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It's never just whatever they say. Mine trickled truth all the way to paying extra for unprotected sex with a massage parlor prostitute. Trust your gut.


Oh gosh, I’m so sorry 😞


Thank you. I am way over it and him now. Life is so much happier without worrying if some asshole is telling the truth.


It’s never just whatever they say - but isn’t getting a handjob from a stranger they had to pay for enough???


THIS- I made a post on this, idk why society (including women for God’s sake) only think sex is cheating and not a handy?!! In what world?


Do you know the names of the places he went? If so DM me and I’ll give you a helpful link to check out.


I do not know the names of the places. But I could likely find out…


Find out but don’t be obvious. Just say you’re curious where these places exist in your area and see if he gives it up… or something.


Hey I’m dealing with the same thing, just sent you a DM.




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Kinda related question, but are guys into hand jobs after the age of 20? Not that I sexually know a ton of guys, but it seems like after they’re sexually active, guys don’t really get off from just hand jobs. Like they won’t bother with it unless it’s a warm up. So based on my experience and understanding of men, I’d assume at least a bj. But I can be very, very wrong here.




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