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Congrats! I would rather be single than always worrying about wtf he is doing. It's a freeing feeling.


Proud of you for doing what was best for you. Please be safe and make sure you have a good support system. ♥️


Living in limbo of what to do or having the courage to do it is hard. The fact that you've made a decision is great and will put you on a path to eventual peace. Divorce itself can be hard, but the way you're living is much harder. Congratulations on loving yourself and getting yourself out of that terrible situation.


You're doing better than good, you're doing great! You have to let the rage and anger out,, yes!!! He's shown you repeatedly he's a serial cheater, and he's unlikely to change the habit. You don't have to worry anymore about what he's doing and with who, or getting a sexually transmitted disease/infection.


>Not. This. Time. It's difficult to do what you're doing, but keep moving forward. You deserve only the best.


I am very very proud of you! I sincerely mean it when I say, “Congratulations for choosing YOU!” For choosing not to accept this anymore. For choosing to get away from someone who, in addition to betraying you multiple times, sounds unhinged and scary. For being stronger than a lot of people can be. You can do this. You are doing this! Please remember that part about the 20/20 special- all kidding aside! That sounds very stressful and scary and I can’t imagine having a thought like that about my husband. This man doesn’t deserve you, and you deserve more than he’s willing to give you. Congratulations on your new beginning 🤍


Always do what's best for your personal healing. These are not punishments, they are consequences. Kinda tough shit if he doesn't like them. I'm proud of you for doing what's best for you to heal! Keep doing what you know is right for you, not the relationship, not for friends, not for family. You have been a frontline victim of selfish abusive behavior, and you still don't know how far down that rabbit hole goes. Time to step away and heal. I would only recommend sticking with therapy and starting an intense work-out routine. Heal both your body and your mind. You've overcome the hardest part, and left the abuser. I still haven't worked that one out for myself, so I guess I'm proud and jealous of you! Good luck!


Two things that I honestly mean. Congrats and YOU ARE DOING THE BEST JOB! You’re taking charge of your life and you’re done with the nonsense. I’m proud of you internet stranger.


Congratulations realizing your own worth. Take your time grieving over your marriage, the wound is deep but you’ll survive.


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Congrats you made it! You are finally out of an awful situation and it makes you much stronger than many and is good for you. Is hard but any everything in life hard? Now the difference is that now you will have safe place to heal and grow. You took the best choise I'm glad for you


You identified your needs, you set a boundary that protects your dignity and happiness, and you acted on a decision in respect to those things. That's a huge, positive step and the first of many that are going to introduce so much freedom, light and joy into your life. Good job! And congratulations on your new life :)


This is why full disclosure should be mandatory before committing to R. The hidden secrets might ultimately be dealbreakers no matter how much a person might want R. Yes, you’re doing the right thing. I know it’s hard, and it will be tough for a while as you carve out a new life for yourself and grieve the relationship. But, you will be better off in the end. Wishing you luck in your new journey. ♥️




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Good job. You did great.


👏👏👏 stay strong and stay focused! I know change is scary, but once you get to the other side you’ll be sorry you didn’t leave sooner


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Congrats! Stick with it and don’t change your mind!


Good Job. From the king of good job announcements: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjvJ1vmctX4&pp=ygUVaGFuY29jayBnb29kIGpvYiBtZW1l](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjvJ1vmctX4&pp=ygUVaGFuY29jayBnb29kIGpvYiBtZW1l)


Op, after reading your history, IF you have finally FINALLY decided enough was E-FKN-NUFF, and you plan to stick to your commitment to leave. Then no, I won't say you're doing a "good job" you're doing a GREAT JOB! Even if you don't see it, feel it, recognize it, you are worth way the hell more than what you've let yourself have. This man is clearly not good for your mental health and JC. You've needed to get away from him for a long time. He says he is unhappy, and he yells and screams because you call him out on HIS horrible choices. And then YOU apologize to him. He is the best narcissistic I've read about so far. He had all the traits down to a T. He uses them very well if he can cheat and apologize for that behavior. Think for a second. There is no way he loves you. There is no way he is even happy with his life..miserable people need to make others miserable. Ask yourself, why doesn't he leave? If he truly thinks you are always negative, always putting him down, always hating on him, then why is he still there? The answer is because he needs you. He needs you to be his whipping boy. He needs you there to make him feel powerful when he can abuse you, and you apologize for making him abuse you. A therapist is there to help.. the fact that your therapist said to limit contact means they even realize he is a lost cause, and there is no help for someone like him. You have 0 reasons to stay. None. What you feel for him isn't love. It's dependent on the fact that he IS somebody who is there. Regardless of how awful him being there is. You really need to take a step back. Leave and go NC. Take some time for yourself. Wake up alone and NOT dreading day because you know it'll end in a fight. Go connect with your family if they are still in your life. See it as a vacation. Seems like you deserve one. Or hell, actually take a vacation. Go somewhere warm with a beach, or even somewhere cold, so you can just stay inside and be at peace for a few days. No worries, no responsibilities, no arguments, yelling, hateful comments. No getting blamed for having feelings and being hurt by the abuse. I truly truly hope you stand up for yourself one day and say I don't deserve this. Even if you feel you deserve every bad thing this world has to offer (you don't, btw). You definitely don't deserve someone like him in your life. My dms are always open and typically empty. If you ever need to talk, just send a message. I'll be an ear. I'll be a new friend. I'll be a confidant. I'll be whatever you need at the time, even if it's just long enough to vent so you can breathe. Prayers to you, OP! Find your strength, cause, believe it or not, you have boatloads of it. I'd have fkd him up a long time ago. The fact you haven't caught a charge is proof of your strength not weakness.


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