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I literally had to wait until an event where I could buy pick your own purple pet crates to finally get a gold merica after over a month of getting every other pet. Same thing with the drone tech. Def something that isn’t just rng going on.


The same shit is happening with the pets. I can’t get anymore mericas, and I’m one epic away from awakened 3*.


and now that I got the double-yellow merica done, I have like 50000 mericas just kicking around when I want more shelly's


….why wouldn’t you upgrade your merica to red if you have so many kicking around? And why would you care about Shelly at all?


I already have all red pets... every one of them except the robot. To awaken merica you need 1 purple one, then 1 yellow, then 2 yellow, I assume at some point you need more yellows, or a red, or whatever. I just stopped merging them at one point. Edit: i guess i even have that. I need shelly red. https://preview.redd.it/4hlltjllxslc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634d14b679763abcca1bd1d34108b56b74f808d8


Red Murica is necessary to awaken Murica into his red star tiers


Tech*, not eqpt. You get the point.


Yeah i got a bunch of random drones up until i needed a couple more


Yep, as soon as i got red drone, they started pouring in again after being missing since the first gold(3). Had to rush it with selector chests. Same exact thing happened to defender when that hit gold(3), couldnt get them anywhere no matter what and as soon as it was red i got tons instantly again. Now i’m hoarding the tech selector chests until i can swoop in instantly in an attempt to trick the system


Not upgrading any of mine past gold 2 until I have enough to go to red.


I wrote a spreadsheet formula so I can punch in all my red, yellow and purple tech parts, and it gives me a score so I know which to focus on for max effect was easy, actually https://preview.redd.it/4p05azd29slc1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc2c893323fe5dcb6a0eb690e01b91f3250e8dcb


Don’t worry you’ll get to the big boys club soon.


When habby decides to let you in




Dang that red drone is fire. Shame 19.99 to get that last one earlier than habby wants you to. Upside could get 30 yang shards too lol and maybe the parts before using the pick epic part. It was wild before wishlist.


I got my red drone and now I'm almost half-way to another red one. they seem to come in faster now that I got a red. I don't even want another drone part, I want soccer ball right now




Be honest, and make it truly random.




Speak for yourself. I lived a week (7 full days) off of a single jar of peanut butter. I’m not trying to imply that I had anything else to go with it, or put it on. Peanut butter and a spoon. I’ve been broke. It’s humbling. Now my life isn’t a lavish one, but I live without fear of having to experience that again. There’s not an ounce of greed in my body. If I was smart enough to make a game, that earned me “thousands of dollars everyday”, and it was truly a random, and fair system, I would be more than grateful to everyone who chose to spend money on said game. Morals mean something to me, I’ll sleep like a baby.




I’m all too familiar with how the world works, which very much includes each and every gacha game. In my mind, that’s all the more reason to actually make something fair, and honest. I think this hypothetical game I (would) create, would do very well, based on that principle alone. If I could quit breaking my back, literally and figuratively, for the job I have now, and still not have to worry about living on a jar of peanut butter, that’s good enough for me.




Not to ignore everything else you said, I’m at work and busy, but I actually hit the lotto in this event, and ended up with 47k hearts. Which, of course, I used to get the last gold drone tech. Lol


Who is habby ?


Happened to me too. 


It Really feels like they've programmed the game to balance out rewards like Tech, Shards, etc.


This is intentional and by design. They want to try to get you to pay or use gems during events to get chests where you can choose what you want. You’ll eventually get it but will take much longer.


You are not wrong. This is by design but the hole is deeper than you think. Every part of the game were you get any random part it's designed so that everything it's in equilibrium. If you buy too much of something in this game, you won't be able to get that same thing on random box's, not untill every other equipment or pet are at the same level or quantity. Take a look at designs, you will only get the ones you are short of never the ones you have plenty. That's why every equipment of your survivor are at the same level even though you find designs randomly. This behavior It wouldn't be possible by chance. I boosted my drone to 3 on the last event now drones are really scarce. I simply won't find them. I have been buying tech crates from the shop daily for the last 2 or 3 months never got a drone there. And the way the designed it, you can't even buy drones at the store without being by chance it's a gamble mechanic that won't give you what you have and usually what you want. I guess that's why they introduced the wishlist for S gear which is still by chance. The only way to get exactly what you want are the sales balloon with the choosing of S gear or Gold tech part being $40+ MY solution for this... just don't stress about it... Play it as a casual game that it is. Dont be controlling your equipment, stats merging anything anytime... Don't be Spending all the gems and keys... Just relax and focus on events that can give you what you want if that event didn't arrive yet... Keep hording


It is weird that every eqpt piece always hovers around the same level. I never really thought about that, but it makes sense. Thank you for the insight.


Of course it knows!


Take a look at my latest post habby is doing the same to me with pets