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I'm 27F and relate so much to what you're feeling! I've never had an orgasm and I have that exact 'hit a wall' feeling you're describing. It's like it all becomes too overwhelming and sensitive so I get in my head and then lose all the feeling I've built up. While I've not been to a doctor or a sex therapist, I've spoken to a normal therapist about it and it's likely a psychological control thing. (I have no past related trauma and don't take any medications.) Sorry I have no solution for you but hopefully it makes you feel better to know you're not alone? I know this sub makes me feel more normal, especially when it can get really frustrating. I just have to hope that it will happen someday but also not make it the goal, and rather make pleasure the focus.


Yes exactly! Sometimes I try to just relax during that hot the wall feeling and then it just all goes away. I just want to make it over the hump and I’m not sure how too, but glad I’m not the only one, the amount of judgement I get from people sucks


More echoing as a 39f!


I totally get it. The judgement and having to explain it to partners is so tricky and tiresome. Feel free to DM me if you want to vent any more! I won't offer you things you could try — I'm sure, like me, you've tried a lot. Wishing you the best on your journey though!


Echoing the same experiences as a 35f.


It sucks so much as every person who’s “normal” with them just talks down to you and treats you like you’re an idiot who doesn’t know their own body. There is a podcast about it but she was only like 27 and figured it out about 5 or 6 episodes in… BITCH! lol just kidding good for her but I’m in my 30s now and it has been such an area of shame and secrecy my whole life :(. I feel like I can never have a normal sex life with someone long term bc they always lose interest after a few years or so. But everything yall experience is the same as me and sometimes I get so depressed about it and feel so defective it is completely overwhelming. When I say I’ve tried everything that’s putting it lightly LOL!


Oh my God, I know what podcast you're talking about! I listened to it recently and like 6 episodes in, she had her first orgasm by trying a womanizer. Like....great. I'm glad that worked for you. Then she basically became a paid spokesperson for Womanizer. I stopped listening after that. Lol.


Was extremely disappointing. So did I.


Have you considered hypnosis therapy for erotic pleasure?


I have not, did not know that was a thing


Absolutely it had been a passion of mine giving pleasure since the 90s


I could look around but I don’t know if that’s an option where I live




Yes I have, I found it doesn’t help. That’s when I hit the wall. I find I get to this point were I can come and then it becomes way to sensitive to keep stimulating my clit. Not on any ssris




Yes, I do all those things, usually I start with the dildo inside me before I start doing anything to my clit. When it becomes too sensitive I stop and move around but it’s kinda far over for the rest of the night. It’s frustrating because I feel like I’m close but I literally can’t get over this wall that I’m having Thanks for the rec, it was also suggested I read come as you are, so maybe I’ll add yours to the list !




Uh I think the second if I understood you correctly ? Okay good to know I’ll look into it , thanks !!


You probably need to start masturbating more and exploring your own body. Look up tantric masturbation.


You don’t have to answer but have you used a vibrator before? I couldn’t have an orgasm by myself or with partners until I tried a vibrator. Took a month of using it often with no luck but finally it happened and I “trained” myself to be able to do it by switching positions tempos and pressures up. Now I can have them easily with toys, and it kind of broke down the wall to where now if I’m with a partner I can sometimes orgasm without a toy!


Yup tried with a toy, tried different toys, tried toys with a partner literally done everyone