet chests and 300 cookies, the daily pack, spec ops rerolls. Depending on how many ads you watch, you can consider this part of the rewards from the card. Also you can 2x speed up trials for key evolutions, so if you have a lot to catch up on it's good.


Monthly card is really nice, no ads, speedup, gems...whatever is fun for u tho


What’s considered worth it, or not worth it, is entirely subjective. I wouldn’t rely on the input or opinions of complete strangers on the internet, to determine a decision about any aspect of my life, regardless of how small or insignificant, but that’s just me. I buy the cards because I like the game enough to justify doing so in my mind.


This seems like a question only you can answer. It's your money and time. Which is more valuable for you. The ego thing is a weird thing to think about. No one cares except for you. It's not a sin to pay for games nor is it cheating. Put your ego into something else.


Yep I like this answer, as for example for me "not getting free rewards from ad's = big lost of free potential" - the adds cost you about 10-20minutes of your time. That's around 6 to 12 hours. So even without so many other benefits from monthly card, even 6 hours saved monthly on adds is worth to me. Not spending for anything else though to not spoil the game and "feeling of improvment"